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Rocky Shoutouts, Results, Photos & Videos - Nostalgia Thread!


Smash Master
Feb 25, 2008
Sleeping in a submarine
The Wizard of Oz
Smash Palace
Die Hard
Duck Soup
Mad Max
Full Metal Jacket
A Clockwork Orange
Snakes on a Plane
Blazing Saddles
How the west was won
Or just ROBOCOP :)


Smash Ace
May 24, 2006
Adelaide, Australia. Along with my Mad Duck.
Alright, time to stop procrastinating...shoutouts.

Props for making such a **** Aus tournament, you've definitely set the benchmark for the future. I wasn't actually that annoyed about the two stitchfaces, just very surprised is all, and I didn't deal with them very well, so it was definitely a legit win. It was fun to play you overall.

I really wish we played more, I was thinking about money matching you but we had to head back to SA before I had the chance. Nice work in teams especially, though.

We didn't play much, but I could tell you're a good player. I watched your matches and your Sheik plays very similarly to Monkeybear's, which is interesting because not many Australian players play like Canadians do. Excellent job in winning teams too with Dekar, you guys compliment each other very well :)

We had some nice games throughout the tournament, and they swayed so drastically. At times I was 3 stocking you, and then you were 2 stocking me, and then it was really close, and nothing was ever consistent lol. GGs.

I hadn't met a good Yoshi player before you, and even though I only played you in teams you showed me that Yoshi isn't a pushover when you play him properly. I even opted not to go Fox in the second match because I figured low tier mains know how to play against space animals really well, and the two of you almost won anyway, good **** lol

PILLS! PILLS! You were excellent at camping those pills, the twins and I play pretty horrible Docs ourselves and I had no idea what I was coming up against. You did well man, ggs.

You're a nice guy, unfortunately I don't play Magic but we had some interesting conversations despite that. Hope to see you at the next major :D

I met you at the last minute lol, I wanted to play you but as was the case with a few other players you looked pretty busy throughout the whole tournament, so I hope I can play you next time we meet and have some epic Ganon vs Marth/Falcon.

Good **** winning Brawl, you're getting all sorts of praise from the guys and I'm just glad you didn't knock me out of Melee losers with that sort of rep lol. I was also very surprised to see that psuedo chaingrab your Falco did on my Ganon, I was so WTF and had never seen anything like it before lol.

You were one of my favourite players at Rocky, I don't know why. You were just such a cool guy, and our matches were fairly tense too. Bad luck in brackets too, we'd just finished playing Zelda vs Marth and then brackets come up and we have to play again, and then you had to face Jaz...not the best feeling I can imagine lol. I wish you would have come the second day, one of the first questions I asked Vash was "Where's Forte" and I only found out later you were sick, MORE bad luck lol. But anyway, ggs and I hope I can play you again soon.

"I'm confused..."
lol, I must say your Pikachu is pretty **** good especially for a mid-low tier, but yeah I enjoyed our matches and our conversations, and you're such a nice guy. I don't play Brawl, but apparently you did fairly well, so good job man, hope you do well in the future.

"Jigglypuff is the manliest character in this game", I lol'd a lot and hadn't thought of it like that before. Your Jiggs is on the way there, you have potential to get mad good, I hope to see you at the next major and have you **** my Ganon hard XD

Combo Turtle:
Man....you look exactly like my older brother's friend, and at first glance I thought he had come up to Melbourne and secretly played this game without me knowing lol. You were probably my favourite favourite smasher to play at Rocky, you comboed like a beast! Australia is so defensive and after so many matches of DI-ing in I was like "OH SHI COMBO COMBO COMBO" and DI out lol. The Canadians and I practice Fox vs Fox a lot, and that matchup is the best matchup to practice teching in, and after that it's just applying it to other characters, you should see my Pichu teching lolol. Anyway, def ggs and I feel tempted to take up that Sydney offer and get into the scene, without you Rocky would have only been half as good as it was :D

