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Peach Interview Thread! Finally Interviewing Dark.Pch

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Smash Ace
Jun 8, 2009
White Peach, did you know that Adolph Hitler was a vegetarian, Franklin D. Roosevelt drank martinis 8 to 10 times a day and chain smoked, Winston Churchill was kicked out of office twice and did opium in college, and Beethoven was the ninth child (of the remaining eight, 3 were blind and 2 were deaf) of a lady who had syphilis? Truuuuuuuuuuuufax. <3

Standard questioning time:

If you had your choice, which would you want to pull more often: Beamsword, Mr. Saturn, or Bom-omb?

Which of the above do you see more often in a match?

Do you think Peach has potential to be high tier?

Favorite Peach board poster (s)?

What attacks/combos/whatever do you think other Peachs should use more often?

Worst MU (excluding MK for now cuz everyone usually says worst MU is MK)?

Second worst (include MK if you want)?

Mike B

Smash Journeyman
Mar 1, 2008
What about Peach do you believe attracts homosexuals?


Smash Champion
Mar 1, 2009
Madison, WI
SQUEEEEE! All of my "I miss White-Peach :("s have paid off! But now that you're here I can't think of any questions lol. I'll get a good list soon :)


Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2003
Waldorf, Maryland
Bear with me, I'm terrible at negotiating quotes :x


Question towards White Peach:

~How long have you been playing Brawl?
~How long have you been using Peach(incase she wan't your first)
~What made you want to choose White Peach?
~Do you love me?
~Since release.
~Since release in brawl. In melee, I tried out my SSB mains, pikachu and jigglypuff, and was dissatisfied. I found float, dsmash, and turnip harrassment to be wonderful :p
~White is the fanciest :)

White Peach, did you know that Adolph Hitler was a vegetarian, Franklin D. Roosevelt drank martinis 8 to 10 times a day and chain smoked, Winston Churchill was kicked out of office twice and did opium in college, and Beethoven was the ninth child (of the remaining eight, 3 were blind and 2 were deaf) of a lady who had syphilis? Truuuuuuuuuuuufax. <3

Standard questioning time:

If you had your choice, which would you want to pull more often: Beamsword, Mr. Saturn, or Bom-omb?

Which of the above do you see more often in a match?

Do you think Peach has potential to be high tier?

Favorite Peach board poster (s)?

What attacks/combos/whatever do you think other Peachs should use more often?

Worst MU (excluding MK for now cuz everyone usually says worst MU is MK)?

Second worst (include MK if you want)?
I only knew about the Hitler one :x History was never my strong suit :x

Bob-omb has been nerfed because people can hit you and kill you while holding it. Mr. Saturn is great, but I'm better with a beam sword, so I'm going with that. I think it's easier to get the kill with a beamsword than a Mr. Saturn, but that's just me.

Idk to be honest. They're all pretty rare. I pull more bombs than any of the rest, if that's what you mean. I have said in a match "Real Peaches pull BOMBS!" :p

I do think she's a strong character, but we lack someone who can play her to the fullest. Manipulating that whole "Peach is really gay and hard to hit" would make her high tier sooner than anything else imo.

Poster... our favorite whorebaglet Hiroi has grown on me. Who doesn't love a gif war? :D But for posts-posts, mikey's are some of my favorites.

Soft BAir into other things is amazing.

Falco and Toon Link for worst/second worst. I really dislike not being able to "fight" my opponent, and lose momentum. (Obviously MK is the worst though :p)

When's my next appointment at the abortion clinic?
Clinic? We are women of God. Collect your child support and buy a new do. Grandma supports all your other kids anyway!

What about Peach do you believe attracts homosexuals?
Now that I really don't know :x High-heels and daintiness? Or is it because she's a princess? Zelda has gayfer fans, but I think Peach has more because she's got bigger hair (*'-')

SQUEEEEE! All of my "I miss White-Peach :("s have paid off! But now that you're here I can't think of any questions lol. I'll get a good list soon :)

(I'll try to check for questions every morning WHILE I EAT MY CEREAL :D)

Mikey Lenetia

Smash Champion
Jun 3, 2003
Washington Township, MI
Yay, White-Peach! *hugs* Missed you!

What do you find to be your favorite move, and why?

Did you get FF XIV? If so, what server are you on? (I'm on Palamecia!)


