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Social SGD: The hedgehogs are back in town.

Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
KASR was before my time, so I have nothing to say.

I've had 3 hours worth of matches with the local Falco here a couple of days ago, and may have even more tomorrow depending on if I go back to town. The MU is still a pain in the ***, but not as big a headache as it was before. I think I'm beginning to see what constitutes a -2 MU too through this.

Should be fun Saturday then.

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
So, what say I remove some stickies?

- MU Thread: Because we already have a community match up thread.
- SideB & DownB/Tech & Gimp Guide: Because they can be added to the Community Guide thread, or linked to from the guide.

Possibly the board index too? I don't really see it serving a purpose that the members or the current stickies don't already take care of.

Unstickying them will just mean they won't be at the top of the page anymore. We can still use them for discussion (like the MU Thread) and the like. It just seems too crowded up there. What do you guys think?


Smash Champion
Jul 19, 2009
Holding side-B against Cheese until he quits.
KASR was before my time, so I have nothing to say.

I've had 3 hours worth of matches with the local Falco here a couple of days ago, and may have even more tomorrow depending on if I go back to town. The MU is still a pain in the ***, but not as big a headache as it was before. I think I'm beginning to see what constitutes a -2 MU too through this.

Should be fun Saturday then.
Don't spindash except from extremely close range, and side b is the most effective close range option that leads into juggling.
SDI all of his CG>Spike and jab attempts.
Powershield lasers.
Be aggressive with bair, but not to the point where you're getting punished for predictability.
Throws and juggles make falco cry.
That's the most simple advice i can give on the matchup.


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2010
Grieving No Longer
Hell FB on a mediocre Samsung flip phone is a pain to work with. I doubt I want to re-experience FB on Wiinet.
Protip: m.facebook.com to load their mobile site, makes FB much faster on Wii.

Also, my parents decided, instead of spending a couple hundred bucks on a new monitor, it would be a good idea to spend a couple thousand bucks on a new Mac. I don't quite get it, but this is my first time owning a Mac in YEARS and my first time posting on SWF from one, so yay! So much to catch up on tho.


Jun 2, 2008
Las Vegas, NV
thats the thing, if you played this game for money, it would be a job you dont like. when other people play the game for the money, its a job they DO like. why is this concept so hard for you to get.

some people just like winning money without having to do something that they dispise, thats why they play video games. some people just like winning and as long as they like the game, theyll use any means they can to win.

you dont like the game, AND you dont win at it, so i really dont see any reason for you to continue playing. thats like volunteering to work at a school for free, when you hate kids.
Uhm~... Super late but okay!

Uhm... Did I say something somewhere that made me sound ignorant to the fact people like to do things for money?

If I did, my bad.

I get that; I understand that perfectly.

What I don't understand is why if that's the single drive for some people, why?

Nevermind it doesn't pay as well as a minimum wage job, you have travel expenses. I can only imagine that about 65% of the money you win goes for gas/housing/airline fees.

I don't see any reason to make Brawl anything more than a hobby.

Also fugg it, I probably would've quit so long ago if I didn't make a promise to myself to only quit once I've reached technical and psychological perfection, and have something to prove it.

It's so hard to stay motivated for the things I use to do aside from playing RPGs as of late. I don't know why TBH, maybe I get frustrated sometimes because with my goal I've set the standard so very high and I know there's so much work and very little chance I'll actually get there. I understand putting effort into something to see success is no excuse; but why is it so much easier said than done?

Somehow I want to blame all this on the fact that I rarely talk to people (either I'm just not the social type of guy or some disorder; I don't know which (if it isn't both)), so I cannot share my thoughts and have people help me think things through, criticize, what have you. Perhaps I go mad in solitude thought. I know for a fact that when people support what you do for yourself, you have more reason to do it; while at the same time if you truly love what you do and you have others tell you not to do it, I see it as a challenge to defy their expectations and venture into "the unknown."

Anyway I'm surprised I've come this far as is. I'm not about to say I did it on my own, but somehow it's a little bit of both that because I isolate myself a lot of the time I have to motivate myself when comfort from an outside source isn't readily available.

