I know and that kind of attention is good for the project. I'm not condemning your actions by any means. I just can't help but feel like I should be allowed to test as well. I tool around on the thread and all but seriously. I have the Password to the BR chat as well as the PM youtube account and all restricted vids. I have not leaked or given out any information that hasn't already been told by another BR Member first. I could also have easily hijacked the account or something lame like that. I haven't though because it does the project no good and is just...****ed up.
I am the only person that I know of who has this kind of access and is not allowed to do any testing. Once I was PM'd and told to post my app on smashmods I assumed that would be the end of my wait. However I've instead watched people just show up and get brought in. Some of which I never even saw post an app. I don't wanna seem like a complainer but I'd be lying if It I said it didn't feel like I was pissed on in some way