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Shin Bowser Meow

Smash Ace
Dec 4, 2003
Virginia Beach, VA
I'm a sad panda to hear this. It was very fun having you over for shinfests and just chilling. I learned much as well. i still am terribad, but not so much. Goddamit...


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
This will be the last post I make on smashboards.

I will no longer be playing smash

I'm moving on with my life

You won't see me at anymore weeklies

No more tournaments

No more smashfests

I'm stepping down from TS as well.

Goodbye everyone

Don't hit me up on AIM either

I'm deleting my entire smash group as well
Dude I know why your leaving, And I dont think that is a good enough reason. I know we don't talk much and all, but your cool peoples. Dude, I ONLY play Peach in tournaments, and I can be gayed so easy. And I have alot of hard match ups. I just got tornado spammed by a meta, and I dont have many options about that with Peach. And I lost. But I brushed it off, why? Cause its brawl, and thats how many play this game, and cause.....I'm Peach, it is to be expected.

Its Hard going all Peach in tournaments, **** is tuff as hell and I have alot to deal with. But I eat it up like a man and take the abuse and comeback and try again later. And if people wanna get cocky with me cause of it......oh well, let them, I did my justice, win or lose. Your a good player and TS needs you, you help them out. One day of the fawk ups don't ean ****. Don't quit or leave your team. Remember the advice you gave me back in melee in this very thread? You look at it and think about what you said to me. thats all I gotta say.

I'll do shout-outs later.


Smash Lord
Dec 29, 2003
Here We Go Again Same Ol **** Just A Different Day- Dmx

this Will Be The Last Post I Make On Smashboards.

I Will No Longer Be Playing Smash

I'm Moving On With My Life

You Won't See Me At Anymore Weeklies

No More Tournaments

No More Smashfests

I'm Stepping Down From Ts As Well.

Goodbye Everyone

Don't Hit Me Up On Aim Either

I'm Deleting My Entire Smash Group As Well

Stop Lieing ***** You Will Be Back ***** Stop It With The Speech The Farwell Mess You Will Still Play.

Shadow 111

Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
Staten Island, New York
good matches to everyone at the weekly. good job to hax ninja link and bum, i dunno hwho got second and 3rd out of hax and NL ...

wessssss.. you were supposed to pay us for the crew battle.. =/..... next week, alright?


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2007
Hastings-on-Hudson, NY
Dude I know why your leaving, And I dont think that is a good enough reason. I know we don't talk much and all, but your cool peoples. Dude, I ONLY play Peach in tournaments, and I can be gayed so easy. And I have alot of hard match ups. I just got tornado spammed by a meta, and I dont have many options about that with Peach. And I lost. But I brushed it off, why? Cause its brawl, and thats how many play this game, and cause.....I'm Peach, it is to be expected.

Its Hard going all Peach in tournaments, **** is tuff as hell and I have alot to deal with. But I eat it up like a man and take the abuse and comeback and try again later. And if people wanna get cocky with me cause of it......oh well, let them, I did my justice, win or lose. Your a good player and TS needs you, you help them out. One day of the fawk ups don't ean ****. Don't quit or leave your team. Remember the advice you gave me back in melee in this very thread? You look at it and think about what you said to me. thats all I gotta say.

I'll do shout-outs later.
ok, i'm sorry, but you have constantly, and I mean like CONSTANTLY, been reminding people that you use peach and that it's so hard and difficult, but that you keep going. It's great that you're tryin to talk to someone and help 'em out, but to include a portion of your auto-biography in it is just bad.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
ok, i'm sorry, but you have constantly, and I mean like CONSTANTLY, been reminding people that you use peach and that it's so hard and difficult, but that you keep going. It's great that you're tryin to talk to someone and help 'em out, but to include a portion of your auto-biography in it is just bad.
I don't recall doing that for BRAWL expect..............right now?


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
IRL and on the boards.... multiple times....
Uh........ok w/e. I don't know why you wanna start something out of nowhere, but I'm not in the mood for it. Nor am I here to please you. So think what you want. Don't care. I was making a point to Ron, not to get into it with you.


Smash Lord
May 31, 2008

Rockin - Good singles matches. I pretty much got lucky that second match.

Jman - fun matches too. lol that second dedede match was the worst x.x lol chain grab to death! nice third match it was close.

Chrismas - awesome matches. your peach was putting on the shield pressure, so i had to spam with TL.
it could have gone either way tho!

