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Rocky Mafia | Day 7 | Game Over | Roles/Night Actions/Comments up on pg 57/58


So much for friendship huh...
Aug 31, 2006
somewhere near Mt. Ebott
Final Day 1 Vote Count:
(9) No Lynch : SummonerAU, Muzga, Sieg, undead_moose, LeishaChu, kupo, Afropony, Lord Bowser, xXArrowXx
(3) Toshi : luke_atyeo, Vlade, I LAG
(1) Muzga : Toshi
(1) xXArrowXx: Nixenator

(2) Not voting: Unreon, Melancholy

With 9 votes, a No Lynch occurs!

It is now Twilight Phase, between the Day Phase and the Night Phase. Players are allowed to still converse until Vyse posts the Day 1 end scene. At which point you will be able to send him night actions if you have any and the thread will be closed for communication!


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia


“What was with you playing dumb there?”


“Saying ‘Us?’ like that?”

“Cause I didn’t know what the message meant, dimwit”

“Oh hey, tedeth wrote something on this piece of paper...oh I get it. Hey you, I think you’re scum”

“You have to say it like this

“Like THIS?”

“No no, like this

“Oh I get it”

“Well hey hey hey. There’s no reason why we can’t be calm and collected about this. Why don’t we figure out a few facts first and not lynch anybody”

“Huh what? That’s a terrible idea”

“I agree, let’s not lynch tonight”

“Wha- hey, did you guys even read the note tedeth left us?”

“That’s right, we’re not animals, we can wait ONE night I think”

“Are you guys even listening?”

“Haven’t you ever watched a mafia movie? I really think we should lynch someone today”. He pointed to the stool and the noose hanging from the ceiling of the room they were in.

“How did that get there?”

“I don’t know, but I think we shouldn’t lynch anyone”

*Sigh* “Fine, but I’m not happy about this but whatever. Let’s just try and get some sleep”.

The group slowly broke away from the scene of tedeth’s death and moved towards their rooms. A few sideways glances were exchanged, and a few others, alone with their thoughts went back to their respective rooms. There was no way out, they would have to figure things out, be it as a town working together, or by relying on their own abilities in the night.

Day 1 has ended!
No lynch has taken place.
Night actions are due to me by Wednesday 9th December 11:59 PM.
All players need to contact me whether they want to use their abilities or not via PM or MSN.
The thread has been locked to prevent communication in the thread during the night phase!


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
Plum text = Player
Lime text = Character

No lynch occurred that day, and perhaps it was to sedate the smashers from the shock of their friend’s death, but it would become all too clear that avoiding the task at hand would not do.

In the night, whilst some of them slept, others crept about. The faint sounds of doors opening and closing, light footsteps, people were out there doing something, innocently or otherwise, tired of inaction perhaps, but they were out there nonetheless.

And in the morning, a scream summoned them to the main hall, another person found dead.

“No...not him,” he shook his head, trying to remove the image, but it could not change the scene of Cronos_Rainbow laying in a pool of his own blood, a folded note sitting on his chest. Another picked up the note and read it.

“Hey kupo, you suck, signed Mafia,” the person reading the note looked confused and looked to everyone. Everyone looked to each other, and then started laughing. Maybe they were cracking, or maybe in the midst of all this murder they needed a good laugh, but either way, perhaps this would put them in good enough spirits to attack the situation head on?

Player Melancholy (Cronos_Rainbow) the Vanilla Townie has been hacked and slashed to death!

Player kupo has been Trolled!
All players are required to make fun of her in their next post.

Day 2 Commences.
Deadline: 11:59PM December 22nd AEST

With 15 alive, it takes a vote of 8 to lynch!
A deadline has been set for 11:59PM December 22nd AEST!
If a majority is not reached, the person with the highest number of votes will be lynched!
If multiple people have the majority of votes, whoever reached that majority first will be lynched!
If no votes are cast then the game moderator will roll dice!


Smash Lord
Jul 3, 2005
Oh well. I guess he's just.. Different
Hey Kupo nice .... shoes! **** shoes

Yeah i went there

If any power roles caught anything please make yourself known with the report ONLY IF IT PROVES SOMEONE IS MAFIA

Dont say anything if you havent got a guilty report or you might as well sign your own death warrent

Kupo smells


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
lol kupo, get trolled

anyways like I said, this gives us no evidence or anything to go on, only 1 less townie, so where do we go from here guys?

also vyse was cronos rainbow even at rocky?


Smash Lord
Jul 3, 2005
Oh well. I guess he's just.. Different
Lol luke people have to claim their evidence first... and its about 1 am in the morning

Give it some time

On the plus side the mafia didn't get a power role

EDIT: Had a brain fart that troll thing tells us a good thing

There is a mafia jack of trades... thats the only thing i can think of that would have an abillity like that

Anyone else's thoughts?


