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Pokemon Battle! Which Pokemon deserves a Brawl spot the most?

Which Pokemon deserves a Brawl spot the most?

  • Lucario

    Votes: 1,019 32.2%
  • Blaziken

    Votes: 327 10.3%
  • Deoxys

    Votes: 175 5.5%
  • Meowth

    Votes: 239 7.5%
  • Dragonite

    Votes: 128 4.0%
  • Charizard

    Votes: 155 4.9%
  • Scizor

    Votes: 156 4.9%
  • Hitmonlee

    Votes: 106 3.3%
  • Hitmonchan

    Votes: 70 2.2%
  • Cubone / Marowak

    Votes: 131 4.1%
  • Sandshrew / Sandslash

    Votes: 61 1.9%
  • Pichu Bros. / Plusle and Minun

    Votes: 120 3.8%
  • Eevee and evolutions

    Votes: 147 4.6%
  • Gengar

    Votes: 180 5.7%
  • Farfetch'd (How'd he get here, chi?)

    Votes: 152 4.8%

  • Total voters

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Black/Light said:
Meh. . . might as well reply to C-M
I'm sensing some adversity here...

Black/Light said:
I repeat, it is a commonly known fact that the fire starter, when they are popular (in other words, not the 2nd or 4th gen ones) are always a hot pick for SSB.
In America...

Black/Light said:
The fact that he directly replied to NOA Andy's numbers (in a PM) for the new character's love back after E3 06 on the Nsider smash forums JUST so that Andy could post his reply for the forum to see. Thats the only forum in english that I know of that he replyed to. . . and the fact that thats the forum he linked to the SSBB site.
Thanks for answering my question.

Black/Light said:
but who just KNEW Pitt would just HAVE to be in SSB3? He isn't a very well known character you know. . .
I did. There were all sorts of rumors before Melee came out, but the most prominent one was that Pit was being ressurected, after some comments made at Space World '00.

Wario and Pit were both expected.

Black/Light said:
well, of the two Sakurai chose the Nintendo forum to reply and link to.
Gee, I wonder why?

Black/Light said:
Actually, he said that they might still add in some Japan only/ Japan popular characters because of how F-E turned out. Still, expect some Japanese love.
By "Japnese-only" characters, I think he means characters that are ONLY in JAPAN.

And since every Pokemon (sans Celebi, and some of the DP legends) is existent on both sides of the pond, Blaziken, Gardevoir, or Lopunny don't fit the criteria.

Black/Light said:
(I mean, come on now. He DID only let Japan post their wants for SSBB back when he was taking character suggestions. )
Gee, I wonder why?

Black/Light said:
Prove to me that there wont be a "US only popular Pokemon pick"?
Okay. Pokemon's a popular franchise on both sides of the globe. No game in the series with any sort of import is exclusive to either region. There.

Black/Light said:
MY point was that he has proved that not all starters have to be pokeballed.
Yes, they can be given even less impact by being made into a trophy!

Black/Light said:
Wait. . .PITT! Pitt (and Wario) showed that troffs can become playable characters. So a starter troff COULD be closer to playable than you think.
Fortunately for my position, the only starter that's appeared as a trophy is Totodile. And we both know that Feraligatr isn't going to be picked. Also, try rambling less next time (Final Smash what?).


#1 Super Grimer!
Aug 24, 2004
Hey be nice, that's just the team I made out of the .pngs I could find. lol

Besides, Marowak is pretty popular worldwide. My hopes aren't gone yet.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Wow, you actually started arguing again.
I stopped visiting this thread because it didn't seem worthwhile, and I'm not planning to catch up on what I missed, I just wonder... is it forbidden now to post singular Pokemon support threads?

As scared as I am of it meeting the same fate as the Krystal thread in the beginning ( "f-ing pervert d00d" ), I'd like to post a Gardevoir support thread.
...although I guess it wouldn't be received with much enthusiasm. *big sigh*


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
I'm sensing some adversity here...
Can't blame me. That Midna dabate made no sense. . . much like this.

