and here's the pokemon **** before the chat.
[collapse=chat][7/22/2012 7:12:04 PM] *** Joe Fortman added Umbreon ***
[7/22/2012 7:12:24 PM] Joe Fortman: Starting in 45 mins
[7/22/2012 7:13:22 PM] little_england: I'm in
[7/22/2012 7:13:30 PM] Ryan Ford: wrod
[7/22/2012 7:13:39 PM] little_england: do you have a format to keep this organized?
[7/22/2012 7:13:56 PM] Joe Fortman: Yes and no
[7/22/2012 7:14:13 PM] Joe Fortman: If we stay on topic we shouldn't run into problems
[7/22/2012 7:14:31 PM] Joe Fortman: the issue comes in when people want to chat about other things or excessively joke/troll
[7/22/2012 7:15:17 PM] Joe Fortman: i have an agenda of things to talk about, so i'll do my best to keep things on topic
[7/22/2012 7:15:25 PM] Joe Fortman: other than that, no "rules"
[7/22/2012 7:15:28 PM] little_england: sweet
[7/22/2012 7:15:30 PM] little_england: ok
[7/22/2012 7:15:35 PM] little_england: an agenda is good
[7/22/2012 7:15:44 PM] Ryan Ford: brb
[7/22/2012 7:15:50 PM] Joe Fortman: ditto
[7/22/2012 7:16:48 PM] Ryan Ford: Ok
[7/22/2012 7:25:21 PM] little_england: Mango is on the To8 stream chat right now. We should try to get him on here
[7/22/2012 7:25:36 PM] Ryan Ford: Lol
[7/22/2012 7:26:18 PM] Ryan Ford: The last time I asked him about the tier list, he said 'the tier list shouldn't exist. The top 4 are all even'
[7/22/2012 7:28:04 PM] strong_bad8: Hi.
[7/22/2012 7:28:48 PM] strong_bad8: I'm preparing dinner right now, so I might be in and out until like 7:30, then I'll be around.
[7/22/2012 7:29:51 PM] Ryan Ford: I forgot that we're an hour ahead here
[7/22/2012 7:30:50 PM] little_england: half-*** mango answer lolol
[7/22/2012 7:31:02 PM] strong_bad8: link to tipped stream?
[7/22/2012 7:31:05 PM] little_england: I want to believe he has a real opinion
[7/22/2012 7:31:19 PM] little_england:
[7/22/2012 7:31:48 PM] Ryan Ford: Maybe
[7/22/2012 7:32:17 PM] Ryan Ford: He talks really deeply about the game when he's in the mood though
[7/22/2012 7:32:22 PM] Ryan Ford: Or drunk....
[7/22/2012 7:34:18 PM] little_england: LOL ya
[7/22/2012 7:34:49 PM] Ryan Ford: Hahaha
[7/22/2012 7:35:32 PM] Ryan Ford: Btw, some dude MSG'd me in FB saying that you told him to study me. Because I play lame or something
[7/22/2012 7:35:45 PM] little_england: LOL
[7/22/2012 7:35:47 PM] Ryan Ford: On FB*
[7/22/2012 7:35:58 PM] Ryan Ford: Who was that anyway?
[7/22/2012 7:36:05 PM] little_england: I told Voorhese to study you because you play "textbook"
[7/22/2012 7:36:23 PM] little_england: He's overcomplicates the game whereas you are super efficient
[7/22/2012 7:36:34 PM] Ryan Ford: Oh so that was voorheese
[7/22/2012 7:36:39 PM] Ryan Ford: Haha, I see
[7/22/2012 7:36:40 PM] little_england: lol ya
[7/22/2012 7:36:50 PM] Ryan Ford: He used the word 'lame' a lot
[7/22/2012 7:37:06 PM] little_england: idunno why haha
[7/22/2012 7:37:24 PM] little_england: voorhese is kinda different...
[7/22/2012 7:37:27 PM] Ryan Ford: I was mildly offended
[7/22/2012 7:37:30 PM] little_england: but he's super cool
[7/22/2012 7:37:33 PM] little_england: lololol
[7/22/2012 7:37:39 PM] Ryan Ford: Yeah, he seems alright
[7/22/2012 7:37:54 PM] Ryan Ford: Is he any good?
[7/22/2012 7:38:02 PM] little_england: did he say that you play lame? or did he say that I said you play lame?
[7/22/2012 7:38:11 PM] little_england: I recall calling you efficient most of the time
[7/22/2012 7:38:24 PM] Ryan Ford: I'll look up the convo
[7/22/2012 7:38:30 PM] little_england: kk
[7/22/2012 7:41:39 PM] Ryan Ford: Aww, can't copy + paste on my phone.....
[7/22/2012 7:42:19 PM] Ryan Ford: He said that you told him that he needs to play more efficient and more lame. Then my name came up
[7/22/2012 7:43:55 PM] Ryan Ford: Then he asked for video recommendations of mine. So I told him to watch myself vs KK
[7/22/2012 7:44:18 PM] Ryan Ford: Then he said that watching my vids will definitely help him to play lame....
[7/22/2012 7:44:21 PM] Ryan Ford: Lol
[7/22/2012 7:45:04 PM] Joe Fortman: voorhese is kinda obsessed with flash/tech
[7/22/2012 7:45:19 PM] Ryan Ford: I thought so
[7/22/2012 7:45:41 PM] Ryan Ford: He had some suggestions for my play and for all the other foxes
[7/22/2012 7:45:50 PM] Ryan Ford: But seems needlessly complicated
[7/22/2012 7:47:01 PM] little_england: ^thats the voorhese for you
[7/22/2012 7:47:29 PM] Ryan Ford: Haha. Yep
[7/22/2012 7:47:59 PM] Ryan Ford: Aww man can't wait for the convo to start
[7/22/2012 7:48:06 PM] Ryan Ford: Talking is so much better
[7/22/2012 7:49:06 PM] little_england: seriously
[7/22/2012 7:49:29 PM] Ryan Ford: Where you a now btw?