OMG nicest guy ever, living in Mount Gambier has made me a complete noob to everything in the city, and you introduced me to this strange, cold, icey cup thing called a slurpee lol. Thanks for hanging out with us, and I hope to see you around at the next smash tournament I go to, and by then I might be able to go out on the town and live it up with fellow Melbournians :)

You totally carried the team on the second day, I was playing so badly and killing you every second stock lol. I don't know what happened, I was doing well in teams the day before and I just wasn't spacing during teams, and you were doing all this good **** like laser recovering me all the time and DIing my random aerials. I was a bit confused sometimes, Ganon is much better hiding behind Falco and taking out any opponents that get away from you with strong aerials, and on day two I just kept forgetting that fact and trying to forward air you lol. Ah but johning aside, your Falco is sex and getting 5th is a pretty respectable placement, if you're willing to team with me next time we could take out first place even :D

I soooo wanted to play your ICs, but as with Dekar I found it hard to find you free, I didn't talk to you at all either, which probably also contributed to the reason lol, but yeah excellent ICs and hope to see you again.

I was pronouncing your name wrong all along! Monkeybear came up to me and I said "So, you met Shay-a yet?" and he was like "no, you're wrong, it's pronounced Shai-a" and I was "mind = blown". It's always interesting meeting people you only know online in real life, and again you surprised me, except I always did think you were blonde for some reason. Anyway, you're a really nice guy, and you need to come back to 64 online, it's so dull without you trolling and owning with Pika like you used to. Best guys online are basically me and Kuromatsu now, and we can't play each other forever lol. Anyway, nice to meet you and I hope to see you, maybe in NSW if I manage to make it to the next major.

X and Devil:
I think one of you guys played ICs in teams, I think it was X, forgive me if I'm wrong. I remember the second match on Green Greens where I daired you on the right platform at the start and you went through a tiny gap in the blocks and almost died with the shieldstun lol, I hope you and Devil did well either way and ggs.

Vash and Monkeybear:
My lovers, who trained me from a bad player in relative obscurity in a backwater town, and into a player that could compete at Rocky and placed within the top 10. I owe everything to you guys, and if you had been placed in some other Australian town and we'd never met, I'd be a million times worse off, both Smashwise and friendwise. From when I played like a defensive Australian, to when Eric and I learnt each other's playstyles off each other and had identical Foxes, to Connor learning a million characters and doing well with each one within no time, we've all been through a lot together and I'm going to be lost without you guys when you leave in 3 months. If I come to Canada, you have to introduce me to Kage at like Genesis 3 lol, I hope I see you guys ASAP once you leave and get a million times better than me once we meet again and we can repeat what happened 9 months ago lol. All in all, good **** guys.

If I've forgotten anyone, it's either I didn't meet you, I didn't talk to you or I legitimately forgot lol. I'm pretty sure I got everyone though. I also hope I've represented SA and showed people that we aren't pushovers, and that we can do good **** when we can make it to tournaments lol.


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
TL isn't top tier. There are a lot of characters that are simply better than him but that doesnt mean he can't place well. Chip (a Toon Link Player) placed 13th at Genesis and that was with 292 entrants. As far as I'm concerned, a character can only make it as far as their player's skill level takes them. However if both players are of equal skill level then on average, the player with the better character will win. Consider if 2 people are "masters at the game" (think action replay type stuff) and you get Toon Link VS Metaknight, the MK will win.!
nah your wrong, dojo for instance, placed high at genesis, and toby placed balls (like near dead last or something, didnt even make it out of pools) AND dojo plays metaknight which is a million times better then pokeman trainer, which is who toby uses, so by your logic dojo should **** toby, but he didnt, toby won.

its not as black and white and you may thing, and matchup exp means a hell of a lot, after all there is no subsitute for experiance.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2005
IMO we should move to Bruce Willis or Wesley Snipes (Demolition Man ftw) movies and stick with the action genre.
I vote Die Hard zomg.