In America...
What did I say at the end of my post? Did you read it?

I did. There were all sorts of rumors before Melee came out, but the most prominent one was that Pit was being ressurected, after some comments made at Space World '00.

Wario and Pit were both expected.
I said "BY the MASSES". Pitt, amoung the MASSES, wasn't greatly expected seeing as, well, most people didn't even know who he was. K-I aint called a cult classic for no reason. . .

Gee, I wonder why?
Because it's the official ssb forum. . . .to which he took out the time to talk to.

By "Japnese-only" characters, I think he means characters that are ONLY in JAPAN.

And since every Pokemon (sans Celebi, and some of the DP legends) is existent on both sides of the pond, Blaziken, Gardevoir, or Lopunny don't fit the criteria.
Actually it said

"Now that Smash is world-renowned, they don't want to include characters only popular in Japan. However, due to the success of the Fire Emblem characters, they still may."

And thats why I included Japan ONLY characters part to my post. . . .
(The statement sounds like it includes both characters popular in Japan and Japan only characters)

Gee, I wonder why?
Because he, even well saying he doesn't want to ONLY include Japan popular characters, STILL wants to appeal to the Japanese and asked them for thier suggestions. . .

Okay. Pokemon's a popular franchise on both sides of the globe. No game in the series with any sort of import is exclusive to either region. There.
What are you talking about? Im not talking about "US/UK only pokemon SERIES", Im talking about US/UK popular pokemon. . .

Yes, they can be given even less impact by being made into a trophy!
Is that your whole point? That they have yet to make a starter a playable character so it aint going to happen? LOL. . . .cute:p, didn't happen before so it aint going to happen now by your logic
(which was my point about final smashes. Never had items that have different effects on different characters before yet we do now. . . that was my point)


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
I don't think it's not allowed, but unless it's one of the mostly talked about pokemon like Blaziken, Lucario or Deoxys, then most people complain about it being a random pokemon thread. Unfortunately I think a Gardevoir thread would recieve a lot of WTF reactions from most forumers.

You could try I guess, there are much worse pokemon choices than Gardevoir.

This was directed to Fawriel, yeah I'm an incredibly slow poster, deal with it :p


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2007
Can't blame me. That Midna dabate made no sense. . . much like this.

What did I say at the end of my post? Did you read it?

I said "BY the MASSES". Pitt, amoung the MASSES, wasn't greatly expected seeing as, well, most people didn't even know who he was. K-I aint called a cult classic for no reason. . .

Because it's the official ssb forum. . . .to which he took out the time to talk to.

Actually it said

"Now that Smash is world-renowned, they don't want to include characters only popular in Japan. However, due to the success of the Fire Emblem characters, they still may."

And thats why I included Japan ONLY characters part to my post. . . .
(The statement sounds like it includes both characters popular in Japan and Japan only characters)

Because he, even well saying he doesn't want to ONLY include Japan popular characters, STILL wants to appeal to the Japanese and asked them for thier suggestions. . .

What are you talking about? Im not talking about "US/UK only pokemon SERIES", Im talking about US/UK popular pokemon. . .

Is that your whole point? That they have yet to make a starter a playable character so it aint going to happen? LOL. . . .cute:p, didn't happen before so it aint going to happen now by your logic
(which was my point about final smashes. Never had items that have different effects on different characters before yet we do now. . . that was my point)


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Wow, you actually started arguing again. Can't be helped. . . it will end soon.I stopped visiting this thread because it didn't seem worthwhile, and I'm not planning to catch up on what I missed, I just wonder... is it forbidden now to post singular Pokemon support threads?

