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Pastaboy Saves Only In Niagara - RESULTS! -


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
Marik, you're annoying. Stop picking e-fights.
Lol, saw the last sentence.

Now, people seem to be getting confused on what my intentions were.

Clearly, Doc is in the wrong here, something I mildly pointed out with no interests at the moment to start a beef.

Now, he told me to go suck a d!ck. That's just mad disrespectful, you simply don't say that kind of **** to people, especially if you're going to meet them IRL.

LOL, some kid wanted me to scrap outside before, which was IN FRONT OF A POLICE STATION LIKE WTF.

So I threw a book at his head in the middle of the library. Trufax, there were like 11 of them and one of me. :[

F*ck Brampton lololololol.

Doc, Jesus Christ shut up lol. :laugh:

Also, D-Block?

Lololol cool story bro.

Now, I'm not one to start fights, but if you insist...

It's generally not in my nature to fight, usually I don't have to.

So, if you want to continue being an Internet Tough Guy, feel free. Usually people can't back their stuff up, especially when they cuss others on the Internet, in the comfort and security of their own home with a huge array of hardcore pornography they're currently fapping to at the moment. :[

I can't believe I'm arguing OVER the INTERNET about a SCRAP.


*Edit* GI, I'm not from an orphanage, per se, but it's the same general concept.


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
it wont go down,there going to see Ambroses smile and begin dancing
I really do love that smile, ambrose whats your secret?

And marik, I'll fight you if I have to also, but I'm not backing down from anything I've been rolling with tough *****s for years before I heard of smash.

But if you want to call it off I have no prob with that, I play this game for the fame not for lame *** internet beef.


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
my philosophy professor mentioned today that when people are arguing over things, the limbic system (closely linked to emotions in the brain) is working more than the parts used for rational thought. this is probably relevant or funny somehow.

CT Chia

Smash Obsessed
Sep 4, 2007
i cant wait to watch the vids of holy v ace. while im not doubting ace's skill and ppl calling it a testament to the rob v mk matchup, it isn't that bad unless the mk knows exactly what to do. its not just about the mk being good in general, but they have to specifically know the rob matchup, and knowing rob as a character to know his weaknesses. most rob mains should know the things im talking about, and id rather not point them out here to make it even harder for us lol. so im interested to see if he specifically capitalizes on rob's shortcomings.


Smash Ace
Apr 12, 2008
chibo theyre up just type holy kingace on youtube and you should scroll down and find it :p


Smash Lord
May 31, 2008
i cant wait to watch the vids of holy v ace. while im not doubting ace's skill and ppl calling it a testament to the rob v mk matchup, it isn't that bad unless the mk knows exactly what to do. its not just about the mk being good in general, but they have to specifically know the rob matchup, and knowing rob as a character to know his weaknesses. most rob mains should know the things im talking about, and id rather not point them out here to make it even harder for us lol. so im interested to see if he specifically capitalizes on rob's shortcomings.
Here's the first WF match.



is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
I play this game for the fame not for lame *** internet beef.
I guess I can actually agree. The Smash Community is the best one out there, and I wouldn't want to taint it with a scrap over something really stupid because Internet is serious business.

I don't think you've ever seen me, or remember me. I've seen you up close, which is why I'm d@mn surprised at the stuff coming out of your mouth. I was fairly taken aback, is all. Kind of pissed you told me to suck a d!ck, but whatever.

I don't back down from fights either, but this is honestly beginning to get really cliched and pointless. You'd honestly scrap me over this? AND bring your entire crew? I only asked if you were man enough to cuss people out in their faces, because Internet Tough Guys are generally associated to be cowards IRL.

I do it more for the fun than anything. Smash Bros is like sex, you can't function properly without it, which explains why other communities aren't as awesome as us. :D

Whatever, I go where the wind takes me.

What 'hood you even from anyways, Doc? G-Way? VP Strip? Jamestown? Rexdale? Regent Park? Malvern?

And Idea, that's amazingly relevant to this discussion lol.


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
I guess I can actually agree. The Smash Community is the best one out there, and I wouldn't want to taint it with a scrap over something really stupid because Internet is serious business.

I don't think you've ever seen me, or remember me. I've seen you up close, which is why I'm d@mn surprised at the stuff coming out of your mouth. I was fairly taken aback, is all. Kind of pissed you told me to suck a d!ck, but whatever.

I don't back down from fights either, but this is honestly beginning to get really cliched and pointless. You'd honestly scrap me over this? AND bring your entire crew? I only asked if you were man enough to cuss people out in their faces, because Internet Tough Guys are generally associated to be cowards IRL.

I do it more for the fun than anything. Smash Bros is like sex, you can't function properly without it, which explains why other communities aren't as awesome as us. :D

Whatever, I go where the wind takes me.

What 'hood you even from anyways, Doc? G-Way? VP Strip? Jamestown? Rexdale? Regent Park? Malvern?