Will Smith is cool but:

Bruce has so many more names that are useful for tourney names, I mean.

The Die Hard series just screams 3 in a row atleast.

I know everyone would want to come to Die Hard: With a vengeance.


The artist formerly known as 'shmot'
Jul 22, 2008
Melbourne, Australia

been watching all the melee action i missed...

s.d. is now my favorite melee player in aus. freakin amazing climbers. gj.


Smash Ace
Sep 22, 2004
Geelong, Australia
MY shoutout time!

Blackshadow: the games were great fun, if i remember you being that awesome gannondorf I played against. I hope to play you again soon.

Vash: Nice jiggs and falco, it was good to play you again. I hope that we can team up sometime, you're the first person that I can team well with.

Dekar: Good work with doubles, and it was fun playing friendlies with you. Here's to more good times.

Leishaness: Nice cosplay, don't forget the baseball bat next time. And the Mario Kart was fun too.

Jaz: Thanks for the games, it was a blast from the past. Keep at it Jaz.

Monkeybear: Annoying fox, it would get me with simple tricks, I'll see if i can do better next time we meet. And bl with the shiek/gannon match. Good canadian representation.

Tak: Bl with the Brinstar stage beating, not a lot of people play the non counter pick stages. I'll help you out with them if you want.

Atlas: My magic decks are a lot stronger than what you'd usually expect i take it. It was fun playing. :)


   「chase you」 
Jun 8, 2007
/人◕‿‿◕人\ FABULOUS Max!
nah your wrong, dojo for instance, placed high at genesis, and toby placed balls (like near dead last or something, didnt even make it out of pools) AND dojo plays metaknight which is a million times better then pokeman trainer, which is who toby uses, so by your logic dojo should **** toby, but he didnt, toby won..
Were you even there?

He took ONE stock off of Dojo. Dojo only had ONE STOCK LEFT after I took two stock off him in the crew battle.
This was after Dojo took A STOCK off of him.

wtf man... wtf.


Smash Master
Apr 22, 2008
South of the border, west of the sun.
Luke's point still stands though. Dojo ****ing sucked against my pokemon trainer. I had had been sleeping up until a few minutes beforehand, was hella nervous and placed terribly and STILL went even with him despite the matchup.

So yes, even though dojo is better than me his lack of matchup knowledge stopped him from 3 stocking me like he should have.


crystal skies
Jan 20, 2007
Melee Singles Finals
1: Kas (QLD) - $270
2: CAOTIC (VIC) - $125
3: Accelerate (QLD) - $45

4: S.D (NSW)
5: Monkeybear (Canada)
13: Vash (Canada)
AWW YEAH. My boys showing the aussies whats up. ****, you guys got so legit now. GG Cao.


Oct 29, 2004
For the stat whores:

Approximate winnings:

Corpsecreate - $385
Kas - $333
Tibs - $157
Tedeth - $153
Luke Atyeo - $153
CAOTIC - $147
Emily - $135
Dekar - $135
Accelerate - $108
D0N - $100
Amaterasu - $81
Meteor Master - $79
Shaya - $27
Jaz - $22


Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2008
Australia, Perth
For the stat whores:

Approximate winnings:

Corpsecreate - $385
Kas - $333
Tibs - $157
Tedeth - $153
Luke Atyeo - $153
CAOTIC - $147
Emily - $135
Dekar - $135
Accelerate - $108
D0N - $100
Amaterasu - $81
Meteor Master - $79
Shaya - $27
Jaz - $22
You're missing the $10 I made from MM's :)


