Jesus i have to put thoughts into all of these, get ready because it's a long one.
But first up,
How About Another Joke, Sakurai?
Joker is the worst DLC reveal to me, slightly better than PP Yes, but Joker's announcement actually made me not be excited for Smash Ultimate DLC.
Now i must admit Persona looks neat, and it has a lot of not one of them.
Joker to me signifies a real problem with Smash Ultimate and probably future entries, and that is the death of Smash as a Nintendo-centric franchise, instead relying only on the trendiest video game characters around (yes i know Persona debuted in the 90s, but we didn't get an old Persona rep, we got the rep from the hottest Persona game at the time, and Atlus didn't shame away from overexposing it) tossing aside years of Nintendo history for random video game characters to boost the game's audience, tried to be broad as possible, killing the core appeal of a franchise.
A lot of franchises do this, Dead or Alive tried to distance itself from the fanservice and it lost the few people that played it, Assasin's Creed after 2 decided to try every single thing that is trendy in the gaming industry and it has become the punchline of the gaming community as a result of it, Fortnite has become really hated, and whenever a crossover is added into Fortnite, it always feels off. That's what Joker signifies to me, add the latest and hottest General Gaming characters into a Nintendo game crossover, and not even port the game the character is known for on the Switch.
Even if i'm not against guest characters, i do think some guests are better choices than others because they fit a certain theme. The TMNT in Injustice felt right because the TMNT were also Comic Book Characters like many of the DC characters in that roster and they have crossed over with Batman, there was a correlation. Kratos in MK fits right in as MK and GoW are both gorefests and really violent, but what does Negan have to do with Tekken other than Harada being a fanboy of the Walking Dead? Not all guests are fitting choices, and i do believe Joker is the most out of place choice in FP1.
Simply because Persona is a franchise that not only has barely relation to Nintendo, it has barely any presence of it and it refuses to release their MAIN entries on to Switch. "B-B-B-B-BUT PERSONA Q IS ON 3DEEEESS" Yeah, that's not a main entry, nice try. Next thing you know people are gonna use a 5-second cameo on a Nintendo game to excuse that character into Smash, gross.
I prefer my guest characters in Smash to be closely tied to Nintendo. Mega Man, Simon Belmont, Pac-Man, Banjo-Kazooie. At least if they are not tied to Nintendo, they must have some major presence on Nintendo systems. Ryu doesn't scream Nintendo, but Street Fighter 2 on SNES was a big seller and you can play all main Street Fighter except 4 and 5 on the Switch, almost all of the Neo Geo Fatal Fury and KoF games are on the Switch, so Terry and his company have Nintendo presence.
Even when it comes to PS originating franchises, Kingdom Hearts now has its games on the Swtich (we will talk about certain issues on Sora's day) Crash Bandicoot has basically all his major recent releases on Switch, and Final Fantasy 7, the game that is known for beign THE GAME where Square said **** off to Nintendo and went to the PS1, is now on the Switch, yes its not the Remake, but at least it WAS the game that people know Cloud for. People know Joker for Persona 5, not for some random 3DS game that is only brought up as an argument to defend Joker's inlcusion, unless you're telling me people played a random 3DS game and went "oh wow, this truly captures the Persona 5 experience, now i see why everyone loves Joker and Persona 5". No Atlus, im not gonna buy a random warriors spin-off when i never even played the game of origin said Spin-off is based on. Im not gonna buy a PS4 System JUST to play a character's game of origin, i need money to eat, this is an expensive hobby.
When FF7, the game that symbolizes **** You Nintendo is in a Nintendo system after Cloud got in Smash and your trendy game isn't despite having your character be in Smash, as well you know you did something wrong.
I don't care if this pisses off people, i don't think Joker should have been in Smash. What's next, people are gonna campaign for Character to be in Nick All Star Brawl whose show was never broadcasted on Nickelodeon? Give me a break. (OH BUT THEY WERE BROADCASTER IN INTERNATIONAL VERSIONS OF NICK GAH-HYUK)
(and before you ask, no, if i was in charge of Smash's roster Cloud and Snake probably wouldn't be in Smash either, although even Snake had a remake of his own game on the Gamecube, and as i mentioned earlier Cloud's home game and the entire PS1 FF trilogy is on Switch, that is miles more than Joker has ever done)
Now, if Hell Freezes over and Persona 5 comes to Switch, you can quote me and i will eat my words and will give Joker and Persona 5 a second chance, but for now:
0% Satisfaction.
