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Rocky Mafia | Day 7 | Game Over | Roles/Night Actions/Comments up on pg 57/58


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
Rocky Mafia

(Disclaimer: This is in no way meant to defame or otherwise harm Battle Arena Melbourne or Rocky. We just thought it would make for a great theme :)

But I'll remove this if you don't like it Cao :()


Before signing up to this Mafia game, I need you all to read a few things:
(Also, I'm stealing a lot of this from Xiivi and other SWF Mafia games) :p

Watch this flash animation, and you'll get a pretty good idea of how it works.
Make sure you watch the sample game. After watching that most of you will understand it pretty easy.

In its simplest form, Mafia consists of two sides: the Mafia, and the Town. The Mafia's goal is to kill the innocents, while the Town's goal is to kill the Mafia.

At the beginning of the game, the Moderator will secretly send everyone their role. The Mafia will know each other, while (in the basic game) everyone else will only know their own role.

The game has two phases. Usually the first is Night. During Night, the Town can not communicate, but the Mafia can discuss and choose someone to murder. After the Moderator has received the name of the victim, the Moderator reveals the dead player, and Day begins.

During Day, the Town must choose someone to Lynch; they are trying to eliminate the Mafia, but the Mafia can lead them astray by casting suspicion elsewhere. Generally, players will vote for someone they think is Mafia (the Mafia will vote so that they seem to be doing this as well, and might even vote for each other to confuse the Town); when a player gets a majority of the votes, they are lynched. Their role is revealed by the Moderator, and it is once again Night.

The game alternates between Night and Day until either the Mafia are eliminated, or the Mafia have killed everyone else.
Tutorials and Information:
Flash Roles Tutorial
Newbie Guide
Basic Rules
Common Roles
SWF Mafia Archives

Rules and Mechanics:

1. Have fun, and do not ruin the fun for others.

2. Unless your role states otherwise, no communication about the game is allowed outside of this thread.

3. a) No quoting mod PMs, or faking a quoted mod PM (including pictures). Not even partial quoting. However, it is encouraged players reveal roles/information from their role PMs (whether it is the truth or otherwise) if the situation lends itself to such actions by paraphrasing this information.

3. b) You are allowed to quote mod PMs privately to any member that you are allowed to communicate with outside this thread.

4. Editing your posts is not allowed. Edited posts will be reverted back to normal.

5. Your votes must be formatted like this to be counted: VOTE: name. This is to clarify whether you are actually casting a vote or not. (If it's not bolded it's not counted)

Gameplay Mechanics:

6. Once a majority is reached, that's it. That person is lynched. One way or another the day ends with a lynch unless the town votes 'No Lynch' (Vote: No Lynch).

7. If there's not a majority, highest vote count gets lynched. If there's no unique highest vote count, the lynchee will be randomly selected player who reached the number of highest votes first will be lynched. If there are no votes cast, then the lynchee will be randomly selected.

8. You guys can post all you want until the death scene, including the player who was voted to be lynched. At which point the thread will be locked until the next "Day" phase.

- After your death scene, you get to select a message from the following as they are:
"Go Scum!"
"Go Town!"
"Go Me!"
"PK Thunder!"
"Falcon Punch!"
This is the last post in thread you are allowed to make until the game is over.

9. Days will have a deadline of 2 week, nights will have 72 hours.

10. If more than 72 hours pass between your posts, you will be prodded unless you give me notice of your absence beforehand.

11. 5 prods over the course of the game, or 3 prods during 1 game day will result in a mod kill.

General Notes

12. This is a closed Setup. No information will be released regarding the roles in the game, however:

13. There are no Jesters in this game.


Night 0:

Battle Arena Melbourne, October 10th 2009.
Victoria Hotel.

It's the beginning of an event with unprecedented hype. Fighting game fans from across the country (and even internationally), have come together to duke it out for prizes and glory in a vast array of fighting games.

It is a great, and yet terrible thing sometimes. The smack talk, the heated rivalry. Sometimes it's healthy, but sometimes things go too far.

The smashers, eager as always, are the first on the scene. No more than perhaps 20 people had entered the building.