[7/22/2012 7:49:32 PM] little_england: much more gets done
[7/22/2012 7:49:34 PM] little_england: im in socal
[7/22/2012 7:49:46 PM] Ryan Ford: Ahh. Alright
[7/22/2012 7:49:53 PM] Ryan Ford: Are you going to rule 6?
[7/22/2012 7:50:03 PM] little_england: I dont think so
[7/22/2012 7:50:13 PM] Ryan Ford: Awww
[7/22/2012 7:50:21 PM] little_england: yaaa saving money for FC >_>
[7/22/2012 7:50:33 PM] little_england: I wanna be there to support my boy kelly!
[7/22/2012 7:50:46 PM] Ryan Ford: Oh, that might be better anyway
[7/22/2012 7:50:54 PM] Ryan Ford: Or if you can find a way to go to both
[7/22/2012 7:51:03 PM] Ryan Ford: Since kels will be at both
[7/22/2012 7:51:23 PM] little_england: ya
[7/22/2012 7:51:37 PM] little_england: if I can pull some strings it may happen
[7/22/2012 7:51:44 PM] Ryan Ford: Hopefully
[7/22/2012 7:51:50 PM] little_england: r u going to FC?
[7/22/2012 7:51:52 PM] Ryan Ford: Kels is the funniest guy ever
[7/22/2012 7:51:59 PM] Ryan Ford: Nah can't go
[7/22/2012 7:52:01 PM] Ryan Ford: No ride
[7/22/2012 7:52:35 PM] little_england: ahh mannn

[7/22/2012 7:52:49 PM] little_england: also ya, Kels is such a homie
[7/22/2012 7:52:53 PM] little_england: super down to earth
[7/22/2012 7:53:15 PM] Ryan Ford: Ye. I tried really hard to find a job to fly there, but no luck
[7/22/2012 7:53:41 PM] little_england: no carpools from toronto I assume
[7/22/2012 7:53:42 PM] Ryan Ford: But yeah, kels and I used to play Pokemon a bit
[7/22/2012 7:53:49 PM] Ryan Ford: None at all
[7/22/2012 7:54:11 PM] Ryan Ford: We have a carpool for big house 2 though
[7/22/2012 7:54:56 PM] little_england: lol did you guys play online?
[7/22/2012 7:55:12 PM] little_england: BH2 will be siiick. just like the first one
[7/22/2012 7:56:39 PM] Ryan Ford: Yeah man. Can't wait
[7/22/2012 7:56:50 PM] Ryan Ford: Yeah, we used to play online
[7/22/2012 7:57:40 PM] Ryan Ford: We got paired up in a random battle, and since I use unknown522 online, he asked I it was me
[7/22/2012 7:57:47 PM] little_england: LOL siiiick
[7/22/2012 7:57:54 PM] Ryan Ford: Then I got his AIM
[7/22/2012 7:58:16 PM] Ryan Ford: So we used to battle a lot an build teams
[7/22/2012 7:58:38 PM] little_england: I know a bit about pkmn
[7/22/2012 7:58:45 PM] little_england: and competitive pkmn
[7/22/2012 7:58:48 PM] Ryan Ford: Nice
[7/22/2012 7:58:51 PM] little_england: but I never really played it
[7/22/2012 7:58:52 PM] Ryan Ford: Aww
[7/22/2012 7:58:59 PM] Ryan Ford: Which gen did you learn?
[7/22/2012 7:59:14 PM] little_england: 4th
[7/22/2012 7:59:21 PM] Ryan Ford: Nice
[7/22/2012 7:59:25 PM] Ryan Ford: 5th is gay
[7/22/2012 7:59:31 PM] little_england: I like 2nd and 4th
[7/22/2012 7:59:47 PM] little_england: ya lol after looking at 5th I was done
[7/22/2012 7:59:47 PM] little_england: XD
[7/22/2012 7:59:53 PM] Ryan Ford: Oh man, 2nd is so stally
[7/22/2012 8:00:02 PM] Ryan Ford: 3rd is best for competitive
[7/22/2012 8:00:28 PM] Ryan Ford: But everyone plays 5th now :/
[7/22/2012 8:00:46 PM] Ryan Ford: It's like brawl
[7/22/2012 8:01:05 PM] little_england: hahaha
[7/22/2012 8:01:17 PM] Ryan Ford: Haha
[7/22/2012 8:01:25 PM] little_england: I can see how 3rd would be better
[7/22/2012 8:01:46 PM] Ryan Ford: I wish I were good at 3rd gen
[7/22/2012 8:01:46 PM] little_england: I liked nonsense stuff though
[7/22/2012 8:01:48 PM] little_england: like slaking
[7/22/2012 8:02:03 PM] Ryan Ford: Lol slaking
[7/22/2012 8:02:25 PM] Ryan Ford: I like using him in NU
[7/22/2012 8:02:33 PM] Ryan Ford: Hits like a truck
[7/22/2012 8:02:42 PM] little_england: haha ya man
[7/22/2012 8:03:01 PM] little_england: oh and ninjask was such a troll pkmn xD
[7/22/2012 8:03:03 PM] Ryan Ford: Also kingler surprisingly
[7/22/2012 8:03:05 PM] little_england: prolly my favorite
[7/22/2012 8:03:09 PM] Ryan Ford: Ninjask is so gay
[7/22/2012 8:03:15 PM] little_england: lololol
[7/22/2012 8:03:22 PM] Ryan Ford: But yeah, no like op or anything
[7/22/2012 8:03:26 PM] Ryan Ford: Not like*
[7/22/2012 8:03:30 PM] little_england: ya
[7/22/2012 8:03:35 PM] little_england: just gay
[7/22/2012 8:03:40 PM] Ryan Ford: Exactly
[7/22/2012 8:03:55 PM] little_england: I can't really remember my 3rd gen team
[7/22/2012 8:04:00 PM] Ryan Ford: If he gets a sub down somehow, you probably lose
[7/22/2012 8:04:04 PM] little_england: I know it had ninjask milotic and blissey
[7/22/2012 8:04:10 PM] little_england: lol ya
[7/22/2012 8:04:31 PM] Ryan Ford: Milotic was pretty good
[7/22/2012 8:04:41 PM] Ryan Ford: So did you have a stall team?
