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Pocket Monsters Inc. (The General Spriting Thread)


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
Hmm, whatever. You can read my response in the now closed thread, but read this first:

I meant to edit it, but when I pressed finish, the topic was already closed -.-
I meant to say it wasn't personally aimed at you, Firus, or your beliefs, ideals, character, or person. It was more of an angry showing of my passion for no hacking.
That's okay, I know I got a little angry too, I know neither of us were personally attacking each other so it's fine.

But I just want to say this, it is really my personal time because I don't play in tourneys. I like competitivity, I like Melee better and everything but...I'm a single player kind of guy, as I've said.
And honestly, I wasn't joking. I didn't trip at all. It's got to be a very very tiny rate of tripping if there is one.

I'm with you on hacking, really, but in cases like stupid features or Event Pokemon I make exceptions, that's all.

And it's best that the thread got closed, honestly there's the official WiiRD thread for the codes anyways.

where can you get this thing, it sounds awesome
You mean the No Tripping Code? I'll direct you to the closed thread, here. I believe everything should be there. Just warning you though, it takes a while to do...or, it took me a long time. Then again I got confused where I really didn't need to, so maybe that was it.


Smash Lol'd
Jun 1, 2008
You have to hack your Wii to be able to get it, zrky.
yhe, I know that, I just thought it was like an AR or something
You mean the No Tripping Code? I'll direct you to the closed thread, here. I believe everything should be there. Just warning you though, it takes a while to do...or, it took me a long time. Then again I got confused where I really didn't need to, so maybe that was it.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
No problem, have fun. The channel you have to download can do other nice things other than basically being an AR, so...yeah. And if you have any trouble, you can ask me about it.


Smash Journeyman
Jul 7, 2008
I request two things...

1) Pre-evolved form of Entei. (I swear, I'm obsessed with the gerbil)
2) Linoone/Suicune fusion.

Much, much thanks. :D


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
Off-topic #1: Xsyven's a mod now!?

Off-topic #2: I actually like the no tripping code. Down with tripping.

On-topic: I really think it's time to close shop again. There are too many requests now.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
The tripping code, I support it sp more people will take brawl seriously, but I don't seem to trip much at all anyway, I have tripped mabey 6 times in my carrear, and have lost no stocks to them.

YEAHS!!!! More hiatus.

How can we inspire our fellow spriters?

Fisrt one too complete the request gets


Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
Only reason i like Dusknoir fusuions is just the goddam mono eye. Reminds me of a Zaku....but the rest i just don't like.

Offtopic: didn't Xsyven used to be a Exmod?


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
Off-topic #1: Xsyven's a mod now!?

Off-topic #2: I actually like the no tripping code. Down with tripping.

On-topic: I really think it's time to close shop again. There are too many requests now.
Off-topic #1: Yes.

Off-topic #2: Yeah, tripping fails. If I can get rid of it (and thus granting me more enjoyment from playing Brawl -- however small it may be, it still lets me enjoy Brawl more), I'm going to.

On-topic: Yeah, I'm thinking the same thing. I hate to do it again, especially since it's my own laziness that caused it, but...unless I work at a gruelling pace, I'm not going to be able to get the requests back down to a reasonable number.

The tripping code, I support it sp more people will take brawl seriously, but I don't seem to trip much at all anyway, I have tripped mabey 6 times in my carrear, and have lost no stocks to them.
Yeah, tripping doesn't have that much affect on me (although it has messed me up when it happens), I think most of the reason I'm so fond of it is that it screws with what Sakurai wanted in the game, and Sakurai trying to kill competitivity and turn Smash into a party game was what started my dislike for Brawl in the first place, so rebelling against him...makes me feel much better.

Offtopic: didn't Xsyven used to be a Exmod?
I believe so. I believe that's why all of the mods made fun of Xsyven when they had a mod party.

I don't normally like to ask this, but I'm making an exception in this one instance.
Yaya, could I by any chance not do the Typhlosion/Borchooga fusion? I'm having a hard time thinking of a way to do anything to fuse the two. Most of the time I either have an idea in advance or I pull the sprites up and a way to start comes to me immediately, but after a few days of thinking about it, I still haven't come up with a solution. I think Spire's custom sprites are just too awesome to be fused with the normal Pokemon.
If anyone's been wondering, that's why I've been so demotivated the past few days...I couldn't think of a thing to do with it, and I work on the basis of not moving on until I finish the request that was requested longest ago.

