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Rocky Mafia | Day 7 | Game Over | Roles/Night Actions/Comments up on pg 57/58


Smash Ace
Oct 21, 2005
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Urgh. This is exactly what we expected would have happened. We lost Melancholy - a reliable contributor to the conversation - with next to zero information gained in return. I'm with Lord Bowser in that we should look first towards the bandwagonners for our first suspects. As Vlade said, Afropony and Kupo voted almost without reason. I am inclined to side with the intuition of these two before we proceed.

We also have to consider the possibility that there may be doctors or cops amongst us. As such it is also possible to try and communicate ideas on who best to save or investigate. Example, we can lynch prime suspect A, and investigate secondary seedy man B. Double wammy.

TROLL KUPO TROLL when you sleep you look like a koffing


Smash Champion
Jul 28, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
yeah i did cause i didn't want a no lynch and look what happened, you (being 8 people) chickened out

k lets pick afro or kupo, and cop investigate the other one.
i already voted kupo, but if you know something i can change to afro.


Smash Lord
Sep 1, 2008
Australia, Melbourne
Arrow you're just following Vlade which is the same reason you want people to lynch Kupo or me. It also seems as though you're trying to vote for people straight away, putting pressure on others to vote so that they aren't able to think about who they want to lynch when we actually have time to think about who we want to vote off.

Kupo you're a loser (I'm not very good at being a troll).


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
Looks like we're back where we started guys with close to nothing to work from
I disagree moreo n this later

I personally think we should focus on the no-lynch group, the mafia are more than likely to be there because:

a) No-lynch is advantageous because it gives the townies nothing to work from
b) They probably voted with no real or flawed reasoning
a) If this is true, we do as you suggest
b) Give them a chance to explain their motives better, as I am about to do now
I'm especially looking at Kupo and Afropony

Kupo voted saying "Girl Powah" or something along those lines
Afro voted with the reasoning that "based on past experiences I'm going to go with no-lynch"
Kupo stinks.
I voted No Lynch for mainly two reasons.
1) We know there isn't a serial killer. The potential for 1 garunteed townie lynch and then two randoms (most likely town) on the first day. While people may not see this as a good reason, I found it immensely satisfying knowing the time we have to get the mafia is only influenced by our own decisions.
2) To lure out potential Mafia member would would jump on the chance to start a no lynch vote/protect whoever the random voters put forth first (the usual course of action on the first day from what I've read).
So from what I see, we've probably narrowed it down to the people who bandwagoned the No Lynch vote or Toshi. Of course, they could just be playing much smarter than I expect (**** scum and the connotations attached to it) and pointing out the 'mistakes' of people who haven't played before and trying to base themselves as a town figure (another Mafia tactic I read about).

So yeah, I see Toshi, bangwagoners of No Lynch and seldom posting pro-town figures as suspicious. The easiest of these to eliminate would probably be Toshi. I think we should sit down and hammer out exactly what we know though.

The people saying we got no information from the no lynch, I say that you just aren't looking hard enough at what we have.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
I don't understand how you know for certain that there isn't a serial killer

Please explain :)
I was under the impress that the serial killer couldn't opt out of killing...?
Maybe I misread, I'll double check after this post.
How is toshi suss? he was just the victim of a random lynch
as someone posted before, the mafia could have jumped on the No lynch vote before to protect Toshi from being lynch.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
Oh sorry Vlade, I definitely can't rule it out

1) Closed game anything goes
2) "The Serial Killer kills once per night, and his goal is to be the sole survivor. Frequently they are not allowed by the Game Moderator to forgo their night kill." MafiaWiki. Even traditional roles can sometimes opt out.

But this way, we know that the serial killer probably knows what s/he's doing and it isn't their first time as serial killer/they're a fast learner as they avoided killing during the No Lynch first day to give the townies even less info.


Top Tier Pillow
Nov 18, 2008
The land of Bogans, Australia
How is toshi suss? he was just the victim of a random lynch

Just want to know your reasoning behind that
I agree, I haven't really seem around much. But I don't think he could be anything harmful. But people could protest my statement and say his mafia for being less active.

I cant really tell who is acting strange or not =(. sucks we lost Melancholy though, lets hope the next person we decide to lynch tonight is mafia.

The only person i really would lynch for if i had a choice right now would be ilag for randomly voting me out of the blue.

But yes about the serial killer, we really cant tell whether there is one yet, im pretty sure they have an option whether they want to lynch at nighttime or not.


Smash Champion
Jul 28, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
i doubt there is one, since mafia has won every game we have played

so who is more a threat, or who will will get more evidence on, through later nights and lynchs,
toshi, kupo or afrophony

still think ilag is sus, he did the classic mafia thing. but ide rather keep him alive and just know that he is someone not to trust.