Err... I think is a shame. I can't say whether or not this is just me moving on to other things and the natural process of aging though. I wouldn't say I'm depressed right now; most certainly not. I'm finally finished with high school, I'll only need to see my stupid *** classmates one last time, then in three months I'll be able to further advance my education and finally get into shape, plus the added bonus of being able to get out of the house and possibly socialize with friends/peers more. Getting some grants so I can see my mother happy makes me happy too. Very little I could do to make it better, but even if I tried I could just wait out those three months and have more opportunities to fill the gaps then.

I'm going on a rant.

I really just came here to post in the rFAQ. This entire week was nothing but doing Pre-Calc so I can get an A, thus I haven't had a chance to do anything big with the community guide. It'll be glorious once/if/when I update the blasted thing though, I'm very curious about some of the more miscellaneous frame-data, not to mention the stuff that still is missing would be nice too. In the meantime, I'm going to work on my execution and that will probably give me a nice technical boost.


Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
So, I two-stock Denti first game of our set, or something close to it

Second game, I lose at last stock.

Third game, I get 3-stocked.

Goddamn, I fluctuate, LOL


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2010
Grieving No Longer
Looks like it's time for me to get some sleep. My next post will most likely be over in tournament results. Time to see what I learned after all these months... Aiming for the top, 13th just isn't enough KID :p


Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008
So, I two-stock Denti first game of our set, or something close to it

Second game, I lose at last stock.

Third game, I get 3-stocked.

Goddamn, I fluctuate, LOL
Stages? Thats better than I did at least. Pretty sure he 2 stocked me or 1 stocked me every game we played. I never took a game though.

Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
First game was at Smashville. Second was at Delfino. Third was at FD.

I got so worried about Usmash harassment on BF or wherever that I didn't even think about Pivot Grabbing on FD.


Smash Hero
Oct 28, 2008
Why didn't you just go RC or something? I'd definitely rather face him on RC (even if he goes MK) than on FD.

Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
But as soon as you do that a second time you'll get read and get a healthy dose of Hyphen Smash.

Have fun with that.

da K.I.D.

Smash Hero
Aug 22, 2006
Rochester, NY
than dont do it a second time, do something thats going to punish his up smash.

are you really that stupid that you still dont understand how this game, and more specifically, your character, works?


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2010
Grieving No Longer
than dont do it a second time, do something thats going to punish his up smash.

are you really that stupid that you still dont understand how this game, and more specifically, your character, works?
Unless the Oli is truly good, in which case they'll be expecting a mixup the second time.

l2yomi ;)

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
Pretty much what KID says.
Just because we have an answer in ASCs and the like, doesn't mean that we have a "get out of usmash free" card.
Stop being so autopiloted with your solutions to certain character problems.

We still have to put him in a situation where we'll most likely get away with it. Thankfully, that really isn't that hard at all.

Mix up the approaches that work. Easy, right?


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2010
Grieving No Longer
This is what I got out of this convo, someone tell me if it's remotely accurate.

1. Oli Fsmash
2. Sonic ASC
3. Oli Usmash (/pivotgrab?)
4. Sonic don't-release-ASC (spinshot? shield cancel? keep charging? VSDJ?)
5. Oli Fsmash

Does that look right?

What if Sonic walks forward and PS's fsmash (I noticed this in the Olimar boards' thread on the MU)? Leaves him open to grab, but iDA/dashgrab *should* punish quickly enough if you don't trip.

1. Oli Fsmash
2. Sonic walk-and-PS-and-punish
3. Oli (pivot?)grab
4. Sonic jump
5. Oli Fsmash (if sonic SH'd it probably hit, if sonic FH'd he might get over, not entirely sure)

If Sonic jumps (and isn't hit by Fsmash), you get a whole new can of worms.

If Sonic jumps away from Oli, Oli might get a free Pikmin throw at best. However, the situation is totally reset. Sonic wants to be in Oli's face as much as possible. Not good (unless Sonic can jump back, spinshot, and not go too far to hit with bair?). Might be possible to jump back and ASC.

If Sonic jumps straight up, he has a couple options. ASC is covered above. HA probably gets usmashed so that doesn't work. Spinshot takes him too far to do much of use but does get him out of there. Just landing probably gets punished. Oli can upB, but this allows Sonic to land safely if he AD's.