[7/22/2012 8:05:19 PM] little_england: naw
[7/22/2012 8:05:26 PM] little_england: one of my friends at school did though
[7/22/2012 8:05:29 PM] little_england: I got *****
[7/22/2012 8:05:35 PM] Ryan Ford: Aww man
[7/22/2012 8:05:50 PM] Ryan Ford: I hate stall teams. But I won't really complain about it
[7/22/2012 8:06:18 PM] Ryan Ford: You can always beat then with smart play....or luck
[7/22/2012 8:06:32 PM] little_england: lol yup pretty much
[7/22/2012 8:06:50 PM] Ryan Ford: Also it's past 8 wtf
[7/22/2012 8:06:53 PM] *** Joe Fortman added divinokage ***
[7/22/2012 8:06:55 PM] little_england: I guess I had toxic milotic and whilwind spikes skarmory on the same team at a time
[7/22/2012 8:07:10 PM] little_england: but the whole team wasn't built around them
[7/22/2012 8:07:11 PM] Ryan Ford: Hahaha. You sure you didn't stall?
[7/22/2012 8:07:12 PM] Joe Fortman: i was wondering which one of you would notice first

[7/22/2012 8:07:29 PM] Ryan Ford: Ohhh I should've said something sooner
[7/22/2012 8:07:57 PM] divinokage: hello
[7/22/2012 8:08:01 PM] Ryan Ford: LE: needs more celebi
[7/22/2012 8:08:06 PM] Ryan Ford: Bonjour
[7/22/2012 8:08:07 PM] little_england: haha.
[7/22/2012 8:08:16 PM] little_england: I don't know **** about celebi
[7/22/2012 8:08:32 PM] Ryan Ford: Celebi = stall queen
[7/22/2012 8:08:35 PM] little_england: fuuuuuuuuu
[7/22/2012 8:08:46 PM] Ryan Ford: Well, she's pretty versitile
[7/22/2012 8:08:52 PM] Ryan Ford: Wow, typo
[7/22/2012 8:09:00 PM] little_england: I might try pkmn again. (too much league)
[7/22/2012 8:09:14 PM] divinokage: ou la la
[7/22/2012 8:09:15 PM] Ryan Ford: Ohhh, everyone plays league
[7/22/2012 8:09:15 PM] Joe Fortman: not i
[7/22/2012 8:09:15 PM] Ryan Ford: I can't get into it though
[7/22/2012 8:09:18 PM] Joe Fortman: :D
[7/22/2012 8:09:22 PM] little_england: its such a dumb game
[7/22/2012 8:09:24 PM] Ryan Ford: Haha
[7/22/2012 8:09:29 PM] little_england: but its fun to play with friends
[7/22/2012 8:09:31 PM] Ryan Ford: Ooo la la
[7/22/2012 8:09:31 PM] little_england: so I do it
[7/22/2012 8:09:45 PM] Ryan Ford: Yeah, I've heard that too
[7/22/2012 8:09:52 PM] divinokage: rawr!
[7/22/2012 8:09:54 PM] Joe Fortman: Ok lets get started
[7/22/2012 8:10:00 PM] Ryan Ford: Finally
[7/22/2012 8:10:01 PM] little_england: who else is here?
[7/22/2012 8:10:09 PM] Joe Fortman: ROLE CALL
[7/22/2012 8:10:14 PM] Joe Fortman: VaNz??
[7/22/2012 8:10:15 PM] divinokage: present
[7/22/2012 8:10:24 PM] Ryan Ford: Sup
[7/22/2012 8:10:48 PM] divinokage: i just booked for FC one hour ago, hype!
[7/22/2012 8:10:52 PM] Joe Fortman: Appears we currently have Kage, Unknown, Little England and me
[7/22/2012 8:10:56 PM] Joe Fortman: finally kage haha
[7/22/2012 8:11:01 PM] little_england: I still haven't
[7/22/2012 8:11:03 PM] divinokage: ya got my plane ride to chicago
[7/22/2012 8:11:05 PM] Joe Fortman: i need to do the hotel stuff =X
[7/22/2012 8:11:11 PM] divinokage: hurry up!
[7/22/2012 8:11:12 PM] Ryan Ford: Nice
[7/22/2012 8:11:18 PM] little_england: I got identity theft ***** and gotta wait 10 days
[7/22/2012 8:11:18 PM] divinokage: its like last day tomorrow to do that
[7/22/2012 8:11:26 PM] Ryan Ford: Surprised david's not here
[7/22/2012 8:11:26 PM] Joe Fortman: i heard kage
[7/22/2012 8:11:30 PM] Joe Fortman: me too
[7/22/2012 8:11:45 PM] Ryan Ford: Probably doing something gay
[7/22/2012 8:11:50 PM] Ryan Ford: :/
[7/22/2012 8:12:20 PM] little_england: so johnny, fly, zhu, tink, KFC MacD, Mango, Connor are all online
[7/22/2012 8:12:26 PM] little_england: maybe I should invite some of them lol
[7/22/2012 8:12:35 PM] Joe Fortman: feel free to ask them
[7/22/2012 8:12:38 PM] Ryan Ford: Lol KFC
[7/22/2012 8:12:48 PM] Ryan Ford: Can weon-x join?
