CAO – There aren’t enough wubs in the world! It’s amazing how you were able to be so patient and put up with so much of our ****. I always felt as if we should all be helping you out more especially the night before and the aftermath of the tournament. You are the groolest dude on the planet and we all love chilling with you! Oh, I’m really really sorry about missing out on the photoshoot! I brought clothes and everything D: Its just Melbourne tricked us and we landed in Avalon instead ._. Then walking to our hostel took ages when you don’t know the way. We never played friendlies but that’s okay because you had alot of stuff to do, and I don’t deserve to go up against your Peach ever T___T Always the traveller and up for some fun, so we at NSW welcomes you forever and ever <3
Emily – YAYYYYYY I was so glad that you were coming! I needed some Falco dittos again and you definitely brought it >_< You are super cool and super humble and it’s so funny watching you get nervous =P Even though you overperform anyways. It’s incredible how you pick up the game again even after such a hiatus! I wish I was as good as you D:
Dekar – My goodness your Jiggs is super hot. So hot you made me Falco go ON FIRE four times in one match. That was slightly embarrassing. You’re a chill dude as well and very friendly I thought =) More than anyone else, I’d see my name next to yours and think “Oh great. Automatic loss.” The fact that this happened twice in a row kinda sucked D: I’ll get your Jiggs one day >=(
Tak – You’re awesome to hang out with even outside of Smash. I got a little red faced though when I asked Cao “How come there are so many emos here in Melbourne?”. HAHA, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean any offence! We should do things like just chill more in the hostel and stuffs. Your Fox is pretty good, and you guys scared me when you took a game in doubles. I remember distinctly that you started a match with a 0-70% combo on my Falco. That woke me up lol. Many hugs and manly handshakes =)
Sam – You are one of the coolest, most easy-to-get-along with type of person I know! It’s always a pleasure to see you and chat random stuff with. Good job in helping organise Smash, and even your DIY tournaments! I’d love to learn Melty Blood one day :D
Atticus – That match we had was nerve racking. It seemed like every match I had was down to the wire, and chaingrabbing really scares me. Good games man, sorry for knocking you out thought =(
Splice – You’re so cuted! Top tier dodgeball king! Smallest guy on the planet. Please don’t grow up T_T
Chris – Even if we never see each other in Smash events again, I look forward to working with you soon! :D You are the most polite guy in the scene. I was rooting for you to win Brawl =( We need at least one Asian singles winner man T___T Good work otherwise, and your Pikachu is really legit in Melee. You have sick tail spikes =(
Toshi – You had a good run in Melee, even though I’ve never heard of you before. I asked around for information before I played you, and everyone said that you have perfect tech skills. They were right. You’ve only played for a year or so and already you’re scaring me. With some experience you could go far.
Jei – Goodness, you’re real stubborn with Yoshi aren’t you? HE WON’T DIE, WHY WON’T YOSHI DIE. Kiddings, jokes, etcetc. You play really well in teams, and definitely made me nervous playing your team. I just don’t know what to expect when I play you. Very scary Yoshi with lots of tricks. And you’re going to be a father soon! Congrats man, the first Smash child :D
Seig – such a nice guy and so cool to be around! Thanks for your support in Street Fighter, it was much appreciated! You yell real loud and I can’t, so you need to teach me how! In return i can pass you some Asian genes you want so bad =P I realised we never played friendlies in Street Fighter! I need to play you a million times okay :D **** your defensive Boxer online! ><we
Ryan – holy crap are you good. You really stepped up your game since the last tournament. Very well rounded and you trashed me on Friday night training. I need to step up! I’ll bring you the goods next year >=( Super hilarious too, Rocky needed a comedian and you brought the goods. I think you totally ruined (or made totally wicked) two words in the English language. It’s great now. I very much hear your voice in basic phrases such as “i’m going to get some lunch”. ****. I hate you and I love you <3
Kas – aka. Kazen. It’s just insane how good you are. Your DI left the entire room breathless. So fun to watch, especially with your set against Cao. I hope SD gave you a run for your money; because someone from Sydney needed to >< You look like a Spanish heartthrob!
