Honestly, I don't care about what you guys think, but I don't want MY community, being judged by OTHER community as the GAYEST fighting game community.
It's as if some douche at school made fun of my brother,
because no matter what, we're all in this together, and have to think about what's right for us as a whole.
That being said
I jsut don't want EVERY other gaming community laughing us out of the MLG.
I don't give a **** about how much you want money that you are going to throw away your pride and honor by playing a game like that that is unplayable.
And I pray that everyone doesn't pick up MK just for MLG. I will be embarassed to have EVER called myself a smasher, if we are the laughing stock of gaming everywhere. We are the BIGGEST community, and we have so much power at our finger tips if we would only try, and many are, but our leaders, the SBR, really need to do something about this soon.
and yeah alot of you guys are probably all thinking that this is the gayest thing anyone has ever said about anything, and I don't care, if you don't want to be apart of this family we call smashboards, then gtfo
I honestly, have no problem with MK players
MK players that:
1.) Aren't MK to try and win at MLG
2.) Don't plank or scrooge.
I main Ness, I live in Orlando, so i'm stoked, and I understand how it can be ridiculously hard to beat MK, let alone with out planking, but that's a challange that I think is fun, whether I win or not.
BUT, we can't let this ruin our opprotunity like the MLG
our four fathers, Melee
they ***** that MLG, it was awesome, and of course our game will never be as technical as melee
we have to make a different name for ourselves
we have alot to live up to
so all i'm saying is, don't embarass me.
Play the Game