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Official "Who is going to return?" topic


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
I know its offtopic, but they wanted it so:

Megaman full moveset:

A: Left jab [2-4%]
AA: right side kick [3-6%]
AAA: uppercut [5-8%]

Forward tilt: Soccer-like kick [10-13%]
Up tilt: Mule kick [12-15%]
Down Tilt: same as mario's [10-12%]
back Tilt: same as mario's [10-12%]

<> Smash: Fire sword [15-20%]
Up smash: Guts uppercut *In one of his games, when he fuses with rush, he gets a guts armor, but in this attack only his hand will transform into guts form* [15-18%]
down smash: same as samus's [16-18%]

running a:
Slide attack *from the game* [10-13%]

A: Sex kick [12-14%]
AFA: Slash attack *slash from MM7* [11-15%]
ABA: backwards kcik [10-13%]
ADA: Crash bomb *fires a drill-like bomb downward, if somone is hit, he'll go straight down, works as a spike*[13-16%]
AUA: same as mario's [12-14%]

Megaman hold oponent with both hands:
attack: Hits oponent with his knee directly to oponents stomach
Forward throw: throws him forward similair to mario [13-15%]
back throw: grabs oponent by his/her/its clothes or something and throws them backwards [13-15%]
Dwon throw: Like fox/falco's, only he shoots him with the buster [15-16%]
Upward throw: throws oponent upward and follows the attack with a random attack from his games, all doing the same effect and damage [14-17%]

B moves:
B: Mega buster; Can be charged while moving, if u press B multiple times, 3 bullet-like beams will fire, if u charge it fully, it fires a powerful beam attack, as powerful as samus's just a tad faster... bullets [3-5% per bullet] fully charged [23-26% *high knockback*]
<> B: move copy: megaman probelps himself forward and if he connects with an oponent, he jumps over them, hand on the forhead, and obserbs the oponents move, then kick the oponent afterward [11-13%]
Random projectile: like the name says, a random projectile attack from his series [damage depens on weapon]
Upb: Buster uppercut: Popels himself upward, the uppercut is similair to the one in MvC, but the jump is way higher, similair to marios in a way, but give one powerful hit instead of multiple weak hits; ON THE GROUND: does the uppercut but does a small-mid jump [19-24%] *high knockback*
downB: Shield: could be the leaf shield, or skull shield or whatever, point is its a shield, and can withstand 2-3 weak hits or one powerful hit, pressing down b again will propel the sield forward giving many hits, wil lalso give ultiple hits if someone attacks him with a melee attack [2-4% damaga per hit *about 3-5 hits*

Taunt in game: Gives a thumbs up looking stright to the screen
victory taunt: U got *random weapon from one of the oponents*!! *u can c megaman firing the weapon*
Victory taunt2: takes off helmet, and does a pose
victory taunt3: rush comes and gives a hologram image where dr light appears and says: good job megaman!

kirby hat: kirby gets megamans helmet


Smash Hero
Apr 8, 2006
Tijuana cabrones!
Thanx Master Gary XD
@ Creo: Thanx, and yeah I know I should put SSBB, being the brawl look and all, but since I main mario now (and possibly not main him in brawl) I decided to put SSBM :p


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
I want to make Megaman's copied gun moveset for the moveset Stryks made!
Here's the list of everyone (from top-left to lower-right) in Melee and everyone confirmed in Brawl, and what Megaman gets from copying them:
{*NOTE* This list might be imbalanced, but I had fun so I don't care.}