Oh, and by the way, in response to the name pronunciation, my name is pronounced


Or however you want to spell the pronunciation. I don't remember who said what, so whoever said that was right. (It's supposed to be like Fire + rus minus the 're' on Fire)
By the way, I hate the second boss in Twilight Princess. Guess why.

0 Days.


Smash Lol'd
Jun 1, 2008
By the way, I hate the second boss in Twilight Princess. Guess why.
can you remind me, I think I forgot.

Firus, before you delete it, I would like to try the Boorchoga at least once, once im done with the Jynx/Machamp one.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
Wait, who is the second boss?...(I'm forgetfull)

Off topic: It will be funny if we can creat a perfect code that alows us melee physics, it wont be a perfect copy, but I think it will be a near perfect representation. Lets see sakurai, reggi and Dumbaway have an interview bout that. "OMG THEVE BRONKKEN THE BARRIER, WERE SCREWED"

ON topic: I think the reason Firus is having a hard time is that spires's sprites are a bit more color controlled, his imitate real life more than the original poke sprites, so its more of a styl clash that prevent combinations from looking right, if somehow we could make Borchoga more "pokemon" looking color scheem-wise, Then I think it could be done.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
can you remind me, I think I forgot.

Firus, before you delete it, I would like to try the Boorchoga at least once, once im done with the Jynx/Machamp one.
Sure, by all means try it. I just can't figure out something to do with it, if you can then that's great.

Wait, who is the second boss?...(I'm forgetfull)

Off topic: It will be funny if we can creat a perfect code that alows us melee physics, it wont be a perfect copy, but I think it will be a near perfect representation. Lets see sakurai, reggi and Dumbaway have an interview bout that. "OMG THEVE BRONKKEN THE BARRIER, WERE SCREWED"

ON topic: I think the reason Firus is having a hard time is that spires's sprites are a bit more color controlled, his imitate real life more than the original poke sprites, so its more of a styl clash that prevent combinations from looking right, if somehow we could make Borchoga more "pokemon" looking color scheem-wise, Then I think it could be done.
Hang on a second...

Look very closely at the bottom.

Off-Topic: Yeah, that'd be great. Not necessarily to change Brawl to Melee, just having the ability to and saying "**** YOU!! YEAH, WE CAN PLAY HOW WE WANT TO!"
...I don't have a lot of pent up rage or anything.

On-Topic: No, that's not really it...it's more of this. Just look at the two sprites side by side.

I look at the two side by side and I cannot see anything to do with them. Maybe add on the legs, but what else? I could edit the skin to be bamboo-ish, but I'd just disgrace Spire's beautiful replication of bamboo in Borchooga. I could maybe add on Typhlosion's flame on the back of Borchooga, but he's made of bamboo so the end result of that would just be a pile of ashes. Unless someone wants me to do that, I really don't have ideas for it. Either that, or I can do a very simple fusion with just legs added on.

Oh, and...
FirustheHedgehog said:
  1. Yaya's "Typhlosion/Borchooga Fusion" (2545)
  2. Zook's "Dunspartan" (2602)
  3. sonofthesky's "2nd Gen Ho-Oh revamp" (2686)
  4. sonofthesky's "Blaziken Shoop Da Whooping Infernape" (2686)
  5. majora787's "Mewtwo/Grovyle Fusion" (2700)
  6. majora787's "Cacturne/Crawdaunt Fusion" (2700)
  7. majora787's "Baltoy/Bannette/Duskull Fusion" (2700)
  8. Darkslash's "Dusknoir/Metagross Fusion" (2750)
  9. SkylerOcon's "Unicorn Ponyta" (2753)
  10. Kujirudo's "Meganium/Tropius Fusion" (2757)
  11. XACE-K's "Slakoth/Chimchar Evolution Line Fusion" (2758)
  12. Cease Tick's "Dratini/Vaporeon Fusion" (2765)
  13. Knyaguy's "Mudkip/Squirtle Fusion" (2779)
  14. Darkslash's "Dusknoir/Giratina Fusion" (2817)
  15. Overload's "Evil Zangoose" (2820)
  16. Overload's "Mewtwo/Umbreon Fusion" (2820)
  17. SilentFalcon's "Normal Deoxys/Charizard Fusion" (2836)
  18. SilentFalcon's "Charmander's pre-evolution" (2836)
  19. SilentFalcon's "Normal Deoxys/Charizard Fusion made Mecha with and without Shoop Da Whoop" (2836)
  20. Foxtrotter's "Entei pre-evolution" (2845)
  21. Foxtrotter's "Linoone/Suicune Fusion" (2845)
Yeah, I think it's time to stop requests. I'll add it to the title so people know not to request at the moment.