Booker – it was fun doing the podcast interview with you =) So unexpected, aren’t you proud of your mini celebrity status

You have a great Blanka and totally swept the floor against me D: Teach me the matchup okay?
Mic_128 – It was kinda humbling to meet the god moderator of the entire Smashboards. I don’t know how you have the heart to infract and ban people considering how swell of a guy you are =) I hope the shave worked well on you! We didn’t friendly much, so let’s fix that next time!
Vash – gogogo YAY for NTSC! You have a nice Jiggs and it’s a shame I never played it =( I thought you were Dekar at first, so sorry about the mixup! I would love to see a mirror match though =D
Blackshadow – Your Ganon is almost like Kage! Such good spacing and gimping of my poor little Falco. It was really great teaming with you buddy =) I think we did superbly well for a duo who never even met before Rocky. We’ll work on our teamwork in the future and try not to kill each other as often LOL. I think we managed to kill each other four stocks in one match! But I hoped you liked laser recovery assists =) Your fox is also mad cute and so **** fast. Australia really needs some good foxes because there are way too many Marth’s everywhere! It was great meeting you buddy, and I hoped you enjoyed teaming as much as I did. 5th place is nothing to scoff at I think!
Jaz - thanks for flying with me and keeping me safe =D It was awesome being around you and you are so **** hilarious. Funniest and friendliest guy I’ve met! You have a gift for making a mundane story sound like the greatest thing that’s ever happened. We didn’t get to play that much but even so that’s okay because you’re probably sick of Falcos anyway >.> Your Falcon is the epitome of unpredictability and it’s amazing you get to do the weird **** that you do. It’s a downer on your brackets though, but you’d definitely place higher if it wasn’t for a bad draw. We’ll play Street Fighter one day too! I’ll teach you how to block and show you where the start button is =P
Sam – You’ve climbed the ranks faster than anyone else in Australia I reckon. Your ICs are so scary the day we matched and you managed to play picture perfectly. I was super hesitant and nervous and did not commit to my offense as much as I could. If only your chest hair wasn’t so distracting! >< Awesome guy to be around with and you’re only going to get better. Now that’s a scary thought.
Turts – IT’S ALWAYS YOUR FAULT! Your antics every year get us in trouble ALL THE TIME HAHHAHAAHAH. You always make me laugh every time you drink and do stupid **** =) I think NSW Smash should create a new cult dedicated to the worshipping of bread :D You’re really super sick with Marth now because you’ve finally learnt to deal with Falcos! I’m so scared of your chaingrabbing and spacing skills now. Wicked edge setups too. Keep at this rate and you’ll be the best like in Mario Kart =)
Tim – you’re a real nice guy and its a pity we didn’t get to really play some games. But always a cool dude to chill and have a beer with =) I hope you and Chris didn’t have some naughty fun in the room eh? *shush shush*
Chris – Don’t feel so disappointed about how you played here. Some people might get on your nerves but its natural for frustration to set in when you aren’t getting results. You’ll improve and come back next year! Keep working on your chopsticks tech as well!
D0N – Sorry for keeping you up so late the night before you had to fly out! Sorry you had to witness the Sydney crew’s BS throughout the night at the hostel. Great Blanka game as always and WELL DONE in Brawl with winning the bonus prize. You’re too good at everything! It was great meeting you and it’ll be sad to see you off so soon =( Please come back okay?
Ted – Fricking hell, National Fencing Champ and now National Brawl Champ too?! Please tell me you’re horrible at something because otherwise I feel like a mere mortal D: I only played you in a few games in Melee. And none in Brawl. And we didn’t wrestle in the park. This is super suck. We must do this one day!
Luke – Luke is the Snake that I first got my *** kicked all the way back in my first Brawl tournament. I remember it as clear as day. My ROB stood no chance and despite my desperate attempts to camp I failed miserably. You’re too sick and I’m glad if we had to lose, Jaz and I lost to the eventual winners =)
Ricky – I love your Sonic hat! It really stood out and reflected on your standout performance in doubles. I was rooting for you buddy, until Sakurai ruined everything! Too many PK Thunder kills made our day :D Congrats on 2nd!