>Doctor Mario: Pill Pop [spinning rapidly at first and falls short, then shoots forward like a football would]
>Luigi: Flame Trail [shoots 3 quick bursts of green fireballs]
>Bowser: Fire Storm (from Megaman, Fire Man's power [a stream of fire])
>Peach: Turnip Shot [shoots a random turnip]
>Yoshi: Egg Bomb [shoots a small Yoshi egg that pops on impact or after reaching a certain distance]
>DK: Super Arm (from Megaman, Guts Man's power [*tweak* throws a small rock])
>Captain Falcon: Charge Kick (from Megaman 5, Charge Man's power)
>Ganondorf: Shadow Blade (from Megaman 3, Shadow Man's power [*tweak* shuriken is bigger, stronger, slower, has purple magic fire around it])
>Falco: Beat Launch [shoots Beat forward, Beat is a homing missile]
>Fox: Time Stopper (from Megaman 2, Flash Man's move [*BIG tweak*, shoots a ball forward that hits like Fox's fB, takes time to charge and be reusable])
>Ice Climbers: Ice Slasher (from Megaman, Ice Man's ability)
>Kirby: Roll's Vaccum [sucks enemy so they're caught by the chest, and can be thrown]
>Shiek: Needle Cannon (from Megaman 3, Needle Man's power)
>Link: Hyper Bomb (from Megaman, Bomb Man's power)
>Young Link: Quick Boomerang (from Megaman2, Quick Man's power)
>Pichu: Spark Shock (from Megaman 3, Shock Man's power)
>Pikachu: Thunder Beam (from Megaman, Elec Man's power)
>Mr. Game & Watch:
>Marth: Rolling Cutter (from Megaman, Cut Man's power)
>Roy: Burning Cutter (same as Marth's power, but burns on contact and moves slower)
>Meta Knight: Metal Blade (from Megaman 2, Metal Man's power) *BEST ABILITY EVER*
>Zero-Suit Samus:
>Snake: Search Snake (from Megaman 3, Snake Man's power) *lol c'mon... I had to pick this one*

It's also unfinished... I got lazy. Go ahead and play with it if you want, I don't care. ;)


Smash Cadet
May 27, 2007
ya i agree.

all u guys R imagining 2 much. Nintendos not gonna just throw things in cuz there cool. theyre gonna make evry1 basically evenly matched (or try to) and they can only put in characters who would have there own unique moveset


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
Haha, we're ALL dreamers here.:laugh: Go big or go home. It's fun to imagine what the game never will be like.

Welcome to Smashboards thrak, enjoy your stay, we'd all appreciate it if you didn't type in AIM speak, thankyou.


Smash Lord
Feb 18, 2006
Where that boomerang came from
All Characters from Melee will return exactly as they are, with minor tweaks, except the following:

Doc Mario: Cut
Roy: Cut
Young Link: Cut (possibly replaced by a WW Link of some sort, with a vastly different moveset).
Pichu: Cut
Shiek: Cut

Zelda: Will have her own moveset, updated to fit TP, and will no longer transform into Shiek.
Gannondorf: Will have his own moveset, complete with the Sword of the Sages from TP.
Samus: May be able to transform into ZS Samus at will, much like Zelda/Shiek of Melee.
Falco: Will have a multi-jump moveset similar, but not clone-like, to Fox.

Mr Game and Watch: Possible Cut
Ice Climbers: Possible Cut.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
All Characters from Melee will return exactly as they are, with minor tweaks, except the following:

Doc Mario: Cut Agreed
Roy: Cut Agreed
Young Link: Cut (possibly replaced by a WW Link of some sort, with a vastly different moveset).Yea... I think he's gone too, and I'd like to see Cel-shaded Link, but I don't think this one's happening.
Pichu: Cut Agreed
Shiek: Cut I say she's still in, but nerfed like a mutha.

Zelda: Will have her own moveset, updated to fit TP, and will no longer transform into Shiek. Just hope Shiek stays... that's all. I don't care what they do to Zelda.
Gannondorf: Will have his own moveset, complete with the Sword of the Sages from TP. Okay. But I think I'd rather see him Luigified with the sword (yes, it could be possible).
Samus: May be able to transform into ZS Samus at will, much like Zelda/Shiek of Melee. I'm seeing it as not so much "at will" but more "no choice but to".
Falco: Will have a multi-jump moveset similar, but not clone-like, to Fox. I hope he doesn't get a multi-jump. It would be fitting since he's a bird and all... but he's got a wicked set of high jumps, he doesn't need to fly. Just alter his moves around and keep his moves that make him $ (his spike, his tail, and his SHL).