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
On-topic: Holy s*** that's a lot of requests.

Also for the Borchooga + Typhlosion, just cut off parts of Borchogga and put them unto Typhlosion. Forget color matching and making it look nice. Work would go faster. :D

Off-topic: I would like a Melee type-Brawl. It would be more competitive which I like. :D


Perpetual Lazy Bum
Jul 30, 2005
Stamping your library books.
On topic: That's a lotta requests.

Ack-- Must contribute to the tripping thing!!

Off topic: Tripping isn't that bad, people. What, your character stops moving for what, a second? Plus, you get an attack with invincibility frames, which is awsome.

Yeah, tripping doesn't have that much affect on me (although it has messed me up when it happens), I think most of the reason I'm so fond of it is that it screws with what Sakurai wanted in the game, and Sakurai trying to kill competitivity and turn Smash into a party game was what started my dislike for Brawl in the first place, so rebelling against him...makes me feel much better.
What, like you were a die-hard competitive Smash player? The only reason you say this is because you've seen others say this. Not because it's true, or obvious, or whatever. The Smash Community tried to commit suicide because Brawl isn't Melee 2.0. So the game is a bit floatier. So what? So the character's can't abuse the physics as well. Big deal. I like how Brawl is more of an intellectual battle than muscle-memory test. Mindgames > ATs, people!

If Sakurai wanted Brawl to be completely uncompetitive, he would've done waaay more than add tripping. And don't say he did, because he didn't.

It's always been a party game, anyways. You can never say it was intended to be competitive.


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
On-topic: Go to the OP Platypus and click on zrky's creations.

A lot of Off-topicness approaching!

Off topic: Tripping isn't that bad, people. What, your character stops moving for what, a second? Plus, you get an attack with invincibility frames, which is awsome.
True. Plus for me, it only seems to happen when you're winning. If you trip at the start of the match, it's a sign saying you're going to win.

What, like you were a die-hard competitive Smash player? The only reason you say this is because you've seen others say this. Not because it's true, or obvious, or whatever. The Smash Community tried to commit suicide because Brawl isn't Melee 2.0. So the game is a bit floatier. So what? So the character's can't abuse the physics as well. Big deal. I like how Brawl is more of an intellectual battle than muscle-memory test. Mindgames > ATs, people!
Also true. Brawl = Mindgames while Melee = AT's. I will admit that I like both games but seeing the things in Melee are just f***ing amazing. Compare a Melee combo video to a Brawl "combo"* video and the Melee one would be helluva lot better.

If Sakurai wanted Brawl to be completely uncompetitive, he would've done waaay more than add tripping. And don't say he did, because he didn't.
That would scary just thinking about it.

It's always been a party game, anyways. You can never say it was intended to be competitive.
Also true. The whole entire series was intended to be a party game. That includes Melee.

* I'm a believer of combos not existing in Brawl. This could be because I find Melee combos more f***ing awesome or because I main Ike. Your choice.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
On-topic: Holy s*** that's a lot of requests.

Also for the Borchooga + Typhlosion, just cut off parts of Borchogga and put them unto Typhlosion. Forget color matching and making it look nice. Work would go faster. :D

Off-topic: I would like a Melee type-Brawl. It would be more competitive which I like. :D
But Borchooga only really has two parts, the "torch" and the legs. Kinda hard to do that, especially the torch part (without scratching intensely).

I'm having trouble finding the recent creations (i.e. Tentariablablah). Is there a link that I don't notice?
Yeah, you're talking about Ariados/Tentacool, right? The link on the first page titled "zrky's creations" should take you there. The bottom of the post it links you to should have it.

