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Queen B. Kyon's Random Question Thread


Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2003
Waldorf, Maryland
What an ironic question, tonight is definitely one of the top times I've been pissed at my mom, it's been 40 minutes or so and I still have a headache from the anger.

I won't go into details but it's along the lines of even if you do what she's been nagging you day and night about (a job), she moves onto a new topic to nag about. And she finds ways of either weaving her nagging into an unrelated subject or just stating it bluntly in the middle of a conversation (i.e. "yeah I thought the movie was pretty good too.... you need to get a job").

I'd gladly get a job.... if they existed >_>
Same happened to me before I got a job. So, in addition to the yelling, I got extra things to do around the house that nobody else had to do because I couldnt find a job. So, when I got a job, I still had to do the extra things that nobody else had to do, with the new explanation that "you will have to do it eventually!" Yeah, but nobody else has to do it :( Little things like that. Going to school for a long time, getting more than $20,000 in scholarships to ease the burden, getting accepted into nursing school and paying for it by myself (loans in my name, etc.), all of it meant nothing because I didn't have a job. All the hours of sacrifice spent studying (and never, every going out) so I could better myself meant nothing. I never spent any of the money I had saved up either, I always held onto it so I could pay for school stuff.

It got to a point when they started making accusations about who I was, "Maybe they won't hire you because of your hair. Nobody wants to hire someone... You have to understand, it's the real world, it's someone's business and they don't want to risk their business because of you." Kind of ****. I got to defending myself, telling them "Well how much of myself do I have to change? I can cut my hair off, but what about the rest of me? I still don't look like a man. Do I have to strap down my chest and grow out my beard and start 'acting' now?" **** was ridiculous. But eventually I got a job working for an accountant (of all people) because she was open-minded and liked my personality and thought I'd be good for her business. Yeah :| ****'s ridiculous.

Idk, people tell me it's "middle-child syndrome", but I've always had problems with my parents. I've told my mom that I felt like a stepchild, and I've told my father that I wasn't crying because I was losing a shouting match with him, I was crying because I was losing respect for him. They're your parents, you have to respect them, but sometimes they just arent aware of how they make you feel and why, and you have to say what you feel. Even if it means talking to them without reservations (it goes both ways though, so be prepared.)

That isn't to say that all of my experiences have been bad. There are good parts and bad parts, and I think we get along better when we don't see eachother as much. I just feel like they don't (well didn't, now) have the right to tell me what to do all the time because I've always been the one to take care of all of my affairs without issue or reminder, short of anything that required money. Its the same as Meta's issue, If I'm doing everything you ask, why are you still shouting?


Smash Champion
May 23, 2008
Wow good question.

My dad lied to me, I caught him in his lie, he acted like he didn't know any better and wasn't lying, and dragged my boyfriend into his mess and asked MY BOYFRIEND to talk to me instead of doing it himself. I couldn't believe how immature he was being...and it only made me more angry at him that he was involving my boyfriend in family issues. I didn't talk to him for like 2 weeks (I don't go to school in the same city). Even when we eventually got over our differences, he didn't listen to me at all and I basically just accepted that he wasn't ever going to. It sucked, because as the kid, I have to just accept whatever he decides, because he has authority over me. My parents never listen, and never have, and I basically have to interrupt them if I ever want to say anything, and they don't listen to what I have to say anyway, so there's not even a point in trying to have a seirous conversation with them...

Queen B. Kyon

Smash Master
Dec 5, 2007
Kissimmee, Florida
White Peach you always know what to say to make me want to cry. Like I said before if we were both in the same school back then we would be best friends =)
Jan 30, 2010
Carousel Boutique, Texas
Hey guys, I would love to get to know my fellow peach players alot more~!!!

The things that my parents do to make me mad the most is when my ma wants to make a point, and she will throw so much old **** at you just end up having nothing else to say. Because you're whole bad past has been brought up you can't say anything back or have a strong defending argument because she's so focused on your past mistakes.

I just read the question Right...

It actually happend a few nights ago, when I was meeting for the financial aid of my college. And since I'm still a dependent I had to have my ma there with me. Well when we were going over all the stuff for my student loans, my ma realized that they were piling on pretty hard and protested against me going back to the school. Well after it was all done I still decided to stay at my school, and took in more student loans to pay for the new semester.

On the ride home she went on and on about how I am throwing my future away before it even starts, and that I do not have the money or time to be worrying about paying off these loans. Right after that statement I brought up a thing she did earlier the year which was, she had my dad take out his 401K so they could fix his truck since it would cost whole lot of money to fix. They used my student loan papers to get it out early, making me think they were going to help me with it, but never did. After I told her that she did not protest for the rest of the night, but instead went on about how she made sure she did her part as a mom to put food on the table and help out in house... you get the point, the mom argument.

Well after all that went down I got home went to my room, and she finally told me she was sorry for trying to control what it was that I was doing in school. It turned into something good, letting her know that she does not need to be stressting too much over the things she cannot control.

And that was basically it... thanks for reading!!


Hi guys!
Mar 26, 2009
Duluth, Georgia
Hopefully I'm able to finish the answer to this question in time.

For the past two years I've been going out with one of my high school friends. I've known her ever since she was a freshman and high school, and since she's graduating now, I'd say it's going to about four years that I've known her. The problem we have in our relationship is that she's from Europe, and my parents are black. That in itself isn't a huge deal, however she lived in Lithuania, and her excuses for why her parents hate me is because they aren't used to black people, and the only black people they know are black people who generally don't care about their accents and treat them wrongly.

But my girlfriend's parents aren't important, it's mine for the sake of this question.