Mr Game and Watch: Possible Cut I think so too, but it's sad cuz I actually like him
Ice Climbers: Possible Cut. GOOD! I hate them with a passion. I swear, Nana doesn't like me at all whether I'm fighting the ICs or playing as them she is out to make my life hel
Aaaaaand... that's all I have to say about that. :grin:


Smash Ace
May 20, 2007
Melbourne, Australia
All Characters from Melee will return exactly as they are, with minor tweaks, except the following:

Doc Mario: Cut
Roy: Cut
Young Link: Cut (possibly replaced by a WW Link of some sort, with a vastly different moveset).
Pichu: Cut
Shiek: Cut

Zelda: Will have her own moveset, updated to fit TP, and will no longer transform into Shiek.
Gannondorf: Will have his own moveset, complete with the Sword of the Sages from TP.
Samus: May be able to transform into ZS Samus at will, much like Zelda/Shiek of Melee.
Falco: Will have a multi-jump moveset similar, but not clone-like, to Fox.

Mr Game and Watch: Possible Cut
Ice Climbers: Possible Cut.
i like your hustle.

i agree with most of what u said.
dont mind if ganondorf gets his sword or not, he's still totally badass without it.
hope samus and zamus r separate.
i'll be really happy if they give falco multi jumps AND a huge gun as opposed to his pee-shooter from melee.
i'd like to see ice climbers stay, as well as game and watch (or maybe paper mario...he 2D too!)


Smash Lord
Feb 14, 2006
A stone's throw from insanity
It would be interesting to have one of the fastest fallers in the whole game making use of a missile launcher and multiple midair jumps. Maybe not practical, but cool nonetheless.

Was no one satisfied with the "Walking and Shooting" update? I thought it was clever because it confirmed an old item while explaining a new game mechanic. Granted they could have simply added that to this morning's update, but it's the thought that counts.

Paper Mario would be a real BAMF, but he's too similar to both G&W and Mario as it stands. I'm not sure if PM would wind up being a luigified G&W, or worse, replacing the more important character because of his relative "newness". If Paper Mario makes it, I will not be satisfied unless there's some way to turn sideways and become invisible like on the GCN version.:)


Smash Journeyman
May 24, 2007
Atlanta, Ga
Todays update was good. The new Cracker Launcher should be interesting. I think that all of the characters from Melee should return, but Im sure a few will be cut. I think that the most likely characters to be cut are Pichu, Doc, Roy. As long as Ganon comes back, and is still a bada** I dont really care who returns.


Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2006
Netherlands Antilles
I don't want anymore item updates. I mean it's good to know and stuff, but after about a month or less I will take items off forever and improve my skills. So items aint realy important to me.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Today's update is politically incorrect.

CRACKER Launcher?!?!?
I'll bet Sakurai would like to launch some crackers... racist son of a gun... always hatin' on us honkeys. We just tryin' to live our lives dawg! We don't need anybody oppressin' our brothers and sisters!

This is just like that slavery thing that happened to us!
Wait, that was us who was oppressed right?...
Well, I know we were involved somehow, and that's enough for me!


Smash Cadet
May 27, 2007

chocolate crackers...

i think I had one of those at the recent "Jews love Muslims" clinic :dizzy:


Smash Journeyman
Mar 23, 2007
Yeah those stupid crackers need to stop saying "ZOMG!1!11 teh ckracker launcher is liek teh racist itemz!!!11shift+1".

Blacks and Asians (im Asian so I know how it feels) struggled through racism for many years and I can't believe some of you guys take it so hard and personal. Geez, its only one small item in a video game. Grow up.