Now, onto a more positive reveal.
Prostitutes are seemingly upset.
Now this....................THIS is what i look into a Guest character in Smash. A character that not only has presence on Nintendo systems, a character is closely tied to Nintendo, but a character that HELPED Nintendo get a bigger audience. Dragon Quest is so big in Japan, it only releases on Saturdays because otherwise everyone will skip work and school. A character that has interacted with Nintendo's crew even before Smash thanks to Fortune Street, a franchise that helped popularize a genre in Japan, and an icon of gaming in general. THIS is what Smash guests should be.
Sometimes i always wonder why DQ never catched up in the west, even though DQ in my opinion despite using Akira Toriyama's character designs, has always felt less ehm........."weeby" than Final Fantasy or Kingdom Hearts and yet those franchise always were more popular.
I will admit, when Hero was beign speculated (well, Arusu in this case) i had no interest, he seemed very basic to me. As someone who preferred Geno back in the day, i coulnd't care less, i found him boring but i respected the choice, Dragon Quest is iconic, no question about it, and it's a franchise that even if is mostly seen as uninteresting in the west, deserves more recognition.
So when the reveal rolled around, i was okay, i liked the inclusion, and being announced alongside the other character below helped. Then i downloaded, and since i liked playing him for a bit, i decided to play Luminary's game of origin, DQ XI S, since it was coming to the Switch, since i do enjoy RPGs even if most of their characters are not my main choices for Smash (i prefer platformer characters as i feel those translate the best into Smash) and ohh boy..........
Dragon Quest XI S is one of the best games i have ever played. As an introduction to the series is an amazing game, a classic RPG that came STRAIGHT outta the SNES era like Chrono Trigger, Super Mario RPG and Final Fantasy VI, brought into the modern age with beautiful graphics that bring the Toriyama artstyle to life. Great music thanks to the orchestral remaster of the Switch port, a simplistic yet fun Turn Based Combat system that reflects the days old, and a story that that relies on how it's not the destination, but the journey and the friends you met along the way all with their unique powers and personalities. Serena, Veronica, Erik, Sylvando, Jade, Rab, the one character that im not gonna spoil (who is my favorite of all) all of them were great. and that Post Game, dear god that post game was great. If only Kingdom Hearts got this amount of care into its Switch Ports instead of being....................ugh.............Cloud versions.
I'm now a Dragon Quest fan, and i hope to play more games in the future.
See Joker, this is what happens when you bring your games into a Nintendo system, you make new fans. This is why im so happy that Dragon Quest is in Smash now, and they made the most of it, that's how you cross over.
The only bad 2 things are well. One, the fact that we got the Midi songs suck. As those songs sound great in orchestral form, not in Joel's Convert to Midi files.
The other beign, i don't like to play as Hero very much. I find his moveset to be boring and yet overly complicated at the same time. As most of his moves are basic sword strikes and all the cool spells that make him his own are used only for his specials, especially his down special, which i find hard to use. Also despite beign seen as a very anti-competitive character, i prefer to play as Hero in 1v1s over Free-For-All as trying to use his command spell while having to worry about stage hazards, 3 opponents at once and Items going into my way...........yeah, no thanks. I really think his Smash Attacks should have been Magic moves as Well, with the gimmick being that once you ran out of magic they become basic sword strikes.
Still, i think it was a good inlcusion, and defintely made me see Ultimate's DLC as still salvageable after PP and Joker.
65% Satisfaction.
But now, into the main treat.
Banjo after receiving his mail in June 11, colorized.
While no Smash reveal will ever top Simon to me, there is one that clearly is the highlight of Smash DLC to me, that one beign Banjo.
The fact that he is even ****ing here in the first place, it's astounding. Banjo-Kazooie literally left Nintendo in 2002, and yet their comeback makes it feel like they never left. But why are they so important and beloved? Sure, their games are beloved, but they are agruably the nichest character on the Fighter Passes aside from Byleth.
The reason is simple that Banjo Kazooie, to me at least, are Nintendo's equivalent to Oswald the Lucky Rabbit from Disney. A character created to fit a certain universe, closely associated with a certain brand and group of people, one day taken away due to copyright, and after years of beign separated, they finally come togheter. When Epic Mickey released, Oswald coming back was a big deal, after DECADES of being an Universal property, he comes back to the world of Disney to finally join his brother from another speices. (Too bad Disney put Oswald on the Vault, you think he would have joined Kingdom Hearts by now since he is a favorite of Nomura)
Banjo is no different. Created by many of the same developers that made DKC, his design is one who feels right at home with the rest of Nintendo's cast like Mario, Link, Donkey Kong, and Kirby. His cartoony appereance and quirky personality is a perfect blend of Mario's cheerful attitude and DK's laid back persona, accompanied by his fellow loyal friend, Kazooie.