As scared as I am of it meeting the same fate as the Krystal thread in the beginning ( "f-ing pervert d00d" ), I'd like to post a Gardevoir support thread.
...although I guess it wouldn't be received with much enthusiasm. *big sigh*
Well, as long as It has good back up support and you show reasons as to why Gard is loved in Japan than I think it could get a pretty decent out come.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Reasons as to why Gardevoir is loved in Japan? How am I supposed to know THAT? ^^;

Well, I guess I'll dare it.
I shall draw a picture. People like pictures. *nodnods*


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Just go to the Nsider forums and ask them their reasons for supporting Gard. Like I said, she got a nice fan base there and most supporters will give you some good backing.

One of the few characters with smart fan-base followings there.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
@farwiel, as long as we do not bring loppbunny into it, i will debat gardivoir(and learn how to spell it) with fairness

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Black/Light said:
Can't blame me. That Midna dabate made no sense. . . much like this.
Water under the bridge, my friend. Water under the bridge. No hard feelings?

I said "BY the MASSES". Pitt, amoung the MASSES, wasn't greatly expected seeing as, well, most people didn't even know who he was. K-I aint called a cult classic for no reason. . .
Yeah, probably. It's still not that surprising though. But if you were so out-of-touch that you didn't see Wario coming, then you were probably surprised by Meta-Knight. My point is this: I forgot why I was arguing this, so whatever.

Because it's the official ssb forum. . . .to which he took out the time to talk to.
My point exactly: he only favors those forums because they're the official ones. Bu t that doesn't make their opinion on Pokemon any more valid than here at SWF.

Because he, even well saying he doesn't want to ONLY include Japan popular characters, STILL wants to appeal to the Japanese and asked them for thier suggestions. . .
Or maybe it's because he can't read English, especially the internet version. It's not like he was going in blind either; I'm sure he had most of the characters already thought of. The whole roster won't be composed of nominations from that poll. The only thing it's good for is a loose indication of which characters the Japanese favor for Brawl.

What are you talking about? Im not talking about "US/UK only pokemon SERIES", Im talking about US/UK popular pokemon. . .
You've got to read into these things, man. Read into them. Think about it.

The Pokemon franchise is equally popular in both territories, right? Yes. And Sakurai's trying to go for a good balanceof tastes, right? Yes. So with this franchise, that is popular everywhere, he's not going to favor one side or the other. A franchise like, say, Fire Emblem or Donkey Kong (East and West repsectively) might be handled differently, with him relying on Japanese opinion for FE and Western opinion for DK, but there's no such favoritism in Pokemon.

didn't happen before so it aint going to happen now by your logic.
Exactly. That's what we in the biz like to call "deductive reasoning". Is there a precedent that says otherwise? No? Then assume it as such.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Water under the bridge, my friend. Water under the bridge. No hard feelings?
. . . Meh, If I had seen that your a nay sayer on Geno before having that long, useless agruement over if midna should transform or not than maybe I could let it go alot sooner. First incounters last. . .but hey, I will have too look past that somewhere down the line.

My point exactly: he only favors those forums because they're the official ones. Bu t that doesn't make their opinion on Pokemon any more valid than here at SWF.
Never said it was more valid. My point was that thats most likely the place he would look to to see just what we (as in, the US) want. They will get more recognition because thats the official site and he has shown actual interest in it.

Or maybe it's because he can't read English, especially the internet version. It's not like he was going in blind either; I'm sure he had most of the characters already thought of. The whole roster won't be composed of nominations from that poll. The only thing it's good for is a loose indication of which characters the Japanese favor for Brawl.
Im sure that not all characters will be from that list and Im sure that he had ideas before hand but he did address that as a suggestion site for the Japanese. And it wasn't only a character suggestion thing, he had everything from items to stages from what I remember.

We can't really say just how many characters where planed out at that time or just how many things changed over and after the time he read these suggestions so idk just was this was about. . .

You've got to read into these things, man. Read into them. Think about it.

The Pokemon franchise is equally popular in both territories, right? Yes. And Sakurai's trying to go for a good balanceof tastes, right? Yes. So with this franchise, that is popular everywhere, he's not going to favor one side or the other. A franchise like, say, Fire Emblem or Donkey Kong (East and West repsectively) might be handled differently, with him relying on Japanese opinion for FE and Western opinion for DK, but there's no such favoritism in Pokemon.
Actually, from the looks of it Pokemon has been more popular in Japan (and could still be) till it made it's DP come back here. . . but thats beside the point.

