Fighter.pac Offset: 80F9FC20
Relative offset to overwrite: 21BF0
Relative Offset to return on: 21BF8
Absolute offset to overwrite: 80FC1810
Absolute offset to return to: 80FC1818
Change Action 034, req = Button Press 3
Additional Requirement: Button Press 0
Additional Requirement: On Ground
Go to: Line after line write in fighter.pac
Memory Location for line to overwrite in fighter.pac
Overwrite with Go to start of this code.
JC Grabs [Shanus]
070XXXXX 00000068
00000000 00000034
00000006 00000030
00000000 00000003
00000006 00000030
00000000 00000000
00000006 00000003
00000002 80FC1818
00000002 80FC1810
02010300 GGXXXX00
02040200 GGXXXX18
02040100 GGXXXX20
07010000 00000000
00090100 GGXXXX28
06FC1810 00000008
00090100 GGXXXX30
Powershield reflect:
Fighter.pac Offset: 80F9FC20
Relative offset to overwrite: 1161C
Relative Offset to return on: 11624
Absolute offset to overwrite: 80FB123C
Absolute offset to return to: 80FB1244
06170300 0-3, 0-0, 0-2 [Reflect]
0A000100 0-D9
Go to: Line after line write in fighter.pac
Memory Location for line to overwrite in fighter.pac
Overwrite with Go to start of this code.
PS Reflect [Shanus]
070YYYYY 00000048
00000000 00000003
00000000 00000000
00000000 00000002
00000000 000000D9
00000002 80FB1244
00000002 80FB123C
06170300 HHYYYY00
0A000100 HHYYYY18
00090100 HHYYYY20
06FB123C 00000008
00090100 HHYYYY28
HAD v1.9 Part 1
07060C00 000002C8
00070100 80FB18E4
000A0400 81060D08
000B0400 81060D28
04000100 81060D48
000E0000 00000000
02010200 81060D50
04000100 81060D60
12060200 81060D68
12060200 81060D78
120A0100 81060D88
00040100 81060D90
0E080400 81060D98
0E020100 81060DB8
0E010200 81060DC0
0E010200 81060DC0
000A0400 81060DD0
12080200 81060DF0
000D0400 81060E00
12070200 81060E20
000F0000 00000000
000A0400 81060E30
12080200 81060E50
000D0400 81060E60
12070200 81060E80
000F0000 00000000
02010200 81060E90
00010100 81060EA0
00050000 00000000
00010100 81060EA8
120B0100 81060EB0
02010200 81060EB8
000F0000 00000000
00090100 81060EC8
00000006 00000007
00000005 000003F5
00000000 00000000
00000005 00000C5C
00000006 00000007
00000005 000003FB
00000000 00000000
00000005 00000C5D
00000000 00000046
00000000 00000019
00000006 00000003
00000000 00000046
00000005 000003F3
00000005 21000050
00000005 000003FA
00000005 21000053
00000005 20000055
00000000 0000001D
00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000
00000000 00000001
00000000 00000001
00000000 00000001
00000005 21000050
00000005 21000053
00000006 00000007
00000005 21000050
00000000 00000005
00000000 00000000
00000001 00000BB8
00000005 21000050
00000006 00000007
00000005 21000050
00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000
00000001 00000BB8
00000005 21000050
00000006 00000007
00000005 21000053
00000000 00000005
00000000 00000000
00000001 00000BB8
00000005 21000053
00000006 00000007
00000005 21000053
00000000 00000000
00000000 00000000
00000001 00000BB8
00000005 21000053
00000000 00000019
00000006 00000003
00000001 0000EA60
00000001 00083D60
00000005 20000055
00000000 00000010
00000006 00000004
00000002 80FB18FC
00000002 81060C00
06FB18F4 00000010
00090100 81060ED0
00020000 00000000
HAD Part 2 v 1.9
07060EF0 000000A0
00000006 00000008
00000005 20000055
00000000 00000001
00000000 0000000F
00000006 00000004
00000001 000249F0
00000001 000927C0
00000005 20000055
00000002 80FC1CA8
00000002 81060F40
000A0200 81060EF0
08000100 81060F00
02010200 81060F08
04070100 81060F18
00010100 81060F20
64000000 00000000
000F0000 00000000
120B0100 81060F28
02010200 80FAF454
00090100 81060F30
06FC1CA0 00000008
00090100 81060F38
JC Grabs [Shanus]
065860F0 00000068
00000000 00000034
00000006 00000030
00000000 00000003
00000006 00000030
00000000 00000000
00000006 00000003
00000002 80FC1818
00000002 60586130
02010300 605860F0
02040200 60586108
02040100 60586118
07010000 00000000
00090100 60586120
06FC1810 00000008
00090100 60586128
PS Reflect [Shanus]
06586158 00000048
00000000 00000003
00000000 00000000
00000000 00000002
00000000 000000D9
00000002 80FB1244
00000002 60586188
06170300 60586158
0A000100 60586170
00090100 60586178
06FB123C 00000008
00090100 60586180