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Pokemon Battle! Which Pokemon deserves a Brawl spot the most?

Which Pokemon deserves a Brawl spot the most?

  • Lucario

    Votes: 1,019 32.2%
  • Blaziken

    Votes: 327 10.3%
  • Deoxys

    Votes: 175 5.5%
  • Meowth

    Votes: 239 7.5%
  • Dragonite

    Votes: 128 4.0%
  • Charizard

    Votes: 155 4.9%
  • Scizor

    Votes: 156 4.9%
  • Hitmonlee

    Votes: 106 3.3%
  • Hitmonchan

    Votes: 70 2.2%
  • Cubone / Marowak

    Votes: 131 4.1%
  • Sandshrew / Sandslash

    Votes: 61 1.9%
  • Pichu Bros. / Plusle and Minun

    Votes: 120 3.8%
  • Eevee and evolutions

    Votes: 147 4.6%
  • Gengar

    Votes: 180 5.7%
  • Farfetch'd (How'd he get here, chi?)

    Votes: 152 4.8%

  • Total voters


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
M2 strikes back and M2 returns are both movies.

Edit- Oh nvm. M2 returns wasn't really a movie but still, he has had 2 specials that he has been in beside his own movie and Mew has been in 2 movies and had her own special as well.

Chief Mendez

Smash Master
Mar 25, 2007
Fawriel said:
Ness kind of..... defeated the personified essence of all that is evil. I think he's not exactly defenseless.
Nonsense. Everyonw knows Pokey's the real hero of Earthbound.

Black/Light said:
Actually, it was never said that vets wouldn't be replaced (So I don't see that as a facture personally).
Well, there's no reason to believe otherwise. Unless...do you have one?

I'm using the same logic here as I do with the whole "starters haven't been playable before, so they won't now" thing, which I'll get to later on in this post.

Black/Light said:
Plus, her popularity outside of Smash is gone and has moved onto Lop and/or Bun in the place she was popular. . .Japan.
But Jiggs is still a popular Smash character. Alot of people here couldn't imagine a Smash Bros. game without the 'Puff.

Black/Light said:
And what does having a move-set have to do with anything? .
Well, if they're on the fence about switching out Jiggs for Lopunny (or something), the fact that Jiggs already has a proven, fun, and unique moveset could tilt the odds in it's favor.

I'm saying that by staying with Jiggs, they wouldn't run therisk of creating a character that Smahers either hate or love to use. No risk involved in keeping Jiggs.

Black/Light said:
She took the popularity and can very well have a moveset. . . and why would she have to have the "vet facture" to replace Puff?
Oh sure, Lopunny could have a moveset. It's moves are perfect for it. But so are Hitmonlee's moves. And Tyrogue's, and Infernape's, and Deoxys'...and so on. So that's a bit irrelevant.

She wouldn't have to have veteran status, I'm just pointing out that she doesn't have that, and so that's one thing Jiggs has over Lopunny.

Black/Light said:
Theres still only one pokemon in the game that has stared in a movie. By that logic only legendary pokemon should get in. Plus, if anime appearance was soo important than Meowth would have been in over Jpuff
Lucario or Meowth aren't legendary, and they're on my list.

You do raise a good point in you rlast sentence. It's the only real argument against Meowth that I'm aware of. Of course, I could counter with the idea that Jiggs could have been included due to time restraints, or that Meowth was already a Pokeball Pokemon...but I won't, because those are weak points. You've got me there, but that alone doesn't eliminate Meowth's chances.

Black/Light said:
??? That is, up until a few months ago, THE latest world wide gen. Can't see them jumping over the 3rd gen to assume what people would like for the 4th way back when the roster was being made
Thus there's only one 4th gen on my list, and a 3rd gen as well. If past precedents are anything to go by (and they are), we won't see new Pokemon come exsclusively from one gen, or one gen getting a majority.

Black/Light said:
. . .I don't get your list. Deoxy is the only one out side of Pika thats proven to atleast be a popular movie pokemon in Japan yet your whole point was that he would choose characters popular in both Japan and US.
For crap's sake, where are you getting this information on who's popular or not!? Are you trying to tell me that Meowth and Lucario have absolutely no, or an unusually low fanbase across the Pacific?

