I plan to stay around until release, or at least until the full roster is known. I used GameSpot, GameFaqs, IGN and BrawlCentral last year, other than BC, the rest were horrible.
Children making 10 topics a day about Sonic, Cloud, or Masterchief. It was some of the stupidest people iv ever seen in one place. Then Sonic ended up being confirmed one night, and it really hit the fan. Hate topics filled the entire board and trolls were everywhere. Little kids then assumed that since he made it, SURELY Shadow would soon follow. Even now, GameSpot is good for a laugh every now and then, but its still pretty bad as far as decent conversation goes.
I did enjoy the wait for the dojo updates. Every update they had a new stupid Sakurai quote to throw around and create a fad. That, and laughing at the hoards of people expecting character updates, only to see some worthless extra content. But every update had a memorable quote. "theres no time to ponder such things, as Link has just grabbed a smash ball" "hrrrrnggg gotta heft this thing" "up until now". They still toss them around on GameSpot today as a fad of sorts. Hopefully, Sakurai continues on with the updates once it gets farther into development. I probably look forward to the updates more than the game itself lol.
I think ill stay here this time though. Seems like other than the irrational fanboys, most of you can have decent conversations/debates. Even if we disagree on things, at least its intelligent conversation for the most part.
@ Jaklub
Go to GameSpot/GameFaqs and read some posts. Its the worst around as far as i know. Although IGN has the most trolls.