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Peach Weekly Match-Up Discussion - Forever Outdated :(


Smash Master
Jun 13, 2008
Toot Toot thrills in Green Hills (England, UK)
Peach Dittoes: Toad his Toad after glide tossing into his face (proper spacing required)
Rofl. This and a bit more this

Peach dittos have grown on me. Kata, we need to have matches and get ours up NOW

I can't believe you didn't save that Lylat Cruise one...my spacing was god tier in that match :(

Edreese, I wanna see you in Peach dittos D:


*smoke machine*
Oct 12, 2008
Of course Rick! Peach dittos at 9 tonight!

Please please please I hope there's no wifi problemos though!


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
only peach dittos i have done is with dark.pch, he won, but they were always close, nobody in the midwest seems to play peach so i don't get the opportunity very often lol.

Liquid Gen

Smash Ace
Jun 17, 2008
Warner Robins, GA
Hi from the Bowser boards.

I really hate this match up. I really do.

Dragoomba's Peach turnips me to death, glidetossing everywhere. It gets real irritating and I start to play bad as a result.

But one shining light for Bowser is UpB; Peach's autocancels are useless against Bowser when you hit our shield cause we have UpBOOS.

But even with the UpBOOS, Peach has a solid advantage over us with turnip spacing and glide tossing, but our FAir beats Peach's in terms of speed. However, the majority of your aerials own ours.

I'd have to agree with 60/40 Peach.


Smash Hero
Aug 24, 2008
Honolulu, HI
Okay, quick matchup summary coming!

Okay, first of all, you need to avoid Bowser's grab. This is a problem for some characters, but not for you. That's because you are Peach, and you should not be grabbed. If you're not floating in this matchup, then you're doing it wrong. :p

What sort of horrors can Bowser unleash out of his grab? Grab releases. If Bowser grabs Peach and you get a ground release, he can grab you again for more pummel damage and he can even use a Klaw, which will do a sizeable 18%. You fare a little better if you jump out of Bowser's grab with a jump release, but it's still not a very good thing. If you jump out, Bowser can Fair you, which can KO at the ledge. However, you should not be overly scared of this. Remember that you are Peach, and if you're using Peach, you are floating. If you're not floating, you're doing it wrong. :p

Bowser also has a very large shield, which he an use to absorb attacks and counterattack with his OoS options. Large shields are not a problem for you, because you are Peach. If you're not floating and Dairing/Fairing your opponent, you're doing it wrong. :p

Bowser's OoS options are pretty beastly though. His Fortress has invincibility frames and comes out instantly. If you're not floating at head height, which you should be, you'll probably be hit by it. Just make sure you're floating high enough for this to be ineffective. Then again, I think the hitbox might have some vertical disjoint, so I'll test it to see if the Fortress can stop Dairs and such. (probably not, but I mind as well)

Oh, and there's a move that deserves it's own paragraph. The Utilt. Bowser's Utilt is absolutely beastly, and it's one of the most powerful Utilts in the game. It comes out fast, has lots of priority (it will beat all your aerials), and a very bogus hitbox. Did I mention it'll probably kill at 110%? The reason I mention this move is that it's simply too good. It's very hard to predict, and it's one of Bowser's most usable killing moves. Watch out for this, especially if there are platforms around.

Other then that, watch out for the occasional aerial and Bowser's edgeguard shenanigans. Make sure you save your killing moves, otherwise he'll be a nightmare to kill.

So yeah, I would agree on something like 60-40. I might go as far to argue that it's 55-45, but that seems a bit low.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
I have gotten good with bowser and have played some good Peach players and beat them. And as well as fought some good bowser (kizza is beast). Bowser is all about baiting and tanking (well to me anyway if he want's to pwn) If bowser rushes at Peach, he is gonna get it.

Bowser usually has to space well to get inside you or make an opening. Also his best way to punish you is up-B out of the shield. He can also auto cancel his fair to jabs (Ha ha ha, Peach reference?)

Also, while bowser is not suppose to rush you, it would be that good of an idea to rush him all the time. Cause he is good at tanking and pushing you out of the shield. As well as baiting you to attack. the only time I see a need to rush Peach is if she starts to camp/spam turnips. Then He has to choice but to get in there to get you to spot. But this won't **** him. Her turnip spamming/camping is not that fast and not hard to get by.

If you hit bowser with Dairs and he shields, he can uptilt out the shield and hit you. So those dair air happy Peach players, remember this one. And if you float low enough, He can up-B you out of your dair when shielded (who did not see that one comming?)

I think I will stop here cause everything else has been said. Also any Peach players that wanna play my bowser, I'll do it.