I never said that he would favor one place over the other, just that both places will be tooken into account. Japan and the US/UK have very different teast in Pokemon so, IMO, I see him doing this. . .

Buneary/ Lopunny replacing Jpuff as the cute Japanese popular pokemon
Gard (another Japan popular pokemon)
Blaze (A US/UK popular pokemon)

6th place replacing Pichu. . .IDK. Could be Pachirisu/ P&M to be the new Pika rip. Could be Darkrai because of his movie showing him to be a pokemon hero (counters M2's title). Could be Lucario for the amount of buzz he had like 6+ months ago on the Nsider forums. Could be Deoxy or w/e.
Hard to say but I think it would be liked by US/UK (I think Darkrai would be a good US/UK pick once people see it's movie next month. . . .after someone from Japan bootlegs it on youtubes.) .

There, we could have 2 new US/UK loved pokemon well Japan has their 2 loved pokemon. Thats my opinion on the matter but the point is I think that BOTH US/UK and Japan popular pokemon will be added to treat both sides of the world nicely. Why? Because there no one pokemon that both sides like the same so making it even in these terms makes more sense to me.

Exactly. That's what we in the biz like to call "deductive reasoning". Is there a precedent that says otherwise? No? Then assume it as such.
You could say that you think it's "unlikely" or "hasn't happened yet" but things change. Before Melee came out there where NO bad guys in SSB and there where no legendary pokemon either. Than they expanded SSB which made room for other popular (and not soo popular) characters such as villians and a very popular legendary pokemon.

Who knows what can come out in SSBB, they can pick a character that has a title which wasn't in Melee such as "Pokemon starter" or "Mario sports rep" or w/e.

"Hasn't happened yet" is along the lines of saying "Sonic wont be in! This game is about Nintendo characters. . .no non-nintendo things will get in" back before E3 06. Sure, it hasn't happened yet. . .doesn't mean we just KNOW it wont happen now.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 7, 2007
You seem to think fanbase matters greatly for inclusion in Brawl regarding Pokemon.
You could argue Jigglypuff, but that was SSB64. Melee had Mewtwo and Pichu, not exactly the most popular, especially Pichu, but marketable and workable.
I seriously doubt Lopunny and Gardevoir have any chance. They're both hard to implement,
have virtually no appeal outside of Japan (while Jigglypuff is liked by many in the U.S, though not to the same degree as in Japan.).
So fanbase is worthless, and this poll is moot.
Oh, and fanbase=/=marketability. Basic economics.


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
What 4th gen Pokemon do you think has the biggest fan base? Lucario
Which is the most popular over here? Lucario
Which will be easily implemented in the game with a range of projectile and melee moves? Lucario


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Thanks for the words of encouragement. I guess I'll go ahead and make it then.
I don't really feel like checking N-Siders ( scaaaaaary ), I think I can argue for her well enough myself...

@farwiel, as long as we do not bring loppbunny into it, i will debat gardivoir(and learn how to spell it) with fairness
I'll take your word on that.
It's not like I really "support" Lopunny per se, I just think she'd be pretty awesome if included. Kinda like Tom Nook, who'd be just plain funny. But I don't spend my time imagining how she'd play or anything.
Although she's still more awesome than Jigglypuff.

...also, while you're at it, you could learn to spell my name right. :p


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Tom nook... i dont understand why some people are against him he is one of my most wanted characters (Maybe they should put camafrog in lol).

Uh but anyways on topic um... Go Pokemon and stuff. (Lopunny seems unlikely)


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2007
Tom nook... i dont understand why some people are against him he is one of my most wanted characters (Maybe they should put camafrog in lol).

Uh but anyways on topic um... Go Pokemon and stuff. (Lopunny seems unlikely)
Tom Nook is defianlty not the most wanted character, i would take Dark Samus over him...


