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Pocket Monsters Inc. (The General Spriting Thread)

Stealth Raptor

Smash Legend
Apr 18, 2006
Kansas City, Kansas
I jusr dont think FDV will allow it. I follow the all star thread, and he has said that there are too many shops there, and that he may start getting rid of them. if you guys go over there, that will spark people to make their own shops. which would be FDV's worst nightmare. I dont think he will go through with it. i personally have you guys in my sig to avertise, so i am trying to help out lol.


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
I jusr dont think FDV will allow it. I follow the all star thread, and he has said that there are too many shops there, and that he may start getting rid of them. if you guys go over there, that will spark people to make their own shops. which would be FDV's worst nightmare. I dont think he will go through with it.
That sounds like something I would do if I were a mod.

I say let the owners of the shop vote on it first.

Bowser King

Have It Your Way
Aug 7, 2007
Ontario, Canada
Can I vote, Im a regular right?

any ways the heck is with the Bowser/Blastoise. That guy kinda gives me the creeps.
If we have a vote.

:laugh: the problem is that the mario sprites have a different feel to them then the pokemon sprites. Thats why it caused a cartoony-bowser/blastoise look. I found it funny so I posted it :laugh:.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 7, 2008
If my two cents count...

If y'all are seriously thinking about branching out into another section of SWF, create a "Spriter Critique" thread in the Artwork Emporium. Link it back to here, and you'll not only have a bunch of new guests, but future splicers to maybe help out with the workload.

Or more Jiggloclefairymen makers.

*quickly places two pennies and flees*

EDIT: Don't forget page 200 and post 3000 are coming up soon. ;D


Smash Lol'd
Jun 1, 2008
I vote no, ive hought about asking, but I realize it's not smart,considering all the cons we'll end up with.
Wiifan, ill invite you in a bit
Firus, should we "advertis" in the dojo forums?, maybe wed get more "customers".
Bowser, your bowser blasoise looks really cool, and for the tourney group, what are you playing in, 10 and under, 50, or 100.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Well, I just finished my first Brawl tournament. I came in 3rd to last out of 44 competitors.

In this tournament, you could only use Ike, Zelda, Pit, Link, Kirby, Mario, Sheik, or Marth.
I used Zelda against the tournament organizer (-_-)'s Ike, and lost
Then in the loser's bracket, I used Pit to demolish the guy's Zelda/Sheik to advance to the quarter finals.
Then, in the quarterfinals, I used Pit to lose to Link on Final Destination. Much to my dismay, Bridge of Eldin was a legal stage, and that stage cost me any chance of moving on. Link defeated my Zelda on Bridge of Eldin to knock me out of the tournament ;_;


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
If my two cents count...

If y'all are seriously thinking about branching out into another section of SWF, create a "Spriter Critique" thread in the Artwork Emporium. Link it back to here, and you'll not only have a bunch of new guests, but future splicers to maybe help out with the workload.

Or more Jiggloclefairymen makers.

*quickly places two pennies and flees*

EDIT: Don't forget page 200 and post 3000 are coming up soon. ;D
We could attract more guests that way, but if we teach people how to sprite and such I think they'd probably stick to working in the AE (let's call it that for the rest of the discussion) and there'd be even more of that going on in sig shops.
As for future spriters, as I've said before, unless something changes (like a member drops out of the shop) there will be no more members of TCPS.

Firus, should we "advertis" in the dojo forums?, maybe wed get more "customers".
Eh...we'd have to do it subtly. Like, in our sigs or something.
And then our identities might not be seekrit anymore.

Well, I just finished my first Brawl tournament. I came in 3rd to last out of 44 competitors.

In this tournament, you could only use Ike, Zelda, Pit, Link, Kirby, Mario, Sheik, or Marth.
I used Zelda against the tournament organizer (-_-)'s Ike, and lost
Then in the loser's bracket, I used Pit to demolish the guy's Zelda/Sheik to advance to the quarter finals.
Then, in the quarterfinals, I used Pit to lose to Link on Final Destination. Much to my dismay, Bridge of Eldin was a legal stage, and that stage cost me any chance of moving on. Link defeated my Zelda on Bridge of Eldin to knock me out of the tournament ;_;
Don't be depressed. Honestly, I'm about to compete in an online tourney sometime soon and I'm sure I'll come in dead last, since it's my first tourney and I always have, and always will, suck at Brawl.


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
Well, I just finished my first Brawl tournament. I came in 3rd to last out of 44 competitors.

In this tournament, you could only use Ike, Zelda, Pit, Link, Kirby, Mario, Sheik, or Marth.
I used Zelda against the tournament organizer (-_-)'s Ike, and lost
Then in the loser's bracket, I used Pit to demolish the guy's Zelda/Sheik to advance to the quarter finals.
Then, in the quarterfinals, I used Pit to lose to Link on Final Destination. Much to my dismay, Bridge of Eldin was a legal stage, and that stage cost me any chance of moving on. Link defeated my Zelda on Bridge of Eldin to knock me out of the tournament ;_;
Um, off-topic?

Besides, what kind of tournament let's you use only those characters?


Perpetual Lazy Bum
Jul 30, 2005
Stamping your library books.
While we're talking about tourneys, I remember my first Melee tourney. It was in November of last year. I played a mix of Sheik and Luigi, and placed second out of 30-something. I ended up losing to a Jigglypuff main on FD. Gah, if I only got a misfire, victory would've been mine!!

Still fun, though! That last battle was epic. I wish we had more tourneys in New Hampshire...


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
Must... resist... urge ..too... post about..tournies.
Fine, I'll do it.

I've only played in online tournies and never in real life tournies. The highest I ever got was second in a small online tourney for people in the Northeast. The final match was awesome even though I lost.

