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Official Metaknight Discussion

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Luigi player

Smash Master
Jul 29, 2004
not really, other characters can do it fine. MK is the easiest to gain a lead with, easiest to regain a lead with, and the easiest to fight with when planking fails you, but his planking isn't really in its own class, not in the same fashion that he is as a character overall(seriously he should be alone in S tier...)
Planking MK is so scary because of SL...

Pit might be really gay/good too, but it's not as risky approaching him there, because his uair won't stage spike you... same for GaW and his nair.


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
there's somewhat of a trade off though, unlike MK or GAW, pit can edge camp you when he's behind and regain a lead through that, he might not KO you by edge camping, but he still can't really be approached by most characters(MK does fine at this rofl)

GAW's up B is also a threat to stage spike you


Smash Champion
Sep 9, 2008
Good morning guys =D. Later I will post the proposal here, and a few other places. I am really just waiting for OS to get back on here lol.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
Driving to work through snow is bad. :[

Also, I believe Crow! has some new info.


Smash Champion
Sep 9, 2008
Ok, here we go:

Detailed explanation of proposal: Temp ban of metaknight.

We will divide the year into two sections, a six-month interval in length for each section. One interval will have Metaknight banned from tourney play, and another interval with Metaknight in play. The reason why it is a six-month interval are for these reasons:

1) If the time interval is shorter, player can simply wait out until the testing is finished. By making it 6 months of testing continuously , not only does that give us enough time to actually see a chance in the meta game, it also disables players from just simply “waiting until it’s done”

2) The time interval gives enough time for a single person to enter enough tourneys where the game can drastically change. It was suggested that if we can do it for 3-4 months instead of six months, and it was turned down because of this reason:

On average, a tournament is held on Saturdays. There are 4 Saturdays in a month. By doing this calculation for six months, a single person can have an approximate total of 24 tournament entries. Now, if you want to do fewer months, you subtract 4 for every month you want eliminated, so if you want the interval to be 3 months, you take 24-12 and you only get 12 tournaments, and for 4 months, you only get 16. There is a huge mathematical difference in these numbers. By taking off months, you limit the information that can be gained, the extra time to properly learn a high potential of a character, and the possible growth of a character overall.

3) By making it ½ a year of testing, you allow players to gain more experience with other characters, and by doing that, they can possibly place better in tournaments. This will help the results overall for logging them.

How to log the information

Each month we make a thread on Smashboards in the tactical section (or one major thread with all the information gathered) and we take information that happen within each month and break it down into sections:

1) Character Usage
2) Overall attendance
3) Character Development
4) player reactions in terms of how he feels at the state where he/she is in about how the meta game

The reason why I have this combination of choice is because it splits factual hand-put data, with opinion based emotion about a situation. The meta game is not just based on the characters, but how the players feel toward the characters. Within the 6 months, we can take note on how a character has grown or has been crippled, and add that to overall data. In 6 months, we can take the overall character usage and attendance, and see how a character grew within that time. By doing this monthly, we can compare data over time as well as a persons’ opinion about this situation, and see how it changes within the 6 months.

We will keep track of placings by how Ankoku does it. Here are the requirements:

Number of entrants
Entry fee
Where it was (what state it was in, or something)
Top 16, with character main for each of the top 16
Link to tournament page or results page
(I made it top 16. If there is less, just post them all with the format above. No listing under 13 will be accepted.)

We would first need someone to keep log on this thread, with this information. I do not want to Force it on Ankoku if this proposal passes through, unless he is willing to do it by his own free will.

A note of change: This thread needs to gather information other than just people posting results in it. This needs to be done because it can skew the information and make it inaccurate. We need every possible tournament logged with correct results from it at all times. The way we can do this is 2-4 people from each region can search and post all the tournament results possible. The people who are doing this need to be trust worthy and handpicked so nothing is left out. (I know it is a lot of work, but people can possibly mess up information, this of course, does not limit normal players from posting their own results)

When all of the information is gathered, we can then determine if Metaknight is ban worthy or not. At this time, we can possibly come up with a definition of what meets the requirements for a ban in brawl, and stick to it.

I hope that this is clear, understandable, and reasonable.

OS, if you agree with this, please post this in the BBR and attempt to get their approval with it. If the BBR will accept this proposal, it will be a lot easier to manage everything. Changes can be made too, so try to compromise if anything xD. (Only if it is reasonable and has a good explanation for doing so, but of course, I do not have to tell you this. Your OS, you know already lol.)


