There's nothing wrong with criticizing my ideas. In fact, I appreciate any criticism. It should help once I get to my Videogame Design class when I'm a senior.
Still, I feel that if you're to be going about critiquing ideas, you should present your own ideas be it that they are additions, removals, returns, or expansions that enhance the overall gameplay experience. It makes for a more enjoyable discussion instead of one person presenting one thing and expecting reception and doing this ad infinitum.
Remember the discussions we had when you or I presented Sirlin articles? Those are the kind of discussions I'd like to have.
Okay, well to be honest I'm not really interested in talking about adjustments to old characters, and I really dislike bigger changes that you tend to suggest, but I'll throw out something I guess.
I honestly think every character that has appeared in Smash is generally acceptable in their current form (minus the cut Melee clones who would need some touch-ups if they ever returned). Little tweaks like FLUDD are fine, but not having three or so special moves changed completely.
I don't really care if Ganon uses a sword, uses a trident, uses his bare hands, shoots energy balls, or any of that. I don't care if the Mother kids use their friends' stuff. I don't care if Wario plays nothing like he should (okay that's a lie, Brawl Wario bothers me but I can deal with it). Iit's not entirely faithful to the sources, but it's not really that big of a deal. I'd rather not see what's here be mucked with for the sake of accuracy.
Now the only exception to this would be if Ganondorf's current moveset was the only factor in excluding Black Shadow (as in "well Black Shadow would be a perfect addition, but because he's too similar to Ganon we dropped him"). I'd be really annoyed if one character's made-up moveset somehow prevented another from appearing, especially when the made-up moveset didn't need to be there in the first place.
@voices/text: no way, unless they had the F-Zero X announcer "narrating" or something.