Smash Champion
Jul 28, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
yeah he was but he didn't play... lol apparently

so someone has a troll power lol nice pick in picking kupo that afking life of a girl.

way 2 early to come out with a guilty report now anyway. if you have 2 or 3 then come out.

it gives evidence although less than we could have got.
why did the mafia kill him, cause he was obviously town.

i think we should focus on the group that voted no lynch. no lynch is in mafia's favour and they are likely to hop on that bandwagon. ide say about 3 out of the 8 are mafia... (not counting me ofcoarse)

if we can figure out who has that troll role, that could improve chances if that person was in the no lynch.

also not to get sidetracked, i am not going after ilag's head atm. but i am pretty sure hes mafia.

out of the no lynch group i feel moose is the most suspect


Smash Champion
Jul 28, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
considering you are quite active (because mafia roels are generally more enciting)
and your ability to not listen before making a judgement, makes you bad for the town either way.
you are on thin ice, ide watch how you control your vote. btw do you think i am town mooose?


Smash Lord
Jul 3, 2005
Oh well. I guess he's just.. Different
Not really because generally those who take controll generally are mafia because towns are full of sheep ready to be lead

and if there leader is a mafia... well gg

There are some good town roles... did you ever consider that? They could be enticing enough to make me be active?


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2005
Why the **** am I awake at 4:30.

Kupo, I would smash your WoW character any day. Your ****ty gear has nothing on my Rogue lol.

You guys are looking a bit suss imo, you're all trying to push the vote in one way or another.

It's pretty easy to influence people to vote the way you want them too. Could you be doing that for your own personal gains?


Smash Ace
Dec 30, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
Hey kupo where'd you buy those clothes..... the.. toilet... store?
So uh Kupo was a safe option who didn't vote for lynch so we still have NO IDEA who mafia is.
Good choice guys...


Social Outcast
May 30, 2008
Perth, Western Australia
Looks like we're back where we started guys with close to nothing to work from

I personally think we should focus on the no-lynch group, the mafia are more than likely to be there because:

a) No-lynch is advantageous because it gives the townies nothing to work from
b) They probably voted with no real or flawed reasoning

I'm especially looking at Kupo and Afropony

Kupo voted saying "Girl Powah" or something along those lines
Afro voted with the reasoning that "based on past experiences I'm going to go with no-lynch"

Those 2 in particular I believe were just jumping on the band-wagon to get the no-lynch rather than starting a new vote for a townie.

Who knows, Toshi could be Mafia and that's why they didn't jump on the bandwagon to get him lynched so they opted for the safer no-lynch option which also gives them a crushing victory intelligence-wise.


Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2003
Silent Hill
Keyboard warriors.

All of you go back to your welfare epics.

FYI, Cronos_rainbow aka Shaz wasnt at Rocky. Would have been easy to pick out from the rest of the crowd.

You all suck!



Smash Lord
Jun 15, 2003
Silent Hill
Content these days is easy mode.

Bring back the BC days!

Tribute to Immortality? I hear that's killing a lot of guilds.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2005
I remember back when BC used to be hard. Remember Sunwell before 3.0? I'm sure Moose doesn't. He remembers after 3.0 though.

I miss Kael'Thas.

Pre-BC imo. Let's get some Blood Plague happening again.


Smash Champion
Jul 28, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
well what vlade was what i said :S but he thinks afro and kupo.. which is fine with me
50/50 chance... but because someone like wow.

unless anyone else has any information
also if there is a cop check out that afropony.. if vlade is wrong he will be suspect.


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
Keyboard warriors.

All of you go back to your welfare epics.

FYI, Cronos_rainbow aka Shaz wasnt at Rocky. Would have been easy to pick out from the rest of the crowd.

You all suck!

Yeah, one of the most important rules is not to edit posts, but I'll let it since you've only added to your post instead. In this game you're encouraged to double post.

And really? I thought Shaz did go to Rocky to spectate :X
Guess I shoulda done more research.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 3, 2009
gah cant sway the dumb *** townies
Vote:No lynch

begone with this stupid day
you know the aim of the game is to lynch all mafia. yet you wait for evidence that may not be there.
Hm, something is not quite right...

xXArrowXx, I'd like you to answer my question.

Why did you vote no lynch?

You said that voting would be better. You even provided us percentages to persuade those who voted no lynch to change.

Yet, you decided to put the last nail in the coffin.



Smash Champion
Jul 28, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
because there was no point dragging it out, when the people didn't listen.
plus the game wasn't moving.

there is nothing more then that.

but if i consider it from a 3rd person view, i could have put the nail in the coffin because the vote wasn't working out (thats assuming that toshi is town). if i was mafia ide go for a no lynch if toshi wasn't town, but you and i would already know that if we both were mafia.
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