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PPMD's Falco Discussion Thread


Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2006
i don't mean to be rude matt, but haven't you been playing this game for like 5+ years with neil , th0rn, and koreanDJ etc? <.<


Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2007
Mos Eisley
does anyone know how viable nair is with all of the cc antics going around?
vague question

probably just as viable as always. just do late nairs (like your mostly should be doing) and follow with shine as usual i dunno

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
@sion: I tend to use Nairs when people are shielding/jumping oos/retreating, so just try to use Nair when someone isn't going to CC.

@MDZ: Something good to do.....

React to techs more instead of predicting/guessing them when comboing.

Critiques should definitely be coming tonight.

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina

Watching that third vs pika match....

-Upsmash at weird times. Does it counter approaches or something

-whenever axe was on the edge you just kinda did moves and he invincibility-***** you. Space out a little farther.

-Your platform movement was pretty predictable and it got you hit a lot.

That's the big stuff there. A smallish thing is you approached with some obvious DJC Nairs at times you weren't wavelanding them, but they were mixed up well enough sometimes.

vs Falco(game 2)....

-don't see why you would egg stall when falco is offstage. just roll up if you see him side B and you can probably punish. If not, then grab the edge later or go for Dtilt/Ftilt edgeguards on the phantasms.

-Fsmash after a dropped combo is a bad idea.

-don't just shield whenever falco respawns....that's just asking to get grabbed at the least. Move around some first, at least.

-the pressure just got to you too much on the last stock. Approaching with grabs on a Falco, for example, not a good idea typically(but it was kinda okay since he was by the edge, but still, Falco hates shielding if he can help it).

Going to do Baxon's now....


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2006
Quincy, MA
i don't mean to be rude matt, but haven't you been playing this game for like 5+ years with neil , th0rn, and koreanDJ etc? <.<
Yep. Started at 13. Though I advanced really, really slowly for my first 2 years. Plus I've only sat down and practiced stuff on my own twice in the past few years. If I started doing that I'd probably get better faster.

Why would that be taken rudely..? I'm not terrible :laugh: You're never too good to not be given advice.


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
I'm heard that MDZ beat chops in pools at ROM2.

Also, we've been playing for almost the same length of time. both Raynex I entered our first tourney in july 2005, back when we were 15. The first 2 years were slow progress as well. Then quebec got good at FCD and VLS. Then we started to get a lot better after pound 3, whereas Kage started to get recognition at pound 3.

It's been nothing but upwards from there.


Smash Lord
Aug 24, 2006
Yep. Started at 13. Though I advanced really, really slowly for my first 2 years. Plus I've only sat down and practiced stuff on my own twice in the past few years. If I started doing that I'd probably get better faster.

Why would that be taken rudely..? I'm not terrible :laugh: You're never too good to not be given advice.
idk because if someones been playing for that long they don't usually ask such broad questions lol.


Smash Hero
Jan 4, 2006
Quincy, MA
idk because if someones been playing for that long they don't usually ask such broad questions lol.
This is true.
Then again, I've never really read any Falco guides (aside from when I was first starting. So any guides I've read were from '06 and a tad out of date) so anything I have in my playstyle is from that, random advice I get from other players, and myself.

The other day, The Irish Mafia (of all people) told me "Shine is one of Falco's best moves for tech chasing" and as obvious a statement as it is, I never really used it much for tech chasing. Immediately after he said that, I tried it and my tech chases became a lot more efficient.

I saw such a jump in my performance after incorporating that into my game I figured asking for any advice could be useful.

Also, unknown, we should play at Apex. I haven't played you since that Mass Madness you and Raynex came to


Smash Master
Nov 23, 2003
Staten Island, NY
This is true.
Then again, I've never really read any Falco guides (aside from when I was first starting. So any guides I've read were from '06 and a tad out of date) so anything I have in my playstyle is from that, random advice I get from other players, and myself.

The other day, The Irish Mafia (of all people) told me "Shine is one of Falco's best moves for tech chasing" and as obvious a statement as it is, I never really used it much for tech chasing. Immediately after he said that, I tried it and my tech chases became a lot more efficient.

I saw such a jump in my performance after incorporating that into my game I figured asking for any advice could be useful.

Also, unknown, we should play at Apex. I haven't played you since that Mass Madness you and Raynex came to
i havent been to a tourney since march but who cares lol

falcos grabs are really good for the sole reason that they can be added really fluildly to his existing stupid pressure game and make for good mixups and free damage and he probably has one of the easiest times getting grabs out of anyone in the game short of literally random marth grabs

stay mobile. dont shield alot its preferable to gtfo out of the way

cc in your shield so you can grab/wd out and punish

dont forget shine out of shield

the only time its good to -always- fastfall yoru aerials is if you can get cc punished or you are attacking a shield. not fastfalling can be good because you extend your horizontal range when you don't.

usmash oos too...ppl forget this alot but its a good punish. nair is ite too. wd oos is amazing though no doubt

mix up your mobility with lasers. shinegrab is neat. mix up crossups with fadeaway aerials with grabs with going idle...**** is scary

bthrow can be funny sometimes and **** with people's DI especially floaty characters.

utilt is amazing

fsmash has a hilarious hitbox.

shine stall turn around bair/dair edgeguard especially on cf/ganon is lol

oh and run in shield is good stuff


idk im just really tired and felt like typing lol

#HBC | Mac

Nobody loves me
Dec 5, 2005
do good melee players have a thing for brawl marth? I remember when darc used to try brawl he wud play marth and wud also **** everyone in our region

sup stingers, yu shud go back to mafia =D


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
wat haha

i played mafia like once and dropped out halfway through
or maybe I was lynched

i just remember abandoning the topic

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
@Slasher: I already talked to you about that. Stop shielding lol.

