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Pastaboy Saves Only In Niagara - RESULTS! -


Smash Champion
Nov 30, 2007
London, Ontario, Canada
i don't understand how this works. 5=3+2 ... 10=5+5.
so they both won 5 games. why didn't it stop at 9 or 11?
Ace had to win 2 sets in GF to win since he was coming from losers bracket.

WF: 3-2 Holy
GF set 1: 3-2 Ace
GF set 2: 3-2 Holy

15 games.


Smash Ace
Apr 12, 2008
actually iliad in the past 2 tournies me and holy are 2-2 in sets :p
I won last tourny against him in winners semis 2-1 then we agreed to split in losers finals since it was late and everyone wanted to go home.

this tourny he beat me wf 3-2
then i beat him 1st set of gf 3-2
and he beat me the last set 3-2 :p

ide honestly say me and holy are just about on the same page, either one of us could win against eachother in a tourny set lol.


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Dude Phil was right about you, you've got to be the most arrogant person on smashboards go *** yourself.

Haha. While I will not deny the fact that I am arrogant, I don't see what you're talking about here. That post showed no arrogance at all. I question your reading comprehension.

Yeah Holy is clearly the best ROB. Ninjalink is definitely second to me, pretty much because of what Inui said. Also, it would help if he used him a bit more in tournament lol.
HugS is also impressive, but I'd personally say he's third because he's not winning as much and NinjaLink just looks far too impressive to be worse.

actually iliad in the past 2 tournies me and holy are 2-2 in sets :p
I won last tourny against him in winners semis 2-1 then we agreed to split in losers finals since it was late and everyone wanted to go home.

this tourny he beat me wf 3-2
then i beat him 1st set of gf 3-2
and he beat me the last set 3-2 :p

ide honestly say me and holy are just about on the same page, either one of us could win against eachother in a tourny set lol.
This...speaks volumes on how even MK vs ROB truly can be, unless someone would like to imply that Holy is far better than KingAce...


Smash Lord
Feb 26, 2006
Lavender Town
lol @ Inui's Edgeworth posts.

I should make a post/testomony about the MK vs ROB and let Inui cross examine it LOL.

moar lawlz @ doc getting upset @ inui when he has the Phoenix Wright avatar. Irony for epic lulz.

But most importantly :(:(:(:(:( I wish I came to this. ****it a good amount of people played. Good **** Ace! Mikey stop failing :( disappointing Sauga and brown smashers. For shaammmeeee. I hope you read this message and eat your next meal with some failure chutney. <3


Smash Lord
Dec 12, 2008
Hamilton, Ontario, Canada
I love doc. Seriously. No homo.

Inui no response about my tourney? Now -i'm- buthurt if anything.

@ Phil / Av

I was always under the understanding two seperate sets weren't played in the interest of time, and that the loser brack needs to win 6 matches, and the winner brack needs to win three? I remember hearing about this from plank, because he pulled out the gayest win on the planet against neo in GFs at cyberjocks via this rule IIRC. Neo and Plank's first set was 3-2 Neo, neo won the 6th match, and then when plank won the 7th, it made his 3, and plank took home the 1st place. Did cyberjocks just **** up or something?


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
1st off: pastaboy, amazing tourney, I had a great time and so did the rest of Sauga, thx so much for stepping up the plate and picking up the slack for certain scrubs

1st. HolyNightmare (ROB) ($145) - Nice half a friendly, good stuff winning : ) your ROB is so good and smart
2nd. KingAce (Metaknight) ($80) - can't wait to see you vs Holy rematch
3rd. Percon (Kirby) ($25) - really really fun set, you always choose the perfect move in the situations, I learned alot from playing you, you're so smart at kill percentages
4th. Ambrose (Ice Climbers & Metaknight) - SAUGA
5th. Buenob (ROB) - nice talking to you, your ROB has gotten allooott better from my tourney
5th. Minus (Falco) - MK has nootthing on Falco
7th. SilverDoc (Metaknight, Diddy Kong & Ice Climbers) - nice talking to you
7th. Raidos (Ice Climbers) - <--- is AMAZING
9th. Fool (Falco) - the price is f***ing right
9th. Pastaboy (Diddy Kong) - awesome tourney, awesome job in teams, you are just all around amazing
9th. Iliad (Marth) - huge NO ALCOHOL SIGN, and leaving early is legit, I hate driving late
13th. Fogel (Snake) - nice job to Ottawa for getting way better, keep at it, try to catch the GTA : p
17th. AvariceX (Ness) - fun pools set, ***** my shiz on Castle Siege lol, nice talking to you throughout the tourney.......shoulda done some Marth vs Jiggz in melee lolz
17th. Patches (Mr. Game and Watch) - The fact you placed where you placed in pools shows how ridiculous the competition in the GTA is, you're a good GaW.
17th. Pho (Toon Link) - You can't beat me then get 17th, it just doesn't work that way lol, bad luck I guess :x - I WANT TO PLAY YOUR CHUN SOME TIME lol
17th. KC18 (Ike & Luigi) - sorry to gay you, you're a shoryuken HERO aawwwweesome job in teams
25th. Will - fun set

