Okay, people talking about APEX getting its huge attendance pool because it's MK Banned need to pass me some of whatever they're smoking.
If Alex Strife said that APEX 2014 was going to be MK Banned, it would still be huge. Still be the biggest tournament smash has because it's APEX. Do you know why being APEX has that sort of pull? Because of Alex goddamn Strife (and his team of APEX TOs who I also appreciate but will not continually mention because it's a pain in the *** to type). I cannot STAND his view on the rule set (although, to be fair, it is a **** ton better than the SKTAR one and the fact that such an alternative exists makes me feel better that we aren't seeing it), but I cannot fault the man for what he has done for his tournament series and, consequently, the community as a whole.
He has run the tournament series successfully and has an established reputation for running large scale events, but he hasn't sat on it. He continues actively searching to improve his event which is already the best organized circuit Brawl, and likely Smash as a whole, has ever seen, bar none (MLG included). He's constantly advertising, constantly searching for new sponsors, constantly seeking out those international players and even NA big names (see how he's supported Ken's attempt to make it to APEX for melee), and he's gotten good at it by now. He has set-up in a sweet spot with the multi-game national to pull in casuals and dual-game players and has basically every advantage a tournament host could want and he's got all of that for a reason. It didn't just fall into his lap.
As it stands, for whatever rule change you want to pursue, be it MK, stage list, stage striking, LGL, CP system, items, number of stocks, or what have you, Alex Strife's vote probably adds up to about 200 of your's. Of course, this doesn't apply to everyone. Some people have more considerable sway, but the APEX rule set is going to pressure others into following suit and I admire that. If you want to see a change, you can try to and heads by convincing APEX to run the change or you need to step up your own game and get enough high-profile events run with your rule change throughout the year that you can point to and sway the supermajority of smashers (not just 51%), which coincidentally puts pressure on APEX.
Personally, it's my goal to reach a point where I can make a stand in an emerging E-Sports world (it's a career choice I think is possible with enough time, work, and a little luck), but I'm years behind. That's why I follow what's worked to see what I can learn.
So yeah, APEX is huge, but it wouldn't be stopped if it chose to ban MK. Instead, in all likelihood, the majority NA would conform. But anyway, that's the end of my rant.
People talking about how this rule set is done need to step up their ****ing game.
I see people talking about PS2. *****, you can run PS2. There ain't jack **** stopping you.
I see people talking about Norfair. You want Norfair? Run it (don't run it in MK legal because it's really stupid then because running around with Tornado on the top two platforms that only 2-3 characters can even begin to deal with). Run two stage bans so you can explain the addition doesn't hurt anyone and see how it's received after a couple tournaments.
On that subect, you want two stage bans? Run it. Find your 13 stage list and run two stage bans. It's a ****ing wonderful idea when you have over 11 stages.
Over 11? Why didn't I say 12? Well, you can't FloSS (Full Stage Strike) with an even number. Hell, you running APEX's stage list? STILL run FlSS. The biggest complaint is time added to the striking stage, but I can say from firsthand experience that it doesn't add to the time at all. You're still going to have the "SVille or BF?" games that happen and you're still going to have the people who take ten years thinking about their last strike. If you do it right (print your stage list out about 15 times and tape it to the side of the table), then it doesn't add any noticeable time.
And don't tell me you can't host a tournament. I swear to God that that is the single lamest john I hear in this smash community. It is not hard at all. If you're old enough that your mother won't care about you running an event with 20 guys there, then you have no good reason not to look into hosting events if you want to complain about any rules. You forfeit the right to complain if you don't do something about it and it's so stupid easy to start hosting locals. PM me, I'll walk you through it.
Once more, if you want to complain, your goal needs to be to run
something like this eventually. We don't need eight new APEXs, but we do need more TOs and less people complaining with their thumb up their ***.
/advocating action