Off topic: Tripping isn't that bad, people. What, your character stops moving for what, a second? Plus, you get an attack with invincibility frames, which is awsome.
It's more of the principle that annoys me than anything else.

What, like you were a die-hard competitive Smash player? The only reason you say this is because you've seen others say this. Not because it's true, or obvious, or whatever. The Smash Community tried to commit suicide because Brawl isn't Melee 2.0. So the game is a bit floatier. So what? So the character's can't abuse the physics as well. Big deal. I like how Brawl is more of an intellectual battle than muscle-memory test. Mindgames > ATs, people!

If Sakurai wanted Brawl to be completely uncompetitive, he would've done waaay more than add tripping. And don't say he did, because he didn't.

It's always been a party game, anyways. You can never say it was intended to be competitive.
No, it's actually because I saw Sakurai himself saying that he wanted Smash to be more of a party game, and things like when he goes to a sporting event he thinks the losers are just as good as the winners for trying.
In other words, winning shouldn't matter and as such competitivity should not exist.
THAT is what turned me off to Brawl and to Sakurai. The fact that he could even think such a thing irks me. Unlike many other people, most of the reason Brawl irks me is because of the principle. I still find Melee to be a better game, I just enjoy it more, but...yeah.

It was never intended to be competitive but it was uncalled of for Sakurai to specifically go after the competitivity of the game and get rid of it. It's entirely possible to play Melee casually.

And Platypus, throwing us a few bones =/= a competitive or hardcore game. Every game Nintendo puts out throws hardcore gamers a few bones, it doesn't mean the majority of the game isn't casual or too easy.

Anyways, /Melee vs. Brawl debate. That's the LAST thing we need to happen here, it'll only go into a very intense flame war and...that's why GBD sucks so much. Let's not turn TCPS into the GBD, please.


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
More Off-topicness:

No, it's actually because I saw Sakurai himself saying that he wanted Smash to be more of a party game, and things like when he goes to a sporting event he thinks the losers are just as good as the winners for trying.
He wants Smash to be a party game. As in the series. Which includes Melee. I still like both games though.

If we're going to agrue about this, why can't we use the the shop's group thread thingy-ma-jiggy that zrky made.

On-topic: We REALLY have to stay on topic.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
More Off-topicness:

He wants Smash to be a party game. As in the series. Which includes Melee. I still like both games though.

If we're going to agrue about this, why can't we use the the shop's group thread thingy-ma-jiggy that zrky made.

On-topic: We REALLY have to stay on topic.
Yeah, as I said

FirustheHedgehog said:
/Melee vs. Brawl debate
Before it's too late.


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
Yeah, I've made a decision and I'm going to put this in the rules.

No more off-topic posts, you can post an off-hand off-topic thing every once in a while but...this is getting a little ridiculous. Every page there are about 5 posts that have "Off-Topic" written in them, and I know everyone wants it to stop but...it's not happening, so new rule; do not say "Off-Topic:" in a post. If you have to put something there, then go to the Social Group the zrky made and post it there. Anyone who makes a largely off-topic post in here will not have any requests fulfilled for three days, whether the request has already been made or if you make it after you post that.

Sorry guys, but it really needs to stop.


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
Yeah, I've made a decision and I'm going to put this in the rules.

No more off-topic posts, you can post an off-hand off-topic thing every once in a while but...this is getting a little ridiculous. Every page there are about 5 posts that have "Off-Topic" written in them, and I know everyone wants it to stop but...it's not happening, so new rule; do not say "Off-Topic:" in a post. If you have to put something there, then go to the Social Group the zrky made and post it there. Anyone who makes a largely off-topic post in here will not have any requests fulfilled for three days, whether the request has already been made or if you make it after you post that.

Sorry guys, but it really needs to stop.
Good rule. I'll stop my off-topicness now. Also good idea by listening to me about posting in the social group for off-topicness.


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
I'm gonna attempt a request now....so....look forward to THAT!


Introducing: Mudwirtle!

Introducing: Charcko! The Pre-Evolution To Charmander!

Char/Gecko- Charcko
Char/Salamander- Charmander
Char/Chameleon- Charmeleon
Char/Lizard- Charizard

Charcko are the eggs of the Charmander family that have been overdeveloped and have developed a working organ system. The entirety of Charko's body is rock solid, including the tail. The only part of the body that is exposed are the eyes.