Idea: fun set, I was pretty happy that I at least took off a couple stocks lol
Hypernon: I love Marth dittos : p


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
^ that's pretty ridiculous. 4 neo, 3 plank, and plank wins. whatever ruleset allows for that outcome is doing something wrong.


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2009
Land of the party
Haha, thanks Mikey. I just need more practice, thats all. It sucks not being around any good smashers in my town...

Also, Iliad! Haha, loved your shout out. Rocking the purple pants and such. XD

I'll leave shoutouts when I get home tomorrow.


Smash Legend
Jan 18, 2006
I love doc. Seriously. No homo.

Inui no response about my tourney? Now -i'm- buthurt if anything.

@ Phil / Av

I was always under the understanding two seperate sets weren't played in the interest of time, and that the loser brack needs to win 6 matches, and the winner brack needs to win three? I remember hearing about this from plank, because he pulled out the gayest win on the planet against neo in GFs at cyberjocks via this rule IIRC. Neo and Plank's first set was 3-2 Neo, neo won the 6th match, and then when plank won the 7th, it made his 3, and plank took home the 1st place. Did cyberjocks just **** up or something?
no. i came from winners and neo came from losers. he won the first best of 5, which means we do another best of 5 since he comes from losers. i won the 2nd best of 5


Colonel RTSD
Aug 14, 2005
Corneria, Lylat System
No I'm not, theres a difference between arrogance and cockyness, I'm cocky, I'm not arrogant, you're just a scrub give me my 5 bucks you stupid kid...
Arrogant: exaggerating or disposed to exaggerate one's own worth or importance often by an overbearing manner.

Cocky/Cockyness: Overly self-assertive or self-confident.

They have almost the exact same meaning. If you're cocky, by these definitions, you are also arrogant.

Fortunately, facts > money matches.


Smash Champion
May 21, 2007
Slowly dying in the void
Just got back to Montreal cause I want to the 2nd tourney with SilverDoc which I also won lol.
Anyway good games everyone, Im gonna do shoutouts later.

Also, we sent KingAce and Ambrose to the losers in winner finals, then they came back and beat us twice. Fix that mistake plz.


Smash Hero
May 19, 2008
Hampstead, MD
Sean Hannity didn't have a freedom concert here :( Hannity is cool

Oh well, have fun Inui, good stuff holy nightmare ROB wins two tournaments, keepin it alive


Smash Master
Mar 16, 2009
Land of the party
Just got back to Montreal cause I want to the 2nd tourney with SilverDoc which I also won lol.
Anyway good games everyone, Im gonna do shoutouts later.

Also, we sent KingAce and Ambrose to the losers in winner finals, then they came back and beat us twice. Fix that mistake plz.
Oh, okay. I never put in the last bit of the bracket, I'll fix that right away Holy.

Congrats on the other tournament. :p

Edit: uhh, thats what it says for as I can tell.. I dont see a mistake with the bracket.


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2009
Toronto, Ontario

Haha. While I will not deny the fact that I am arrogant, I don't see what you're talking about here. That post showed no arrogance at all. I question your reading comprehension.

HugS is also impressive, but I'd personally say he's third because he's not winning as much and NinjaLink just looks far too impressive to be worse.

This...speaks volumes on how even MK vs ROB truly can be, unless someone would like to imply that Holy is far better than KingAce...
I was pertaining to your first post, I couldn't take me eyes off it, just showed so much arrogance, MK vs ROB is 60 - 40 MK or even 65 - 35.

The only reason why holy beats kingace, is because hes uses every advanced technique / plays the smartest you possibly can with rob.

Although kingace is fkin amazing, don't get me wrong, if he were to play like m2k he'd win everytime, look at him vs ally that proves that hes the best mk in canada, as well as top 5 in the states too if he were to go more often.


Smash Champion
Dec 22, 2005
Doc, you're annoying. Stop picking e-fights.

ET go home!!


Banned via Warnings
Oct 30, 2005
Ocean Grove, New Jersey
Because anything with the name "Sean Hannity" in it cannot be associated with anything charitable, only with satan.
Um... I'm conservative. I like Hannity.

Wow, liberals are so mean-spirited. It's so sad. The other side doesn't act like this.


