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Pokemon Battle! Which Pokemon deserves a Brawl spot the most?

Which Pokemon deserves a Brawl spot the most?

  • Lucario

    Votes: 1,019 32.2%
  • Blaziken

    Votes: 327 10.3%
  • Deoxys

    Votes: 175 5.5%
  • Meowth

    Votes: 239 7.5%
  • Dragonite

    Votes: 128 4.0%
  • Charizard

    Votes: 155 4.9%
  • Scizor

    Votes: 156 4.9%
  • Hitmonlee

    Votes: 106 3.3%
  • Hitmonchan

    Votes: 70 2.2%
  • Cubone / Marowak

    Votes: 131 4.1%
  • Sandshrew / Sandslash

    Votes: 61 1.9%
  • Pichu Bros. / Plusle and Minun

    Votes: 120 3.8%
  • Eevee and evolutions

    Votes: 147 4.6%
  • Gengar

    Votes: 180 5.7%
  • Farfetch'd (How'd he get here, chi?)

    Votes: 152 4.8%

  • Total voters


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ :******:I an was saying if JPN loves somthing to death, you better expectic it. And I KNOW he will take other countrries into concideration, but JPN will still the better end of the deals in therms of who gets in.


Smash Cadet
Jun 7, 2007
Ahahahahahahahahahahahahaha, no. Charizard doesn't stand a chance you know why? he's been in a pokeball all the time he's been in the smash bros series, and besides is he is such a popular character why didn't they put him in Melee? Besdies, the last thing brawl needs are more 1st gen's, if anything Lucario /and/or Deoxys will get into brawl, being very popular candidates at the moment.


Smash Hero
Nov 29, 2006
So you say instead of super powerful elemental killing machines from space (Deoxys) you want a boy who has a hat?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 21, 2007
2Fort (WVC, Utah)
Finally someone is kind of with me for putting ash in brawl, if only the others could see what greatness he could achieve. I personally think that smash has all the pokemon it going to need so thats why ash should make to brawl but people dont listen.


Smash Rookie
Jan 25, 2007
19th ave & Ocotillo rd
I guess you're right. A trainer wouldn't work. They wouldn't be able to keep up with the others. Just like Mr. game and watch who's nothing but flat; though my friend kicks my shin with him all the time. Or like Pichu; again my friends are masters with him as well.

There's just no room for trainers that could maybe wield pokemon as their weapons like peach with Toad. Or maybe a character whose comeback would be releasing a pigey for a moment's last grasp at salvation. Nope, just no way that would be possible.


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
There isn't really any other alternative for an F-Zero rep, while there are 400+ pokemon that'd fit better than a generic nameless protagonist. There's a reason people suggest Tom Nook for an Animal Crossing rep as opposed to character you play as, and it applies to trainers as well.

Pokemon are the focus of the pokemon games, so it makes sense for them to be used as playable characters.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 21, 2007
2Fort (WVC, Utah)
Just make ash do this
B=pokeball(throws it)
up B= uppercut
down B= counter
forward B=comco move(like marth)
other moves I have not thought about but will later


Smash Rookie
Jan 25, 2007
19th ave & Ocotillo rd
The idea of having Ash isn't a bad idea. Because be honest with yourself, Mewtwo did not deserve to be at the tip of anyone of the other pokemon's fist. He's a great character, but he just doesn't fit with his power level. If Mewtwo gets in, Ash can get in.

Besides, there's 500+ pokemon that any excuse would be good. For a trainer, it just makes sense.


Smash Ace
Jan 18, 2007
Mewtwo had popularity, was on the top of the poll to get into SSBM, extremely important in the early Anime, has a crapload of cameo's in the newer Anime, is the closest thing the games have to a villain Pokemon, and he's just friggin' cool. Need I say more?


Smash Journeyman
Jun 21, 2007
2Fort (WVC, Utah)
Look just because ash could use pokemon does not mean that he has to. Samus could shoot beams of ice and fire but she doesn't so why should ash have to use his pokemon if he makes it to brawl.


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
A trainer is just a poor idea for a character addition simply because there are so many pokemon that would be unique additions and deserve it so much more than a trainer character, who honestly have so little to work with besides their pokeballs which are already an item. They aren't built for fighting, that's why they have their pokemon do it.


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
There have been 2 more generations since melee, they have twice as many pokemon to pick from now, not to mention they only had a handfull in melee.

If they aren't prepared to add another pokemon, then there's no way they'd add a trainer.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 21, 2007
2Fort (WVC, Utah)
Their is twice as many lame looking pokemon too and the very few that are not lame just don 't seem that they would be playable characters in smash.