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
So you would rather have a blue suited samus than an axe wielding raccoon (Or tanuki)!?

And i said MY most wanted not most wanted.

And im all for olimar he would be very unique and fun (Pikmin would be like peaches radishes or turnips forgot what they were).


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2007
So you would rather have a blue suited samus than an axe wielding raccoon (Or tanuki)!?

And i said MY most wanted not most wanted.

And im all for olimar he would be very unique and fun (Pikmin would be like peaches radishes or turnips forgot what they were).
He is not axe-weilding!... Hes a shop owner for christ's sake!


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
He sells axes... and you think shop owners don't have weapons?

How else would they protect them self from shoplifting hippos?


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
You seem to think fanbase matters greatly for inclusion in Brawl regarding Pokemon.
Yes fanbases do matter,FE was popular in JPN,so gess who showed up in melee? marth and roy

You could argue Jigglypuff, but that was SSB64. Melee had Mewtwo and Pichu, not exactly the most popular, especially Pichu, but marketable and workable.
uhh pichu was popular,duh :******: jpuff still had popularity in JPN during the production of ssbm,just not when the game came out.

I seriously doubt Lopunny and Gardevoir have any chance.
JPN loves them

They're both hard to implement

If you have the imagination of sakura you could impement george bush

have virtually no appeal outside of Japan
The game is uhhhh i dont know MADE IN JAPAN

while Jigglypuff is liked by many in the U.S, though not to the same degree as in Japan.).
So fanbase is worthless, and this poll is moot.
As long as it is popular during prodution

Oh, and fanbase=/=marketability. Basic economics
umm fanbase would = markibilty, cause you market what is popular wich would be waht the fans want.


Smash Journeyman
May 22, 2007
JPN loves them
And in the case of Gardevoir, they're not the only ones, actually. Among my circle, Gardevoir quickly became a favorite shortly after the release of Sapphire, standing among bengs like Tyranitar or Charizard in our "coolest non-legendaries ever" category. I assume this was likewise for a lot of other places.

I still couldn't see her working for Brawl as a character, but having her as a pokéball would be really satisfactory.


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
Yhea Gardevoir is quite popular but what about its other possible evolution? the male one or something.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
You seem to think fanbase matters greatly for inclusion in Brawl regarding Pokemon.
You could argue Jigglypuff, but that was SSB64. Melee had Mewtwo and Pichu, not exactly the most popular, especially Pichu, but marketable and workable.
I seriously doubt Lopunny and Gardevoir have any chance. They're both hard to implement,
have virtually no appeal outside of Japan (while Jigglypuff is liked by many in the U.S, though not to the same degree as in Japan.).
So fanbase is worthless, and this poll is moot.
Oh, and fanbase=/=marketability. Basic economics.
So many things wrong in this post IDK if I should even reply. . .

1. M2 WAS popular. . . very much so at that.
2. How are Gard and Lopunny/ Buneary hard to "implement"?
3. IDK where you live but from the looks of it the US/UK never liked Jpuff til she got into SSBM. Thats the only place she is popular in here. She was just as "Japan only popular" as the Gard and Lopunny/ Buneary who could both become popular in the smash world much like her if they got in.:ohwell::dizzy:


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007


Smash Journeyman
May 29, 2007
blaziken, lucario, and scizor would be sweet

i also think gallade would make a great character

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
The wrath of Koarin said:
...Wow. Just, wow. I think the word you're looking for is "epitome".

Black/Light said:
. . . Meh, If I had seen that your a nay sayer on Geno before having that long, useless agruement over if midna should transform or not than maybe I could let it go alot sooner. First incounters last. . .but hey, I will have too look past that somewhere down the line.
Geno not for Brawl. It's rather uncomfortable for me to be engaged in a discussion with someone who's so averse (and me likewise), so how about we both cut back on the offense, okay?

