Can the Brawl Back Room take some serious consideration into reevaluating the goals of the Official Match-up Chart?
As I see it, the Brawl Back Room has put lots of effort into gathering some of the best players and experiences with all characters into a panels and have them discuss various match-ups given a particular character. There is probably some good and bad discussion going on, but nonetheless good players are getting
together to crack down on their information about a match-up. It is honestly rare to see that sort of thing happen.
However, what is the end result for normal smashers like myself? We get a number or a label for a match-up which honestly does absolutely nothing for us. The BBR putting together this effort has very little redeeming value for us other than simply entertainment value. Does me looking at a match-up chart help me become a better player at all? No it does not and really I see no reason to consult it for any decision making either. This to me does not seem like a good project for the BBR to consider spending time so much time on. The BBR is a good collective intelligence on lots of things in smash and it seems a waste to never allow that information they might bring up to never reach the common player.
For the purposes of that Match-up Chart project wouldn't' it be far better to scrap any sort of mention of trying to summarize match-ups with a label like "advantage", "large disadvantage", or "50-50"? In place of this it would be far more beneficial to the average player to have access to summaries of match-ups instead and better yet the finer details that go into a match-up that someone like me might not know about or consider due to my inexperience.
The thing I liked about the v2.0 release was the explanations that went with match-ups at the end of the thread's opening. In fact, it was the most useful thing to me as a player far more than simply looking at a chart for some numbers. For example, suppose I have issues with a particular match-up for myself and I would like to find a suitable counter pick to the character. In reality, I have problems with Ice Climbers. Which sort of character would work best for myself to counter Ice Climber. Coming to this chart, I see numbers and it seems like ICs have problems with ZSS, TL, MK, and Peach. The only question is why and for what reasons are these suitable counter pick characters? The very core of a match-up is completely lost to me because there is no suitable explanation at all. However, I wouldn't like the BBR to stop at simply an overview of match-up in a couple paragraphs like was posted in the v2.0 chart, but having access to the complete discuss and finer points would be far more helpful I imagine.
In general, it would be very cool if the BBR did more projects designed to help out regular smashers at getting better rather than more entertainment like stuff such as the tier list. But, I'm just ranting now and I'll probably find out that the discussions from the panels were actually released somewhere I didn't know about lol And this probably is not the place to even say anything about this either. Oh, well.