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PPMD's Falco Discussion Thread


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2006
Sierra Vista AZ
I need some Falco MU training with my Yoshi everyone.. Most of you might know i'm trying to make Yoshi something.. <33, and don't flame me about Yoshi's a ****ty character blah, blah, I know already...ok, it's not gonna make me quit the char... it's been said about Axe's Pikachu, taj's Mewtwo, my Mewtwo, and none of us quit the char and we eventually made somethin of em.. so idk

PP, Sion, Mogwai, anyone wanna like 4 stock my Yoshi ALOT, so I can learn viable MU experience? <33 I'll buy you food!! n_n <33


Island of Horizon
Dec 9, 2006
Lotus Land, BC
i'm not even sure i can 4stock your beast yoshi, vman. i live in canada, so it'd be a rare occurrence that we'd actually meet up. not to mention the only american tournament i plan on going to is rom3

i might be going to other tournaments if things go my way =\

btw, i don't think yoshi is a bad character at all. keep at it, vman


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2006
Sierra Vista AZ
Sion - ****

^^ wooo, thanks man, and nah I'm gonna keep playing him regardless, it's a new challenge for me and i'm a make the best of it... as for playing we def can.. specially if you're going to rom3, cuz i'm planning on attending that as well...

On topic w/this thread - and we can Falco ditto too.. <33

Go Yoshi!


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2006
Sierra Vista AZ
@stingers - heh naw man don't worry I'm still a Mewtwo man too... lemme repost something I told someone earlier so hopefully it makes sense...

Future Pro - =^^- heh no lie, I'm actually pretty honored, I'm the reason you decided to pick up Mewtwo, and to no avail, i'm VERY happy you did..he's such an awesome character...
Actually, everyone has come to that speculation, that i'm too nervous/afraid to play Mewtwo in tourney, however that's not the case, (I actually just haven't done it yet) not out of fear or whatever, just haven't done it for "unknown" reasons because i'm COMPLETELY confident in my Mewtwo. =)

Axe is amazing!! <3

On another note: Yes, it is indeed true, I will be pushing Yoshi's game to an unseen level, and nothing is going to stop that goal..however, don't get it twisted. As i've stated earlier.. I will always continue to play Mewtwo. I'm not quitting the character. I will always keep my Mewtwo in, tip-top shape form and capable of playing at the highest level.. as I've always tried to maintain. so don't worry I'll always play Mewtwo.. I guess you could say I'm trying to become the best with both characters, as anybody would want to always keep getting better you know ^^

Nah ur not a jerk..lol and I'm glad I influenced you to play Mewtwo. As i've said before I'm very honored ^^, and to answer your question on why I bair after I double jump.. Besides Mewtwo looking completely ****** when he does this, It's ACTUALLY because at the peak of Mewtwo's jump, if you do an aerial Mewtwo gets slightly more elevation (thus making him go slightly higher, capable of going slightly farther) this small difference helps significantly. =)

Anyway can't wait to see you become an awesome Mewtwo player! <3
EDIT: I guess I really didn't need to post ALL of that lol idk sorry.. but yeah dont worry stingers all is well i'll still now and ALWAYS play mewtwo.. =)

On a Falco note can somebody explain to me what kind of hitbox my first stock is in this video????????

I don't know how to make it skip to the time, so just watch up to 0:47 seconds. I'm not sure if it's just me but the hitbox looks "different" and if someone can explain to me too? I'm like super lost ^^

Thanks everybody <3


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2006
Sierra Vista AZ
It "appears" to me as it almost looks like I get hit twice simultaneously or something, but I've no idea at all, and i've been trying to "reiterate this" and I haven't had success.. I guess i'm jus interested on the hitbox or something...

Just weird >_>; please I hope someone finds out.. I would be soooooooooo happy! <3


Smash Obsessed
Oct 21, 2006
Raleigh, NC
I think you just SDIed down and were sent on a normal nair angle once you got offscreen (because the hitbubble looks higher then it should be at if the angle had kept up)

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Vman, I'd play your Yoshi with or without food haha. I haven't ever really played that matchup much, but I've run into Yoshiiscool a couple times, and that taught me some stuff.