Black/Light said:
Never said it was more valid. My point was that thats most likely the place he would look to to see just what we (as in, the US) want. They will get more recognition because thats the official site and he has shown actual interest in it.
Well, you were ragging on this poll at one point. I must've taken some offense to that, because generally, this site knows alot more about Smash Bros. (and all things related, which includes Pokemon) than Nsider. Anyways, forget about this: it's not that important.

Black/Light said:
I never said that he would favor one place over the other, just that both places will be tooken into account. Japan and the US/UK have very different teast in Pokemon so, IMO, I see him doing this. . .

Buneary/ Lopunny replacing Jpuff as the cute Japanese popular pokemon
Gard (another Japan popular pokemon)
Blaze (A US/UK popular pokemon)

6th place replacing Pichu. . .IDK. Could be Pachirisu/ P&M to be the new Pika rip. Could be Darkrai because of his movie showing him to be a pokemon hero (counters M2's title). Could be Lucario for the amount of buzz he had like 6+ months ago on the Nsider forums. Could be Deoxy or w/e.
Hard to say but I think it would be liked by US/UK (I think Darkrai would be a good US/UK pick once people see it's movie next month. . . .after someone from Japan bootlegs it on youtubes.) .
Pikachu: confirmed
Mewtwo: Personally, I don't think so, but I won't go into that yet.

Lopunny, replacing Jiggs? Don't think so. Jiggs has the veteran factor, the moveset, and the popularity going for it. Lopunny has none of those, and frankly, I don't see any reason to remove Jiggs.

Gardevoir, Blaziken: Here's the problem with these two: neither are featured heavily, (if at all) anywhere in the Pokemon universe. They might be popular with hardocre fans of the games, but neither is used to, say, promote merchandise, or star (or even support) in any movies/more than one or two episodes. They're also both from the 3rd gen, which is rather excluding.

My list consists of:

Pikachu - confirmed
Jigglypuff - a veteran, and a fun and proven character
Lucario - the 4th gen poster boy, as well as being cool
Meowth - a series standby; very recognizable, and offsets the two new, "serious" additions
Deoxys - the 3rd gen legendary who got his own movie, and is essentially the holy grail of RS. He'd also be the most original Pokemon in the game, always a plus.

Also, you seem stuck on the idea of popularity as far as Pokemon's concerned. But was Jiggs really that liked before SSB64? Was Pichu really completely hot-**** before Melee? My point is that just because a Pokemon's popular doesn't mean it's the only option. In the case of Pichu, despite his popularity, he was included as a clone.

Black/Light said:
"Hasn't happened yet" is along the lines of saying "Sonic wont be in! This game is about Nintendo characters. . .no non-nintendo things will get in" back before E3 06. Sure, it hasn't happened yet. . .doesn't mean we just KNOW it wont happen now.
But before Snake was announced, that was the general rule, wasn't it? That only Ninty characters could get in? We had no reason to believe otherwise, and until we see a starter as anything more than a trophy/pokeball, we have to assume that it won't be so.

The wrath of Koarin said:
Yes fanbases do matter,FE was popular in JPN,so gess who showed up in melee? marth and roy
But you're talking about a series as a whole, not a character. If popularity were all that mattered, we'd have seen Sigurd instead of Roy.

Geez, that's like saying "Yes fanbases do matter,Mario was popular,so gess who showed up in smash64?"


Smash Ace
Jul 10, 2006
Next to the circle shaped square on the far side o
Yes fanbases do matter,FE was popular in JPN,so gess who showed up in melee? marth and roy

uhh pichu was popular,duh :******: jpuff still had popularity in JPN during the production of ssbm,just not when the game came out.

JPN loves them


If you have the imagination of sakura you could impement george bush

The game is uhhhh i dont know MADE IN JAPAN


As long as it is popular during prodution

umm fanbase would = markibilty, cause you market what is popular wich would be waht the fans want.
So, What your saying is that what japan wants, japan gets? what about all other countries that want other characters in? if japan says no, then its out? I think japan(sakurai) will take everyones interest into consideration.
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