1). What new franchises will be represented?
Golden Sun, Sin & Punishment, Punch-Out!!, Nazo no Murasamejou, Animal Crossing
2). What expansions of existing franchises will occur?
Fire Emblem, Starfox and Metroid should get one new character. Pokemon should get two, and one of those could be a new trainer with three new pokemon (take out anything stamina related, though).
3). Which one to three characters should be cut?
Jigglypuff, Lucario..
4). Which character deserves to be de-cloned the most?
Ganondorf, give him that darn sword, already!
5). What new features should be added?
Air Taunting, Air Grabbing...idk
6). Who're YOUR top three most wanted character choices?
Two Fire Emblem characters (either Roy, Alm, Lyn or Sigurd), and an F-Zero Character (Jody Summer preferably, but Deathborn would be nice.. but no men with horns in skintight suits (coughBlack Shadowcough)
7). Who would you rather have be the director?
Me! Just Kidding.. sorta. I suppose Miyamoto. It should be someone with extensive knowledge of the games published by Nintendo (which again, is me! =D but just kidding.. I'd never be in that position)