I have a doubt. I'd like to discuss a Super Smash Bros. game on the DS or other Nintendo handheld, including characters, gameplay, stages, etc., but am not sure if it would belong in a completely new thread unto itself.
But if SSB:DS happens to be SSB4, then it would belong in this thread. But I digress:
What can "DS" stand for?
Should characters and their movesets be ONLY from handhelds (Mario not from Sunshine/Galaxy, but from New Super Mario Bros. or other handheld Mario game)?
What new characters, then, should be in the handheld SSB?
What changes to the current characters and their movesets should take place?
What gameplay additions can be added given that now each player has his own screen?
With 2 screens, a touch screen, and microphone (and camera), what other gameplay additions can be made?
If it were my game, I'd make sure to only include characters that have appeared in Nintendo handheld games from Game & Watch to Gameboy to VirtualBoy to the DS. Characters, like DK and Mario, and their movesets would be based only on their handheld games. As such, Olimar, Sheik, and Ice Climbers might be excluded, while characters such as Link, Ganondorf, DK might go through some drastic changes (no adult Link on handhelds, for example).
Who would I pick as new challengers?
Isaac from the Golden Sun series
Jill in the Drill Dozer from Drill Dozer
Andy and Sami from the Advance Wars series
Fusion Samus from Metroid Fusion
Ray MK II from Custom Robo Arena
Starfy from the Starfy series
The Elite Beat Agents from Elite Beat Agents
Chibi Robo from Chibi Robo: Park Patrol
Tingle from Tingle's Balloon Fight
Tom Nook!
New Pokemon
Soma Cruz from Castlevania: Aria of Sorrow and Dawn of Sorrow (not Nintendo -_-)
As for gameplay, some nifty additions can be made since it's on a handheld. True invisibility can be granted be items or special attacks. Items or certain specials (such as specials from psychic Pokemon) could have a confusion effect where other players see completely different things from what's actually happening. The camera can now take more priority on your own position if necessary (especially on large stages). You can now pick your characters secretly. What else? Hide your damage/stats during gameplay.
With the DS hardware, I can imagine using one of the screens with a completely zoomed out view with stats, while the other screen is pure gameplay with no HUD. Picking up a Poke Ball might actually give you a choce on the touch screen as to which pokemon you choose. In fact, items should make full use the bottom screen. Some items can have settings on the lower screen, for other items you can "trace" their path along the stage, or you might be able to call airstrikes (Advance Wars) on select locations with the touch screen.
Discuss! I demand it!