And Idea, that's amazingly relevant to this discussion lol.
My actual area is Greenwood, but I'm always at Donlands, Jane and finch, or duffurin. And if you knew those guys, you wouldn't want beef with them they even scare me, and I don't scare easily.

But anyways, I'm surprisingly soft when it comes to irl tournies / the smash community in person, cause' when I look at everyone, I feel they are such nice people with no desire at all to start ****, and I personally do love ( no homo ) most of you as potential friend's.

I'll say it again, I blame inui for his stupid posts, biotch stay in the american threads please if anything its you who I want to confront.

Done here~


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2008
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
It's funny because his languages looks different from ours!

It's all cool Doc and Marik, as long as you guys understand that Lombardo (Culex) would walk you both, then we're all at an understanding. :D

*Edit* On another note, Jane and Finch is overrated. It looks like a ****ing hamilton sub-urb, real rough guys over there >.>

Tourney day in pownz, i'll take you to king william street. <3


Smash Ace
Jun 24, 2008
EPIC! Serious though lets settle all this hate with a side dodgeball tourney at any event. NO better way to take out anger then a game of dodgeball


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
My actual area is Greenwood, but I'm always at Donlands, Jane and finch, or duffurin. And if you knew those guys, you wouldn't want beef with them they even scare me, and I don't scare easily.
Yeah, I wouldn't want to piss off Driftwood gangsters either. :\

Donlands, yeah I know that area. Anyways, it's all good man. Sorry for reacting the way I did lol.

EPIC! Serious though lets settle all this hate with a side dodgeball tourney at any event. NO better way to take out anger then a game of dodgeball
My respect for Nickcam went up +1000 points. <3 Dodgeball.

Lol, oh god. G-Way?

I ****ing used to live there, I hated it there. It was like.. the worst 3 years of my life.

It's just a bunch of white wannabe Crip wiggers now who are exceptionally ignorant, and immigrants from poor countries. And of course a few black kids, but a lot of the true gangsters are locked up now. It used to be REALLY bad though.

Exactly like Brampton, except Brampton has more Bloods than Crips.

Seriously, I lived in the Heart Lake area of Brampton. I beefed like almost every day lolol.


Smash Lord
Dec 11, 2006
St. Catharines, ON, CA
Shoutoutz tiiiime

In conclusion, I'm not going to play Pit in tournament ever again :p

1st. HolyNightmare (ROB) ($145): Congrats. Like, I said, you are clearly the Robot, not Ally ;) Good friendlies.

2nd. KingAce (Metaknight) ($80): Good games... next time I will abstain from picking pokemon stadium next time.

3rd. Percon (Kirby) ($25): Hi

4th. Ambrose (Ice Climbers & Metaknight): Close games... I totally had your Popo under control though. Haha, jk, could've gone either way.

5th. Buenob (ROB): You're so good now. GAH. Gotta find me a ROB counter...

5th. Minus (Falco): Good games... why do we always have to meet in tournament? Oh yeah, 'cause we're awesome. GJ on beating Doc despite the matchup.

7th. SilverDoc (Metaknight, Diddy Kong & Ice Climbers): Nice to see you again. I'm gonna take out those ICs next time.... hopefully

7th. Raidos (Ice Climbers): You've gotten good 0_0. Good games man. I want you on the PR.

9th. Fool (Falco): Good games... that is one mean Falco. GJ beating Brose... and on forfeiting to him. That was nice of you.

9th. Pastaboy (Diddy Kong): Wow. You and KC raaaaaaped doubles. Grats on beating Brose, and GGs.

9th. Iliad (Marth): Close games, man. When poolside smash happens, you'll be the first I notify (no homo)

9th. Mikey7 (Marth): GGs... what happened to DDD? :p

13th. PNDMike (Snake & Jigglypuff): Your sister still single?

13th. Fogel (Snake): Nice seeing you again, good friendlies, keep it up! I wanna see you and Buenob sometime again before summer ends. I should go to ottawa.

17th. sauc3 (Kirby, King Dedede, Metaknight): Nice seeing you... more friendlies next time!

17th. AvariceX (Ness): Castlevania Judgement :o

17th. Warchamp7 (Falco): Nice seeing you... fun friendlies. Come practice in St.Kitts sometime... also, my brother says hi :D

17th. KC18 (Ike & Luigi) : You and jarred are raaaape. GGs :)


Smash Champion
Aug 12, 2007
Back in the 613
Late, I know. . .

Blitz was recording matches in the front righthand corner where Holy, Ambrose, Pastaboy, Pho, Blitz, and Sauce played pools. Do any of you guys know if any of them made it onto Youtube? I searched but couldn't find anything.

Josh! u wah?

Smash Rookie
Sep 10, 2008
yeah, i have a few videos to put up that i lost track of cuz of work and stuff but i'll put em up some time this weekend and let y'all kno. cool?
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