I'm struggling with how to act vs peach in the neutral game, so I've been (re)watching a bunch of you vs Armada to get some ideas.
As far as I can tell, you hardly approach Armada when he floats. Instead, you often dd, wait for him to come out of his float (often dding away from his attack), and then try to get better stage positioning or counterattack. Sometimes you laser his float too, but you hardly attack it directly. Then, once he's grounded you usually go in hard with nair or grab or something like that.
So, when do you think it's worth challenging peach's float, if at all? Do you think what I summarized is accurate and a good general gameplan for peach?
Edit: What do you think of aerialing off a platform into peaches float after throwing in a few lasers and dds first to disguise it? In theory, it sounds good to me, but I seem to get outspaced when I jump off of platforms.