Vinny - I didnt expect your luigi to be that good/annoying. that camping was sooo annoying. and letting you do it was my downfall.

Leo - Thanx for all the tips and support =D

Ninjalink + Shadow - nice double matches. i think we cudda had the second one! if croc hadnt killed me!

Silven + Stars - nice friendlies and tourney matches.

there are tons of other people i wanna shout out, but i dont wanna write a book on here. but thanks for everything guys. see ya next week!


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2007
Hastings-on-Hudson, NY
Uh........ok w/e. I don't know why you wanna start something out of nowhere, but I'm not in the mood for it. Nor am I here to please you. So think what you want. Don't care. I was making a point to Ron, not to get into it with you.
I suppose, but I just saw it as really bad form. I'll leave it at that


Smash Master
Aug 6, 2005
Brooklyn, NY
ok results i guess.

1st Bum + NL
3rd Hax
4th Snakeeee
5th D1 +Mask i believe

thats what i can get from my head.


Smash Lord
May 29, 2007
Brooklyn, New York
All matches were pretty good except for one..dunno, I guess I suck. I still don't think it's Ike...everytime I get gimped it feels as if I could have prevented it someway...somehow.

Oh well what can you do, I guess I need to work harder to learn how to deal with all that. Anyway thanks Jtails, friendlies were pretty good. You're pretty good at gimping...I didn't know Ness' dair was that beast lol

And, peace out Ron. I guess you deleted me too....*tear* I thought we really...connected..you know *wipes tear*. Oh well, I guess this chapter of your life is closed. I kinda know how that is (no I was never EMO)


Smash Ace
Jul 17, 2003
I don't recall doing that for BRAWL expect..............right now?

OOO MY GOD! DUDE!! YOU DO IT ALL DAY EVERY DAY!! its like your sig....u know what? u should make it your sig. While evry1 else says BRAWL SUCKS! evryday, day in and day out. you say I MAIN PEACH AND ONLY PEACH, AND ITS REALLY HARD, BUT I MAN UP. STOP IT!!!!!!


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
OOO MY GOD! DUDE!! YOU DO IT ALL DAY EVERY DAY!! its like your sig....u know what? u should make it your sig. While evry1 else says BRAWL SUCKS! evryday, day in and day out. you say I MAIN PEACH AND ONLY PEACH, AND ITS REALLY HARD, BUT I MAN UP. STOP IT!!!!!!
Oh de que diablo. Dude enough. Your not hurting me here. Why post to me about this. I'll go on and on and nothing you can do about it. quit attacking me. You don't like me on here? you got a problem with me on here, here is an idea, you know about the ignore list? use it.Geez...

Also I think me and Jman tied for 7th? Thats what I think but not too sure about it.


Smash Ace
Mar 16, 2008
Plainview, New York
d1 You owe me :D

good **** this weekly

Dire and rafa good teams match that stupid *** bucket knocked the **** out of me i was so confused. then i pulled that string of techs out of my ***

shin and tippman for the good matches

leo - stop sandbaggin
Bum - your so mean...

reno n hbk for comming out
we needed malcom though

the NJ crew for commin out even though they got beasted pretty bad in the end and backing out of the crew battle ...

NINJA LINK for winning

Hax for trying to take NLs money.

**** shout outs


Smash Champion
May 8, 2007
gkrackerr said:
ok, i'm sorry, but you have constantly, and I mean like CONSTANTLY, been reminding people that you use peach and that it's so hard and difficult, but that you keep going. It's great that you're tryin to talk to someone and help 'em out, but to include a portion of your auto-biography in it is just bad.
wow quit life who are you. who is this nobody signing on smashboards just to **** on people who are actually known. stop insulting dark pch guys he is cool ppls. :(

XSilvenX said:
And, peace out Ron. I guess you deleted me too....*tear* I thought we really...connected..you know *wipes tear*. Oh well, I guess this chapter of your life is closed. I kinda know how that is (no I was never EMO)
LMAOOO i thought this was blackanese speaking for a second then i was like.. wait.. blackanese typing with grammar? lmfaooo

GodotAA said:
Hax for trying to take NLs money.
lol why do i even bother

jtails.. i didn't get a shoutout for the EPIC DOUBLE KNEE OF DOOM!?!!?!?? i swear.. someone's wii just went up like $100 in cash value. EVERYONE: CHECK YOUR WII'S VIDEOS SECTION!!!. look for #8, falcon vs falcon on haxfield. to whoever has that video get popcorn dominos whatever floats ur boat and let the quit lifes begin!!

