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Official MBR 2010 NTSC Tier List


Smash Hero
Nov 19, 2006
The Garden of Earthly Delights
This whole, "I went to/am going to college/whatever, I can use big words" thing is silly. . .

The preliminary base(archaic) assumption as to which one may ascertain . . .

Wait, that is a logical fallacy called empty rhetoric. (I can do it too.)

A true intellectual can speak in a way that everyone can understand, but still demonstrate their point effectively, I think that should be a good goal for the people in this discussion forum. Not trying to talk negatively about the specific people I quoted. . . it just started it irritate me.
LOL. 100% agree. this is pretty ironic because you're basically telling me my own philosophy. in fact, i had a pretty long debate in user blogs a while back where i argued the same thing.

the only reason i used big scary words like "inductively" is because it saved time and i presumed that the guy i was talking to would know what i meant. normally i avoid that **** because it's a barrier to effective communication

PMs are kind of personal. It's the "P" part of PM.
i thought "PM" stood for purple messages?? i send all my PM's in purple text like purpletuce...

Is the correlation proven? How? To prove a correlation between between how good a character is and how good its results are, that presupposes already judging the character to be good, or else you couldn't say that the character's value is correlated to its results.

Also, we would have to assess the strength of the correlation to assess what degree of evidential support such an inductive argument would give to some character being good/bad.
when i said "how good a character is", i was referring to a person's opinions about the character, because the topic was about how each person should form their personal tier list. i wasn't talking about the subjective fact of how good a given character is in a given metagame. sorry for being unclear.


Smash Lord
Jan 3, 2012
Corvallis, OR
Star King with the call out, but funny stuff.

@jhon!: again, I didn't mean to call you out, everyone was doing it(originally I replied to just you, but I thought that was rude so I added Sveet) and it usually it isn't a big deal. I also agree that at points it is easier to use some words, and inductively is a word that most people here probably understand, and conveyed your point well.

I love Purple Messages!


Smash Hero
Jun 26, 2007
Mos Eisley
i dont read anyone who posts in color'd text. its dumb.

Sveet, use white text plz cuz you usually have neat stuff to say.


Smash Lord
Jan 3, 2012
Corvallis, OR
JPOBS, you can set your account to ignore custom colors.

I can see that you're new to smashboards(only 5k posts?) and I understand how you're not familiar with this basic function.

. . .

Fortress | Sveet

Dec 21, 2005
Northern IL
I made one post with a higher learning curve, is that so bad? I mean, some people understood it, so thats whats important. Honestly, the only reason I even posted that was so that my post wouldnt be completely off topic.

i dont read anyone who posts in color'd text. its dumb.

Sveet, use white text plz cuz you usually have neat stuff to say.
Aww but greens my favorite color and it flows so well with MBR purple :(


Smash Lord
Jan 3, 2012
Corvallis, OR
Again, I wasn't trying to target anyone specifically, and even though you only ,made one post, there was an entire page of people writing like understanding their posts was a privilege, and it looked very (arcane, privileged, exclusive, can't think of a good word.) This is a public forum and it looks very intimidating to newer members, I didn't post on smashboards for a good amount of time due to this.


Smash Lord
Jan 3, 2012
Corvallis, OR
True story, most of us don't even get to vote :[

Speaking of the purpose of this thread. . . when is a new list supposed to come out? I know it isn't known for certain, I just am asking for a rough guess. . . Fall 2011? Winter 2012? Spring 2012?

Pink Reaper

Real Name No Gimmicks
Feb 14, 2007
In the Air, Using Up b as an offensive move
Again, I wasn't trying to target anyone specifically, and even though you only ,made one post, there was an entire page of people writing like understanding their posts was a privilege, and it looked very (arcane, privileged, exclusive, can't think of a good word.) This is a public forum and it looks very intimidating to newer members, I didn't post on smashboards for a good amount of time due to this.
"Haughty" is the word you were looking for.

That said your rant about people posting with excessive prose for the sake of seeming intelligent was rather....off. Sveet posted a rather simple mathematical analogy to people claiming something and people who disagreed attempted to rework that simple analogy to be more in line with what they perceived to be true. The fact that it was a mathematical analogy required further mathematical elaboration in order for that to happen. It wasnt just an attempt on their part to "Seem smart."

Of the newer posters here, you're definitely one of the better ones I've seen. You make a point, you defend it, you concede when proven wrong and you dont get over-inflammatory, dont screw that good streak up lol.

Edit: KK I think the MBR as a whole needs to re-evaluate the way we're doing the tier list. Rather than separate projects I think we need to do Tier List/Rule Set/Stage List revisions as a whole since they impact each other so significantly.


