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[Official SSB4 Discussion] --- Nintendo announces 2 new Smash games!

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Smash Lord
Oct 10, 2008
Nintendo isn't making very many new series because the old ones are doing so great. Mario and Pokemon are the two best-selling video game franchises of all time, and DK, LoZ, and Kirby all do very well. Metroid has also had an increase in popularity, thanks to the Metroid Prime series.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
Do you guys think SSB4 will keep the brawl physics? I kinda hope it does, but you never know.


Smash Lord
Oct 10, 2008
I dunno. I'm hoping it's a happy medium between Brawl and Melee.


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
80 characters in SSB4 won't happen. 40-50 characters in SSB4 is more likely. It is a realistic and reasonable estimate. This is the roster I hope to see in SSB4:

Column 1: Mario main series
1. Mario
2. Luigi
3. Bowser
4. Peach
5. Toad

Column 2: Donkey Kong series + Starfy
6. Donkey Kong
7. Diddy Kong
8. Dixie Kong
9. King K. Rool
10. Starfy

Column 3: Mario spin-off franchises + The Three Captains
11. Yoshi
12. Wario
13. Captain Falcon
14. Olimar
15. Captain Rainbow

Column 4: Zelda franchises
16. Link
17. Zelda / Sheik
18. Ganondorf
19. Toon Link
20. Tingle

Column 5: NES franchises
21. Samus / Zero Suit Samus
22. Pit
23. Ice Climbers
24. Little Mac
25. Takamaru

Column 6: Kirby + Mother franchises
26. Kirby
27. Meta Knight
28. King Dedede
29. Ness
30. Lucas

Column 7: Star Fox + Fire Emblem franchises
31. Fox
32. Wolf
33. Krystal
34. Marth

35. New Lord

Column 8: Pokemon series
36. Pikachu
37. Red (Squirtle, Ivysaur, Charizard)
38. Meowth

39. Gold (Chikorita, Quilava, Feraligatr)
40. 5th gen Pokemon

Column 9: Historic icons + Third-party characters
41. Mr. Game & Watch
42. R.O.B.
43. Hunting Dog
44. Sonic
45. Mega Man

Also, I hope SSB4's physics and speed are similar to Brawl. It felt more comfortable and accessible compared to Melee.


Smash Master
Jul 7, 2006
Seattle, WA
Switch FC
80 characters in SSB4 won't happen. 40-50 characters in SSB4 is more likely. It is a realistic and reasonable estimate. This is the roster I hope to see in SSB4:

Column 1: Mario main series
1. Mario
2. Luigi
3. Bowser
4. Peach
5. Toad

Column 2: Donkey Kong series + Starfy
6. Donkey Kong
7. Diddy Kong
8. Dixie Kong
9. King K. Rool
10. Starfy

Column 3: Mario spin-off franchises + The Three Captains
11. Yoshi
12. Wario
13. Captain Falcon
14. Olimar
15. Captain Rainbow

Column 4: Zelda franchises
16. Link
17. Zelda / Sheik
18. Ganondorf
19. Toon Link
20. Tingle

Column 5: NES franchises
21. Samus / Zero Suit Samus
22. Pit
23. Ice Climbers
24. Little Mac
25. Takamaru

Column 6: Kirby + Mother franchises
26. Kirby
27. Meta Knight
28. King Dedede
29. Ness
30. Lucas

Column 7: Star Fox + Fire Emblem franchises
31. Fox
32. Wolf
33. Krystal
34. Marth

35. New Lord

Column 8: Pokemon series
36. Pikachu
37. Red (Squirtle, Ivysaur, Charizard)
38. Meowth

39. Gold (Chikorita, Quilava, Feraligatr)
40. 5th gen Pokemon

Column 9: Historic icons + Third-party characters
41. Mr. Game & Watch
42. R.O.B.
43. Hunting Dog
44. Sonic
45. Mega Man

Also, I hope SSB4's physics and speed are similar to Brawl. It felt more comfortable and accessible compared to Melee.
red are hiddens, right? I like it. I like it a lot. but while I understand HD might be in as a WTF character, i Think that might be a little TOO WTF.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2008
Austin, Texas
I see no Roy, and Meowth instead of Mewtwo.
Why would roy come back? I wouldn't mind it, but I don't see it happening.