[7/22/2012 8:12:53 PM] little_england: KFC is a hooomie. but a biiiig john
[7/22/2012 8:12:55 PM] Joe Fortman: i'd like to have more than 4 people haha
[7/22/2012 8:12:59 PM] little_england: me too
[7/22/2012 8:13:03 PM] Joe Fortman: yeah weon x is aiight
[7/22/2012 8:13:42 PM] Ryan Ford: Alright. Hopefully he's home
[7/22/2012 8:14:03 PM] Ryan Ford: He asked me last night if he could join the convo. But I forgot to ask
[7/22/2012 8:16:30 PM] little_england: fly "isn't interested" and macd has "never been good at that stuff" lol
[7/22/2012 8:16:45 PM] Ryan Ford: K weon-x is coming in
[7/22/2012 8:16:45 PM] Joe Fortman: thats basically what they told me when i asked them to participate in general
[7/22/2012 8:16:50 PM] divinokage: lol
[7/22/2012 8:16:53 PM] Ryan Ford: Aww fly would be really cool
[7/22/2012 8:16:56 PM] Joe Fortman: yeah
[7/22/2012 8:16:59 PM] Ryan Ford: Tell him I want him in
[7/22/2012 8:17:35 PM] little_england: mango said
[7/22/2012 8:17:40 PM] little_england: "are the fans
[7/22/2012 8:17:40 PM] little_england: asking"
[7/22/2012 8:18:26 PM] Ryan Ford: Yeah they are
[7/22/2012 8:18:28 PM] divinokage: oh yes!
[7/22/2012 8:19:05 PM] little_england: "I can sit around and provide input if people want me to, but I don't want to vote on a list or any such thing"
[7/22/2012 8:19:07 PM] Joe Fortman: drag these peeps in
[7/22/2012 8:19:19 PM] divinokage: can you start the call at least?
[7/22/2012 8:19:22 PM] Joe Fortman: dr pee pee is coming
[7/22/2012 8:19:35 PM] divinokage: thats cool =P
[7/22/2012 8:19:42 PM] little_england: sveetx is the account name right?
[7/22/2012 8:19:43 PM] Joe Fortman: yeah
[7/22/2012 8:19:53 PM] Ryan Ford: Add weonxxx
[7/22/2012 8:20:04 PM] Joe Fortman: and i was planning on doing this as only chat
[7/22/2012 8:20:16 PM] divinokage: oh really?
[7/22/2012 8:20:21 PM] little_england: only chat??? do a call homie
[7/22/2012 8:20:36 PM] Joe Fortman: ok but give me a little extra time
[7/22/2012 8:20:41 PM] divinokage: thats fine
[7/22/2012 8:20:43 PM] Joe Fortman: to get recording
[7/22/2012 8:20:47 PM] Ryan Ford: Yeah a call
[7/22/2012 8:20:57 PM] divinokage: just start it well talk **** =P
[7/22/2012 8:21:05 PM] little_england: add fly_amanita
[7/22/2012 8:21:14 PM] little_england: Mango might be coming
[7/22/2012 8:21:20 PM] Ryan Ford: Fly is coming?
[7/22/2012 8:21:30 PM] little_england: ya fly is coming
[7/22/2012 8:21:30 PM] Ryan Ford: Sick
[7/22/2012 8:21:31 PM] Pink Reaper: Fly told me he wasnt interested in this chat
[7/22/2012 8:21:39 PM] Pink Reaper: what a liar D:<
[7/22/2012 8:21:57 PM] Ryan Ford: Pink reaper is here
[7/22/2012 8:22:08 PM] *** Joe Fortman added camilo morales ***
[7/22/2012 8:22:10 PM] *** Joe Fortman added drpeeepeee ***
[7/22/2012 8:22:16 PM] Ryan Ford: Pp too!
[7/22/2012 8:22:27 PM] little_england: fly said he'll give his input, but wont vote
[7/22/2012 8:22:35 PM] Joe Fortman: thats fine
[7/22/2012 8:22:36 PM] Ryan Ford: Aww
[7/22/2012 8:23:03 PM] weonxxx: thanks sveet
[7/22/2012 8:23:03 PM] little_england: hey PP, Mango says hi lol
[7/22/2012 8:23:15 PM] Umbreon: holy **** people
[7/22/2012 8:23:16 PM] Joe Fortman: drpeepee f
its just a chat right?
i have no headphones atm
[7/22/2012 8:23:35 PM | Edited 8:23:54 PM] strong_bad8: hi I'm here.
[7/22/2012 8:23:49 PM] Ryan Ford: SB
[7/22/2012 8:23:59 PM] Ryan Ford: Aww I just got earphones for this convo
[7/22/2012 8:24:02 PM] Ryan Ford: God
[7/22/2012 8:24:05 PM] Umbreon: adam
[7/22/2012 8:24:09 PM] Umbreon: what the ****
[7/22/2012 8:24:09 PM] drpeeepeee: yo guys have i missed anything?
[7/22/2012 8:24:14 PM] drpeeepeee: guess not lmao
[7/22/2012 8:24:15 PM] Pink Reaper: you missed evrything
[7/22/2012 8:24:19 PM] Pink Reaper: the new tier list is already out
[7/22/2012 8:24:20 PM] drpeeepeee: yeah i have no headphones
[7/22/2012 8:24:23 PM] strong_bad8: yea dude we already decided, Ness is top tier.
[7/22/2012 8:24:24 PM] Ryan Ford: You missed everyhig dude
[7/22/2012 8:24:24 PM] Pink Reaper: stop being bad kevin
[7/22/2012 8:24:24 PM] drpeeepeee: just earphones
[7/22/2012 8:24:29 PM] drpeeepeee: LMAO
[7/22/2012 8:24:33 PM] drpeeepeee: you guys are mean
[7/22/2012 8:24:38 PM] little_england: mango says hi pp
[7/22/2012 8:24:42 PM] strong_bad8: also what @ Ryan?
[7/22/2012 8:24:44 PM] Kevin Nanney: mango is busy being mad
[7/22/2012 8:24:48 PM] little_england: LOL
[7/22/2012 8:24:48 PM] Kevin Nanney: but tell him i said <3
[7/22/2012 8:24:51 PM] Umbreon: neo used to say i played mad textbook, so i named my combo video "the textbook"
[7/22/2012 8:24:57 PM] Ryan Ford: Can't type all letters son
[7/22/2012 8:25:10 PM] Ryan Ford: Lol, what a gay title
[7/22/2012 8:25:11 PM] Joe Fortman: that was u umbreon? ive seen that
[7/22/2012 8:25:13 PM] Pink Reaper: dash attack to standing lasers, aka "the textbook" aka "The mow"
[7/22/2012 8:25:23 PM] little_england: mango says
[7/22/2012 8:25:24 PM] little_england: :3
[7/22/2012 8:25:34 PM] strong_bad8: ??? is the to8 stream already done?
