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R.I.P. Kjell Anders "Nappy" Peterson.


Smash Lord
Sep 21, 2007
Lower reaches of Shelbrunkand
I never realized how not having internet can make things boring. I don't have anything to watch when eating lunch or dinner haha.

Let me ask you my fellow Snake boarders, which is better, big boobs or small boobs?

I like medium boobs irl, flat chests seems sad and huge ones are a bit gross imo plus they will sag when they get older which is even more gross to think about.
I still understand cup sizes. All I know is C is smaller than D, but is there an "A" or "B?" And whats the deal with doubles? Why wouldn't you just progress a letter. Anyway, I rather have too small than too big. I don wanna drown in that ****.

Edit: I know someone that wants to undergo breast reduction surgery.


Smash Lord
May 14, 2008
The Grand Line... PR
Dude, I'm on dial-up internet. it's worse then having no internet.

Slap her, and tell her no.
a friend of mine used to play Ragnarok online in Dial-up internet :laugh:

I have internet coming from everywhere, my 2 neighbors ( that I don't know who they are btw) have the internet and I steal the signal :p and also mine... also there are some areas in the town I live that have wifi, it reaches where I live so I have internet unless there's a blackout then I run to my cellphone and browse the internet :)

also WTF with your avatar :/


Smash Lord
Jun 24, 2008
Where I live is very far from.... society, basically. I've been where I live now for about 5 years now, and no phone company will provide anything higher than dial-up to the area I live in. There about 20 other homes in my community, but we're still too rural for the phone companies i guess.

My avatar, I've been getting asked a lot about it lately. That man, yes it's a man, is Prince Poppycock. He is an Opera singer, and is a contestant (who is in the finals against 9 others) on the show America's Got Talent. He's basically amazing, and will win AGT. Definitely check out his AGT Audition, and his semi-finals performance, good stuff.


Smash Lord
May 14, 2008
The Grand Line... PR
Where I live is very far from.... society, basically. I've been where I live now for about 5 years now, and no phone company will provide anything higher than dial-up to the area I live in. There about 20 other homes in my community, but we're still too rural for the phone companies i guess.

My avatar, I've been getting asked a lot about it lately. That man, yes it's a man, is Prince Poppycock. He is an Opera singer, and is a contestant (who is in the finals against 9 others) on the show America's Got Talent. He's basically amazing, and will win AGT. Definitely check out his AGT Audition, and his semi-finals performance, good stuff.
I can't just live that far from society, where I used to live had like a lot of **** near, parties, a ****ing awesome place that sells pizza, ice cream and really AWESOME enviroment, the carnival pass through there and the typical college competition parties and WIFI overall place.

where I live now is in front of the mall with every important fast food there, chinese food, wendys, BK, Mcdonalds, Church, kFC, baskin robins and more ****.

also hmm I like shows about music that are like that, I will google it and listen to it later.


Smash Lord
Jun 24, 2008
AGT is a lot like American Idol (mostly because it's also created by Simon Cowell) but it's not just a singer's show like idol, it's a giant talent competition so you get more than the "next pop star" auditioning. There's dance crews, bands, opera singers, magicians it's a great show. But it's almost over like i said they are down to the finals.

Also, the closest place to get food outside of my house is about 15miles ways, so yeah where I live sucks.


Smash Lord
Sep 21, 2007
Lower reaches of Shelbrunkand
Dude, I'm on dial-up internet. it's worse then having no internet.

Slap her, and tell her no.
Oh man, I used to have dial-up. After experience cable connection, I just can't go back. You poor thing.

