Hello, I usually don't post very much but..
I just wanted to say that what the guy with the black mage avatar said earlier is kind of accurate.
"G&W is somehow a character that telegraphs but gets his mileage out of mind games. That is, at once, amazing; but the limitation is obvious."
But at the same time every character has his/her limitations, When I first started using G&W
I got very frustrated at the snake match-up, and it took me a while to get around his ridiculous up tilt, the more I fought against snakes the more I realized not only the full extent of what he can do but more importantly (to me) what snakes expect G&W to do. Once I knew what my opponents expected of me, it was just a matter of finding ways to fake them out.
I guess my point is that mind games are really important with G&W, especially against people who know the match-up.
Best example I can give is, I saw one of Zacs videos against a campy snake, he jumped over his grenade just BARELY out of up-tilt range, when he up-tilted he missed-Zac used the Key
before he could pull out another one.
So to that guy having trouble with sonic, play patiently, know your own weaknesses ,learn his patterns and remember that even if you lose the match, try to remember clearly WHY you lost, so that you can fix your mistakes next time, sorry this post was so long I forgot the original intention of the post about have way through.