Smash Lord
Jul 3, 2005
Oh well. I guess he's just.. Different
Ok then if everyone wants to focus on the no lynch group lets focus on that

(9) No Lynch : SummonerAU, Muzga, Sieg, undead_moose, LeishaChu, kupo, Afropony, Lord Bowser, xXArrowXx

Ok Shall we cut this list down to 2?

Or can that be swayed too


Smash Ace
May 4, 2008
Ugh, That was stupid of me. I thought voting no lynch on the first turn was probably the safest choice. I figured that blind, baseless accusations are not helpful when the odds are heavily stacked against us. Ive realised now that that isn't the right attitude to have because nobody learns anything if everyone jumps on the no lynch bandwagon.


Smash Ace
Oct 21, 2005
Sydney, NSW, Australia
Out of that list you posted undead_moose, I am inclined to lean towards a vote to lynch either: Kupo, Afropony, Seig.

Conversely, I am least inclined to vote a lynch against: Lord Bowser, SummonerAU.


Smash Ace
Oct 21, 2005
Sydney, NSW, Australia
I forgot to post my reasons why.

Kupo and Afropony because I converged with the logic of previous posts. Seig because if I had to pick a third, I'd pick him for contributing the least - either a lurking mafia or a townie who hasn't been outspoken enough anyway.

From the list, I believe Lord Bowser and SummonerAU have contributed with best reason.


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
ok kiddies lets see whats going on here...

here are my thoughts, bear with me here guys

1st. whilst its sensible to assume there are mafia among the no lynchers, surely they would be smart enough to have a few mafia do something else to create confusion and avoid suspicion and what not, so lets not forget about that, also whilst being on the bandwagon is good, how do we know that it wasnt a mafia that first brought up no lynch, makes sense that they'd want it most.

2nd. we cant rule out vigalante's or serial killers yet, why? because of a few things,

vigilantes usually dont start killing until they have a good idea of who's mafia, so it makes sense they wouldnt kill first night, or the vig could have been roleblocked, or even tried to kill the same person as the mafia.

the same points stand for the serial killer, sure he has to kill everynight, but he may have been roleblocked or tried to kill the same person as the mafia.


so... who's suss... lets check it out

Luke, I would heavily advise ignoring the temp closure than getting off topic and flaming mods. It will not help the game in the slightest.
100% mafia, must have been visiting from another town, but we let him get away...

the first person to vote no lynch was summoner, he has given good reason's for this, still is a little suss.

arrow? well he has been trying to lead the crowd the whole time, but he does that every game, so thats inconclusive, however there is one thing he said
Oi toshi tell me about your ability and ill tell you about mine.
now, was this a bluff or not? what kind of ability does he have? does that make him more or less suss? he later went on to say

a townie may not die tonight if someone has doctor powers... like chris wooo
arrow is the doctor? strong possibility no?

he also said
dont know if theres a cop or doctor. but i would say the is both. maybe a vigilante/serial killer aswell.
so he's been hinting at these roles quite a bit, and when nix voted for him he said
hope you aren't town nix... >.<
so maybe he's actually the vig/serial killer, hmmm?
he also said
i predict nix to die in the night.
so he could very well be the vig/killer, but nix didnt die? maybe he was roleblocked, maybe the doctor is nix, or saved nix?

also the moose V arrow constant debating could be real, one of them could be mafia, or they could both be mafia and be trying to throw everyone off and keep the convo going the way they want it to.


Who ever changes there vote to random lynch is ******** and i will do everything in my power to lynch them the next day
If 2 more people vote no lynch this game will get moving

Instead of 5 people having to vote for toshi (bad idea)
strong protection of toshi there?

how about muzga? he was a jump-on-the-bandwagoner
Cant we all just get along?Vote: No Lynch
also melancholy, who just died, did say this...
Having said that, at least Summoner gave some reasons for his idea to no lynch. Muzga, however, just attempted to start a bandwagon. Seems like a mafia member who knows how useful a no lynch would be to the mafia, or at least trying to protect his scummates from a lynch. What have you got to say about that, Andre?
convenient that he died? muzga made a very valid comeback though
Come on man, Dying sucks. I'd hate for anyone here to be lynched
you guys are all so cool XD
oh wait... no he didnt, then this happened

Random vote is random.
what do we draw from this? was it really random after what just happened?

then theres the famous
Girl powa <3!

Vote: No Lynch
Hmm, going on past experiences I'm going to do this...

Vote: No Lynch
now those are pretty suss, they were also posted one after the other, right after a mafia discussion perhaps?

nix? dunno, hasnt really done anything to suss, but I'd keep my eye on him, he did say
Vote: xXArrowXX
I'm shaking things up. Looks suss in his logic, jumped on wagon to lynch Toshi etc etc.
doesnt like arrow's pro town contribution? is suss of arrow? trying to protect toshi?

anyways, theres some good input for you all, discuss, also I only got to page 12 before I got sick of doing this... have fun reading it all...