[7/22/2012 8:25:35 PM] Joe Fortman: is fly coming?
[7/22/2012 8:25:35 PM] Pink Reaper: did he say it in english?
[7/22/2012 8:25:40 PM] strong_bad8: isn't*
[7/22/2012 8:25:44 PM] little_england: did you add fly?
[7/22/2012 8:25:48 PM] little_england: fly_amanita
[7/22/2012 8:25:51 PM] *** strong_bad8 added fly_amanita ***
[7/22/2012 8:25:54 PM] Kevin Nanney: mango just says dude to me
[7/22/2012 8:25:58 PM] Kevin Nanney: getting tired of his shenanigans
[7/22/2012 8:26:01 PM] Joe Fortman: thx sb
[7/22/2012 8:26:02 PM] little_england: LOL
[7/22/2012 8:26:06 PM] Ryan Ford: Fight him
[7/22/2012 8:26:08 PM] Umbreon: i just perfected chu in pokemon
[7/22/2012 8:26:11 PM] Umbreon: 6-0, no damage
[7/22/2012 8:26:13 PM] Umbreon: >_>
[7/22/2012 8:26:17 PM] Pink Reaper: you're using a mew
[7/22/2012 8:26:19 PM] Pink Reaper: homo
[7/22/2012 8:26:21 PM] Umbreon: no i'm not
[7/22/2012 8:26:23 PM] Ryan Ford: Wow get ***** chu
[7/22/2012 8:26:35 PM] Ryan Ford: What gen?
[7/22/2012 8:26:39 PM] Umbreon: i have alakazam starmie golem snorlax tauros chansey
[7/22/2012 8:26:41 PM] Umbreon: 1st gen
[7/22/2012 8:26:47 PM] Ryan Ford: Oh god
[7/22/2012 8:26:54 PM] Pink Reaper: you swapped mew for golem?
[7/22/2012 8:27:01 PM] Umbreon: his team was the same as mine except no chansey or tauros, + raichu and victreebel
[7/22/2012 8:27:04 PM] Umbreon: yeah
[7/22/2012 8:27:06 PM] Ryan Ford: I'm gonna guess your zam swept?
[7/22/2012 8:27:08 PM] Pink Reaper: and exeggutor for starmie?
[7/22/2012 8:27:09 PM] Umbreon: no
[7/22/2012 8:27:14 PM] Umbreon: last game was tauros sweep
[7/22/2012 8:27:17 PM] Umbreon: 4 kills in a row
[7/22/2012 8:27:24 PM] Ryan Ford: Second guess
[7/22/2012 8:27:29 PM] Strong Bad: Cactuar's the only other MBR member on my list
[7/22/2012 8:27:32 PM] Ryan Ford: Eww raichu*
[7/22/2012 8:27:34 PM] Strong Bad: and he expressed disinterest
[7/22/2012 8:27:36 PM] Umbreon: exeguttor doesn't get stun spore until lv 32 so i used starmie instead
[7/22/2012 8:27:45 PM] *** Strong Bad has changed the conversation topic to "Tier Lists - Pokemon or Melee, You Decide" ***
[7/22/2012 8:27:47 PM] Ryan Ford: Aww no cactus
[7/22/2012 8:27:54 PM] little_england: so who doesn't have a mic here? I just assumed we'd do a call.
[7/22/2012 8:28:00 PM] Pink Reaper: I'd vote on a pokemon tier list
[7/22/2012 8:28:03 PM] Pink Reaper: Staraptor for OU
[7/22/2012 8:28:04 PM] Umbreon: i have no mic
[7/22/2012 8:28:04 PM] Ryan Ford: Alright. Let's do the melee talk
[7/22/2012 8:28:08 PM] Umbreon: i'm in florida
[7/22/2012 8:28:10 PM] Umbreon: >_>
[7/22/2012 8:28:16 PM] Ryan Ford: Wow get mics people
[7/22/2012 8:28:22 PM] david macdonald: Hi everyone
[7/22/2012 8:28:24 PM] Strong Bad: i don't see why we'd do a chat; it's far more effective to communicate opinions via text
[7/22/2012 8:28:27 PM] Jeremy Westfahl: I prefer text
[7/22/2012 8:28:28 PM] Umbreon: uhh
[7/22/2012 8:28:29 PM] Ryan Ford: David
[7/22/2012 8:28:29 PM] Joe Fortman: KK is here we can start
[7/22/2012 8:28:31 PM] Umbreon: falco is the best
[7/22/2012 8:28:37 PM] Umbreon: ...done
[7/22/2012 8:28:38 PM] Umbreon: LOL
[7/22/2012 8:28:39 PM] Strong Bad: David <3
[7/22/2012 8:28:41 PM] Pink Reaper: M2 > zelda
[7/22/2012 8:28:42 PM] david macdonald: Luigi is god tier
[7/22/2012 8:28:54 PM] little_england: oh gooooood
[7/22/2012 8:28:56 PM] little_england: lol
[7/22/2012 8:28:58 PM] Joe Fortman: ima run out for a smoke before we start
[7/22/2012 8:29:01 PM] Joe Fortman: brb
[7/22/2012 8:29:06 PM] Umbreon: luigi is def some kind of deity
[7/22/2012 8:29:07 PM] Pink Reaper: im going to go put clothes on
[7/22/2012 8:29:09 PM] Pink Reaper: as i literally just woke up
[7/22/2012 8:29:12 PM] Umbreon: cool sveet left, back to pokemon
[7/22/2012 8:29:16 PM] Joe Fortman:

[7/22/2012 8:29:24 PM] Umbreon: chris have you ever perfected someone without recovery moves?
