It's just my ground game =)
And it does work mr. escalator, dsmash doesnt hit and gets grabbed in between hits, fsmash gets hit by another ftilt/dtilt or blocked, mk won't get grabbed if you space it correctly and any type of approach gets shuttle looped. Keys get grabbed, not much fairing in this match with mk. And it's not spamming tilts it's just applying them in a way where it keeps your opponent guessing and fairing backwards to position yourself correctly again so you won't get hit by g&w dtilt. And in the event you block everything i just dtilt slowly so it beats any response you have (including jumps, not up-B's). Combine this with walkup grab and your set. <3 Keep guessing mr&watch. And it's always a slow ftilt, depending one what you see you can speed it up.
I just save my dsmash and uptilt for kills.
It's not just just ftilt in hoping you catch a player, merely smart application. I don't think anyone really plays it like I do either, i told tyrant though =).
There's only one g&w I fear =(