Also, this happened to me once but never tried to test this or w/e After a grab release, I think you can power shield a Ftilt from bowser. Someone test this.

60-40 Peach


Smash Hero
Aug 24, 2008
Honolulu, HI
also, this happened to me once but never tried to test this or w/e After a grab release, I think you can power shield a Ftilt from bowser. Someone test this.
You can Powershield the Ftilt if the Bowser player's timing is off by a couple of frames. (It's very easy to mistime an Ftilt, since attacks are not buffered out of a grab release.)

Bowser should be using his Klaw out of a grab release more then his Ftilt though. It hits faster and can't be shielded.


Smash Hero
Aug 24, 2008
Honolulu, HI
Ok there is something I always wondered. Does his claw have super armor?
The Klaw technically does have super armor (grab armor), but so do all grabs.

If you hit Bowser on the same frame that he grabs you with the Klaw (frame 8), then it will act like super armor and he will not flinch.

So that means that Bowser has 4 frames to hit Peach with the Klaw if you try to Jab him. 3 frames otherwise. That makes it a very easy to land a Klaw out of a grab release compared to the Ftilt, where you only have a single frame to land it.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
The Klaw technically does have super armor (grab armor), but so do all grabs.

If you hit Bowser on the same frame that he grabs you with the Klaw (frame 8), then it will act like super armor and he will not flinch.

So that means that Bowser has 4 frames to hit Peach with the Klaw if you try to Jab him. 3 frames otherwise. That makes it a very easy to land a Klaw out of a grab release compared to the Ftilt, where you only have a single frame to land it.
Ok, Peach's Jab comes out in 2 frames, so it can beat the claw, but what worried me is if I can beat the claw with my jab after a grab release. I don't know the timing for that.


Smash Hero
Aug 24, 2008
Honolulu, HI
but what worried me is if I can beat the claw with my jab after a grab release. I don't know the timing for that.
It's impossible to beat the Klaw as long as the Bowser player knows the timing for it. However, the Bowser player's timing will most likely be off by a couple of frames, so there are a couple things you can do to avoid it somewhat.

1. Start mashing A. If your Jab comes out on the first possible frame, it can stop a Klaw that is mistimed by a minimum of 5 frames.

1. Start spamming your spot dodge. If you spot dodge on the first possible frame, you can avoid a Klaw that is mistimed by a minimum of 4 frames.

So in most cases, your spot dodge would be your best bet at stopping Klaws that are mistimed. If you successfully dodge, then you have a maximum of 11 frames to punish Bowser. (grab him or something)

So in the end, there's no escape if Bowser has perfect timing. Watch out for a delayed Fsmash out of a grab release. If you like spot dodging to avoid Bowser's grab release attacks, then this can hit you if Bowser predicts a spot dodge. Watch out.

Mr.Eh, your sig is incredibly entertaining.
I say that if you don't smile through life, then you're doing it wrong. :p


Smash Hero
Aug 24, 2008
Honolulu, HI
Damm, bowser is too good, like wtf?
People just don't like Bowser for some reason. ><

But I really wouldn't be worried about his grab release shenanigans too much. Yes, the Klaw and regrab are inescapable, but it's not that big of a problem. Remember that Peach is hard to grab. :p

Also, try to keep Bowser mainers away from the first controller port. That way if you do get Klawed by the edge, Bowser wont win and it'll be a sudden death instead.
The SBR Ruleset states that if Bowser takes off your last stock with a suicide, the victory goes to Bowser, even in sudden death conditions. No idea why, I guess the Back Room feels sorry for Bowser.


Smash Lord
Jan 30, 2005
Bindura, Zimbabwe
I think that rule is there because it's kind of dumb to argue over something trivial like controller port. But everyone knows the REAL Bowser mains don't worry about controller ports because they delay their bowsercides :)

Also if you want some anti-klaw moves throw all of your turnips up and DI towards them when Bowser klaws you (so that the turnip hits Bowser and you take no damage). It's pretty funny when it actually works (I've had it happen to me with a death turnip oof)


Smash Hero
Aug 24, 2008
Honolulu, HI
Also if you want some anti-klaw moves throw all of your turnips up and DI towards them when Bowser klaws you (so that the turnip hits Bowser and you take no damage). It's pretty funny when it actually works (I've had it happen to me with a death turnip oof)
You can't throw Turnips to stop grab releases though. Well, not realistically anyways.