Also you seem like a cool guy so why not? =)


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2006
Sierra Vista AZ
Vman, I'd play your Yoshi with or without food haha. I haven't ever really played that matchup much, but I've run into Yoshiiscool a couple times, and that taught me some stuff.

Also you seem like a cool guy so why not? =)
Woooot, dude you're freakin awesome... ^^ yeah that'd be ****.. maybe Rom3? also it'd be tight to play your awesome Falco too... you've played my dub partner Axe's already.. I'd be honored to play you too in some Falco ditto's.. I'm aight w/him ^^ I'm gettin better tho

<3 Dr PP =p

on another note, would you happen to know what kind of hitbox this is at 0:47?

others have given their thoughts, I'd like to know what you thought/think... if you know anything about G&W perhaps? ^^

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Woooot, dude you're freakin awesome... ^^ yeah that'd be ****.. maybe Rom3? also it'd be tight to play your awesome Falco too... you've played my dub partner Axe's already.. I'd be honored to play you too in some Falco ditto's.. I'm aight w/him ^^ I'm gettin better tho

<3 Dr PP =p

on another note, would you happen to know what kind of hitbox this is at 0:47?

others have given their thoughts, I'd like to know what you thought/think... if you know anything about G&W perhaps? ^^
Not sure if I'm going to RoM3, but I'd really like to go haha.

That hitbox you're talking about looked like you just SDI'd down. I don't play GaW much so maybe I'm crazy lol.

Edit: re-reading....you said you got hit twice? lemme look again....

double edit: yeah I have no idea how much damage that move normally does, so I couldn't tell you lol. It did sound a little weird, but I've hit like that with Falco's Dair before, so if it might not be GaW-specific. That's all I got lol.


Smash Gizmo
Sep 30, 2006
I want to expect better of you, but I know not to
Vman, I'd play your Yoshi with or without food haha. I haven't ever really played that matchup much, but I've run into Yoshiiscool a couple times, and that taught me some stuff.

Also you seem like a cool guy so why not? =)
hahaha, how is that kid? I ****ing love YoshiIsCool, his Yoshi is so ****ing fluid and pretty and he doesn't seem to give a **** about anything.


Smash Champion
Jun 25, 2006
Sierra Vista AZ
Not sure if I'm going to RoM3, but I'd really like to go haha.

That hitbox you're talking about looked like you just SDI'd down. I don't play GaW much so maybe I'm crazy lol.

Edit: re-reading....you said you got hit twice? lemme look again....

double edit: yeah I have no idea how much damage that move normally does, so I couldn't tell you lol. It did sound a little weird, but I've hit like that with Falco's Dair before, so if it might not be GaW-specific. That's all I got lol.
LOL allrite man thanks for the help on everything! hope to play sometime ^^

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
hahaha, how is that kid? I ****ing love YoshiIsCool, his Yoshi is so ****ing fluid and pretty and he doesn't seem to give a **** about anything.
Haven't seen him in person since pound 4(talked to him a lot on aim afterward for a long time though), but he's great. He's been improving his game a lot, and we talked through some Yoshi theory and helped him step his game up. I haven't talked to him in about a month now though so I couldn't tell you how his current training with Reik is going.

YIC definitely doesn't give a **** about anything though lol, you're right about that. XD


Island of Horizon
Dec 9, 2006
Lotus Land, BC
Sion is mad ****, dude.
Oh wow, just saw these multiple post... and yes I agree

Sion = pretty **** ****, I used to watch some of his videos...wonder why I stopped?

oh Yeah. lol Yoshi! <333333333333
sion is pretty **** good actually. He and the other players actually gave you good advice. You need to pick a good time to use each tactic.
wow, i just read this. thanks a lot, guys. it's good to know that a mediocre falco from canada can reach at least some people.


Smash Lord
Aug 13, 2009
rubyiris i dont give a **** if youre better than the majority of posters on swf, youre one of the worst of the people who have posted in the last few pages of this thread

mogwai, i know that juke will sit there baiting, and as soon as he hears the noise raptor boost makes, he will dash attack forward and its totally simple and takes no skill so long as youre not already trying to do something else


Smash Lord
May 14, 2006
from what i've seen, i'm far better.
LOL, you are one of the most conceited players that i have ever seen post.
playing good people doesn't automatically make you good btw :)

sion would destroy you.

