I had a ton of fun this tournament and left happy, and my whole car was hype and having fun speculating about who would win the tournament on the way home and mentioning how we were hype to watch the video archives of the finals and stuff, and then this is how the tournament is remembered now? Lame.
M2k, you should think about others sometimes from their point of view, instead of just from your own. When you made that huge stink about playing hax, it totally deflated my spirit (no johns, you ***** me and always do). I was all excited to play you and warming up, and GIMR comes up to me and is like "go play hax, m2k forfeited" and I could have just went and played him right away, but instead, I said "Are you sure?" and he walked over to you and then I saw you guys and alukard all complaining and stuff for like 20 minutes, and it was really a big downer man, I was really excited to play you while I was playing well.
I realized you might have been down from having to replay that game 5, but think of me, and others, like alukard who worked so hard to put together the tournament and just run with it. =\
Also, try and think of the community, and vgbootcamp working so hard to get us on the front page of twitch TV and are trying hard to get us incorporated into the FGC and evo (which would make smash much bigger and make YOU more money in the long run than splitting) and just man up and stop acting childish. Your hurting the community more than you think.
Edit: I just also wanted to point out for the record, i'm with hugs on this one, I'd trade every dollar I've earned from smash over the years just to have won last night.
I'm really upset I didn't just go play hax immediately when GIMR told me to, because this whole thing would have been avoided. ><