My parents don't like my girlfriend, yet they've never met her nor do they know what we do for each other. We've shared money time and time again, to make sure that we can both get through financial problems. We help each other look for jobs, apply for scholarships (as of lately at least), just generally make our lives easier for one another. I try to tell my parents (mother in particular) this, and they find idiotic reasons to think of her wrongly.

One day, we're sitting eating some chinese food that was recently delivered, everything was perfectly fine, and my mother asked me where was the day before. I told her I went to a date with my girlfriend instead of prom (I'm a 'sophmore' in college and she's a senior, and I didn't want to see her high school friends). So she goes off on me, telling me that "you know, you could easily date a nice looking black girl".

I mean, why do I need to date a black girl? Does it really matter their race? However I know she's racist to white girls anyways, but this is what tipped it over.

"You two aren't going to work, because I'll make sure you two don't work".

Why would you want to force your child to not work with someone, especially someone who's doing perfectly fine with their partner. Then she turns around and tells me why people don't like her, or are prejudiced to her because she's light skin and doesn't care for her african roots.

How hypocritcal is that? I just don't understand them, I can tell them everything in the world that's good about my girlfriend, and they'll think it's just immaturity.

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
Forest green or Mint green mixed with white. Absolutely my favorite color/color combination.


Smash Champion
May 23, 2008
probably blue or black, i seem to buy alot of shirts that are those colors....it must be for some reason.


Smash Master
Sep 28, 2008
i usually wear dark colors like black with something bright like pink or light blue or green or purple xD it all looks fine imo and roxy.....wooooow.......O_O


Smash Hero
Feb 8, 2008
Can anyone prove to me that Peach's F-Air is longer than Marth's Fair?


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2008
Washington, D.C.
My favorite color is brown, so I believe brown looks good on me. And pastel colors look decent like a light yellow, orange, or purple compliments my skin town :D


Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2003
Waldorf, Maryland
UpB OOS! I've just decided that I don't want to approach anymore. And I'll throw turnips up, and instead of throwing that last one, I'm shielding and hitting him with it. I need to be gayer.

Mikey Lenetia

Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2003
Washington Township, MI
Royal blue is my favorite color, but I don't know if any specific color looks good on me. ^_^;;;

And about problems as a Peach player... I think my only real big problem is keeping defensive. I know I have to, but I commonly get very bored. I know it's key to different matchups, such as against Meta, Dedede, and, to an extent, Snake, but it just doesn't feel too fun. I'll find a way to make it fun so I can start working it in a lot more eventually. Eventually. XD


Smash Champion
Mar 1, 2009
Madison, WI
I have the hardest time dealing with UpB OOS, but SH fairs are also a huge pain. I need to learn how to play more defensively.


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2008
Washington, D.C.
MK is cute.
Snake in the other hand.... I so so dumb.
I was playing Kyon's snake, and I had a two stock lead, and then bleagh, I died. I cant finish it off D;

Eddie G

Smash Hero
Nov 24, 2006
Cleveland, OH
Yes, a few times. And those feelings still linger from time to time. Part of that is because of my mindset on life as I explained before. Meno you're an *** for critiquing that too. </3


Smash Ace
Apr 6, 2009
McLean, Virginia
Awwww I'm missing the good questions D:<

I wear green almost every day, but I also think a jeans+white shirt/jacket looks good on me

Against MK, I hate OoS UpB, especially on wifi..... Meh, annoying matchup

Annnnndddddd no, I actually haven't been depressed beyond all belief, but my usual attitude isn't too optimistic, either.....


Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2003
Waldorf, Maryland
Has there been apart of your life when you were down and you felt that there was no way to help you feel better? I hope not.
Regularly until I started taking St. John's Wort 3x/day starting when I was 21 or so. Now I just have more standard* problems.

*You all know I don't really have regular-people problems, but at least I don't have nagging depressive thoughts anymore :D


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
Today's question is what color do you think looks best on you.
I flaunt the blue all the time - but since I wear it so often, I can emphasize my natural Latin spiciness whenever I put on some red or orange.

Today's question is what is more of a problem for you as a Peach player. Mk's floor camp which involves sh fairs. Tilts and upb oos or his dair camping?
Shuttle Loop, hands down.

We would be even with MK if it wasn't for that move.

Has there been apart of your life when you were down and you felt that there was no way to help you feel better? I hope not.
The only times when I'm low is when I let myself get there. I always know how to fix it, but the fact that I'm not doing it, halts me from doing it. ...if that makes sense.

It's a procrastination cycle.

Meno you're an *** for critiquing that too. </3

None of us would have these problems IF WE ACCEPTED JESUS.


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2008
Washington, D.C.
None of us would have these problems IF WE ACCEPTED JESUS.
Religion brings so many issues. I'm not saying I'm atheist since I'm Catholic, but religion frustrates me quite a bit. My best friend, also a smasher, cannot hang out with me because of his homophobic parents. He told them that I was gay and that its okay, but now we cannot hang out, he can't go to tournaments since I go to tournaments, etc. He even had to switch my name in his contact book from Hiram to Emily.


Your statement peeved me a bit for other reasons. :/ <3

I only get depressed if I have flashbacks, but thats it, I'm usually a happy happy person :D


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008
He even had to switch my name in his contact book from Hiram to Emily.
LOL! That's awful and hilarious.

I only get depressed if I have flashbacks, but thats it, I'm usually a happy happy person :D

Your statement peeved me a bit for other reasons. :/ <3
I sincerely do apologize. I'm honestly not that much of a hater - I have a lot of respect for religion, albeit that I disagree with a large majority of it.

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