Smash Journeyman
Feb 9, 2010
I like your idea above but there is one question i wish to ask. Is meta knight mass overcentralisation A U.S specific problem or does it count for the entire world? i'm not quite up on the centralisation of characters in other countries or world wide so is the Mgay problem US specific orrrrr?


Smash Legend
Feb 14, 2007
Chapel Hill, NC
@PMC66: Currently the European Brawl Community is forming their own tournament ruleset as is the tradition. It would have to be argued among the Europeans themselves as to whether a temp ban was necessary, but the U.S. ban would certainly set a precedent.


Smash Ace
Apr 11, 2009
Making it Rain in Perth!
Also @PMC66: I cant speak for all of Australia but i know for a fact in Western Australia Mk is the most relied upon character easily with the majority of tournament usage. Mgay has also broughts his other friends ofcourse Mr Scrooge, Sir Plank, General TimeOut and also Murderous Rage

Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
If Meta Knight would get banned by the BBR, the chances of European tournaments banning him are very small.
He's not that much of a problem over here, although some European tournaments probably would follow suit.


Smash Ace
Jan 6, 2008
New York
Wait what?

Two years and you still haven't found a way to beat MK?


A) Get better

B) Metagame needs a revamp, obviously we shouldn't play this way (Least likely).

C) Ban the freak already!!!!!! This has gone on long enough.

Choose wisely, the future of Brawl is in your hands.

☆_Mutha-Foxin GangstaKirby_☆

Banned via Warnings
Oct 15, 2008
waiting for mars to hurry up with that **** blunt
...ok. Feel better now?

Edit: Waiting on OS's opinion on this lol.
OS being overswarm?
Wait what?

Two years and you still haven't found a way to beat MK?


A) Get better

B) Metagame needs a revamp, obviously we shouldn't play this way (Least likely).

C) Ban the freak already!!!!!! This has gone on long enough.

Choose wisely, the future of Brawl is in your hands.
D) stop sucking **** at smash and bawwwing over mks massive cawk size


Smash Champion
Sep 9, 2008
You know, for someone who really just comes in here ranting talking nonsense he doesn't even understand works my nerve. For one, i have little issue against MK, but chose to be on pro ban side for reasons you obviously missed because you didn't read the rest of the thread. Accusing me for something completely wrong is your ignorance getting the better of you. Stop being a child, and go about things logically. Even if I succeed or not, at least i put my best effort into it lol. I don't cry and get upset like a 12 year old who just shouts out what they want to get attention. You cool guy, real cool. Finish public speaking class, take a few lessons in debating. It will benefit you. The only thing you are doing is looking like a fool.

PS: Yes, OS = Overswarm.

I'm currently discussing what you posted, RJ.
Ok, cool =]

☆_Mutha-Foxin GangstaKirby_☆

Banned via Warnings
Oct 15, 2008
waiting for mars to hurry up with that **** blunt
You know, for someone who really just comes in here ranting talking nonsense he doesn't even understand works my nerve. For one, i have little issue against MK, but chose to be on pro ban side for reasons you obviously missed because you didn't read the rest of the thread. Accusing me for something completely wrong is your ignorance getting the better of you. Stop being a child, and go about things logically. Even if I succeed or not, at least i put my best effort into it lol. I don't cry and get upset like a 12 year old who just shouts out what they want to get attention. You cool guy, real cool. Finish public speaking class, take a few lessons in debating. It will benefit you. The only thing you are doing is looking like a fool.

PS: Yes, OS = Overswarm.
1st of all... you give RJ's a bad name, real RJ's like me would be like mk shouldnt be banned cuz i aint no ***** i can handle that mofo wit ease jus sayin you mus b like 13 or 14 to think you shud be talkin down on poor lil 12 year olds like that or some **** \O_o/

all i said is that mk will never be banned here and you explode, you obv have ragequit/mk issues


Smash Champion
Sep 9, 2008
1st of all... you give RJ's a bad name, real RJ's like me would be like mk shouldnt be banned cuz i aint no ***** i can handle that mofo wit ease jus sayin you mus b like 13 or 14 to think you shud be talkin down on poor lil 12 year olds like that or some **** \O_o/

all i said is that mk will never be banned here and you explode, you obv have ragequit/mk issues
Never done so, but thanks xP


Smash Hero
May 31, 2009
I don't think MK should be banned but gangstakirby makes some of the most idiotic posts on this subject I've ever seen, I think he's secretly pro ban and trying to make anti-ban look worse than it is <_<


Smash Journeyman
Jul 23, 2008
Dallas: The Land that Killed Me
Not really going to debate anything (it isn't my place), just going to ask a quick question that's bothered me:

If all competitive Smash cares about is the top (ADHD, M2K, Ally, etc.), then what's the BBR got to do with this?