Oh and its you crackers (called "haole" in hawaii) who f****d up Hawaii so much with all your littering, cutting off cars in the street, you know that kind of stuff. My parents told me that it was so nice before, and now...its far from it. And if you say i'm wrong, i'd like to see you guys try to prove it because you probably haven't even been to Hawaii.

And if you feel offended by this post, you probably acted like a little ***** by overreacting over a little item that had the word cracker in it.

EDIT: Yeah, none of you ******s who are always whining about can't counter my post! Ha!


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Lmao... look what I started.


(I guess I'll be the one to stop it before it gets out of hand.)
But no, I don't give a sh;t if it's called the Cracker Launcher. In fact I sh;t myself laughing when I first read it. Cracker Launcher looks like a racially charged weapon against my people... AND I LOVE IT!

I wonder if tomorrow's update will brighten up my day like this one has?

Peace on Earth. Equality. Other mushy bullsh;t. Etc.

the grim lizard

Smash Master
Nov 26, 2004
Not that it matters adding to an almost 300-page forum, but...

There is no reason to cut any character. They could do nothing to update their game mechanics and just transfer them over as-is. I suppose they may not want to only do the job halfway, but still...I think people like more characters over a handful of "uber" ones.


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Well they said they're not going to keep all the old characters. And also, they said they were starting every character from scratch. I don't know why, but that's what they're doing. I wish they would just keep everyone too, and I wish they would just transfer everything into Brawl so it could come out quicker, but it's going to be such a better game this way. Let Sakurai do what he's gotta do. He's never disappointed me before. I trust him.


Smash Rookie
May 31, 2007
I would personally enjoy to see all of the old characters back but if there were cuts here is where i would like them to be.

1. Roy
2. Sheik not Zelda
3. Young Link
4. Peach (she pisses me off to no end)

Those are my picks but I know that the characters I like will be cut such as Pichu and Ice-climbers. Yeah.....


Smash Ace
Jul 14, 2005
MyNameIsJACK, I hope you get Dsmashed. While Crouch Cancelling.


Upward and Forward, Positive and Persistent
Feb 25, 2007
Livermore, the Bay repping NorCal Smash!
Yo Jack, why the hate for Sheik?
And I thought you loved Young Link?
And yes, Peach pisses me off too (maybe even more than you).
Pichu's gone, no doubt on anyone's mind.
Ice Climbers (thank the lord) are gone.
Shiek is probably gone, Peach is awsome and isn't going anywhere, Pichu is gone, and IC are awsome. IC deserve to return, and they can be pretty powerful characters if used properly.

Originally Posted by X-x-Dyce-x-XX

Lmao... look what I started.


(I guess I'll be the one to stop it before it gets out of hand.)
But no, I don't give a sh;t if it's called the Cracker Launcher. In fact I sh;t myself laughing when I first read it. Cracker Launcher looks like a racially charged weapon against my people... AND I LOVE IT!

I wonder if tomorrow's update will brighten up my day like this one has?

Peace on Earth. Equality. Other mushy bullsh;t. Etc
Lol, as a white person I would be offended, but i'm racist against everyone so I can't be offended. Just as long as I'm not shot out of the cracker launcher it's all good! I'm LMFAO Dyce, this is cracking (HAHA!) me up! I'm gonna laugh if there is a launcher for all the other races out there, that would make me cry with laughter even MORE! Lol, I'm typing this while some extremist guy is being racist against white people ONLY! N00bs can't be cool like me, and be racist again himself, as well as everyone else! :laugh:

@ MyNameIsJACK
Roy's awsome, and for all you N00bs who believe he's a weaker version of Roy, I'll get 1,000 vids to prove you wrong. Seriously, it's one thing to want him gone out of the series for a more popular character or diffrent FE character, but I've heard a lot of N00bs (not saying anyone in particular) who want him gone, but think he's a weaker Roy. They are all sadly mistaken, because he's awsome! :)

Shiek isn't as broken as everyone says. Seriously, unlike most fighting game tiers, the tiers in the SSB series show the most popular characters over the lesser popular. All of the characters in the series can be strong. But if she returns, she needs to be a seperate charcter, rahter than Zelda's transformation, because this gives Zelda/Shiek users a unfair mindgame advantage in this way.