If the GTS is anything to go by (and it's probably not), Lucario has it's fans. Lucario's well known in both regions, and Meowth is a mainstay in every movie and episode of the show, not to mention being one of the few viable 1st gen (probably the most relevant overall) representatives that hasn't been playable yet.

Black/Light said:
Pichu was probly added as both a 2nd gen rep and because Raichu also did well on the melee most wanted Japan list (Pika forms sell).
I think Pichu was actually added because, as we both know, Melee had a really bad production schedule, and with a need for more characters came about clones, which Pichu is one of. I honestly don't think Pichu would've been included if not for that time restraint, and that there aren't too many Pokemon that could work as Mewtwo or Jigglypuff clones.

Black/Light said:
Absence of evidence=/=evidence of absence. Just cause we have yet to see a starter as a playable doesn't mean that one can't be playable in this game. Same with event only pokemon. Same for pokemon that have only been in the anime once or twice.
I'm not saying it's impossible, just unlikely. I'm not using this an an excuse to permanently ban any starter Pokemon from being playable. I'm not laying it down as a rule. Anything can happen, just like you say.

What I am saying is that there's no prior evidence. What evidence is there points to every starter being in some form other than playable. This is called a "precedent", which is "any act, decision, or case that serves as a guide or justification for subsequent situations."

In this case, the precedent of Blastoise, Charizard, Venusaur, Chikorita, Cynaquil and Totodile not being playable characters is a case that serves as a guide for subsequent situations.

The subseqquent situation being what Pokemon are in Brawl.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Meh, as to not have to go into this long post completely I will pick a few things to reply to. . .

"Well, there's no reason to believe otherwise. Unless...do you have one?"
Ness was going to be replaced in Melee by the new Mother hero. Sakurai actually said that he REALLY wanted to but the game was canned. . . Ness made it by the skin of his teeth.

"But Jiggs is still a popular Smash character. Alot of people here couldn't imagine a Smash Bros. game without the 'Puff."
So? EVERY character in melee is popular from being in melee. Even Pichu has a huge fan-base other places I go (I saw some people crashed to see Pika with Volt Tackle, a move only Pichu can learn meaning he might be canned).
I don't know how being popular in smash changes the fact that her love has gone else where. . .

And your whole "no risk" thing also makes no sense. WHO will he replace and not take this "risk"? Only clones? He will try to make the characters work as fun and as unquely as he can. . .

And what "vet statis" are you talking about? She wasn't made 10 years ago and appeared in Smash. . .was that your point?

"Lucario or Meowth aren't legendary, and they're on my list."
I didn't say that, I said that with the logic that a pokemon has to be anime important one would assume only legendary pokemon would get in.

And Im not trying to put Meowth down, Im trying to show you that popularity beats anime appearance with the fact that Meowth didn't get in well Jpuff did. . .twice.

"Thus there's only one 4th gen on my list, and a 3rd gen as well. If past precedents are anything to go by (and they are), we won't see new Pokemon come exsclusively from one gen, or one gen getting a majority."
Actually, the 1st gen has the "majority" of the characters in smash. And the one 4th gen pokemon you picked didn't go with your whole stand that both Japan and the US has to like w/e pokemon. The most loved of the 4th gen in Japan is Bun/ Lop and I personally think that they get the first DP pick seeing as it's been out there sence 09/06.

"For crap's sake, where are you getting this information on who's popular or not!? Are you trying to tell me that Meowth and Lucario have absolutely no, or an unusually low fanbase across the Pacific?"
WAIT! So now we can let things slide if they have some level of popularity in Japan? Well, my god, Blaziken has some level of popularity in Japan. Same the other way around for Gard and Lopunny looking at the amount of porn made for them.

But isn't your point that they have to be popular all around? Not "so-so" in Japan and high here or "so-so" here and high in Japan right?

And being well known as a reason?*points to above* Could be well known. . . but if it lacks popularity it aint going anywhere (or atleast less likey).