I've followed this for awhile, and that's the only thing that I haven't really had settled in my mind. Of course I could be misinterpreting things, but that's all the better a reason to ask a question, isn't it?


Smash Master
Mar 29, 2008
I don't think MK should be banned but gangstakirby makes some of the most idiotic posts on this subject I've ever seen, I think he's secretly pro ban and trying to make anti-ban look worse than it is <_<
Both sides have them


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2008
The Golden Saucer
Driving to work through snow is bad. :[

Also, I believe Crow! has some new info.
Yeah, driving in snow sucks. I did that today, too.

I want to see Crow!'s stuff, mostly to see if he's going about looking at the data properly.

If Meta Knight would get banned by the BBR, the chances of European tournaments banning him are very small.
He's not that much of a problem over here, although some European tournaments probably would follow suit.
Care to give a possible explanation as to why he's not a big problem there?

Utah will never ever ban mk. Ever.

no matter how good your arguements are


Red Arremer

Smash Legend
Nov 27, 2005
Care to give a possible explanation as to why he's not a big problem there?
Because he's not as dominant as in the US, and neither takes all top placings (although most Top MKs here are taking top placings, don't worry. =P).


Smash Lord
Jul 25, 2002
RJ I think if you're doing a temp ban you should only use larger tournaments. A 13 person cutoff seems too low and can potentially skew the data alot. I would try to limit the data to large regionals/nationals or at least major locals but that's just me.

Also you should have a REALLY clear criteria defining the aspects you're looking at. Character development is a bit vague as is "how people feel"/

Just a little advice. I like the idea of a temp ban thouhj.


Smash Champion
Sep 9, 2008
RJ I think if you're doing a temp ban you should only use larger tournaments. A 13 person cutoff seems too low and can potentially skew the data alot. I would try to limit the data to large regionals/nationals or at least major locals but that's just me.

Also you should have a REALLY clear criteria defining the aspects you're looking at. Character development is a bit vague as is "how people feel"/

Just a little advice. I like the idea of a temp ban though.
Thanks. The reason why I am using all tourneys is because of reason 1 of what I posted from it. People can simply just skip the tourney, and because of that it won't work. You could be right about the 13 limit being low, and because of that I stated that it has room for changes over time. OS took it to the BBR. We can just wait and see what they come up with for that.


is laughing at you
May 4, 2005
I just talked to Azen. He says "MK isn't banned yet?".

Your turn to namedrop, gangsta. :p


Jun 7, 2009
Spruce Grove, Alberta
just texted chris (__X__) he said mk pro ban is full of scrubs that dont understand smash and mk isnt ban worthy at all

lol, I know everything that X has been doing.

He's an inspiration as a Sonic user. Really cool guy.

/is pro ban but whateverz

hope I'm not a scrub and that I understand smash D:

rathy Aro

Smash Lord
Mar 16, 2008
*attempts to bring some relevant discussion*

I've merely attempted to prove misconceptions to be just that. I've debunked all of anti-ban's previous arguments and anyone who says "Metaknight isn't dominant" hasn't look at the numbers. Anyone who thinks he has a counter or even a 50/50 matchup is incorrect. All the data I have shows things I've predicted and believed to be true.

The moment someone posts something new that's incorrect, I'd fix that too.

The reasoning behind "don't ban MK" thought isn't really based in competitive values or logic anymore.
My reason personally has never been that he's not dominant (though I always did believe he did have a few 50-50 matchups), but that he's not broken. I feel that we should only ban something if its broken. You seem to be giving out a lot of relevant facts, but no general theory to come to the conclusion of banning MK. Are you saying dominant characters should be banned? I hope not. Are you saying that having no disadvantageous matchups means a character should be banned? I guess I'm sort of asking for your criteria, I suppose, and I apologize if you've already put one up, but I'm too lazy to search.
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