YLink needs to become WW Link, to pwn all!

Peach=wat are you complaining about=??? She's awsome, fast, and a very balanced character. She's not going anywhere, so deal with it, while I'll probably be owning with her (hopefully! :laugh:)!

IC: Original to the max! Strong characters that take a lot of skill to use properly, and add a certain uniqueness, much like G&W's, that can't be replaced by anyone, not even another teaming character.

Pichu: The only character who idc if they return or not. This is coming from me, the person who wants everone to return (Doc should be a alternate Mario outfit), but if Pichu's cut I feel bad for all the Pichu users out there. My friends got a pretty godo Pichu, that pwns my Link like a N00b! :laugh:

@ rm88
Wouldn't Ganondorf's dtilt hurt the most=??? :laugh:


Smash Master
Feb 27, 2007
Some town in New Jersey Mains: Link, Falco, Ganond
Peach is FAR from balanced! What's the move? Oh, the "double edged gown", that deals anywhere from 6-75%. How is that balanced? Also that she can pull it off rapidly with practically 0 lagtime. And it's so hard to kill her. She's light, but she's floaty, can hover with her parasol, and hover horizontally for at least 5 seconds.

Peach, IMO, is the most unbalanced character ever. I'd like to see her back, but please nerf that **** gown.


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
Peach=wat are you complaining about=??? She's awsome, fast, and a very balanced character. She's not going anywhere, so deal with it, while I'll probably be owning with her (hopefully! :laugh:)!

Pichu: The only character who idc if they return or not. This is coming from me, the person who wants everone to return (Doc should be a alternate Mario outfit), but if Pichu's cut I feel bad for all the Pichu users out there. My friends got a pretty godo Pichu, that pwns my Link like a N00b! :laugh:
Peach in my mind should definetly return but with a better moveset, I just hated her upB move and her tunip attack which really lacked in power,imo they should either improve her moveset or not have her return at all.

As for Pichu mostly everybody agree's that he shouldn't return in indeed correct, as for Doc it would be nice if they brought him him but ONLY as an alternate costume for Mario.


Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2007
Woonsocket, Rhode Island
Peach is good and is gonna return...end of story. Stop complaining about her Dsmash because if she didn't have it, she wouldn't be as good. As for Dr.Mario, I can care less and Pichu was only in because of the movies.


Smash Ace
Dec 22, 2006
Netherlands Antilles
Peach in my mind should definetly return but with a better moveset, I just hated her upB move and her tunip attack which really lacked in power,imo they should either improve her moveset or not have her return at all.

As for Pichu mostly everybody agree's that he shouldn't return in indeed correct, as for Doc it would be nice if they brought him him but ONLY as an alternate costume for Mario.
She's already so broken and you want them to improve her? I think your a very sick young man.


Smash Champion
Apr 6, 2007
Woonsocket, Rhode Island
Yes he is Master Gary. You want A new moveset for Peach but we are complaining she is too good already. There is something wrong with you. Come on...one attack can = 75% damage and you want a new moveset!


Fire Emblem Lord/ Trophy Hunter
Jul 4, 2006
Houston, Texas!
She's already so broken and you want them to improve her? I think your a very sick young man.

Yes he is Master Gary. You want A new moveset for Peach but we are complaining she is too good already. There is something wrong with you. Come on...one attack can = 75% damage and you want a new moveset!
I was just stating my opinion ok, geez lighten up, I just think that peach's moves should be tweaked a little in her damaging
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