And I just gave that roster a second read, and didn't see Ike or Falco and Falco will be back WAY before Krystal gets in the game. Then there were like 4 characters I have't even heard of, which is a indicator that they PROBABLY (not definately) aren't popular enough to be in smash.


Smash Apprentice
Aug 10, 2009
You know who would be a great character? Spyro the dragon! I could see him being a great fighter! IMO I prefer him over Crash Bandicoot.

Anyone agree with me? Spyro for SSB4!
Jun 8, 2009
I'm just hoping he'll not add a lot or at least one anime character. It seems wrong and Mega Man will make a great addition to be awesome at the same time my training dummy all the time but he's still epic and Rayman wil be okay but still dosen't seem right. What do you guys think? And also if he adds more NINTENDO and Knuckles and Shadow, it would be awesome. No anime please, I believe the game ratings from brawl to the new one may nerf if he adds anime characters or not but I hope no anime characters may get in. Don't say that I'm stupid about this because Anime is awesome. It's my opinion. Anyway, I hope the next one is good. (By the way, IGN is weird about melee and brawl. Melee-9.6 and Brawl 9.5 Why?)
Oct 28, 2007
Ign is not the site to go by when dealing with ratings, they're information is good in terms of news and previews, but they don't review things very accuratly...

Remember, you can't spell ignorant without IGN


Smash Master
Sep 2, 2007
80 characters in SSB4 won't happen. 40-50 characters in SSB4 is more likely. It is a realistic and reasonable estimate. This is the roster I hope to see in SSB4:

Column 1: Mario main series
1. Mario
2. Luigi
3. Bowser
4. Peach
5. Toad

Column 2: Donkey Kong series + Starfy
6. Donkey Kong
7. Diddy Kong
8. Dixie Kong
9. King K. Rool
10. Starfy

Column 3: Mario spin-off franchises + The Three Captains
11. Yoshi
12. Wario
13. Captain Falcon
14. Olimar
15. Captain Rainbow

Column 4: Zelda franchises
16. Link
17. Zelda / Sheik
18. Ganondorf
19. Toon Link
20. Tingle

Column 5: NES franchises
21. Samus / Zero Suit Samus
22. Pit
23. Ice Climbers
24. Little Mac
25. Takamaru

Column 6: Kirby + Mother franchises
26. Kirby
27. Meta Knight
28. King Dedede
29. Ness
30. Lucas

Column 7: Star Fox + Fire Emblem franchises
31. Fox
32. Wolf
33. Krystal
34. Marth

35. New Lord

Column 8: Pokemon series
36. Pikachu
37. Red (Squirtle, Ivysaur, Charizard)
38. Meowth

39. Gold (Chikorita, Quilava, Feraligatr)
40. 5th gen Pokemon

Column 9: Historic icons + Third-party characters
41. Mr. Game & Watch
42. R.O.B.
43. Hunting Dog
44. Sonic
45. Mega Man

Also, I hope SSB4's physics and speed are similar to Brawl. It felt more comfortable and accessible compared to Melee.
Well, I do not really see 4 DK characters being playable in the next one. It took use forever to get the two we have. Dixie would not make it. Captain Rainbow, while I like the idea, is also a no go. Not enough popularity and he never made it out of japan. I see no Ridley, which is a mistake in my opinion. I see Meowth, which will never happen amd I see jiggs has got the cut. like the idea of a second trainer, but I hate the idea of it being another set of starters. Why? We already have fire, water and grass pokemon. Why get another set? You also cut snake. I like the Hunting dog idea though.

Overall, it is a fine fan list, but there are to many disparities.

Paper Mario Master

Smash Ace
Aug 22, 2009
Eh.......You axed quite a few people and put in/kept a bunch of weird choices, looking at meowth, hunting dog, C. rainbow, starfy, and maybe this is just me but tingle and takkamaru.


Smash Legend
May 23, 2009
All star mode seems like it's gonna take a while to beat in SSB4. I don't really know if this is an ideal place to ask this, but who is 'starfy' under king k rool?