@Yedi: I dunno but the only reason I could enjoy Brawl was when I played Marth.

No comment on Amsah's Falco unless someone really cares that much.


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2007
haha i always like playing puff in brawl. it's stupid and she's kinda bad but i dont have to think about it.

question: if i wrote a beginner's guide to falco, do you guys think that would be useful or helpful? i think i could write a pretty solid introduction to the important falco-specific techniques, and i dont think there's a good guide on that that's anywhere close to up to date.

i'd leave out all the bs that most guides put in (frame data, explanations on each move, pretentious wording) and just try to explain the important techniques, the fundamental ways to play and think about falco, a guide to how lasering should be used, and solid but straightforward advice for the top 8 or so matchups.

hopefully it would answer a lot of the beginner questions we get from time to time and be a good reference for players to start with. should i go through with it?

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
We're pretty active as far as answering questions go(as a board), but I guess maybe some people are just afraid to ask about beginner things they don't get? I know I was afraid when I first started coming here.

Mogwai also covers a lot of general stuff in his thread, but if you mean to make it more basic than that then you may want to take it up with him and see if the difference will really be worth it.

I think any specific concerns people have can be addressed in here or Mogwai's thread for the most part, and if an outline for like lasers or whatever is needed then I could always just type one up and stick it in the OP of this thread.

Just throwing out ideas.


Smash Lord
Jun 18, 2007
huh. i hadnt read mogwai's guide in a long time, that is actually a lot closer to what i was thinking of doing than i remembered it being.

i was thinking somethign a little more concrete though. his section on lasering is totally awesome, but there's no explanation of like, the details of how to accurately combo fox/falco, what openings to look for against marth, why landing shines is so fundamental, things like that. maybe my idea is redundant in light of it, though, since it covers a lot.

and i know the falco boards are really good at answering noob questions, but i feel like doing so is sort of an unnecessary use of resources. if there were one thread where 90% of those questions were answered before being posted, than this thread could be more focused on advanced things and specific questions, and there would be fewer redundant threads popping up. for example, we recently made a thread about isai dropping because of how many questions we get about that, but there are also plenty where people dont understand that they are turning around in shines, and things like that. i figure that trying to remove those sorts of repetitive questions might be worthwhile.


Island of Horizon
Dec 9, 2006
Lotus Land, BC
just got around to watching unknown's falco. your falco is pretty solid, unknown.

needs a little work on combos off a shine, a bit on the laser game, and a bit on the edgeguarding. fairly good pressure, though.

again, overall very solid, especially the last game.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Can someone critique my vids? It doesn't have to be one of the high and mighty

I win the first and third match, but I got nerve johns the whole way through pretty much, you can see me mess up almost everything. I actually played this guy again in losers finals (a mini tourney at my house lol) and lost 3-0

http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3vTJy5Rdu0&feature=related <-- I probably played best here

There's probably some more with different match-ups coming later


Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2007
Mos Eisley
well you were obviously hella nervous so i wont coment on the technical errors, i'll just say a few things that can be fix'd rather easily

- first of all, you need to be a little smarter about how you recover, a lot of time you would use your double jump, and then firebird very close to the stage, an example being here http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w3vTJy5Rdu0&feature=related#t=2m2s

in situations like this, you're colpletely vulnerable, the opponent just has to jump out and hit you with ANYTHING. this fox let you get away with but that wouldnt fly vs most people. In that particular example, you could hae simply fell to the ledge from your DJ, didnt even need to Bup. Happened quite a few times through the set.

Second, your combo game is really poor. this is mostly because you almost always full hop or DJ out of your shine. This means that any time you do hit him with shine, you can only follow up if he di's it poorly, if he di's it even decently, he's going to go way out of you range and you would blow a perfectly good death combo opportunity. shine->fj dair is not how falco combos fox.
you should almost always be waveshining out or at the very most short hopping out, your combo game could be a lot better if you did so.

lastly, work on DI'ing his upthrows. especially at low percents to avoid cheap upsmashs and double shines gimps. you almost got double shine gimped in match 2, but he messed up the edgeguard.
so ya, u should almost always be DI'ing his uthrow unless you are trying to break the cg.

hope this helps.


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
Thanks loads, that a big help =]

also how do I deal with pressure? watching them again I can't believe how many times I messed up simple things like fastfalling and L-cancelling. things I can do 100% (honest) in freindlies


Priest of the Temple of Syrinx
Mar 11, 2008
Brooklyn, NY
Thanks loads, that a big help =]

also how do I deal with pressure? watching them again I can't believe how many times I messed up simple things like fastfalling and L-cancelling. things I can do 100% (honest) in freindlies
when you find out, tell me.

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