Not only were Banjo & Kazooie prominent in a lot of 90s era Nintendo material in advertisements and commercials and featured alongside the likes of Diddy Kong, they were LEGALLY Nintendo characters:
There was a problem fetching the tweet
So its no small feat to bring these two back after years of being essentially left to dust. I played Banjo Kazooie and Tooie as a kid, and while i never beat them, those games were good, they may have not controlled as well as Mario 64 but the writing was hilarious, i love British Self-Deprecating Humor and that game had it in spades, and i did play as Banjo a lot in DKR. Plus Banjo & Kazooie translate well into Smash, and they fit right home in a roster filled with Nintendo characters.
But obviously getting them was a hassle. Sure Sora had Disney to deal with, but for years Nintendo and Microsoft were outright RIVALS on the gaming market, at least Nintendo has collaborated with Disney since their Hanafuda days. Obviously nowadays Microsoft is more platform agnostic, as seen with MC coming to Nintendo platforms, so things were looking up, but could Sakurai really go out of his way to add a pair characters that were of western origin, and haven't been in a new game since 2008?
Well if they weren't i wouldn't be rating them that's for sure. While i was dissapointed that Rare Replay is not coming to Switch (that whole "Lol buy and Xbox" comment really ticked me off) at least we are getting BK on N64 Online, so hopefully Tooie follows suit.
As for Banjo & Kazooie in Smash, they are great. Since Smash 4 we have been increasingly getting overly complex characters that are unwiedly to play as and Ults DLC only made things worse, but Banjo is an exception to this trend, being closer to Ultimate's base newcomers and Melee-Brawl era characters. They feel fun and great, and the Breegull Bash is a great Move to wack your opponents (and Kazooie) with.
Though the specials kinda suck. Rear Egg eggsplodes too soon, Breegull Blasting isn't as intuitive as Mega Man's buster, Wonder Wing didn't need the 5 Wing Limit handicap, and Steve's Up Special should have been Banjo's, as Flying was one of the best parts of Banjo Kazooie. Shock Jump Spring feels to similar to Sonic's Spring, Mega Man's Rush Coil and Pac-Man's Pac-Jump.
But Banjo in Smash man, this was great to see, hopefully this means Banjo could come back soon...............right?
Satisfaction: 85%
Mobile Mammal
Terry is an unique case for me. Since i live in Chile, Latinamerica, i am much more familiar with SNK than the average American gamer. You guys merely adopted the weebness, WE were Born in it, MOLDED by it. Here in LATAM KoF is only next to SF and MK.
I admit i know more SNK for their Metal Slug games, but i still knew about Fatal Fury and KoF even if i never played a single one in my life until his reveal. So i had an okay reaction to Terry, i knew who he was and while i had other choices i preferred, there could have been far worse choices as well.
Terry's such a cool character, and he does have an air of carisma and stands out from the typical "Karateka in a GI Shoto" that so many main FG of the Nineties relied on. His moveset is also great, and THANK ****ING GOD that he doesn't have the same gimmick as Ryu and Ken, meaning that i don't have to worry about pressing down tilt too hard. Yes, he still is pressure sensitive with his special moves, but that is far less of a hassle to me. I do like his desesperation move Gimmick, and i love doing a Power Geyser to my opponent, but i don't think Terry should be able to Spam Them after reaching 100%, when characters like Banjo have to worry about only having 5 Side Specials per stock, it doesn't seem fair and balanced to me.
But to be honest i kinda would have preferred Kyo as the SNK rep. Terry's great but KoF is basically SNK's most iconic series nowadays and has been since 98, so i think Kyo feels like a more appropriate choice since he is the main star of SNK's biggest franchise, while Terry is just in those games for fanservice sake and legacy reasons. Then again this only could be my opinion only because out of the SNK games i bought on the Eshop i preferred KoF 97, 98 and 2002 over the one FF i bought, Garou Mark of the Wolves which i absolutely suck at (the graphics are pretty tho)
Also most KoF fans that i met are abosulte scumbag elitist, i will never complain about Melee fans beign elitist again, Jesus. Still a good choice tho.