Smash Champion
Mar 30, 2010
Laredo, TX
Bear with me, I'm terrible at negotiating quotes :x

~Since release.
~Since release in brawl. In melee, I tried out my SSB mains, pikachu and jigglypuff, and was dissatisfied. I found float, dsmash, and turnip harrassment to be wonderful :p
~White is the fanciest :)
You got the last question wrong! :x


Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2003
Waldorf, Maryland
Yay, White-Peach! *hugs* Missed you!

What do you find to be your favorite move, and why?

Did you get FF XIV? If so, what server are you on? (I'm on Palamecia!)

Favorite move! I LOVE SLAPS! But I also love BAirs and Nairs so much (*'-') They're so flexible and excel at all percents.

I'm on Rabanastre. I went with friends (my trusty Asian friends from BG who weren't ever 2-faced lol) and old BG (the BG I joined and came up with) happened to be there too. I think Palamecia is the server BG forum-goers went to, enjoy that. Everyone thinks they're so great :p

Go on your lodestone and show me your char (I know you're nowhere as cute as me :3333333)


Smash Champion
May 30, 2008
Hawthorne, CA
If there was an image that would describe your surprise and delight at having been chosen for the interview thread what would it be?


Smash Master
Jan 20, 2007
Alchemilla Hospital, FL
Out of a suggestion to ask and also personal curiosity are you Male or Female? lol. ^that last post makes think you already answered that, but meh asking anyway.


Smash Champion
Mar 1, 2009
Madison, WI
Sorry I took so long to come back and post questions! Here's just a few I thought of :)

~Did you ever get a webcam? Our Tinychat sessions miss you.
~Who is the most inspiring person in your life?
~What is your favorite color?
~If you could have any superpower what would you have?
~F tilt or D tilt?
~If you could live in any famous fantasy story/world (Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, etc...), which would you live in?
~Short hair or long hair?
~If you were going to have a boy and a girl, what would you name them?
~Have you ever had any pets?

That's it for now, since I know you don't have a lot of time :p

Out of a suggestion to ask and also personal curiosity are you Male or Female? lol. ^that last post makes think you already answered that, but meh asking anyway.
Que Wall of text lol.


Bodybuilding Magical Girl
Mar 11, 2008

Your opinion on the MK match-up?
Is Peach viable alone?
What are your weaknesses as a Peach player?
Why aren't you winning tournaments? What obstacles are in front of that goal?
What does it take to become the best Peach?
What is your mindset when you play?

Why did you choose your Peach color?
Pan, Club, or Racket?
Bombomb, Beam Sword, or Mr. Saturn?
Your favorite Pokemon?

Who is your all time favorite Peach player?
What do you like most about the Peach boards?
Who is your favorite Peach poster?

How much has smash effected your regular life and was it in a positive or negative way?
What do you do hobby-wise or productive wise to replace smash?


Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2003
Waldorf, Maryland
Out of a suggestion to ask and also personal curiosity are you Male or Female? lol. ^that last post makes think you already answered that, but meh asking anyway.
(Not gonna wall of text because I should be getting ready 5 MINUTES AGO!)

Born male. Wanted to be a girl until puberty when I learned you could be gay and have boys like you. Puberty came and I got mixed secondary sex characteristics (facial hair, no adam's apple, B-Cup, hourglass shape --- 40/33/43, mons pubis [look it up], masculine musculature from the waist down, inability to build muscle on top half [weightlifted for a year without normal gains.) Thankfully, be it by coincidence or "HOW THINGS SUPPOSED TO BE Y'ALL", what used to be a problem (everything with my body) settled down and I appreciated myself for what I was/am. Looking to start antiandrogens and estrogen/hormone replacement therapy as soon as I have my nursing job and health insurance (lots of "problems" like my hair falling out.) Also going to have electrolysis to have my beard removed. Most strangers assume me to be a female, but I have no desire to tell people so, as I don't in any way see myself as a female (I'm not!), but I'm not really a male in it's entirety either. I'm comfortable inbetween because that's what my body dictates. I'm hoping to apply for some kind of intersex status so I can get free hormones :D

Sorry it WAS a wall of textttttt

Sorry I took so long to come back and post questions! Here's just a few I thought of :)

~Did you ever get a webcam? Our Tinychat sessions miss you.
~Who is the most inspiring person in your life?
~What is your favorite color?
~If you could have any superpower what would you have?
~F tilt or D tilt?
~If you could live in any famous fantasy story/world (Lord of the Rings, Harry Potter, etc...), which would you live in?
~Short hair or long hair?
~If you were going to have a boy and a girl, what would you name them?
~Have you ever had any pets?