[7/22/2012 8:29:30 PM] Umbreon: wtf even is that
[7/22/2012 8:29:31 PM] Pink Reaper: yes
[7/22/2012 8:29:38 PM] Umbreon: breloom doesn't count
[7/22/2012 8:29:40 PM] david macdonald: does ingrain count as a recovery move?
[7/22/2012 8:29:45 PM] Pink Reaper: you remember when wobb was legal right?
[7/22/2012 8:29:46 PM] Umbreon:
[7/22/2012 8:29:49 PM] Umbreon: yeah
[7/22/2012 8:29:59 PM] Pink Reaper: and scarf hypnosis gengar leads were common?
[7/22/2012 8:30:01 PM] Strong Bad: Wobbbbba Wobba
[7/22/2012 8:30:07 PM] Umbreon: wait you can't perfect someone w/ wobb thats the whole point is that he takes a hit so lucario can 6-0 for you
[7/22/2012 8:30:11 PM] Umbreon: >_>
[7/22/2012 8:30:11 PM] Strong Bad: LMAO scarf hypnosis
[7/22/2012 8:30:17 PM] Pink Reaper: if i got a gengar locked on hypnosis I would 6-0
[7/22/2012 8:30:20 PM] Umbreon: scarf hypnosis is bad
[7/22/2012 8:30:26 PM] Umbreon: yeah lool
[7/22/2012 8:30:31 PM] Umbreon: scarf is a good way to get *****
[7/22/2012 8:30:35 PM] Kevin Nanney: these aree some strong shenanigans im reading
[7/22/2012 8:30:41 PM] Umbreon: gay bird feet
[7/22/2012 8:30:44 PM] david macdonald: uh oh pp's here
[7/22/2012 8:30:46 PM] david macdonald: everyone look busy
[7/22/2012 8:30:50 PM] Umbreon: he's been here lol
[7/22/2012 8:30:54 PM] Ryan Ford: Scarf hypnosis sounds so stupid
[7/22/2012 8:30:59 PM] Umbreon: you'd think so
[7/22/2012 8:31:02 PM] Pink Reaper: it was a stranger time
[7/22/2012 8:31:06 PM] Umbreon: but then you get ***** even if it doesn't miss
[7/22/2012 8:31:11 PM] Pink Reaper: back when Taunt+DD Gyara was the second most common lead
[7/22/2012 8:31:16 PM] Strong Bad: who is nickkooy
[7/22/2012 8:31:16 PM] Pink Reaper: also hypnosis had better accuracy
[7/22/2012 8:31:18 PM] Kevin Nanney: lmfao kk
[7/22/2012 8:31:21 PM] Kevin Nanney: <3
[7/22/2012 8:31:21 PM] Ryan Ford: Like bad kind of stupid
[7/22/2012 8:31:22 PM] Umbreon: also lum machamp/metagross
[7/22/2012 8:31:29 PM] david macdonald: lum machamp too good
[7/22/2012 8:31:38 PM] Ryan Ford: *** machamp
[7/22/2012 8:31:41 PM] Ryan Ford: No skill
[7/22/2012 8:31:42 PM] Pink Reaper: Lum Machamp maintained as a lead up through Plat
[7/22/2012 8:31:46 PM | Edited 8:31:58 PM] Strong Bad: 70 accuracy hypnosis was dumb
[7/22/2012 8:31:47 PM] david macdonald: ryan hates machamp
[7/22/2012 8:31:58 PM] Ryan Ford: Breloom too
[7/22/2012 8:32:05 PM] Pink Reaper: Breloom is my favorite pokemon <3
[7/22/2012 8:32:08 PM] david macdonald: because apparently 100% confuse stab punch is gay
[7/22/2012 8:32:08 PM] Pink Reaper: best in Gen 4
[7/22/2012 8:32:13 PM] Ryan Ford: Eww
[7/22/2012 8:32:14 PM] Strong Bad: it is gay
[7/22/2012 8:32:18 PM] Pink Reaper: Gayloom
[7/22/2012 8:32:27 PM] Ryan Ford: Also jirachi is stupid too
[7/22/2012 8:32:29 PM] Umbreon: tons of pokemon are no skill
[7/22/2012 8:32:34 PM] Umbreon: if you want skill go play celebi
[7/22/2012 8:32:39 PM] david macdonald: Jirachi was my favourite pokemon in gen 3
[7/22/2012 8:32:43 PM] Ryan Ford: Really?
[7/22/2012 8:32:53 PM] Umbreon: jirachi is pretty cool
[7/22/2012 8:33:03 PM] david macdonald: It's between him and like Ludicolo
[7/22/2012 8:33:11 PM] Pink Reaper: Scarf Zapdos was my second favorite
[7/22/2012 8:33:17 PM] Umbreon: my fav gen 3 guy was choice band focus punch medicham, cause i tried to do it as much as possible
[7/22/2012 8:33:22 PM] Kevin Nanney: pink reaper that music was tight
[7/22/2012 8:33:24 PM] Ryan Ford: Eww scarf zapdos
[7/22/2012 8:33:25 PM] Kevin Nanney: thought you should know
[7/22/2012 8:33:28 PM] Pink Reaper: oh
[7/22/2012 8:33:30 PM] Pink Reaper: I already knew
[7/22/2012 8:33:31 PM] Umbreon: scarf zapdos is a decent lead
[7/22/2012 8:33:35 PM] Kevin Nanney: obv just reminding you
[7/22/2012 8:33:38 PM] Umbreon: aside from that it sucks yeagh
[7/22/2012 8:33:40 PM] Umbreon: yeah*
[7/22/2012 8:33:42 PM] Pink Reaper: listening to SSH/Eru's Cosmic Mind
[7/22/2012 8:33:43 PM] Pink Reaper: again
[7/22/2012 8:33:48 PM] Kevin Nanney: LOL word
[7/22/2012 8:33:51 PM] Kevin Nanney: very solid
[7/22/2012 8:33:55 PM] Strong Bad:
[7/22/2012 8:33:57 PM] Kevin Nanney: junk is so HYPE
[7/22/2012 8:34:09 PM] Pink Reaper: ok
[7/22/2012 8:34:12 PM] david macdonald: wow camilo is in this chat?