Also, she's been told no a bunch of time, haha. She chill and all, but her face isn't anything special...

where I live now is in front of the mall with every important fast food there, chinese food, wendys, BK, Mcdonalds, Church, kFC, baskin robins and more ****.

also hmm I like shows about music that are like that, I will google it and listen to it later.
Chinese, Wendys, BK, KFC, Ice cream place... all nearby. I hate you so much. The nearest BK to me closed. The other one is further away and a b**** to walk just for food. There's a Wendy's express which is good enough I guess. There's no KFC nearby! :( FFFUUUUU, I love KFC! We got good ice cream place, Coldstone, but it's too d*** expensive. I just want a close BK and a KFC! K, f***ing F, C!


Smash Lord
May 14, 2008
The Grand Line... PR
Oh man, I used to have dial-up. After experience cable connection, I just can't go back. You poor thing.

Also, she's been told no a bunch of time, haha. She chill and all, but her face isn't anything special...

Chinese, Wendys, BK, KFC, Ice cream place... all nearby. I hate you so much. The nearest BK to me closed. The other one is further away and a b**** to walk just for food. There's a Wendy's express which is good enough I guess. There's no KFC nearby! :( FFFUUUUU, I love KFC! We got good ice cream place, Coldstone, but it's too d*** expensive. I just want a close BK and a KFC! K, f***ing F, C!
I kinda dislike KFC though, I have like 8 months living here. Coldstone is mad expensive I know :(. BK is pure win Chicken tenders are da bess, Church's is not my fav place but I tend to go since my mom buys from there so I am cool with it, Chinese is ****ing awesome ( also they don't sell the same food in USA than in PR, the chinese food in PR is a world of diference) so when I went to USA... I hated the chinese food from USA :(. I havent eaten in the Baskin robins yet.

oh for your hate... there's a gamestop really near of the Mcdonalds, also a radio shack, Foot lockers and they are doing a MARSHALLS for my t shirt needs! the only thing it needs is a Hot topic so that I can buy my video game Tshirts but K-mart also have some so that I go there. Oh and a friggin cinemas, a small one ( 4th cinema rooms) but a cinemas that each movie ticket is 5 bucks


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
Ok then, $5 it is...
come to that brainshock tourney in iowa but dont bring m2k
Oh man, I used to have dial-up. After experience cable connection, I just can't go back. You poor thing.

Also, she's been told no a bunch of time, haha. She chill and all, but her face isn't anything special...

Chinese, Wendys, BK, KFC, Ice cream place... all nearby. I hate you so much. The nearest BK to me closed. The other one is further away and a b**** to walk just for food. There's a Wendy's express which is good enough I guess. There's no KFC nearby! :( FFFUUUUU, I love KFC! We got good ice cream place, Coldstone, but it's too d*** expensive. I just want a close BK and a KFC! K, f***ing F, C!
hahahaha dude I got allllll that **** within walking distance in my area

plus mcdonalds and other various restaurants/fast food places

and plenty of food stores period ;)
Aug 6, 2008
Having a gamestop only 15 minutes walk away compared to a 20 minute car ride is epic. I actually managed to pick up a couple games I have been trying to find forever.
-Afternoon of Darkness (PSP)
-Calmity Trigger (PSP)

I still need a couple of Shin Megami Tenshi, MGS 1, Guilty Gear XX, and a few other titles I forget about.

Eternal Yoshi

I've covered ban wars, you know
Mar 3, 2007
Playing different games
Maybe you should try the PSX version of MGS via MGS: The Essential Collection.

All I have a couple of blocks away is a Mcdonalds, KFC, the last stop of the A train, 2 Chinese food places, a supermarket, and a local deli(I like their Philly Cheese Steaks).

I have to get on the train for new games. I know a place in Rockaway Park that sells old and rare GC games.

That's how I got The Twin Snakes for $10.

BTW, I have both versions.

Edit: I know someone that wants to undergo breast reduction surgery.
They're a Sacred Gift!

LOL Maria and Sypha


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
I'm guessing this is the place to post this, judging from your thread titles. In any case, as you can see next to my name I'm from the Ike boards, and I'm here to make a friendly challenge to any Snake mains interested. Let me give you my pitch first.