Smash Lord
Apr 14, 2007
Melee flopped but still ended up being fun.

Holllaaaaa, I might return soon :)


Smash Lord
Apr 2, 2009
Toronto, Ontario
And sanuzi, you're the same thing as cyan, a scrub :laugh:

Get better son, btw lets get this straight if you act like a complete dumb *** online, I will react the same to you in person, if you're not like that in person, I got no problem with you.


is a social misfit
Sep 2, 2008
Um... I'm conservative. I like Hannity.

Wow, liberals are so mean-spirited. It's so sad. The other side doesn't act like this.
"It only takes 20 years for a liberal to become a conservative without changing a single idea!"

Also, Inui doesn't understand the concept of the Political Spectrum.

Anyways, good stuff people, wish I could've attended. I had ride and camping johns this time. :(


And Doc, Cyan and Sanuzi are anything but scrubs. You're the only one acting like a complete douchebag now.


Colonel RTSD
Aug 14, 2005
Corneria, Lylat System
Wow, liberals are so mean-spirited. It's so sad. The other side doesn't act like this.
Dude, you're so delusional.

-Anything relating even partially to Fox news is utter garbarge.
-Anything relating even partially to Rupert Murdoch is uttter garbage.

I've read both of Hannity's books (Deliver us From Evil, Let Freedom Ring), both which were published by a company owned by Rupert Murdoch.

I will admit that his conservative principles are sincere and admirable; but beyond that it falls apart. He picks and chooses when to provide history and facts behind his claims (however large they might be), and fills in the rest with huge helpings of circular logic/reasoning.

Critical Reviews:

Jason Carter, grandson of President Jimmy Carter, arguing in the Georgia Law Review journal, stated that the book is "an example of not only 'us against them' piety but also the inappropriate use of religious language." He stated that "Hannity compares American liberals to terrorists and despots and categorically calls them 'evil'." Carter states that Hannity "takes a line from the Lord's Prayer, praying for God to deliver us from evil, and uses it to make a political statement as though his argument, his party, or his President would do the delivering.

I'm Canadian, and even I know that Hannity is an idiot.


Smash Master
Nov 24, 2007
Come By Chance Mews
Dude, you're so delusional.

-Anything relating even partially to Fox news is utter garbarge.
-Anything relating even partially to Rupert Murdoch is uttter garbage.

I've read both of Hannity's books (Deliver us From Evil, Let Freedom Ring), both which were published by a company owned by Rupert Murdoch.

I will admit that his conservative principles are sincere and admirable; but beyond that it falls apart. He picks and chooses when to provide history and facts behind his claims (however large they might be), and fills in the rest with huge helpings of circular logic/reasoning.

Critical Reviews:

Jason Carter, grandson of President Jimmy Carter, arguing in the Georgia Law Review journal, stated that the book is "an example of not only 'us against them' piety but also the inappropriate use of religious language." He stated that "Hannity compares American liberals to terrorists and despots and categorically calls them 'evil'." Carter states that Hannity "takes a line from the Lord's Prayer, praying for God to deliver us from evil, and uses it to make a political statement as though his argument, his party, or his President would do the delivering.

I'm Canadian, and even I know that Hannity is an idiot.
holy ****, owned.


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario

1st. raynEX - fox / (probably falcon)
2nd. unknown522 - fox / pichu
3rd. i.b. - marth
4th. Sanuzi - falco / fox
5th. Idea - jiggs
5th. Jake - peach
7th. Percon - GAW
7th. Fogel - Sheik
9th. Mikey7 - ?
9th. Europhoria - marth
9th. KirbyKaze - sheik
9th. Will - ?
13th. WorldJem7 - marth / sheik
13th. AvariceX - ?
13th. Kai - marth
13th. RyanFW - ?
17th. Hypernon - marth
17th. Smoke - ?
17th. lawlb0t - Ganon?
17th. Dimmy - ?
17th. Linksta888 - falcon / jiggs

Since I wasn't paying attention to who used who in Melee, it'd be great if someone could tell me who used who.


I'm not 100% sure if raynEX lost his match against Unknown522 the first time, thats how the data was put it when I got there so I just finished it up knowing he won grand finals.
yeah, I won 3-1 in winners finals, then he beat me 6-0 in grand finals.


Smash Lord
Apr 29, 2008
Mississauga, ON
Oh theres a question mark next to my name, Patches, I played Marth in both Melee and Brawl

edit: Dimmy used Peach in Melee, idk about Ryan


Site Owner
Oct 13, 2007
Ontario, Canada
Dude, someone's SD card has a replay of me against Illiad where he completely ***** my second stock, someone get that **** up.

If you were looking from the stage, it was the Wii in the far right corner
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