anyway AWESOME weekly... at least for me lol. best 1 in a while. brawl is actually a lottt of fun.. if you win. >_> lots of shoutouts:

vanz: GOOD ****. team synergy prevails
jman: yoo man. we haven't chilled for a while. good to see we're back on good terms and btw GET AT ME!!!!
brian: see u tomorrow man. bring jesus if you can (o snap that rhymed)
bum: yoo son get at us for buyin that homeless guy's album LMAOOO i'ma listen to it tomorrow and tell u how it is incase you forgot you had it.
raymond: always a pleasure ma dude me and you have too much fun haha
d1: ma dude where have you BEEN? we haven't chilled in the longest.. i should definitely come to your place some time so i can see your little brother. he is very... unique.. yes, unique. lmfaoo
jtails and rookie: yo guys, we gotta start like a falcon crew or something. the legion of falcons!! yea, that got a nice ring to it. oh yeah, GET DOUBLE KNEE'D ROOKIE!!
ninjalink: yo man you are too good at this game i don't know how the **** i ever beat u you are amazing no meatriding
steiner and silven: you guys are cool ppls. had fun chillin with y'all. ma dude steiner BROKE THE DOWN-SMASHING HABIT!!! PROPS!!! and silven, how's that skating going? lol you guys are beast
shadow and snake: great job today guys.. fell just a bit short of top 3 :( you guys deserved it more than i did
chris: idk what to say. how are you gonna beast on someone for not teaming with you when you're placing last or 2nd to last in singles every week (that is, if you even enter). you're acting like i'm the ONLY PERSON THERE who would've turned u down to team.. just because i team with you once doesn't mean we're official partners chris. like wow you've got alot to learn.. in and out of smash.. but especially in. you're not gonna get good if you don't go to smashfests and play. and then for you to **** talk against me in the winners finals.. that's just uncalled for. and then of course after the tourney is over we're mad good friends again. you're lucky i'm a really nice person chris.. i give everyone 2nd chances =/ i know mad people at that weekly would not forgive u for what you did. :ohwell:


-hax/mista aziz lol


Smash Apprentice
May 27, 2008
Bronx, NY
lmao I was in a good mood

I should still kwit life tho lol
Hax: and your telling me to kwit
ive told you why already.. I preferably rather team with the people i know.. IDC if i Suck

I suck.. I admit i SUCK at this game..

so yea i atleast know how to play..

and i don't get last in singles..
i win at least go even 2-2 sometimes i have bad days and go 1-2 =[ but i play to have fun..I try to win but still i have fun playing thats what counts in the end right? I liked meeting new people who have similar interests as me(Smash bros, Pokemon, DDR etc.) i wish i could say i was pro at this game but im not.. I could have Dedicated myself to 3 years of playing melee every day learning and Perfecting L cancel, tech chaces, DI, wave dashing but no.. I work and go to school.
brawl is a different story and im still learning tho.. so for you to have sour grapes when 90% of the people do what i did.. and say "Wow aziz quit..."


so yea.. moving on why is this forum about bashing people.. thats all i ever see lol


Dionis: cool seeing you again
Jtails: =] good friendlys and finally found SOMEONE WHO GETS OFF AT THE LAST STOP ON THE D =P bronx all dai
Blackanese: =] 2 good. jappa jappa food FTW lol..even tho it took 30 mins to make curry lol. good friendlys also.
jesus/brian (J-man/Alukard): for being jesus and brian XD.
Daphy: lol Mario party 8 is too good XD no More sexual references while play that game ok.
D1: for being D1
Ninja link: Ill MM you in DDR/ ITG like you asked a month ago??? XD
Homalon: sorry if i misspelled the name XD (PHD) i think they call you that
GG's in pokemon VG
Shadow: i hate metaknite dittos =[ and Pirate ship was stupid.. we should have saved it lol. would have liked to play some friendlys with you.. maybe next week? wifi kinda sucks.
uhh thats about it i think

Ill try to go to TG wednesday not sure who else goes there? cause there wasnt anybody there when me and hax went just Dj Nintendo, Vanz, Bum, other ppl i dont know.