LOLOL okay sorry i couldn't help but check. i'm really going this time though! ;) unless i try to pick up falco or something one day lmao


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
on another note, would you happen to know what kind of hitbox this is at 0:47?

others have given their thoughts, I'd like to know what you thought/think... if you know anything about G&W perhaps? ^^
I'm pretty sure its a normal hit but you SDI'd it down, then flew off the the left, which is fairly normal trajectory for that move. You can actually pause it and see that falco has moved down (SDI)


First is falco just after the SDI, you can tell he has been hit already as he is in tumble (look at his face).

The second is him flying in the normal trajectory after the SDI has taken place (you can see his foot, and the cloud is where he was when he was hit


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
It "appears" to me as it almost looks like I get hit twice simultaneously or something, but I've no idea at all, and i've been trying to "reiterate this" and I haven't had success.. I guess i'm jus interested on the hitbox or something...

Just weird >_>; please I hope someone finds out.. I would be soooooooooo happy! <3
alright, this is what happened:

He hit you twice. The first hit was a phantom, then the second hit was the normal hit, but you DI'd really hard away. When you phantom hit on an attack that sticks out for a long time, the hitbox doesn't go away until you get an actual hit. I've happen most commonly with fox's n-air

wow, i just read this. thanks a lot, guys. it's good to know that a mediocre falco from canada can reach at least some people.
haha, np.


Smash Hero
Apr 19, 2007
Tucson, AZ.
rubyiris i dont give a **** if youre better than the majority of posters on swf, youre one of the worst of the people who have posted in the last few pages of this thread

mogwai, i know that juke will sit there baiting, and as soon as he hears the noise raptor boost makes, he will dash attack forward and its totally simple and takes no skill so long as youre not already trying to do something else
you should meet me when i'm not in a sour mood then. i'm not always a complete *******. :\


Smash Champion
Oct 18, 2009
Southampton, UK
alright, this is what happened:

He hit you twice. The first hit was a phantom, then the second hit was the normal hit, but you DI'd really hard away. When you phantom hit on an attack that sticks out for a long time, the hitbox doesn't go away until you get an actual hit. I've happen most commonly with fox's n-air

haha, np.
sorry, but its definitely not a phantom, phantom hits do half the damage of the normal hit, and since it only did 16% which normal for that move he can't have phantom hit then hit properly otherwise he would have taken ~24%


Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2007
Mos Eisley
does anyone know if fox's dair to shine on a falco's shield is shine oos-able?
fox dair
01 - Shine 1 hitlag
02 - hitlag
03 - hitlag
04 - hitlag
05 -
06 -
07 - Jump 1
08 - Jump 2

09 - Jump 3
10 - Dair 1
11 - Dair 2
12 - Dair 3
13 - Dair 4

14 - Dair 5 hitlag
15 - hitlag 2
16 - hitlag 3
17 - hitlag 4
18 - Dair 6
19 - Dair 7
20 - Dair 8 hitlag
21 - hitlag
22 - hitlag
23 - hitlag
24 - Dair 9
25 - Dair 10
26 - Dair 11 hitlag
27 - hitlag
28 - hitlag
29 - hitlag
30 - Dair 12
31 - Dair 13
32 - Dair 14 hitlag
33 - hitlag
34 - hitlag
35 - hitlag
36 - Dair 15
37 - L cancel 1
38 - L cancel 2

39 - L cancel 3
40 - L cancel 4
41 - L cancel 5
42 - L cancel 6
43 - L cancel 7
44 - L cancel 8
45 - L cancel 9

shine OOS is 5 frames. you haz time. this is frame perfect btw, u probably have a little more room
edit: added colors


Island of Horizon
Dec 9, 2006
Lotus Land, BC
thanks, bro. i always ended up spot dodging after the drill and before the shine, so i was wondering if i actually could.


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
sorry, but its definitely not a phantom, phantom hits do half the damage of the normal hit, and since it only did 16% which normal for that move he can't have phantom hit then hit properly otherwise he would have taken ~24%
the more you know. (Well, I know that phantoms do less damage).

Well, I guess he just WC DI'd.
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