And I think Pichu was, to be blunt, a good choice. Raichu made it pretty high on the old poll for melee. . .they could have made him to Pika what Doc is to Mario pretty easy. But it (Pichu) was a baby 2nd gen pokemon and it was in the fam of Pika/ Rai so 2nd gen gets a rep and people get another Pika form.

And the point I was trying to make is that, even if something has yet to happen, doesn't say just how likely or unlikely it may or may not be. M2 is the prime example. We never had a playable legendary til he came so one could have said "they are not going to make any legendary pokemon playable. . . or atleast it's "unlikely" to happen" before melee and would have been dead wrong.

. . .Hell, Deoxy (who is on your list) is a event only pokemon. . . all event only pokemon have been pokeballed til now starting with Mew. Meowth has yet to be playable himself (been in a ball and now a troff) yet you still list him on your guess list. You, much like I and other Blaze supporters like myself, are basing your guesses and hopes on something happening that has yet to happen in the past. What I support ( a starter being playable ) is in the same position as what YOU are supporting ( a event only and a past ball pokey being playable).

So if you want to say that Blaze is "unlikely" than I can say the same about Moewth/ Deoxy and even Lucario because they are mostly all in the same boat.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 7, 2007
Deoxys has precedents in Mewtwo, though. Being Psychic, sort of villainish, legendary, but not really. And they're both genetic mishaps.
But you could argue that on Meowth and Lucario, but Lucario is the logical 4th generation representative. I have not seen a single logical argument for a 4th generation Pokemon other than Lucario.
Meowth may be wishful thinking, but I like to think that Sakurai has recognized his error in not including the cat earlier, and will put Meowth in Brawl.
Didn't Sakurai say that the original twelve would be in Brawl?
That would make Jigglypuff safe.


Smash Lord
Aug 17, 2006
Not that I'm aware of, the only confirmed returners are the veterans on the site (though Yoshi is practically all but 'officially' confirmed).


Dec 19, 2002
Deoxys has precedents in Mewtwo, though. Being Psychic, sort of villainish, legendary, but not really. And they're both genetic mishaps.
Name one occasion where Deoxys was villainish.

He wasn't really a villain in the 7th movie since all he did was put everyone in a safe place that doesn't interfere his search for the other Deoxys. He only fought to defend himself. In the 3rd generation games, he was just defending his territory on Birth Island (I know it's only activated as an event). In the manga, he only fought Red because he didn't know another way to get Red's attention.

They are both genetic Pokemon, but Mewtwo was created on purpose whereas Deoxys was created by accident from radiation in space so I would not really count that as a similarity. The only things they have in common are being Psychic legendary Pokemon and being bipedal Pokemon that's somewhat humanoid but not totally.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
Deoxys has precedents in Mewtwo, though. Being Psychic, sort of villainish, legendary, but not really. And they're both genetic mishaps.
But you could argue that on Meowth and Lucario, but Lucario is the logical 4th generation representative. I have not seen a single logical argument for a 4th generation Pokemon other than Lucario.
Meowth may be wishful thinking, but I like to think that Sakurai has recognized his error in not including the cat earlier, and will put Meowth in Brawl.
Didn't Sakurai say that the original twelve would be in Brawl?
That would make Jigglypuff safe.
Actually, no. Like I said, it's a event only pokemon and that whole thing started with Mew. And It's not a "bad guy" at that. It just follows the whole "event only pokemon" trand.

And IMO Japan would get the 4th gen pick so I think the most logical is w/e one they like the most. Personally I see Darkrai as the most "logical" because he is the actual star of the latest movie and not just a co-star/ supporting character like Lucario. (But hey, I can name 10 "logical" 4th gen picks. . . I could also name 10 "logical" 2nd gen picks other than Pichu. Doesn't mean much.)

And Sakurai never said the original 12 where all coming back. Thats just another made up rumor by fans.


Smash Rookie
Jun 22, 2007
i think it would be nasty if snorlax was in it...but down size him to like bowzers size or something!