~kwis? (chris)


Smash Apprentice
May 27, 2008
Bronx, NY
leo i was the one that called you.. you texted me with O_o..


I got your number from raymond.

Yep yep..

Bring Falco next week =]


Smash Ace
Jun 25, 2006
NYC Bronx
i kno theres a wanted poster on webby O_O how the hell did they get a picture like that of my duck O_O!!!


Smash Ace
Mar 1, 2007
Hastings-on-Hudson, NY
wow quit life who are you. who is this nobody signing on smashboards just to **** on people who are actually known. stop insulting dark pch guys he is cool ppls. :(
nah, I know he's chill, but it's just what he did; it was bad form and I didn't like it. Anywho, you prolly would recognize me in real life if ya saw me lol, I'm not completely unknown

Angel.M <3 C:

Smash Champion
Sep 23, 2006
imouto island
Sorry i had to leave early yesturday i had things to take care of.


Snake: Good set. the first match was really close the counter pick was eh >.> i was gonna pick meta but you have to much experiance facing him

The other ZSS player i dont remember your name but that was a really good set too.

Everyone else. Iloveyou?

And no i don't think there is a weeklie today


Smash Champion
May 8, 2007
nah, I know he's chill, but it's just what he did; it was bad form and I didn't like it. Anywho, you prolly would recognize me in real life if ya saw me lol, I'm not completely unknown
wait wait.. toon link and falco. i think i know you. if you're who i think you are then my bad, but yeaa dark pch is cool man.. some people just got.. a misunderstanding of him lmao


Juggies <3
Oct 16, 2006
Bronx, New York
wait wait.. toon link and falco. i think i know you. if you're who i think you are then my bad, but yeaa dark pch is cool man.. some people just got.. a misunderstanding of him lmao
It's Ritz. guy with glasses, plays a red toon link. Acts ghetto like "Wat up, cracker!?"


Smash Champion
May 8, 2007
Kwis? said:
Hax: and your telling me to kwit
ive told you why already.. I preferably rather team with the people i know.. IDC if i Suck
LMFAOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO that was a joke.. omg i don't even wanna say it but.. omg.. kwit lol

btw kwit life isnt meant to be that offensive, at least when i say it. when DJ says it o man i'm not gonna lie he shuts ppl down with his kwit lifes of doom, but me? nahh lol

Kwis? said:
I try to win but still i have fun playing thats what counts in the end right?
melee's over chris.. that's definitely some melee logic. you think i have fun throwing grenades for 5 minutes and utilting a couple times to finish the match? seriously lol.

in melee, to impress the crowd you gotta 0-to-death somebody when youre under mad pressure and youre not thinking straight you gotta go stomp jab stomp side b usmash uair KNEE.

in brawl, even i'm impressed when people ftilt with snake out of their shield. it's not that hard to get a "GOOD ****!!!" in brawl. a 2-hit combo will work lol.

i don't hate this game i actually like it and i don't think it's nearly as bad as i did before. basically, this game isn't really evolving, but at the same time playing it makes u much smarter. what i mean is, the game is ALL mindgames. no significant techniques have been discovered lately (unless that metaknight cape thing does something important..) but at the same time every week you see people doing the same things they did last week, but smarter. also i'm not gonna lie almost everyone at that weekly is getting mad good. me and jaden had a rough *** teams bracket to go through.. props to everyone we played... and i actually do love playing teams alot cuz i dont feel like all im doing is camping. in singles, i love playing as falcon.. but does it look like i can go him in tournament? well.. not yet.. :)

anyway this is a very different game than melee.. it's not as fun but it's all in the mind when u play brawl.. there is no tech skill. the hardest thing in the game is auto-cancelling falcon's dair. i'm serious that **** is hard lol. but then again its still smash, its still a fighting game, and you still get psyched out and lose focus at the slightest thing. if the crowd is saying "GOOD **** HAX!" you feel mad good and keep playing smart. if someone says 'YO QUIT LIFE AZIZ' i'm like 'whattt?' for a second and then i'm playing like ****. the only reason i dont even care is cuz im not gonna beat bum anyway lol


Smash Champion
May 8, 2007
It's Ritz. guy with glasses, plays a red toon link. Acts ghetto like "Wat up, cracker!?"
**** i just offended ma dude ritz. dont beat me up ma dude lmao

i'm a noob for not reading his sig.. lol.. kwit life myself
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