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2005
I find it ironic that you can blindly follow Arrow and Moose, yet not realise that may be what they want you to do.

On the clear it seems like they are arguing.

I mean, I thought it was pretty obvious that Moose and Arrow obviously have something going between them, but that was just me.

I mean, the most obvious choice to go with at the moment is Arrow. He's random, unpredictable, no one can get an actual read on what he's trying to do.

Poking out different names to try and pull reactions. He could easily be a mafia member.

Muzga has obviously posted regrets of No lynching so that he can wane favour with the rest of the group after his name was brought up, he could also easily be a mafia trying to protect himself from accusations.


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008
well if you read my massive post, I did note in there that "also the moose V arrow constant debating could be real, one of them could be mafia, or they could both be mafia and be trying to throw everyone off and keep the convo going the way they want it to."

so it hasnt gone unnoticed, neither has muzga's actions.


Smash Lord
Jul 12, 2008
luke mafia cant discuss during day.
everything is there apart from the post defending me by ilag.
Well, technically speaking it might be possible as it is a closed game.

@Luke: You like posting early in the morning? But yeah, valid points. IMO there's an easy way to check the people protective of Toshi. Investigate/Lynch him and if he's mafia then it's more likely the people at the front of the No lynch vote are mafia I believe. If he's innocent, I think it would be more likely that the people at the rear end of the list are mafia as they probably wouldn't open with a No Lynch vote to avoid suspicious on themselves(unless they're silly).


Smash Lord
Sep 1, 2008
Australia, Melbourne
The reason I posted no lynch was actually because of Vyse's post which stated who had posted since the day had begun. I now realize my post could have been a bit smarter but no one was discussing anything so i just thought I would go no lynch because it looked like that was going to happen anyway.
Probably doesn't change anyones opinion on me but that's why I posted how I did.


Smash Ace
Dec 30, 2008
Melbourne, Australia
Okay Moose and Arrow just seriously "argued" their way into making it seem like the townies all just agreed on something. Read it and note the inclusive language, thats a persuasive technique and it was used to make it seem like we all agreed on No Lynch guys being bad, and then their own ideas. Those two are the most suss atm IMO.

Then there''s muzga, you don't vote no lynch and then regret it. In this game you stand by your decisions unless people are starting to suspect you're role (of I don't know... MAFIA), he's expressed regret now but that just looks like a token way to try and gain some respect back.

Thats my thoughts.


Smash Lord
Jul 3, 2005
Oh well. I guess he's just.. Different
Sigh so because me and arrow are the most active we are suss

Good thinking Nix


Im defending Toshi because one person went Ok I "randomly" pick toshi

Then instantly 2 other people agree with him and I was trying to stop a band wagon effect.. I hate sheep townies that cant think for themselves


Smash Ace
May 4, 2008
hey guys. sorry but ive gotta duck out for a few days. Lord_Bowser and I need to go into the hyperbolic time chamber for about 5 days to train for the big martial arts tournament (going to squat)
Also you dont have to stand by your decisions if you realise your way of thinking was incorrect given the results of the previous day. Its not necesarilly "Stand by your decisions or mafia."
The chances are that people who voted no lynch and are being suspected for it wont vote no lynch again anyway, the only difference between the bandwagonners/mafia and me is that i explained my reasoning for changing my vote. Seriously:p


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
I will be relaxing prods on everyone for the next 5 days. I will still maintain an activity log however.


Smash Champion
Nov 3, 2005
Activity can also be a sign of a mafia member who is trying to keep watch over the whole game and move it to their liking.


Social Outcast
May 30, 2008
Perth, Western Australia
Summoner has a good idea, though if we did have a cop (which is very likely) then he/she will have to wait until the night to investigate

I'm not too reluctant to lynch though, it's probably better than being premature about it rather than just voting for Kupo or Afropony simply because of 'suss posts.' Yes I know I'm the one who brought them up but I think it is best to be 'very sure' rather than 'quite sure'


Smash Champion
Jul 28, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
activity for me is high cause i dont have a job and i have to be on the forums to work out who i am picking up from the airport -.-

we gotta lynch today ~_~ even if its quite sure.

btw if i was maf, would i really act like this? blantently trying to control the sheep. normally the mafia wait and see, before hoping on the no lynch =P and yes i accuse people for reactions.

and on the matter of moose being mafia, i dont know, could be either. more likily town. hence he doesn't nessaryly think i am town.


Smash Champion
Jul 28, 2008
Brisbane, QLD, Australia
your mum has alot of activity in bed.

i was trying to lynch toshi because there was a chance to kill a mafia, and he could have been it. and if he wasn't mafia the game would have more direction. ofcoarse ide be put under the spotlight still but willing to take that risk for town


Smash Lord
Jan 25, 2009
Blacktown NSW
wtf there is like 5 pages of posts that i haven't read

can someone make a post filling me in on whats happened


VOTE: toshi
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