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
lordvaati, yes, the red are unlockables. I don't think the Hunting Dog would be too WTF compared to R.O.B. At least, the dog from Duck Hunt is a better choice than Diskun. The dog have limbs, something Diskun lacks, and could fight by pointing at a direction where the hunter from the fourth wall would shoot at, sending out ducks for the hunter to shoot at, and throwing clay pigeons. And he is one of the most recognizable video game characters in video game history. His famous laughter would be perfect for his taunt.

drag0nscythe, it took forever for us to get both Meta Knight and King Dedede in Brawl... so it is not out of the question to add both Dixie Kong and King K. Rool in SSB4. It is obvious Sakurai is interested in Dixie Kong since he planned to add her in Brawl... so I think she is one of the most likely newcomers in SSB4.

Captain Rainbow could be added as a last-minute filler clone of Captain Falcon with some differences in the regular moves. It is more of my personal opinion but I feel he is a better choice than giving Black Shadow Ganondorf's old moveset. At least his design is more interesting than Black Shadow's.

The second trainer (Gold) should have the 2nd gen starters, not Jigglypuff, Pichu, and Gardevoir. Honestly, I think Gold and his 2nd gen starters is a better choice than Pichu. And it would be epic to see a real Pokemon battle between two different trainers in SSB4. And it would be a cool reference to the Gold vs. Red match at the end of Gold/Silver. I specifically chose Chikorita, Quilava, and Feraligatr because Gold could work as Red's rival in SSB4.

Chikorita (grass) > Squirtle (water)
Quilava (fire) > Ivysaur (grass)
Feraligatr (water) > Charizard (fire)

And I always wanted Meowth instead of Jigglypuff for a long time. Jigglypuff isn't even a starter in the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games. I thought it would be nice to have the iconic Pokemon playable in SSB4... so I kept Pikachu and Red's starters and added Meowth and Gold's starters since they are all starters in the Pokemon Mystery Dungeon games (and to promote HeartGold/SoulSilver) and the 5th gen Pokemon (most likely the star of a futue Pokemon movie just like Mewtwo and Lucario were) to promote the future 5th gen games (possibly after HeartGold/SoulSilver come out).

mariobrouser, I removed Falco because he felt more like a Fox clone than Wolf did. Honestly, Fox does not need two clones and the Star Fox series does not need four characters. Both Falco and Wolf were added as filler clones. So, I felt it would be for the best if we lose one of the filler clones (Falco or Wolf) and I chose to remove Falco and replace him with Krystal, who have a potential to be different from Fox.

So, overall, I kept everyone from Brawl except Falco, Jigglypuff, Lucario, Ike, and Snake. I replaced these five characters with Krystal, Meowth, 5th gen Pokemon, New Lord, and Mega Man. And then I added Toad, Dixie Kong, King K. Rool, Starfy, Captain Rainbow, Tingle, Little Mac, Takamaru, Gold and his 2nd gen starters, and Hunting Dog.


Smash Master
Jul 17, 2007
Right behind you with a knife.
As I said before, if a second traner got in, I think it would be better off as one that has Pokemon from Gen 2, 3, and 4. (Treecko, Monferno, and Feraligatr) This not only provides more balance between the generatons, but also I would think that it would be odd that both Quilava and Feraligatr would be in, and almost certanly not be clones, while Chikorita would almost certainly have to be. (I know, I know, anyone can have a original moveset, yadda yadda, but really, the only think I think she'd have different is like a spore attack for her neutral B. After that she has to have Razor Leaf, since that's her thing in Smash bros, and there's not much else you can give her for recovery besides Vine Whip.)


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
mariobrouser, I removed Falco because he felt more like a Fox clone than Wolf did. Honestly, Fox does not need two clones and the Star Fox series does not need four characters. Both Falco and Wolf were added as filler clones. So, I felt it would be for the best if we lose one of the filler clones (Falco or Wolf) and I chose to remove Falco and replace him with Krystal, who have a potential to be different from Fox.
While Falco is more of a clone than Wolf will ever be, Falco has been around since the Melee days so I doubt he would be removed after two games. Wolf was a last minute addition to Brawl, the lastest game, so I think Wolf is more likely to leave, or become a Fox alt.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2008
Austin, Texas
While Falco is more of a clone than Wolf will ever be, Falco has been around since the Melee days so I doubt he would be removed after two games. Wolf was a last minute addition to Brawl, the lastest game, so I think Wolf is more likely to leave, or become a Fox alt.
I agree Falco is more of a clone (hard to dispute) and I agree Falco will probabably not be removed. I don't think anything will be changed in the Star Fox franchise, except maybe a few moveset changes.