"Hey look, it's that tedeth guy"

"tedeth? Who's he"

"Dude, he mains Wario and Wolf"

"Ooh, that's pretty cool"

"No way man, Vyse says he's got a good chance of winning the Brawl tournament"

"Aw man, somebody else to contend with?"

"Yeah man, there's too many good players"

People went on about their business, and two minutes later, a blood curdling yell came from a back room. People rushed over to witness the gruesome sight.

"He, he's dead...oh my god,"

Suddenly the sounds of doors locking shut and being bolted closed could be heard.

"Nobody leaves or enters! We have to figure out who did it!" the lone person declared.

One person found a note by the body and read it out loud, "This tournament belongs to US!"


With that, the smashers began to point fingers.

tedeth the Tracker has been hacked and slashed to death!


1. undead_moose
2. xXArrowXx
3. SummonerAU
4. LeishaChu
5. Sieg
6. Vlade
7. Luke_Atyeo
8. Muzga
9. Unreon
10. Melancholy
11. Afropony
12. Lord Bowser
13. I_LAG
14. Toshi
15. Nixenator
16. kupo Pete278


1. Pete278


My MSN is vyse_niseal123@hotmail.com
Please add me for ease of contact.


Day 1 Start | Day 1 End
Day 2 Start | Day 2 Modkill | Day 2 End
Day 3 Start & End
Day 4 Start | Day 4 Execution | Day 4 End
Day 5 Start | Day 5 End
Day 6 Start | Day 6 End


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
Hellz yeah, moose is in da hoose.

Guys, I've taken quite a long time to craft this game and balance it and write out role PMs so you'd best join and be active!


Smash Hero
May 10, 2008

kill my team mate will you! I'm IN!


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
Yeah of course. Everybody will get a character role based on a person at Rocky.

I like playing Forum mafia. All posts are made to be analysed and kept to make people accountable for what they've said. Add to that the opportunity for more unique and flavoured set ups.


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
This is a closed set up, so expect anything and everything.
Except for Jesters.

I'll clarify in an update to the first post later.


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
Thats 8 people now, we need 8 more!

If we can't get 16 people, I might drop the setup down to 12 and rebalance shiz.


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
New players are encouraged to join but it's imperative I think that you all read at least the first full day of one game. This is so you can get an idea of what to do and what not to do especially at the beginning of day 1. Especially the usual beginning Random Voting Stage at the beginning of most if not all games since I know many (Read: Me) have screwed up in their first games due to the RVS.


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
Toshi, Nix and Kupo will be the last members of the gang.

I want you all to keep in mind that this is the kind of forum game that is a commitment, and anybody who doesn't participate/doesn't really want to commit to an involved game such as this shouldn't play to be fair to everyone else.

I still want 2 replacements.

Before I start sending out Role PMs, I'm going to get my best buddy Xiivi to tear my setup to shreds (after I edit it a little myself) and help make it more balanced since I'm too much of a flavour *****.


So much for friendship huh...
Aug 31, 2006
somewhere near Mt. Ebott
Just sent Vyse a lot of input on the set-up! Hope you guys enjoy it, I can tell he put plenty of work/thought into this to make it enjoyable for you guys!

I'll watch and help Vyse out as needed, should be fairly minimal. Consider me a back-up mod in case Vyse gets busy or something.


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
I've revised the role PMs and hopefully they'll go out this afternoon.

There have been minor changes to the rules on the front page, mostly cosmetic, but there are a few key differences concerning prods and the timeframe we're to be playing in here (Extending each day to two weeks).

I'll add you as a replacement Pete.


Smash Lord
Jul 3, 2005
Oh well. I guess he's just.. Different
If there's not a majority, highest vote count gets lynched. If there's no unique highest vote count, the lynchee will be randomly selected player who reached the number of highest votes first will be lynched. If there are no votes cast, then the lynchee will be randomly selected.

Shouldnt it be if there are no votes cast there will be no lynch?


Faith, Hope, Love, Luck
Jul 6, 2005
Brisbane, Australia
Nope, if you want a 'No Lynch' you have to vote for a no lynch.
Otherwise a random lynch will occur.

EDIT: I've sent off the role PMs for a final review. We'll be starting tonight.
In regards to the timing with SQUAT, I'll be locking this thread during the tournament weekend because I have no doubt most people will be absent for a number of days during that time.
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