The reaction to the character is the biggest problem that MK is causing.
Every little thing that MK does comes out with this amazing outcry.
1) MK was found out to be really really good on certain stages, people cried, and those stages got removed from various stage lists.
2) MK planked, people cried, and that resulted in LGLs, without knowing if planking was beatable or not.
3) MK air camped, people cried.
4) MK found a way to be invisible and invincible for as long as he wanted, and that glitch was banned within an hour of the video coming up on youtube.
5) MK scrooges, people cried, and now people want a way to limit that on top of the LGLs that caused scrooging in the first place.
And it goes deeper than that. I have seen and heard many people say both on the boards and in person that they've lost to an MK that was obviously not as skilled as they were, since you know, MK is easy to use, has no bad macthups, etc. This view of MK is also a problem.
I'm sure there's more, but I'm going to have to admit that I've gotten tired of typing for the moment...
and lol @ MLG's rules.