Oh; Character's who just wouldn't work? Hmm...I'd like to see the Devil's Machine from mother for starters (All you earthbound fans know what I'm talking about here)It is a strange concept to fathom, playing as Ridely. I rather enjoyed fighting both versions of him as a boss. What I really meant was on the lines of those who want to play as some unreasonable characters like Robotnik, who would do fine as a boss (Sonic Unleashed Openning Cutscene).
Yeah; and you can also say Lucas and his team move onto learn more attacks, but the first still stand as recognizeable with no need to change them.Trainer- I think with all the Pokemon Ash has had (and even given up) it might be safe to say that the originals are good for Brawl, but then ash/trainer moves on to win tournaments, strategizing his pokemon. Lol I thought that Honen would be the end of Pokemon, I've lost interest since the fourth series, although I lost interest in the TV series after the second series.
Oh; Well, she could get her moves revised. Ganondorf sure seems to not be well recieved on tier lists, but things can change as I've said. Maybe not specific moves (Howdy ness)Puff- I figured I would be recieved that way, its not that I just hate her character, its just that after Melee, she kind of sucked. Its not like I don't expect her to return, but I wouldn't mind if she did or didn't.
...Grey fox and Robo2k aren't japan only, but back to the japan subject;Japan- I think of things in a logical sense. I've looked around several forums and seen this as a pattern. So I don't know whats Japan Only or not. I'm not really for including Grey Fox or Robo2k (whatever) but if they contribute well to nintendo, I figure that they should be involved. Yeah I don't even like Mr.G&W but I understand why he's there.
For japan only characters, there isn't really much on that that gets thrown around anyways, especially on ones that contribute a lot to nintendo (Or supporting characters to an existing series/protaginists for that matter) the only ones off the top of my head that get suggested a lot are Claus, Saki (Virtual console), Sukapon, and Roy (not 100% Sure here) Oh and Takamaru a bit, but compared to others here they aren't really requested that much. edit: forgot tingle, because technically his series is japan only.
However I can understand why adding Japan-Only characters is a questionable thing, because say If a series gets popular and nothing happens in the US, like mother 3, then people may say main lucas/marth and then want to play there games and not being able to play it in any official way. Ok, there's the fan translation I suppose, and Marth's game did get ported over on the DS, but the fear of running into that still stands and already has a bit with Ness and Lucas.