Smash Ace
Nov 7, 2008
Iso appreciation society headquarters
arrgh, i've been putting this off for so long but now i have an assignment to do so i might as well express my love.
organised into three groups
people who were legit that i got to play:
starting with my pool
pandepic: your tech skill is pretty good, need more experience and you can go much better
luke: your luigi is good but you seemed to get marth ***** in pools, you've got potential but you should play someone cheaper. mid tiers just end up breaking your heart imo.
afropony: i saw you went good in brackets and you took a set off emily which is pretty legit in my books, sorry about the marth dittos
Emily: what can i say, ***** twice in pools and twice again in brackets. wish you didnt play your peach against me in brackets though :( your sheik was the best i've seen irl and only seemed to get more amazing as the tourney progressed. great team effort and a great team player
stu: rumble not turned on? two stocks down? hmm.
Emily:gah, first match, still it's always great to be ***** by someone other than SD :)
Devil:your ice climbers are pretty good. karma'd last match, your wobbling was impeccable except for the time i put down my controller in surrender (great time for you to make a mistake) made the mistake of dash attacking into your shield too many times :(
blackshadow: your ganon is great, first good one i've played. banning FD made my job harder, your fair spacing shut down my attempts at getting in and towards the end of the second match i had to resort to trying to gimp you which was impossible because you wouldnt make any stupid mistakes :( glad to be knocked out by a good high-mid tier instead of a marth/jiggs.
anyone i played against in melee teams:teams is fun, i'm sure we had fun. sorry bout the gay counterpicks (pokefloats or termina great bay anyone?)
monkeybear/vash:so legit, bl against SD monkey, when he's on he's on. vash didnt get to see play singles but i'm led to believe your jiggs is a floating pink ball of ****. glad you didnt ban termina, was a fun match, we never stood a chance against you two :(
jei and tak melee team:awesome yoshi, pretty slick fox. great team chemistry, wish i hadn't played you in the first round :(
anyone i played against in brawl teams: i'm sorry. at least it was better warm up then having a bye right? right?
gords:we play too much.
daz:you wont read this
that guy that played falcon and was friends with emily (possibly from melbourne):great falcon, sorry i wasnt taking it seriously the first two matches, i wish i could've played you more
turtlegood warmups at the backpackers, god of smash/life, conqueror of bread, bane of delivery men. you went off in the tourney, bad luck in brackets, a bit of a recurring theme emerging. sorry for dragging you around looking for the pub at crown so i could get a schnitzel.
Sam:****ing ****, against everyone except the top 3, amazed everyone, loved by all what else can be said, not enough i presume.
unreon:your falco has a great playstyle and one that is totally different to other falcos i play, didnt know what to do against you but was happy to just get comboed
jazz:i only got to play you a couple of times but i never stood a chance, i swear everytime i got hit or grabbed i took at least 50%. i never have any idea what your gonna do next and that scares the crap out of me
ryan: i think i played you a couple of times at the hostel, you're great with a bunch of characters and a really funny guy. pretty sure everyone at rocky wanted to be you at the end of the weekend.
people that were legit that i didnt get to play:
sieg:even cooler in person, good at a lot of games and knowledgeable about stuff i didnt expect.
NovaBrawl:(EA, summ and zero) sorry about the phone andrew, thats pretty unlucky, your always funny tom and i was glad you were looking after me melty wise, how good was watching melee finals EA? sorry i wouldn't stop talking random crap, billy's gonna beat you in those mms btw.
CAO:OMG, everything you did was beyond amazing on and off the projector, i've never seen a tournament run so smoothly or a mere mortal play so fast, smart, technically perfect, creative and amazing.
KAS:wtf? how did you get so amazing? wish i got to see your fox :( i here its amazingly amazing. also you do look like a latin heartthrob.
tibs:your mind control over me when i was using your tag made me look better. thanks. also how do you never make mistake? watching you play brawl makes it look like a far better game bl about the loss, next time ay. (if you haven't retired from brawl by then)
dekar:best jiggs i've seen, **** marth. who needs any other characters? you play better than you troll the boards!!!
tak's hair:Amazing!!! and attached to a really cool guy.
Don:awesome luck meeting us at the skybus stop, your a mad guy and get max respect for repping low tier or underused or whatever and earning more money than 3rd, hope you ***** that book and your assignments after 0 hours sleep
BJay:you **** when you believe in yourself, watch more naruto or something and learn some lessons. keep on ******
Tedddddddd:stop playing fox and practice your marth ay, capitalise on your mad spacing. you always help me with brawl and your always good value. bad luck in the brackets, you're pretty good at exploiting peoples weaknesses and i hear your wario's getting better which has gotta be scary for the other brawl players.
Sam:thanks for giving me the bye in melty, stopped me from coming last. also you are a ****ing champ, run for PM or something, i'd vote.
people who were legit but i forgot:
people who i'm sorry i forgot about:sorry heaps ay, how did i forget you.
people who i dont care i forgot about:obviously you didnt make an impact or i thought you were a jerk. if you think you're in this category you probably aren't. everyone was cool, i really didnt have a problem with anyone. This scene is great, good job guys.