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
Even the lamest pokemon is a better addition than a trainer, so I don't see your point. And there are plenty of decent pokemon that'd work for brawl, so there really is no need to stoop so low as to add a trainer, which is really scraping at the bottom of the barrel.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 21, 2007
2Fort (WVC, Utah)
mr. game&watch was the bottom of the barrel so was ness and the ice climbers. Ash would be a character nintendo could use to draw a bigger crowd like they are doing with snake.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007

Game&Watch is a character that was CREATED for Melee, representing a series of handhelds that saved the whole company.
Ness is the hero of a cult-classic rpg that was insanely popular in Japan back then.

It's just WRONG to have a trainer in the game. I don't want to beat up some kid, and I much less want the kid to beat me up!
Even from non-aesthetic standpoints, it just does not work.
The trainer you play in the games ( you know, the games, which this is about ), are supposed to be generic boys and girls that the player can identify themselves with.
ASH is a character from the ANIME, who is NOT directly associated with the games and does NOT offer the opportunity to identify oneself with him, thus robbing him of ANY value except marketability at the target audience of 10 year-old kids who watch the anime.


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
What? G&W, Ice Climbers or Ness are hardly scraping at the bottom of barrel. G&W has a lot of significance to Nintendo's history, Ice Climbers were retro characters with a unique twist as a character, and Ness came from a cult classic series. Ash has none of that, not to mention he isn't even a freaking Video game character, he's an anime character and Sakurai has already said he's not including any of them.

And what crowd does Ash appeal to that Pikachu or the rest of the pokemon doesn't? Pikachu is a far more iconic character to the series than Ash ever will be.

Edit: practically beaten to the punch on every point by Fawriel XD

As for Ness, he has psychic powers to defend himself. Ash needs his pokemon to protect him, but seeing as pokeballs are already an item, then he brings nothing in the terms of a brawler.


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Ness kind of..... defeated the personified essence of all that is evil. I think he's not exactly defenseless.

EDIT: "As if they are actually good"? I think I'll go have some more meaningful conversation with my suitcase.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 21, 2007
2Fort (WVC, Utah)
You should go talk to your suitcase that would be one less problem with the internet. Also how come we seem to be the only ones talking right now.
This discussion has gone of the subject too much so I'm going because I actually have stuff to do.


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
People are either not on at the moment, or can't be bothered to add anything to this 'meaningful' conversation. That and the trainer idea is generally incredibly unpopular here, so they are probably waiting until this topic changes to something more interesting.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Pikachu: confirmed
Mewtwo: Personally, I don't think so, but I won't go into that yet.

Lopunny, replacing Jiggs? Don't think so. Jiggs has the veteran factor, the moveset, and the popularity going for it Actually, it was never said that vets wouldn't be replaced (So I don't see that as a facture personally). Plus, her popularity outside of Smash is gone and has moved onto Lop and/or Bun in the place she was popular. . .Japan. And what does having a move-set have to do with anything? . Lopunny has none of those, She took the popularity and can very well have a moveset. . . and why would she have to have the "vet facture" to replace Puff? and frankly, I don't see any reason to remove Jiggs.

Gardevoir, Blaziken: Here's the problem with these two: neither are featured heavily, (if at all) anywhere in the Pokemon universe. They might be popular with hardocre fans of the games, but neither is used to, say, promote merchandise, Blaziken was actually used to promote the 3rd gen by being the first 3rd gen pokemon to be seen or star (or even support) in any movies/more than one or two episodes. Theres still only one pokemon in the game that has stared in a movie. By that logic only legendary pokemon should get in. Plus, if anime appearance was soo important than Meowth would have been in over Jpuff They're also both from the 3rd gen, which is rather excluding. ??? That is, up until a few months ago, THE latest world wide gen. Can't see them jumping over the 3rd gen to assume what people would like for the 4th way back when the roster was being made:ohwell:.

My list consists of:

Pikachu - confirmed
Jigglypuff - a veteran, and a fun and proven character
Lucario - the 4th gen poster boy, as well as being cool
Meowth - a series standby; very recognizable, and offsets the two new, "serious" additions
Deoxys - the 3rd gen legendary who got his own movie, and is essentially the holy grail of RS. He'd also be the most original Pokemon in the game, always a plus.
. . . .I don't get your list. Deoxy is the only one out side of Pika thats proven to atleast be a popular movie pokemon in Japan yet your whole point was that he would choose characters popular in both Japan and US.

