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R.I.P. Kjell Anders "Nappy" Peterson.


Nov 1, 2008
Morrison, Colorado
<object height="81" width="100%"><param name="movie" value="http://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F4960209&show_comments=false&color=e42369"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed allowscriptaccess="always" height="81" src="http://player.soundcloud.com/player.swf?url=http%3A%2F%2Fapi.soundcloud.com%2Ftracks%2F4960209&show_comments=false&color=e42369" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" width="100%"></embed></object><span><a href="http://soundcloud.com/dj-cyk0/auto-tune-news-bed-intruder-song">Auto Tune News - Bed Intruder Song</a> by <a href="http://soundcloud.com/dj-cyk0">Dj-Cyk0</a></span>

btw, new official Snake battle song


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
I've been practicing melee more, trying to get to a decent competitive status with it lately.

I still like brawl more :D
Aug 6, 2008
that's a good thing. what character were you using?
Marth. Apprently it's an underused character around here.

Actually, brawl is pretty much hated around here lol I think I am the only one who actually has the patience for it. Speaking of which, I think I have found that playing both brawl, and melee are both really important to becoming better at either game really.

I am not sure what qualities I get from either, but it seems whenever I drop brawl, pickup melee or smash64, I just get a little bit better whenever I come back to brawl. More so than if I had spent like 5-6 hours facing various people in brawl. I am not sure how true it might be for melee, but I suppose the various scenarios you place yourself in are so alien that you when you learn them, you learn to adapt more readily/quickly.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
and i'm sure the marths you have played aren't good yume...jus sayin. Only good marths can give snake trouble, once they know the mu
almo is decent IN GENERAL, but he's bad against snake

beyond that NE doesn't have much for marth's now, darc was one of the best a long *** time ago before he quit. if MK were banned I'd probably main marth I think but that will never happen so I don't put that much time into him and only use him in tournament in sets where the outcome isn't in question

marth beats snake IMO but it does have to be a very precise marth that knows the MU well, I think at the highest level marth beats snake by about the same margin that MK does, but less consistently(marth's biggest weakness as a character IMO is NOT his potential, but that it's very difficult to hit the ceiling of what he can do as consistently as other characters). either way snake can do ok, I think his only really horrible MU is olimar and most olimar players are terrible scrubs so that helps.
Jun 8, 2009
Are there anyone here waiting for Marvel characters asides from Deadpool.

I'm watching capcom characters and Deadpool


Smash Lord
Feb 6, 2009
I beat marths with snake, i havent lost to a marth in a tourney cept for one time against pierce7d.
then i will have to get you a flight to europe to play some marths that place well (Mr r , Leon , Anaky)

Edit: no saying american marths arnt good havok beating ally obviously proves his marth is good (ur main marth player has been slipping the past few months mikehaze dono whats happend to his placements)


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
Edit: no saying american marths arnt good havok beating ally obviously proves his marth is good (ur main marth player has been slipping the past few months mikehaze dono whats happend to his placements)
what I said before, marth isn't a consistency character. it's not that he can't be good, it's that he can't be good all the time
Aug 6, 2008
hey i am new here and i need some advice with snake

what is his fastest smash attack?

is it alright to camp with snake?

how do u up smash while sliding?
Usmash is his fastest, but use his tilts more often. They are 10x better than his smash attacks.

Camping with Snake is pretty much the key to making him so good. Use a lot of grenades, but you will have to learn them correctly.

You have to start a dash attack, then really quickly do an Usmash. Try this:
>dash forward
>push down on the c-stick really quickly after dashing
>push up on the control stick up
>press the Z button

Each step has to follow up really close to the last step in very fast succession.

how to b reversal the other way >_>
Coming from you fatal, that makes no sense.


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
teach me at the smashfests yume ^_^
provided you aren't joking to do the b reversal the other way, the way where you have momentum and your back is going forward you hit B then tap it to the direction your back is going real quick, its alot more strict than the normal b reversal, you might do a nikita if you do it too early or hold the stick out too long, its kinda weird


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
haha I cant do it!!!!!!! its so frustrating ahhh
I never bothered with it too hard, only technical **** i'm gonna bother with is whenever I feel like playing melee

or instant throwing, but I dont think thats really that hard, only mid match...sort of


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
if you mean B reversing while keeping your forward momentum, back return to center B+back


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
instant throwing is so easy lol, i just wish it had more applications

anyone found use of it?

I use it sometimes to get nades away from me when I dont need them, or to just do random stupid ****, cuz I try to mix up my nade game as much as possible and do dumb **** that might catch people off guard, ya never know
Jun 8, 2009
Instant throwing makes the battle for fast paced but you shouldn't make the pace of the fight fast.

After I throw 1 grenade, I instant throw the second grenade whenever it seems like the most proper time to do it. Sometimes, I just shied drop it wait for 2 seconds or what so ever and I keep the enemy away from me. I'm not fond of the technique but I still use it in some random situation.
Aug 6, 2008
I find the insta-throw thing really useful for snake dittos. It evades the problems of grenade stripping, and is easily the fastest method for getting rid of nades on the field. However, relying upon a short hop to get rid of a grounded grenade is a bit risky as snake hates the air.

Insta-throw is equally useable in the diddy match-up and really any match-up involving throwing projectiles (that snake can grab) at your feet as you land.


Smash Rookie
Sep 5, 2010
hey this seems like a good place for a first post (if it is not an apporpriate location sorry :p) i've been playin brawl and looking on the boards and i have decided to main snake and thought i should join the community


Smash Lord
Sep 21, 2007
Lower reaches of Shelbrunkand
hey this seems like a good place for a first post (if it is not an apporpriate location sorry :p) i've been playin brawl and looking on the boards and i have decided to main snake and thought i should join the community
Welcome DownPour. It's all good. You'll learn a lot about Snake, his play style, his pros and cons, and about the community in general around here.


Smash Hero
Mar 4, 2008
cg, MN
I find the insta-throw thing really useful for snake dittos. It evades the problems of grenade stripping, and is easily the fastest method for getting rid of nades on the field. However, relying upon a short hop to get rid of a grounded grenade is a bit risky as snake hates the air.

Insta-throw is equally useable in the diddy match-up and really any match-up involving throwing projectiles (that snake can grab) at your feet as you land.
I forgot about that, I love it in snake dittos it gives you a good upper hand if they cant do it as well...lol

I used to play diddy seriously alot too so I have all the instant throw **** down...like when alot of ppl think they can throw something back at me safely (its always obvious) I instant throw back
hey this seems like a good place for a first post (if it is not an apporpriate location sorry :p) i've been playin brawl and looking on the boards and i have decided to main snake and thought i should join the community
wut uppp

snake boards are ****
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