[7/22/2012 8:34:14 PM] Pink Reaper: im gonna go put pants on
[7/22/2012 8:34:15 PM] Strong Bad: okay guys
[7/22/2012 8:34:18 PM] Strong Bad: you know who's junk?
[7/22/2012 8:34:19 PM] Strong Bad: fox
[7/22/2012 8:34:23 PM] Strong Bad: ****ty char
[7/22/2012 8:34:24 PM] Strong Bad: at least 7th
[7/22/2012 8:34:24 PM] david macdonald: yo this chat is poppin'
[7/22/2012 8:34:28 PM] Ryan Ford: What!?!???
[7/22/2012 8:34:35 PM] camilo morales: sup dog
[7/22/2012 8:34:35 PM] Pink Reaper: you know who's worse?
[7/22/2012 8:34:37 PM] Pink Reaper: Yoshi
[7/22/2012 8:34:38 PM] Umbreon: m2k puts fox @ 3rd, i put him @ 2nd
[7/22/2012 8:34:38 PM] Strong Bad: yo camilo what's up
[7/22/2012 8:34:43 PM] Strong Bad: fox is 2nd
[7/22/2012 8:34:48 PM] Umbreon: yoshi is seriously terrible guys
[7/22/2012 8:34:54 PM] Strong Bad: LOL yoshi
[7/22/2012 8:34:55 PM] Ryan Ford: Really? Why 3rd?
[7/22/2012 8:35:00 PM] Umbreon: unsalvagably terrible
[7/22/2012 8:35:04 PM] Strong Bad: m2k does Falco/Puff as top 2
[7/22/2012 8:35:13 PM] david macdonald: know who's better than fox?
[7/22/2012 8:35:14 PM] david macdonald: falcon
[7/22/2012 8:35:14 PM] Umbreon: he puts jigglypuff @ nd because of her stage control
[7/22/2012 8:35:15 PM] Ryan Ford: Oh that's why
[7/22/2012 8:35:21 PM] Umbreon: which is hard to disagree with sometimes
[7/22/2012 8:35:30 PM] Strong Bad: only on thursdays
[7/22/2012 8:35:35 PM] Strong Bad: any other day i can disagree
[7/22/2012 8:35:42 PM] Pink Reaper: I want to put Falcon > Doc > ICs personally
[7/22/2012 8:35:50 PM] Strong Bad: ICs > Falcon > Doc
[7/22/2012 8:35:58 PM] Umbreon: i buy into a lot of m2k's ideas because he'll show me the gritty details in the game data and with examples...usually
[7/22/2012 8:36:00 PM] Pink Reaper: yeah well
[7/22/2012 8:36:03 PM] Ryan Ford: Is this without wobbling?
[7/22/2012 8:36:04 PM] Pink Reaper: you're a nice guy strong bad
[7/22/2012 8:36:07 PM] Kevin Nanney: CAMILO OMG <3
[7/22/2012 8:36:08 PM] Strong Bad: LOOOOOOOOOOL
[7/22/2012 8:36:12 PM] Umbreon: his jigglypuff vs my marth campaign was decidedly less true
[7/22/2012 8:36:21 PM] camilo morales: hi kenny <3
[7/22/2012 8:36:32 PM] little_england: pp, mango says "dude"
[7/22/2012 8:36:43 PM] Umbreon: mango isn't in the MBR!
[7/22/2012 8:36:48 PM] Umbreon: ban from chat!
[7/22/2012 8:36:52 PM] Umbreon: boooo!
[7/22/2012 8:36:56 PM] little_england: loool
[7/22/2012 8:36:56 PM] Pink Reaper: I feel that static ICs > Doc
[7/22/2012 8:37:01 PM] Pink Reaper: but the actual game works against them
[7/22/2012 8:37:10 PM] Pink Reaper: they're easier to CP than any other character
[7/22/2012 8:37:12 PM] Pink Reaper: except like
[7/22/2012 8:37:14 PM] Pink Reaper: Yoshi
[7/22/2012 8:37:16 PM] Pink Reaper: but **** yoshi
[7/22/2012 8:37:22 PM] Umbreon: i think ICs > falcon = doc
[7/22/2012 8:37:36 PM] Pink Reaper: unless wobbling is on
[7/22/2012 8:37:45 PM] Pink Reaper: then IC's > MK
[7/22/2012 8:38:07 PM] Ryan Ford: So with the tier list, is wobbling on? Or off?
[7/22/2012 8:38:12 PM] Umbreon: real talk, MK would be perfect combo weight for melee falco >_>
[7/22/2012 8:38:15 PM | Edited 8:38:24 PM] Strong Bad: So can we all agree to put Yoshi at the bottom of the list?
[7/22/2012 8:38:20 PM] Umbreon: wobbling is ON iirc
[7/22/2012 8:38:25 PM] david macdonald: MK would probably get ***** by Sheik
[7/22/2012 8:38:27 PM] Pink Reaper: i think we should do it like the last list
[7/22/2012 8:38:30 PM] Pink Reaper: and just not put yoshi on it
[7/22/2012 8:38:33 PM] Ryan Ford: Oh I gotta re-do my list
[7/22/2012 8:38:40 PM] Jeremy Westfahl: I saw ICs > MK and immediately thought of Vinnie's recen AiB blogs
[7/22/2012 8:38:47 PM] Jeremy Westfahl: *recent
[7/22/2012 8:38:52 PM] Pink Reaper: what's an AiB?