As I said before, if a second traner got in, I think it would be better off as one that has Pokemon from Gen 2, 3, and 4. (Treecko, Monferno, and Feraligatr) This not only provides more balance between the generatons, but also I would think that it would be odd that both Quilava and Feraligatr would be in, and almost certanly not be clones, while Chikorita would almost certainly have to be. (I know, I know, anyone can have a original moveset, yadda yadda, but really, the only think I think she'd have different is like a spore attack for her neutral B. After that she has to have Razor Leaf, since that's her thing in Smash bros, and there's not much else you can give her for recovery besides Vine Whip.)
That would be alright. Who would be the trainer though?


Challenge accepted.
Jul 24, 2007
You know, if Krystal got in SSB4, she'd be the Bridget of Smash.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 18, 2008
Austin, Texas
I don't think it techncally matters but...Green I guess? The proposed team is basically a rival's team, so I would assume that one of the rivals would be the ones using it. Then again, Green never actually used those Pokemon, but that's really just a minor detal.
You're right, it doesn't matter. I was just curious who you thought.

I'm not sure who Green is, is he look just like Blue?


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Well, obviously its a wish list. It says on the top of my roster that its the roster I hope would be in SSB4. But who's the "one of the most hated characters" I'm supporting?

Pieman, I disagree about a second trainer having a 2nd gen, a 3rd gen, and a 4th gen starters for the sake of representing each generation in addition to 1st gen (Pikachu and Red) and 5th gen (the 5th gen Pokemon). Its simply the Pokemon equivalent to "adding females/villains for the sake of having females/villains".


Smash Lord
Oct 10, 2008

I'm not going to critique your roster like evryone else (Except Toise) is because it's a wishlist. Not sure why people are attacking you for it.

And the Duck Hunt Dog is one of the most hated characters in video games. How long did it take most poeple to decide that they'd rather shoot the dog than the ducks?


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Oh, yeah, that's right... the dog from Duck Hunt. Well, sure, he's one of the most hated video game characters because he laughed at our failures. I thought that this could potentially be incorporated into the dog's personality in the story mode. A duck-hunting dog who laughs at the person who is pointing a gun at him is either very bold or very insane. Also, the opportunity to smash the dog around should be very appealing to the haters.

By the way, who is Bridget? And why would Krystal be "the Bridget of Smash"?


Smash Ace
Sep 1, 2008
Cape Cod, MA
Yeah, the Duck Hunt Dog. I remember I always wanted to play the clay disc mode instead so I'd never have to see him.

Seems to be a trend on most parts of the internet where "what you want" becomes "what you think will definitely happen" and people will tear it apart immediately. Bonus points if you see the "you lose all credibility with ____" line.

@Kuma: Krystal has male junk?

edit: ajskdfjkasdf censoring


Smash Legend
Jun 26, 2009
Well, I, for one, am not furry for Krystal and yet I would rather have her instead of Falco because I don't want two Fox clones.

Toise, yeah, I understand how you feel about the dog from Duck Hunt. Even though I'm in the minority where I actually like the dog, I know it is a tall order to hope, against all odds, for the dog to become playable (same with Toad and Meowth) in SSB4.


Smash Master
Jul 12, 2009
Well, at least someone agrees with my point of view. Honestly, I never got why some people want every single retro character in Brawl, no matter how stupid or pointless they are, like Geno.
hold on now your attacking geno i dont really care but someone will its really based on popularity


Smash Master
Jul 12, 2009
WTF? Geno should NOT be in the next smash!
yeah i dont think so ether its popularity and if the person buying the game knows whose in it but it is a good tactic to get an unknown character in a game so people WILL WANT TO BUY THAT GAME AND NINTENDO MAKES MORE MONEY i dont really see him

Neo Exdeath

Smash Ace
Sep 11, 2009
Strawberry Fields
hold on now your attacking geno i dont really care but someone will its really based on popularity
Sorry if I'm getting myself into a flame war here, but Geno is some random third party character from some unknown SNES game. He will never be in smash. If a Square representative ever gets into Smash, It will be Terra or Black Mage. Mark my words.

Edit: Oh. You're not attacking me? However, from your post, it seems like I'm about to get into a flame war, so....

*raises flame shield*
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