This is a lot longer than i planned for

TL:DR version: rocky was great



Professional Nice Guy
Apr 21, 2007
Amazing Land
For the stat whores:

Approximate winnings:

Corpsecreate - $385
Kas - $333
Tibs - $157
Tedeth - $153
Luke Atyeo - $153
CAOTIC - $147
Emily - $135
Dekar - $135
Accelerate - $108
D0N - $100
Amaterasu - $81
Meteor Master - $79
Shaya - $27
Jaz - $22

then lost 5 of it in a money match with vuong (action replay)


Smash Hero
Feb 20, 2007
i got $126
extra dollar for extra good looks i guess


Smash Master
Feb 8, 2008
New World
Just watched some of the vids.

Very nice diddy kong tibs and i like how you play metaknight chris. You save the down smash and don't use it often and it comes out unexpectidley.


Smash Master
Feb 25, 2008
Sleeping in a submarine
Have to post this.

This is a match between Redact and Iso from Blazblue, who came 3rd and 4th respectively.

It is also quite possibly the most amazing match I've seen for quite some time.


Redact is Nu, the robot chick, and Iso is Tager, the massive guy.
Holy sheeeeet, that last set was intense.

Props to both players... wow


Oct 29, 2004
I had a post-Rocky CW dinner last night (it was godly) and Zan brought up monetary entitlements for Smash next year. In short, the event was really successful (the largest fighting game tournament in Australia) and put the organisation in the green. We get to have a fair bit of money to spend and evolve our future tournament, which is fun because it is very fun to find ideas on how to spend money. It's very hard to actually decide what to spend money on, so I'll just leave it at that for now and let the community produce some ideas of how they'd like to see some money spent towards Cliffhanger/Robocop/Die Hard. I can then relay this back to CW and measure the feasibilities.

Some suggestions thrown about casually last night included sponsoring players nationally or internationally, larger prize pool, AV equipment expansion for MC-ing... not many ideas. Help me!

We will also upgrade the venue for next year!


Smash Ace
May 9, 2008
You should keep the underused bonus for the next time or you could make it a low tier bonus. maybe do one for melee too.

Have live interviews before & after grand finals, or with favorites. I guess that doesnt need much $$$ though

Highest Australian placer could get sponsered to go to a big US event

Give the champ free entry to next tourney

Tropies for 1st -> 3rd

prize for best outfit

A microphone

Thats all I got right now... Hope I can come back for it


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
sponsoring does sound good, but I think publicity would be the best thing for our scene, we are pretty underground, and alot of those things you mentioned cao could be quite easily achieved it we had more players, and advertisement.

the fact that rocky managed to get into hyper magazine is a very good start.
also we should consider putting some funding into cloneing cao.


Smash Master
Jul 11, 2008
So like, I was looking at the melee results and I was like "hey I sure do remember making the bracket, but it appears I didn't according to the posted results". Strange.


Smash Master
Apr 22, 2008
South of the border, west of the sun.
D0N you need to come play some smash with me before you leave!

As far as funding is concerned, I think D0N's ideas are good. I'll have a bit of a brainstorm and see if I can come up with anything.

Edit: and luke is right about publicity.
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