If Sonic jumps at Oli...
1. Oli attacks
2. Sonic ADs
3. Oli doesn't attack, punishes lag
4. Sonic attacks
However, I think Oli has a "correct answer", shield to downsmash. Sonic can footstool this but that doesn't help much.

If Sonic jumps OVER Oli:
1. Oli usmash
2. Sonic AD
3. Oli waits and punishes landing lag
4. Sonic bair
Shield to dsmash doesn't work here because of range.

^Under the assumption that usmash goes high enough to hit Sonic.

And... I think that's everything.

I really wish I'd gotten one of those games on replay, but it would have been painful to watch...

Espy Rose

Dumb horse.
May 31, 2006
I mentioned it before, but I'm going to start unstickying some of the stickies that I feel like we can do without.

I also might consider getting some of us together to fix up some of the content soon as well.
There's plenty of stuff that's just simply outdated.

If anyone wants me to resticky whatever it is I unsticky, just leave me a shout in here or something, and we'll talk about it.

Exceladon City

Smash Hero
Dec 2, 2008
The Lonesome Crowded Midwest
This is what I got out of this convo, someone tell me if it's remotely accurate.

1. Oli Fsmash
2. Sonic ASC
3. Oli Usmash (/pivotgrab?)
4. Sonic don't-release-ASC (spinshot? shield cancel? keep charging? VSDJ?)
5. Oli Fsmash

Does that look right?

What if Sonic walks forward and PS's fsmash (I noticed this in the Olimar boards' thread on the MU)? Leaves him open to grab, but iDA/dashgrab *should* punish quickly enough if you don't trip.

1. Oli Fsmash
2. Sonic walk-and-PS-and-punish
3. Oli (pivot?)grab
4. Sonic jump
5. Oli Fsmash (if sonic SH'd it probably hit, if sonic FH'd he might get over, not entirely sure)

If Sonic jumps (and isn't hit by Fsmash), you get a whole new can of worms.

If Sonic jumps away from Oli, Oli might get a free Pikmin throw at best. However, the situation is totally reset. Sonic wants to be in Oli's face as much as possible. Not good (unless Sonic can jump back, spinshot, and not go too far to hit with bair?). Might be possible to jump back and ASC.

If Sonic jumps straight up, he has a couple options. ASC is covered above. HA probably gets usmashed so that doesn't work. Spinshot takes him too far to do much of use but does get him out of there. Just landing probably gets punished. Oli can upB, but this allows Sonic to land safely if he AD's.

If Sonic jumps at Oli...
1. Oli attacks
2. Sonic ADs
3. Oli doesn't attack, punishes lag
4. Sonic attacks
However, I think Oli has a "correct answer", shield to downsmash. Sonic can footstool this but that doesn't help much.

If Sonic jumps OVER Oli:
1. Oli usmash
2. Sonic AD
3. Oli waits and punishes landing lag
4. Sonic bair
Shield to dsmash doesn't work here because of range.

^Under the assumption that usmash goes high enough to hit Sonic.

And... I think that's everything.

I really wish I'd gotten one of those games on replay, but it would have been painful to watch...
Fsmash spam shouldn't work against Sonic. We can bait it by playing around in the the safe zones of grab and fsmash. We can shield and punish it easily if it's anything other than yellow or purple. Cross-up Bair is amazing against Olimar along with DA OOS and walkgrab. The latter works well if they Fsmash your shield. One of the worst places for Olimar to be against Sonic is in the air and those two can put him there. Granted, you should use DA at a higher percent. Put him in the air, follow his trajectory and shield. It eliminates the only real safe options he has to land which are Fair/Nair and if they are gutsy or dumb, Dair. It leaves airdodge, whistle and B-reversal UpB. We can punish these fairly easily. There is a little gimmick with UpB, if Olimar lands within a certain timeframe, he will have a lagless landing and be able to do whatever he wants.


Smash Hero
Jul 19, 2010
Grieving No Longer
Awww KID, you dun get to see my terrible Sonic. :c (Which placed ninth at SN2 BTW. :troll: it was only out of 16 though, most of the people who came were there for Melee)

Mr. Johan

Smash Hero
Jul 9, 2009
Edmond, OK
Sonic Boom in Los Angeles next week. Kinzer and Jerry should take pictures and get info on Generations.
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