That's it for now, since I know you don't have a lot of time :p
-I got a new HD one, FANCY
-I dont have anyone for that, is it selfish to say myself? I surprise myself with the things I do while holding my head up high.
-Used to be green when I was younger, now it's blue. Coral is pretty, too.
-OHMAN SUPERPOWERS. Can my superpower be time jumping?
-Final Fantasy :3
-Boy: Mikael, Girl: Slone/Natalie
-dog, dog, dog, parakeet, parakeet, dog, cat, cat, cat in my lifetime. My little brother had fish, the parakeets where mine, and the rest were family pets.


Your opinion on the MK match-up?
Is Peach viable alone?
What are your weaknesses as a Peach player?
Why aren't you winning tournaments? What obstacles are in front of that goal?
What does it take to become the best Peach?
What is your mindset when you play?

Why did you choose your Peach color?
Pan, Club, or Racket?
Bombomb, Beam Sword, or Mr. Saturn?
Your favorite Pokemon?

Who is your all time favorite Peach player?
What do you like most about the Peach boards?
Who is your favorite Peach poster?

How much has smash effected your regular life and was it in a positive or negative way?
What do you do hobby-wise or productive wise to replace smash?
MK sucks and should be ban-t :p Too many options if all does is act like a patient wall of hitboxes. The option is always there, and sometimes he has several.

Without MK, yeah.

Matchup Experience :)

I don't have the time to invest in the game like I did with melee when I was younger. I dont like to say that when you get OLDER YOU GET MORE RESPONSIBILITIES, but you do, and it's not bad. Harder to be hardcore unless it's your job. Also, I'd need to have a lot of friends who play different characters to get good matchup experience, and I'd feel old (and creepy) inviting people to play me :x I'd go to tournaments, but scheduling and time constraints. (And FFXIV :D)


Have fun and try to win!

White is the prettiest. Also, wedding-dress rampage :D

Club. Tiger-Tiger Woods Y'all! (shout it at my brother whenever I get a hit :D)

Beamsword for Jedi Princess :D


Mike G. Watching him play early on was great. I would watch videos OVER AIM FILE DOWNLOAD and would be like, "I'm better than all of these Peaches!" Then I'd see vids of Mike G and be like "OH I LEARNED SOMETHING!" (never saying that I wasnt better than him :D)

The gayfers? Funny *****es :)

Smash hasnt affected my life really, I just play it once in a while (melee was everyday :D). My RL friends hate playing me and have never one 1v1 no items vs my Peach. Never :D I would get issued challenges and always win :D Idk if that's positive or negative, playing games with your friends and hearing "I hope when you have a boyfriend, you'll let him win sometimes." I said "NEVER!" :D

I dont really replace smash, but I do other things. I'M PLAYING FFXIV :DDDD I like to cook and read food blogs :) I like to visit friends? :o



Smash Champion
May 30, 2008
Hawthorne, CA
Favorite pokemon and why?

If the answer to that was Jynx would you name it RuPaul?

Are you planning to travel to any large tourneys in the near future?


Smash Lord
Nov 20, 2008
Washington, D.C.
Omg Raz you know who RuPaul is? Gosh I love you so much more <3

Are you going to #####? Can you bring me dollar store paste on nails?


Smash Ace
Jun 4, 2003
Waldorf, Maryland
Favorite pokemon and why?

If the answer to that was Jynx would you name it RuPaul?

Are you planning to travel to any large tourneys in the near future?
Shuckle because he's my little cutie-pie tankasaurus rex :D

Not that I know of, but I might try to make it to ##### and practice my driving in DC lol

Can you bring me dollar store paste on nails?
If I go, I'll be sure to bring 2 packs to be considerate of your 6th finger (*'-')


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
did I ever tell you I hated your avatar?

its just the "rawr." it makes me angry, especially the period.


The Assault of Laughter ﷼
Apr 18, 2010
should I vote for someone who actually goes to tournaments? or someone that's gay popular?


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