Also, you seem stuck on the idea of popularity as far as Pokemon's concerned. But was Jiggs really that liked before SSB64? YES! IN JAPAN! That was my point. . . . .Meowth shown WAY more importance in the anime and had WAY more screen time yet, by Jpuff being close to Pika popular in Japan (at that time), she got in over him. Popularity beats anime. . . not even going into the fact that Gard was the only pokemon on his list yet she had 2 appearances on the show. Was Pichu really completely hot-**** before Melee? Pichu was probly added as both a 2nd gen rep and because Raichu also did well on the melee most wanted Japan list (Pika forms sell). My point is that just because a Pokemon's popular doesn't mean it's the only option. In the case of Pichu, despite his popularity, he was included as a clone. My point is that character popularity out runs anime appeal. As I said, if anime had the tell-all-be-all of who gets in effect than Jpuff would have been replaced by Meowth in 64 . . . and even now Darkrai would be getting in over both Deoxy and Lucario because of him being the actual star and hero of the 10th (latest) movie. And what else. . . P&M are the mascotts for pokemon rangers which had a movie in which a ranger had about as much importance as Lucario in the 8th movie (lead-ish/ supporting character). They could be in because of that by this logic.

We have seen that pokemon not important to the anime can get in due to popularity and when you look at the fact that theres a load of "anime important" pokemon (Because they have to make a movie every year) with a hand full of populary ones you can see which "should" be slot takers.
But before Snake was announced, that was the general rule, wasn't it? That only Ninty characters could get in? We had no reason to believe otherwise, and until we see a starter as anything more than a trophy/pokeball, we have to assume that it won't be so.

That was never a "rule". It just hadn't happened yet. As we all know, Sonic and Snake would have been in Melee had melee not been rush out the door. We know this NOW because he told us what happened with Snake but can any of us say just what else could have happened?

Could the reason Totodile ended up as a troff be because he (or even Feraligatr) was planned to be playable but they ran out of time? (I surely find it odd to have soo many random pokemon in pokeballs yet one starter was left out) Would Meowth's reason for going from ball to troff be because he was going to be playable? IDK but we do know that not all starters are pokeballed and that one of the top head runners for SSBB on this end of the world has been a starter for the past 3-4 years.

Hell, I could look at Deoxy and say "he wont get in because even if he had a movie he is still a event only pokemon like Mew and co" with this logic. Why? Because we have yet to have a event only pokemon be playable. . . .even if he is one of the few highly wanted pokemon for SSBB on this side of the world.
Why stop there? The only important pokemon to the anime other than Pika to get in was M2, a villian and star of not only one but 2 movies. . . Lucario was just a supporting character in one movie 2 years ago that stared Mew.

But to sum up what I really then mean to be a long and odd closer (thats also hard to follow. . .really, I got to make it hard to follow if I want this to stop) I say this. . .

Absence of evidence=/=evidence of absence. Just cause we have yet to see a starter as a playable doesn't mean that one can't be playable in this game. Same with event only pokemon. Same for pokemon that have only been in the anime once or twice.


Smash Rookie
Jan 25, 2007
19th ave & Ocotillo rd
I cannot stand it when someone takes away from someone that so helped in the development of Nintendo. No, Ash is not a driving force that had rocketed pokemon to where it is, well, yes and no. You can't take away the fact that Ash has earned the right to be in brawl.

As for video game sake, Ash is a reimagined character from Red. If Kasumi was the real gym leader in the video game, that means the Ash is derived from Red. Don't tell me that Gary from the game didn't look like Gary from anime.

As for Ice climbers and Mr. g&W; just Nintendo history. As for relevance today; Mario Galaxy, Twighlght princess, metroid. Iceclimbers never really made the cut.


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
Ash still isn't a video game character, he's an anime version of the first trainer, who is officially called Red. Ash won't get in brawl because Sakurai has already said that anime characters won't be in brawl, if a trainer does get in, it'll be Red, not Ash.

And Ash hasn't earned the right to be in Brawl at all. He's done nothing significant in the videogames (heck, he hasn't done anything in the videogames) asnd when people thibnk of Pokemon, they think of Pikachu first, not Ash. The pokemon are the stars of the game, the trainer is just a mere avatar of the player whose looks change in each new pokemon game. That;'s another thing the pokemon have over trainers, they are consistent.


Dec 19, 2002
If they were going to add any random trainer, the trainer COULD use items found in the game. I would have supported the idea of a trainer being in a Smash game...when I was 9. Now, I don't think a trainer should be in the game. It would just be too random, and there are more Pokemon who deserve to get in over a trainer.

Mewtwo should return. To correct some people, Mewtwo only appeared in ONE movie and one special, not TWO movies. Deoxys appeared in one movie and one special too, but IMO they were not very good. There's also the fact that there was one American special where Mewtwo appears as a holographic computer program that can actually fight, but I won't get more into that since that's not the real Mewtwo. Mewtwo was more like a villain since he's created for fighting. Deoxys is just a space virus that happened to be lost on Earth and fights to defend himself. I would have supported Deoxys as playable a few months ago, but now I see him more fitting as a Pokeball Pokemon.
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