Smash Apprentice
Jun 24, 2007
non of your concern yet lol
Dragonite and Charizard would be so bad @$$ to play with but Gangar too i mean come on who hasnt wanted to see Charizard and Dragontie go head to head besides on a small ds or gb screen lol but anyway also would not mind playing with Plus. and Min. but not the pichu bros (didnt we just go down that dead end road with pichu by his self) never mind Pichu Bros -Plus and Min same people -_- but who i really want to play with is Persian ( i think it would be diff lol)


Smash Apprentice
Jun 24, 2007
non of your concern yet lol
Mawile omg yes i mean i can see mawile's B attacks but to me the attacks are kinda foggy lol but yeah i think it would be so diff but i would not mine playing with machamp machoke hitmonlee or Blaze i mean come on we finally have a fighting game that includes pokemon but no fighting pokemon no dis on SSB makers or anyone who feels that it is perfect as it is but i would not mine actually using a "fighting" pokemon lol


Smash Cadet
Jan 27, 2007
Lucario for Brawl!

I think Lucario stands a higher chance than Blaziken. He's got his own movie, but Blaziken's just a starter pokemon who's sharing the limelight with Swampert and Sceptile.

ooo. Mawile would practically be attacking from the back and its grab... :chuckle:


Smash Master
Apr 2, 2007
Did I happen to mention that I love Mawile?
Most awesome third generation Pokemon right after Gardevoir. I just love everything about it/her(/him). <3
Too bad it's nigh-impossible.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006
I think Lucario stands a higher chance than Blaziken. He's got his own movie, but Blaziken's just a starter pokemon who's sharing the limelight with Swampert and Sceptile.

ooo. Mawile would practically be attacking from the back and its grab... :chuckle:
Actually, it co-stared/ played a supporting role in a filler movie with Mew. It didn't star in it. . . the movie was all about Mew. It just played a important role.

And I don't see much reason for the other 2 starters holding Blaziken back.

But on a side note, I also like Darkrai. I think he would be the perfect counter part to M2. Not only is he Dark typed ( Dark>Phys) he is also a good guy that tries to stop the fight between the super powerful legendary pokemon(Dai/Pre).

I really like him and I can't wait til his movie comes out. (trailer)

Oh, and to actually back up my point from before. This one shows the whole "Deoxy was the winner on the movie pokemon ticket contast" point from before. (Also, note that Mew and Lucario shared a spot)


Smash Master
Nov 3, 2004
Boulder Creek, CA.
You say that, Blackight, but I counted... Lucario had a few seconds more screentime than Satoshi. (Ash) If that's not Main Character status, I'm not sure what is.


Given that the characters who appear in those little windows are:
Manphy being hugged by May
Pikachu and something I can't make out
Something else I can't make out (deoxys, I think)

It seems to be indicative of what they think represents each movie.


Smash Master
May 23, 2006

. . . I know it's a one letter slip but d***, everyone seems to misspell my name now-a-days.:ohwell: ("BlackWhite" on the mange site I go to. . . .by some jacka** who can't cap right. )

But, as you can see afew seconds after that, Lucario and Mew shared their spot for voting. Why? Because they shared the spot light in the movie. . . but the movie was actually more about Mew with Lucario being a smaller sum plot. (Plus, to your red line, Mew appears in 2 movies. The easyest way to get across that it's the 8th movie would be the use of the 4th gen pokemon that only appears in that movie with co-star status)

Yeah, he might have had a few more secs than Ash. . . but thats apart of his sub plot. His back story and the fact that he was seen with Ash most of the movie caused this. The real main character here was Mew. Everything about the movie revoled around Mew and Lucario played a supporting role to that.

Which is why I say he "co-stared".
Because he did. . . not the main character, but a co-star.

Edit- It's like TP. Midna was the real star/ main character but you saw Link more.


Dec 19, 2002

Given that the characters who appear in those little windows are:
Manphy being hugged by May
Pikachu and something I can't make out
Something else I can't make out (deoxys, I think)

It seems to be indicative of what they think represents each movie.
Pikachu is with Latios and it is Deoxys in one of the screenshots.

For the voting thing, it was to see what the people wanted given away as an "event Pokemon" during the release of the film. Of course it's hard to get Deoxys, so they voted Deoxys. As a result, the Japanese get a Deoxys in a Cherish Ball during the release of the film in Japan.

DJ Napps

Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2007
Howard U
I not a big Poke-fan but i voted Lucario for likeliness and overall "coolness".