I just wished my parents would let me go to the city and compete in a tourney there...

At least my high school would have an MLG club and hopefully they have one of the Smash Bros games for the club.

To stay on-topic, I recolored BK's Bowtoise to make it more Bowser like.


Smash Journeyman
Nov 23, 2007
well it is technically a rule, but seriously noone follows it.....they should ban everyone. I want to see a charizard/ivysaur/squirtle fusion lol. PT fused basically.
Agreed. Look how long (and true lol) my sig is! Though my posts usually are lengthy.

btw, I have a request! Here it is (if I'm not supposed to post a request yet, sorry).

A fusion of Mawile and Gardevoir, but let it be more Mawile. If I'm allowed to add specifics here they are: Use Gardevoir for the height of the sprite and the arms, but I want Mawile's leg style (bell bottoms) w/o Gardevoir's skirt/dress. You can use Mawile's head and use the jaws. The color can be Mawile's. Sorry, this doesn't really seem to much like a fusion, just a taller, skinnier version of Mawile.

Bowser King

Have It Your Way
Aug 7, 2007
Ontario, Canada
Must... resist... urge ..too... post about..tournies.
Fine, I'll do it.

I've only played in online tournies and never in real life tournies. The highest I ever got was second in a small online tourney for people in the Northeast. The final match was awesome even though I lost.

I just wished my parents would let me go to the city and compete in a tourney there...

At least my high school would have an MLG club and hopefully they have one of the Smash Bros games for the club.

To stay on-topic, I recolored BK's Bowtoise to make it more Bowser like.
Thanks but I already did it but forgot to post it.

here it is....


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
Thanks but I already did it but forgot to post it.

here it is....
That sprite is quite awesome, blastoise fits bowser's head perfectly.

@tournie disscusion, Best I have done is 4th out of 37 in a melee tournie using ganon and falco( this was before our school realy knew how to use Advance tech)

Next two melee tournies they had I placed lower.

The brawl tourny we had I got 5th out of 40 people using ike and PT, and there were no character restrictions, double elemination,3 stock no items.

@moving, Please don't, we have to be on topic ALL the time, and eventualy the shop would turn into, well a shop, just request and your done, no little add ons, I say we make some sigs for our reocuring memebers that have links to here, that way we can get the word out without moving.


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
Thanks but I already did it but forgot to post it.

here it is....
Holy crap, I almost used the same exact colors for the arms and legs except yours looks more orange-y.

More tourney talk: My friends have had tournies at their house before but since they suck, I wouldn't call them actual real life tournies. A lvl 9 CPU could do better than them. I consistantly get 1st when I play in them


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
200 PAGES!​


More tourney talk: My friends have had tournies at their house before but since they suck, I wouldn't call them actual real life tournies. A lvl 9 CPU could do better than them. I consistantly get 1st when I play in them
Yeah, most of my friends are like that. One of my friends, whenever he plays Smash, generally just fools around or whatever and we agree not to fight him, because he's really not good at all. There's one of my friends who's at about my skill level (better at Brawl, but I'd say we're even with me possibly better on Melee), and then there's another one a little below my level. The rest of my friends are sorta in between.

I'd like to have a tourney sometime with my friends, using the official rules and stuff -- it would be Melee, of course -- but I haven't gotten around to it yet. Plus, I kinda want to have Wavedashing down by then to mindgame them. Because they won't have a clue what I'm doing.
None of my friends are competitive, really. In fact, there's one person I know that goes to tournies. I have yet to attend a tourney, although I am doing an online one soon.


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
200 PAGES!​

ZOMG! 200 pages, I remember the first time I posted here....

Heck, I've been here since the beginning of this thread.

I'd like to have a tourney sometime with my friends, using the official rules and stuff -- it would be Melee, of course -- but I haven't gotten around to it yet. Plus, I kinda want to have Wavedashing down by then to mindgame them. Because they won't have a clue what I'm doing.
None of my friends are competitive, really. In fact, there's one person I know that goes to tournies. I have yet to attend a tourney, although I am doing an online one soon.
Well my friend started having Brawl tournies because he was bored during summer vacation. He had a Melee tournament twice during them. I got first once using all best 5 characters in Melee ( Falcon, Roy, Link, Falco, Marth) and second the next time because I mostly used my secondaries and my friends older brother played in Melee tourney because his opinion is Melee > Brawl.


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
It's awesome! But not as awesome as that!

Jigglyogodwhatthef***isthatman lol priceless XACE-K, priceless.:laugh::laugh:
Thank you, I'll be here all week. *ba-dum-pish*

Anyway, post 3000 will be epic. Firus will make Zook's Dunspartan on it and he will say

"IMMA FIRIN MA LAZA" and Shoop da Whoop Jigglyogodwhatthef***isthatman into a bottomless pit of doom. The Dunspartan will than get Ganon f-tilted into the pit by Skyler and his evil Jigglypuffs and say "This is the POKE CENTER!"

Oh wait, that's for page 300.



Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Thank you, I'll be here all week. *ba-dum-pish*

Anyway, post 3000 will be epic. Firus will make Zook's Dunspartan on it and he will say

"IMMA FIRIN MA LAZA" and Shoop da Whoop Jigglyogodwhatthef***isthatman into a bottomless pit of doom. The Dunspartan will than get Ganon f-tilted into the pit by Skyler and his evil Jigglypuffs and say "This is the POKE CENTER!"

Oh wait, that's for page 300.

That would be Ganon's UTilt.....makes it more dramatic ;)


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
I will refresh this page every minute until it gets to the 2999th post. Then the 3000th post will be the most epic thing you have ever laid your eyes on.
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