Smash Lord
May 28, 2007
Homewood, IL
Bowser is too good! I've played good Bowsers, keep your distance, you don't want to get grabbed! If they grab you, DI up & to right, so they can't grab cancel --> jab, jab. Don't float approach, they can **** you with a tilt or aerial! Never fall directly under Bowser, they will **** you w/ D-Smash/ Uair, with kill @ ridiculous percents, like @ 80-100, camp as much as possible, but thats just me


Smash Master
Jun 13, 2008
Toot Toot thrills in Green Hills (England, UK)
Well...it's Bowser isn't it?

I think it's got something to do with the fact that on the surface, he doesn't seem that different. He's a heavy and he's slow = instant impression he's easy to combo. He's got pretty poor recovery = instant impression he's easy to gimp and therefore will die easily


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
Bowser is too good! I've played good Bowsers, keep your distance, you don't want to get grabbed! If they grab you, DI up & to right, so they can't grab cancel --> jab, jab. Don't float approach, they can **** you with a tilt or aerial! Never fall directly under Bowser, they will **** you w/ D-Smash/ Uair, with kill @ ridiculous percents, like @ 80-100, camp as much as possible, but thats just me
i disagree with this, if you can't float approach, and you don't want to get grabbed, and your strategy revolves around staying away from him, doesn't mean that bowser is just going to rush into the ****, if he plays smart and spaces you, he's got more range, except for turnips, i honestly think float approach is the best way to go here, just don't get predictable with it. His Utilt has enough cooldown on it that if you float and bait him to use it, you can punish.


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
Bowsers Side B is pretty good at grabbing you out of your Float

You should only start up the Dairs when you get the chance. Spam Turnips until then :p
yeah his side B is a pain, i'll usually stay grounded until just out of bowsers Ftilt range and just kinda wait for an opening, he's got plenty of moves with enough cooldown to get in there and punish him, if he's using the SH Side B to jab or Ftilt approach i usually just spotdodge the side B and he's usually in the position to be hit by an Usmash or a Nair to get him off.


Smash Hero
Aug 24, 2008
Honolulu, HI
Well...it's Bowser isn't it?
Quoted for truth.

Bowser is too good! I've played good Bowsers, keep your distance, you don't want to get grabbed! If they grab you, DI up & to right, so they can't grab cancel --> jab, jab.
Haha, Jabbing out of a grab release is inferior to Klawing out of a grab release. Extra Inch DI won't save you from a Klaw.


Smash Cadet
May 22, 2008
Well...it's Bowser isn't it?

I think it's got something to do with the fact that on the surface, he doesn't seem that different. He's a heavy and he's slow = instant impression he's easy to combo. He's got pretty poor recovery = instant impression he's easy to gimp and therefore will die easily
i agree with R3D, bowser is EASY and i mean EASY to combo with dairs and other combinations of aerials and tilts. I believe the matchup here is to float just above bowser to get in dair combos then gimp him with float aerials but NOT turnips against his up b. bowsers down b can be utilted, his neutral b can be easy to avoid by jumping or floating over it. I'd just recommend not falling for his smashes because that is what actually kills. to avoid usmash, float and space aerials and for fsmash and dsmash, spacing in general. im not sure of his dsmash being escapable or not but i know that his fsmash can hit at two different hit boxes. It's pretty much float, aerial, space, avoid smashes and grabs and ur pretty much good to go. turnips are pretty good when glide tossed in this match up imo. id say a good 55 45 or 60 40 in peach's favor.


Smash Bros Before Hos
Mar 15, 2004
confirmed, sending supplies.
I already had my heart set on the ditto...we even began some discussion over it on the last page. Link will be next week =) Peach ditto is a more useful matchup to know than Link.

Bowser's settled at 60-40, we okay with that? Seems like a bunch voted for that option and discussion suggests this.


Smash Legend
May 13, 2006
Manhattan, New York
Whenever you want. Just be sure to include a table of contents lol
damm.....it might take 2 post just to get all of this down.

I'm gonna be heading to a smashfest. been a while since I played people offline. and I wanna test this new style of mines out offline.

So maybe when I get back or 2morrow.

lol @ peach dittos. most patient peach wins
And now you know why I play defensive.


Smash Master
Jun 13, 2008
Toot Toot thrills in Green Hills (England, UK)
Peach dittos, like any other dittos, are like marmite - you either love them or you hate them

In it's simplest form, the best advice is to play patient and camp with Turnips until you can get in close

I will say this though - the amount of Toad use I see in some Peach dittos makes lol :p


Smash Master
Mar 19, 2008
Maxwell, IA
Peach dittos, like any other dittos, are like marmite - you either love them or you hate them

In it's simplest form, the best advice is to play patient and camp with Turnips until you can get in close

I will say this though - the amount of Toad use I see in some Peach dittos makes lol :p
yeah, everytime i play dark.pch in peach dittos i get freakin toaded like 4 times a match lol.
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