There will be the players that just like having one less hard matchup to deal with. They won't want Meta Knight back regardless if it made the metagame absolutely perfect or sent it into a death spiral.
That's why we don't cater to the majority of the public in SWF. Remember that we're a bunch of people, but not all of us are casual, low/mid/high/top-level, or knowledgeable about the game. We can try and persuade the SBR's decision, but in the end they should be the ones to change their own decision... If I told you that my opinion mattered more than yours, and more than the SBR-B's, would you believe me? What about if I say your opinion is worth more than mine, and more than the SBR-B's, or any other combination? Would it be believable?
I prefer it if the SBR-B (since we know a great majority of the best players are in there [emphasis of
majority, I didn't say
all the best players]) were the ones in charge of whether M would be better staying in the game, or out of the game, after the 6-month thrial period.
kirby doesn't really beat falco IMO either, at least not that badly where you should get off your main for him. pikachu or IC's maybe?
Hah, that goes to show you just how much you know about Kirby. Let me guess... "Kirby should be below TL"? I can tell you what Kirby has that TL doesn't have! A way to punish shields and attempts at powershields: a dependable
grab. TL's situational and highly punishable, so smart shielding really makes his matches a lot tougher.
I can also see a statement of "Chudat, the best Kirby, barely beat DEHF, the best Falco"... I can tell you, as a fellow Kirby mainer, that Chudat depends on mindgames more than overall character ability, and if he would incorporate all that the Kirby Boards have found out that he doesn't use, he would be a
much better player. No offense to Chu at all, but he didn't know that up-angled fsmash has a
noticeably stronger knockback than normal angled... I can only speculate about all the other stuff we know that he doesn't. Imagine what would've happened if Chu DID know Kirby inside-out.
I wanna keep on writing stuff, but I'm not here to say anything besides "Kirby has an advantage (if not small, a clear advantage) on Falco when used at the highest levels". People might not agree with me... But it's the truth.
And I'm all for a temporary ban. 6 months sounds very good to me... But in my opinion, we should begin the 6 months during summer after a huge MK-Allowed national, then end it in winter after a big MK-Banned national. That should give people time to learn someone else, from here 'til summer there's a good amount of time for that.
I wanted to say something else, but I forgot. I hate it when that happens.