[7/22/2012 8:38:54 PM] Pink Reaper: sounds terrible
[7/22/2012 8:38:57 PM] Strong Bad: all is babies
[7/22/2012 8:38:58 PM] Strong Bad: Kappa
[7/22/2012 8:39:01 PM] Ryan Ford: Lol, sheik would **** MK
[7/22/2012 8:39:02 PM] david macdonald: All is Boobs
[7/22/2012 8:39:07 PM] Strong Bad: All is Butts
[7/22/2012 8:39:10 PM] Strong Bad: also hi Jeremy welcome
[7/22/2012 8:39:10 PM] david macdonald: All is Blowjobs
[7/22/2012 8:39:15 PM] Strong Bad: whoa, too far
[7/22/2012 8:39:25 PM] Jeremy Westfahl: hi sb
[7/22/2012 8:39:26 PM] Umbreon: which jeremy
[7/22/2012 8:39:33 PM] Strong Bad: fly amanita
[7/22/2012 8:39:33 PM] Umbreon: fly or recipherus?
[7/22/2012 8:39:35 PM] Umbreon: >_>
[7/22/2012 8:39:39 PM] Strong Bad: lololollol
[7/22/2012 8:39:40 PM] Umbreon: ~too old
[7/22/2012 8:39:44 PM] Strong Bad: yes, i added ****ing reciph
[7/22/2012 8:39:53 PM] Umbreon: he's like 32 by now lol
[7/22/2012 8:40:17 PM] Joe Fortman: ok ok
[7/22/2012 8:40:23 PM] Pink Reaper: Well, Tim is like
[7/22/2012 8:40:25 PM] Pink Reaper: 40 isnt he?
[7/22/2012 8:40:36 PM] Umbreon: tim kish is...30 or 31
[7/22/2012 8:40:37 PM] Umbreon: i forget
[7/22/2012 8:40:45 PM] Joe Fortman: eddie howells is like 35
[7/22/2012 8:40:45 PM] little_england: joe add Captain BJ
[7/22/2012 8:40:49 PM] little_england: thats johnny
[7/22/2012 8:40:49 PM] Strong Bad: tim's approximately 84
[7/22/2012 8:40:53 PM] Ryan Ford: Lol
[7/22/2012 8:40:54 PM] Umbreon: i'm 84
[7/22/2012 8:41:02 PM] Umbreon: chu wants a rematch
[7/22/2012 8:41:04 PM | Edited 8:41:08 PM] Strong Bad: s2j isn't mbr tho Kappa
[7/22/2012 8:41:07 PM] Umbreon: massive salt
[7/22/2012 8:41:10 PM] Joe Fortman: jason, drag him in
[7/22/2012 8:41:11 PM] Umbreon: beautiful butthurt
[7/22/2012 8:41:12 PM] Joe Fortman: im not friends with him on skype
[7/22/2012 8:41:23 PM] Pink Reaper: why would you want a rematch after going 0-6
[7/22/2012 8:41:24 PM] Strong Bad: captain BJ lmao
[7/22/2012 8:41:34 PM] Umbreon: 3 times
[7/22/2012 8:41:39 PM] Umbreon: i 6-0d him 3 times
[7/22/2012 8:41:45 PM] Umbreon: just the last match was the most brutal
[7/22/2012 8:41:56 PM] Pink Reaper: do a rematch
[7/22/2012 8:42:01 PM] Pink Reaper: with nothing but fast Wrappers
[7/22/2012 8:42:11 PM] Pink Reaper: *** him to death
[7/22/2012 8:42:22 PM] Strong Bad: LMfaoo
[7/22/2012 8:42:25 PM] Umbreon: i don't have any except a 61 dragonite
[7/22/2012 8:42:29 PM] Umbreon: i beat professor oak though
[7/22/2012 8:42:29 PM] Strong Bad: thunder wave wrappers
[7/22/2012 8:42:33 PM] Umbreon: with dragonite
[7/22/2012 8:42:39 PM] Umbreon: actually adam you want agility
[7/22/2012 8:42:45 PM] Umbreon: so you only have 1 setup turn
[7/22/2012 8:42:46 PM] Strong Bad: yea, true
[7/22/2012 8:42:58 PM] Ryan Ford: Yep
[7/22/2012 8:43:00 PM] david macdonald: I have to do dishes
[7/22/2012 8:43:01 PM] david macdonald: Brb
[7/22/2012 8:43:06 PM] Ryan Ford: Just hope you don't miss
[7/22/2012 8:43:09 PM] Umbreon: professor oak is an ingame trainer lol
[7/22/2012 8:43:12 PM] Ryan Ford: Ok david
[7/22/2012 8:43:16 PM] Umbreon: 85 acc is good enough
[7/22/2012 8:43:26 PM] Ryan Ford: Not for me
[7/22/2012 8:43:34 PM] Pink Reaper: Stone Miss
[7/22/2012 8:43:38 PM] Umbreon: the only problem is that tauros gets blizzard, chansey can handle starmie well enough
[7/22/2012 8:43:50 PM] Ryan Ford: Stone edge is the worst move ever
[7/22/2012 8:43:57 PM] Kevin Nanney: mango says he'll come if everyone lets only him talk
[7/22/2012 8:43:58 PM] Ryan Ford: Fire blast too
[7/22/2012 8:44:00 PM] Kevin Nanney: (cuz hes a douche)
[7/22/2012 8:44:04 PM] Roustane Benzeguir: psh
[7/22/2012 8:44:14 PM] Umbreon: i'll go out of my way to make mango not talk
[7/22/2012 8:44:15 PM] Pink Reaper: Tell mango we'll let him in when he starts winning again
[7/22/2012 8:44:17 PM] Joe Fortman: OK TIME TO STARTT
[7/22/2012 8:44:20 PM] Umbreon: cause i'm a douche
[7/22/2012 8:44:21 PM] Ryan Ford: Lol. He loves to hear himself talk[/collapse]
and then the actual tier debate continues from joe's prior excerpt.
shout-outs to dr peepee for random diplomacy and then disappearing.
shout-outs to fly for being a genius.
shout-outs to RBY Tauros. that thing is seriously unfair.
slops to unknown522, stone edge is an awesome move.
slops to chudat for evolving his pikachu from yellow version. what kind of monster are you??
slops to yoshi, the entire character. just slops.
seriously **** yoshi so bad.