I like Cubone too, but i could only vote but once.


Smash Journeyman
Jun 7, 2007
Hey, let's all list our nigh on impossible but would be so awesome picks for Pokemon playable in Brawl!
Like so:
Farfetch'd-Duck with leek and unibrow=M455ive Pwnage. 'Nuff Said.
Psyduck-Psychic platypus ftw! (Yes, it's a platypus. NOA screwed up on the naming.)
Sceptile-Just because it's one of my favorite Pokemon EVER.
Octillery-An octopus that can breathe fire! RAWR!
Probopass-Anyone playing against it would suicide just so they don't have to see any more of it. And I wuvs it.
Rampardos-It's a pachycephalosaurus! A deranged dinosaur with a bone-hard skull it uses to ram basically everything.

Yeah...as I said, nigh on impossible.


Dec 19, 2002
Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Lugia, Ho-oh, Rayquaza, Arceus, and Magikarp. Lol, I don't want them to be playable but you said nigh on impossible. Magikarp is there as a joke.

I can see some of them in Pokeballs, and maybe Dialga, Palkia, and Arceus should be part of a stage (hopes for Mt. Coronet as a stage). I doubt it'll happen though.

Johans Nidorino

Smash Cadet
Dec 1, 2006
I wonder if Arceus will even appear in the game, though. It's 2 Pokémon beyond what the world is supposed to know about Pokémon at that point. It depends on whether Shaymin and/or Arceus will star the 11th Pokémon movie (2008 in Japan); in that case, SSBB could be used to promote them.

Since Darkrai's movie will already be released at the time SSBB appears, then we can safely say Darkrai is one more candidate to appear in the game as playable.

DJ Napps

Smash Journeyman
Mar 7, 2007
Howard U

i think psyduck is relatively possible. Hes kinda popular since he was Misty's more memorable pokemon and hes first generation.

If Jigglypuff is taken out, good replacements would be Psyduck or Meowth (a good option for a Pokemon villian?).


Smash Journeyman
Jun 8, 2007
Kelowna B.C.
Farfetch'd FTW!

But, the ones that would make the most sense are Lucario and Deoxy's. Though I would like to see Blaziken, but then the other 2 3rd gen starters are left out :/ even though they were fugly.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 3, 2006

You just can't go wrong with this one. Fighting type, with interesting moves that are NOT fire based, popular on both sides of the Pacific, thanks to a DECENT Movie releace, and is from the most recent generation of Pokemon, which will remain in the minds of gamers for years.

I'd like blaziken to get in. It'd be interesting to see an extremely fast character based off of kick attacks.


Smash Apprentice
Jun 24, 2007
non of your concern yet lol
Lucario has a little to much fame omg Lucario this and that i like him too but dang for brawl... pure madness i think Deoxys ( dont think i spelled right) would be better do to they could use his power to change styles to good use i think it would be fun to play with him or Garidovuir( did not spell it right so what) or Machamp

Machamp for Brawl lolz


Smash Journeyman
May 22, 2007
Hey, let's all list our nigh on impossible but would be so awesome picks for Pokemon playable in Brawl!
Like so:
Farfetch'd-Duck with leek and unibrow=M455ive Pwnage. 'Nuff Said.
Psyduck-Psychic platypus ftw! (Yes, it's a platypus. NOA screwed up on the naming.)
Sceptile-Just because it's one of my favorite Pokemon EVER.
Octillery-An octopus that can breathe fire! RAWR!
Probopass-Anyone playing against it would suicide just so they don't have to see any more of it. And I wuvs it.
Rampardos-It's a pachycephalosaurus! A deranged dinosaur with a bone-hard skull it uses to ram basically everything.

Yeah...as I said, nigh on impossible.
Weavile. For sure. I mean, cunning and fast, with claws like razors, and anthropomorfic enough to actually be doable. What more do you want? :p


Smash Apprentice
Jun 24, 2007
non of your concern yet lol
I think Munchkax would be good for brawl not just because i think he is so cute but i have yet to catch one on peral -_- but i think this because first he would be way better than pichu and Jigglypuff and that he has been around for a while and who dosent like him lolz
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