so what you're saying is:
1.) you put a lot of effort into ROB and it didnt pay off as much as u wanted
2.) you got beat my DSF's MK who didnt put nearly as much effort as you did
3.) you became a traitor to the rob community and switched to MK because it was easier
4.) u mad
Reading comprehension isn't everyone's strong point, so I'll break it down for you:
I was without a doubt one of the top 2 ROBs in the country; the only possible competition I had was HugS on the west coast. I was one of the biggest anti-ban supporters and supported efforts to simply change your gameplay or pick up a secondary.
To further ROB's metagame, I decided on using data, not opinion, to discover who "went even" or "beat" ROB. I had ROB mains post who they lost to on a consistent basis.
After removing the "lesser" ROBs who had just picked him up and were losing to random people by only using people who made top 8, we found that Dedede, MK, Marth, and G&W all had higher than average numbers in the "win" category. Further research found that we were simply playing a lot of Marths, and that Marth lost as much as he won; a pretty clear "even matchup".
D3, MK, and G&W were all much different and they really were beating us.
I then worked really hard to learn the D3 matchup, having been countered by Bloodhawk at a recent tournament. He two stocked me on his CP with Dedede simply by using the chain grab. After some intense study of the character, I fought him a week later and two stocked him. I wrote down the changes in my gameplay with the other top ROBs and ROB mains emulated us.... and D3's wins went down. Changes to the matchup like when to use kill moves, what moves never to use, where to stand on the stage, how to edgeguard, etc., etc., all made the difference. G&W had a similar thing happen, and problems like his bair become boons; we started DIing through it and back-airing him out of his bair and doing simple walk-away f-tilts to out-space him. Approaching with lasers to bait buckets gave us free f-smashes for KOs, and fully charged gyros were used to edgeguard (they forced G&W to up+b earlier than normal, meaning he could be naired from below when recovering).
Metaknight, despite having the most attention, wouldn't go down. While I was still beating the MKs around me, I was doing so with gimps, camping the ledge, and d-tilt locking. Not reliable strategies, as you can't rely on hard to setup infinites and gimps, and camping the ledge only worked against bad players.
I then created the first "character specific back room" for ROB mains where we reinvented the character's playstyle to attempt to make him as efficient as possible. We set percentages where we should attempt to combo, percentages where we should camp with projectiles, and percentages where we should attempt to KO. This helped us keep our kill moves fresh, our combo moves easier to combo, and our projectiles fresh at the percentages when it was the least profitable to approach and attempt to combo.
It didn't work.
I then resigned to having to need a secondary, and openly claimed that MK was merely a hard counter to ROB. No way around it, but I can just pick up a secondary.
After playing and researching G&W, Fox, Lucario, Pikachu, Snake, Marth, Diddy, Ness, Luigi, Bowser, Wario, and pretty much every other character I saw the slightest glimmer of hope for, I found none of them really worked. When researching, I found they were
all having the same problems ROB was. All of them.
I picked up MK and never had to look back.... and so did every single other ROB main that didn't quit.
Since then I've continually researched every character I can looking for someone that actually BEATS Metaknight, and I've yet to find anything. You think I'm looking up all this data trying to prove he's ban worthy? I'm looking for data that shows he's
not. It doesn't exist, and so I find nothing but things that say he should be banned.
While you might be happy with your unfair advantage, I'm not.