Completely dependent on how bad you think a MU needs to be in order for it to be a hard counter/how you interpret MU ratios to be.
The only mid tier characters that Falco might be even with are Kirby and Sheik. Marth is even / loses to ROB, even with Kirby, even with Sonic and DK is still kinda up in the air.
Last I heard, DEHF said Kirby wins and I know more than a couple Sheiks believe that Sheik wins.
All of those MUs for Marth are definitely not the other's advantage; they're even. Other than MK and DDD, Marth doesn't lose to anyone... just goes even with everyone.
MK 4 / 6
ICs Even
Olimar Even
Diddy Even
Snake I don't know, half the time I think it's even, half the time I think Marth wins 55:45
Marth Even
Pikachu Even
Wario 6 / 4
DDD 45:55
MK 45 /55
ICs 35 / 65
Olimar 6 / 4
Diddy 5 / 5
Snake 5 / 5
Falco Even
Pikachu 35 / 65
Wario 6 / 4
DDD 6 / 4
I find that spread vs top & high tiers to be a bit in Falco's favor as he does worse in only one match-up vs the top 5 and it's also the only one of those match-up he actually loses.
I view it the exact opposite. Even if MK/Falco is even (which it really probably isn't- but it's close), they both lose to 2 characters in the top 9 (excluding the ditto, so top 10 if you want to count that). However, Marth's losing MUs are not as bad as Falco's; especially with IC becoming more and more common.
It is also often argued that ROB slightly beats Marth and Marth definitely doesn't have a favorable match-up against Kirby or Sonic at high level. If they are *not* even then it's in the opponent's favor, not in Marth's.
All even.
Don't get me wrong though. I still think Marth is a good character and at worst is solid high tier. But at this point a rise in the tier list is absolutely not warranted, let alone outplace Falco [who had better results than Marth in all recent nationals except SKTAR].
Hasn't MikeNeko been getting consistent top3 or 4 recently as well? The few ones I remember off-hand had him being outplaced by Snake, MK, Olimar, and IC. Until SRT I don't remember the last time he was outplaced by a Falco.
@ Steam:
I remember that time period, and you were wrong then too. I had this conversation with you and got results of midtiers, high tiers, Falco, Wario, and Marth. Marth was consistently outplacing all the mid tiers and most high tiers (the exceptions being Nick Riddle and Esam at times), with the majority of the time the placing difference between Marth and Falco being one or two spots. I even said I was okay w/ Marth dropping, as long as Falco did as well. You were adamant about Falco still deserving his placement, despite results not proving it. But I'm not talking about this anymore because it's in the past and doesn't matter =)