Over the Summer, we (Ike mains) decided to do a fun bi-weekly online ditto tourny. The reasons behind this was to have fun, get to know everyone better, and to improve our skills in the Ike Ditto match up. The event was popular and attracted a lot of low profiled Ike mains. Every week, we usually had 13-14 Ike mains show up to play in constant dittos. I can say for myself that I have greatly improved in the ditto match up. The tournament went through a laid back round robin. Meaning that you didn't have to play everyone, but it would reflect on your ranking. A small group of Ike mains were part of a PR (power ranking) discussion in which we laid out the top 8 Ike mains from each weekly. Depending on how people performed, they would rise, drop, or stay the same. The Ike mains who finished in the top 8 at the end of the season would face off in a double elimination tourny to see who was the best of the best in the Ike ditto MU.

While we still have to do the Top 8 tourny, (issues with the host and other things) we have decided to expand our horizons and upon majority vote, we decided to ask the Snake boards if they were interested in participating in a series of bi-weeklies with us. We still have not figured out exactly how the PR system would work (Ike have their own, Snake their own, or mixed). In the end, we can have the best from each side face off in a proper tourny. I think it would be good for us to improve in the Snake MU and for you guys to improve in the Ike MU. I know there aren't many good Ike mains out there, but there are still a handful who do well in tournies (Me, Mr. Doom, San).

Of course this is wifi, so we don't take this as seriously as say, the AiB ladder. This is an event to socialize and improve your skills in the MU. Learning your tricks while you learn ours. Learn which stages are best for each of us and so on. In any case, I will link you to the Ike Bi-weekly thread, and you can take a look at how we did things. Feel free to respond to this or show up in Ashunera's or the Bi-weekly thread for any questions regarding this.

Bi-Weekly: http://www.smashboards.com/showthread.php?t=277329


Smash Legend
Mar 18, 2008
Houston, TX
A lot of people take the AiB ladder seriously Erik. Especially those who don't have the pleasure of going to offline fests and tournies.


Smash Ace
May 11, 2008
Agawam, MA
A lot of people take the AiB ladder seriously Erik. Especially those who don't have the pleasure of going to offline fests and tournies.
That was mostly me trolling.

I actually do like what you're trying to do with the whole WiFi dittos/improve other match-ups thing.

If I had decent wifi, I'd probably be playing ladder matches on AiB. lolololol


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
You are so dumb

You are really dumb -- for real

I was on AIM for, like, a week just so I could field any potential questions. I told (I think) Nappy about everything, and he never mentioned nuttin'. Truth is, I asked Mic to ban me for a week so I could focus on school. That, and I just spend too much ****ing time on Smashboards and need to break the habit.
HEY i'm pretty sure I mentioned it at least once....to 1 person I think or somewhere in here

I play wifi sometimes but...I dont like the concept of what you said up there theboredone. Just a side note...even if you take wifi seriously...its still not serious


Smash Champion
Nov 14, 2007
<randomappearance>hes climbin in your windows hes snatchin yo pepo up tryna **** em so hide yo kids hide yo wife hide yo kids hide yo wife hide yo kids hide yo wife and hide yo husband cuz they rapen everybody out there</randomappearance>


Nov 1, 2008
Morrison, Colorado
You don't have to come and confess, we lookin' for you


So you can run and tell that, run and tell that, run and tell that homeboy, home home homebooooooooooooy

<object width="640" height="385"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/v/VKsVSBhSwJg?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/v/VKsVSBhSwJg?fs=1&amp;hl=en_US" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="640" height="385"></embed></object>


Smash Lord
May 23, 2008
I wish there were vids. After playing Brawl for over two years, you tend to remember random stuff as you play. Just sayin'.


Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2009
HIDE YO KIDS HIDE YO WIFE COS DEY RAPIN EVERYBODY OUT HERE loool too good , yea i had a word with ally about the marth mu as snake = frustrating and annoying no more to be said but good job
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