70% Satisfaction.
Perhaps i treated you too harshly
This is the moment i would got angry and get upset at Sakurai for adding a character from an oversaturated franchise that quite frankly is overexposed and overhyped and is given preferential treatment.
Yes, i believe Fire Emblem is oversaturated. It has 8 characters, it has 3 stages, more than WarioLAND, 3 Assist Trophies while DK has 1 and Yoshi has none, and FAR TOO MANY REMIXES.
Yet, i can't be mad. I know for a fact that Sakurai was wise enough to announce more DLC before Byleth was revealed, although the reveal itself of By was pretty ****ty, and the attempt at "Lol too many swordfighters" joke felt dumb. POINTING OUT YOUR PROBLEMS DOESN'T MAKE THEM GO AWAY.
But i don't hate Byleth themselves. They are simple in design and thankfully the movest is decent enough and not overly complicated (i don't like Robin's magic resources), and while i do agree that Smash would benefit a lot by adding more cartoony characters like Rayman or characters who wield other weapons than a Sword like Bandanna Dee's Spear, Nothing about Byleth themselves is what i disliked. It's the circumstances. After 4 guest characters, after 7 Fire Emblem characters, the next character you decide to add is this one? It's not as stupid as PP as By actually is a character and not a ****ty punchline, but you can see the problem.
But there's one thing i do appreciate about's a Nintendo character. Yes, that is the reason i don't hate them. You have to understand the context. I play Smash for Nintendo, it's a Nintendo game on a Nintendo console where you play as Nintendo characters on Nintendo stages while Nintendo music plays using Nintendo items played by Nintendo fans. I love gaming in general, but i feel crossovers should have a theme and motif, and when you expand that theme too much, it becomes a mess. Look at Fortnite, where they add all random crossovers: Rick and Morty, Superman, Avengers, John Wick, Star Wars, what do these franchises have in common?, it's a mess, and nowadays being added to Fortnite feels like a sellout move.
THAT is what i don't want Smash to become, a sellout series, which feels more and more like it when every single character feels like a company wanting that peice of the Smash pie. Even if i enjoy Banjo, Hero and Terry, i don't think adding them in the same game plus the other guests in this DLC was a good idea, and this is not counting all the other guests in the base roster, there are more Guest Character in Ultimate than Nintendo characters in Smash 64, which is the whole roster btw, more and more im really starting to get tired of guests in Smash, they no longer feel like a special moment, they feel like the norm, and it's not special anymore, it's boring and kinda tiresome. Imagine if other fighting games had the same amount of guest character ration as Smash brothers, i can garantee you it would not look pretty (and keep in Mind Smash still shows SOME restraint in their choices) This is also why none of the DLC characters will reach 100%, im getting real tired of 3rd parties at this point and while im not gonna hate them just because they are not Nintendo characters, i do reduce a 10% score to each and every one of them based on them beign guests alone (Simon is an exception because my bond with Simon is too strong, and Banjo because he is basically a Nintendo character to me)
So Byleth for as OVERsaturated the Fire Emblem franchise is, makes me glad to see at least ONE Nintendo character. It helps that Byleth's home game released BEFORE they were announced unlike Corrin and the Localization Disaster (well, Disaster in general) known as Fire Emblem Dates, that game made me NOT wanna try Fire Emblem for the rest of my life, but Three Houses is far better recieved so maybe it's time to give Fire Emblem a second chance, i'm willing to turn over a new leaf. And at least i'm happy that Byleth wasn't the Only Nintendo DLC character, and i would later get one (well, two) Nintendo character that i actually liked, even if i wish there was a Nintendo character that wasn't a "shill" pick for lack of a better word. If i were to replace some DLC fighters i would replace Kazuya, Sephiroth and Joker before Byleth, so congrats Byleth, you are not the worst.
Still, too apathetic to bother to buy them, maybe someday.
20% Satisfaction.
As for my Fighter Pass satisfaction rating is.................
Not because i hate the Fighter Pass, but by virtue of having Joker (who i refuse to buy) and Byleth (who i don't really care about) i didn't bought the Pass and instead bought Banjo, Terry and Hero on their own. I prefer rating characters individually anyway.
But if i had to compare it to FP2, i do think that it is Slightly better than Fighter Pass 2, although FP2 had a better Nintendo/3rd Party balance.. If you think i was harsh on Joker you wouldn't like what i have to say to Kazuya and Sephi.