Smash Lord
Jan 3, 2012
Corvallis, OR
Again, I'm not upset at anyone in particular, and I'm not saying the mathematical analogy is too complex, it just seemed that entire page people were trying to outsmart one another, and nobody was trying to outsmart anyone else's understanding of the game. Also, lately I've had a lot of personal life stuff stress me out, so I was probably just in the mood to complain for the sake of complaining. Sorry about that.

I'm glad you think I'm on of the better new posters around, though. Also, I liked arcane the most in that situation, but it seemed very hypocritical in the context I would have been using it in :\

Moving on . . . handling the rule set, tier list and stage list in one vote seems pretty difficult to manage in comparison to compartmentalizing them. . . I have no idea how MBR operates, but that sounds like an idea that is harder to perform, but with much better results.

Deleted member

I think you're an excellent poster as well.

I tested the bowser ditto last night. It is indeed a turn-based fighting game, but you can also cheat to take extra turns.


Smash Lord
Jan 3, 2012
Corvallis, OR
Thanks Umbreon, and I think thanks Pink Reaper, although I don't know who Froggy is. . .

If Bowser is a turn based fighting game, is Whirling Fortress broken?

6 people isn't enough opinions! :x


Smash Master
Aug 8, 2007
Butler PA
this purple yoshi dude is awsome

hes like the ship from perfect storm

taming the storm

through adventure and honor!

(disregard the end of the film obviously)

Bowser is like

OK in teams

like I would use him

and not think "fuuu i picked bowser by accident"

plus hitting with his up air

is so euphoric

like nailing a zelda toe

but more hellish as opposed to divine


Smash Lord
Nov 11, 2011
Mt. Pleasant/Highland, MI
Most characters seem to get a little better in teams that aren't already at the top, not just Bowser so he's probably near the bottom the bottom in teams even though he is actually usable somewhat.


Smash Lord
Jan 3, 2012
Corvallis, OR
I feel so loved. Thanks, Lake :D Also, I feel like every character is more viable in teams because their teammate can cover their weaknesses.

I feel like the hurdle in the MBR is their amount of participants, not the project itself.

E-102 Gamma

Smash Journeyman
Nov 7, 2011
Portland, OR
Why the **** would you quote the post and bring it back onto the most recent page? >_>
Because I'm going to win a million dollars on my birthday. Do you have a problem with that?

In all seriousness, I found it interesting how much of a contrast there was between the reactions to his post in this thread, and a similar post he made in the BBR tier list thread. The BBR tier list people tried to argue with him (and hence, were trolled a bit), whereas you guys just ignored him completely.

I was wondering how he came to such conclusions, or if he even legitimately came to them and wasn't just trolling. That's why I asked who he played with; I wanted to know if he was playing against either good low-tier mains or level 9 CPU players or whatever else, which would easily have explained his outrageous conclusions.

And yes, I'm slow. Too bad.

...I don't think you need to sue calculus to describe smash bros,...
Nice typo. :bee:

i dont read anyone who posts in color'd text. its dumb.
Do my posts count as "color'd"?

I'mma jump on the bandwagon of love and say that Purpletuce is nice.


Smash Lord
Jan 3, 2012
Corvallis, OR
I feel so loved, there is a bandwagon about me! Also, my computer sucks, and I make typos often on it, it will also insert random < signs, and commas because the keyboard is partially broken :\

Sucks to be poor.


Smash Hero
Mar 14, 2011
I know what the issue is with people and not being able to read colored text. You guys are all noobs who don't use Vibrant. I suggest switching.

I'm going to jump on the bandwagon and say that Purpletuce is a good example of a 2012 poster who is pretty smart.


Smash Lord
Jan 3, 2012
Corvallis, OR
This thread has transitioned from a character discussion to a compliment me thread. . . I like it :p

Also, I think noobs use vibrant by default, since it is the default. . .


Smash Lord
Jan 27, 2008
Butler, PA
This bandwagon's gettin' full, but I don't take up much space.

Purpletuce, when I opened this thread for the 1st time I said to myself, "WOW, Purple is my FAVORITE color!!!"

Peach's bair is so freakin' broken it hurts my bum just thinking about it.


Smash Lord
Jan 3, 2012
Corvallis, OR
Purple is a pretty awesome color, although it is unfortunate that there isn't either a purple Yoshi or a purple Luigi(in melee). Also, Vidujin, your 4 stock on Renth was art!

Peach's B-air is pretty broken, but I think she gets beaten on enough by high tiers to make it necessary(sucks to be low tier) and she seems pretty balanced in upper levels of play. I think one way that people could view the tier list, which I seldom here about, is looking at their weaknesses first. Everyone is quick to say Fox is super fast, lasers allow him to spike, his combos are really good, U-smash and U-throw -> U-air are easy, etc. . . less often is how easy it is to combo him pointed out.

How strong do people think the tier list is related to characters' weaknesses versus characters' strengths?
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