Smash Champion
Oct 22, 2007
Burnaby, BC
You cab guve up on the request, Zrky can try it, I saw the two and knew it would be extremely hard to fuse.

I stumped the spriter, I win the thread.


Tiny Dancer
Mar 21, 2008
Alright. Since the shop is closed are we allowed to have off-topic discussion in here? Or, can we just fantasize about how awesome it would be to see a 100-foot-borchooga do battle with Rayquaza?

Nope, this is my first time. :)

CK just taunted me becaue he knew I was eventually going to be modded, from discussion in the Staffer Shack.
All hail Xsyven for being the first mod to post in the Custom Pokemon Shop (But still isn't cool enough to post in mod parties).


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
Alright. Since the shop is closed are we allowed to have off-topic discussion in here? Or, can we just fantasize about how awesome it would be to see a 100-foot-borchooga do battle with Rayquaza?
Um...well, the shop isn't really closed or on hiatus like last time, we're just not accepting new requests. So I'm pretty much going to have to say no -- getting off-topic is still a problem. If you have to go a little off-topic, at least keep it Pokemon-related.

Meta-Kirby, Mudwirtle and Charcko look great. Nice job with them.


Smash Lol'd
Jun 1, 2008
Um...well, the shop isn't really closed or on hiatus like last time, we're just not accepting new requests. So I'm pretty much going to have to say no -- getting off-topic is still a problem. If you have to go a little off-topic, at least keep it Pokemon-related.

And Yaya, you didn't completely stump me. But if I had given you it it would've been really simple.
well really you could have given typhlosion a Borchooga costume, which would make it look fused except it might not look great but it still works.

for the off topic: (sorry I didn't mean it:laugh:)yet pokemon related, what if people started posting their own creations like last time, or is that still not allowed. Just wondering.


Smash Master
Jan 13, 2007
Binghamton, NY
I am sure we will get off topic the same rate we always do, but anyway.....

I think a request I made got lost somewhere, If I find it will you add it Firus?

Liek teh Mudtwirtle


You know what? I am good.
Apr 7, 2008
for the off topic: (sorry I didn't mean it:laugh:)yet pokemon related, what if people started posting their own creations like last time, or is that still not allowed. Just wondering.
No. Last time it was a 2 week hiatus and the whole point of it was to take a break from spriting altogether. This time, like the two previous times we've stopped requests other than the hiatus, the point is for us to be doing more spriting to catch up. There will be things to discuss still, so no, it will not be allowed.

And that's not really off-topic anyways; if it's related to the shop at all (which, that was) then it's on-topic.

The wrath of Koarin said:
I think a request I made got lost somewhere, If I find it will you add it Firus?
Sure. I don't think I missed one, but if I did and you direct me to the initial post so I can put the post number on the list, then certainly.

EDIT: I changed my mind and decided to give Typhlosion/Borchooga another shot. And, here it is; Typhlooga.



Smash Master
Feb 1, 2008
Strangereal Equestria
Alright. Since the shop is closed are we allowed to have off-topic discussion in here? Or, can we just fantasize about how awesome it would be to see a 100-foot-borchooga do battle with Rayquaza?


All hail Xsyven for being the first mod to post in the Custom Pokemon Shop (But still isn't cool enough to post in mod parties).
We can't, or else Firus will smite us all...

Ohh wait he beat me too it...

the Eevee blastoise scares me..


Smash Master
Oct 28, 2007
New York
I think you need to change one of the rules on the OP Firus.

You said the most amount of requests you can make at one time is 7. That seems a little too much. How about changing it to 3 or 4?


Level 55
Jul 10, 2007
North Carolina
Remember guys, no off-topic posts in rapid succession. I can almost sense you guys drifting over...
I once again find myself in the freshman-infested drafting class o' doom. Substitute teachers FTL, I mean, the guy is staring right at me as I type this and Koarin's Pheonix Right "Expletive" is humping away. -.-
I'll try to get some requests done over the weekend, but I urge everyone to BRANCH out!
I consider my specialty to be 1st Stage Fusions, such as fusing Koffing and Snubbull. Please, when you make a series of requests, consider the detail that must be put into ONE sprite of your list before adding 6 more to that ongoing series.
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