Gonna skip over West Coast peeps since I see yall pretty often, and some of you I gave shoutouts where youll more likely see them. And for anyone who knew and may have been wondering I eventually did recover my wallet, cell phone and jacket thanks to the Apex staff and several other outstanding people.
1: Salem ($3,285.00) - It was a real pleasure to finally meet and have a conversation with you, and make you crack a smile. You really saved my day on Sunday when I was feeling pretty bad after Id lost my phone/jacket (eventually found), watching you tear through the top 8 genuinely brought up my mood. Youre someone I've known since the OTL days on smashboards, and seeing such progress is such a remarkable thing. Your attitude and humility (off smashboards at least xD) is extremely admirable, and I really do hope you make it out to the West Coast someday. And keep up your bribri, lol.
2: CT EMP Mew2King ($1,642.50) - We briefly spoke, but Im glad that you were able to find the drive and support to do well. It was truly impressive.
7: Mr. R ($98.55) - It was a real pleasure seeing you again, thanks for all the friendlies and doubles matches and for a fun lunch. I know how difficult it must be to travel so often, but I hope you dont become too much of a stranger.
9: 9B - Thanks for playing so many friendlies with me, had lots of fun playing you and love your attitude with the game
9: Dojo - good seeing you again
13: Ally - Thanks for playing dubs with me and lynn. Wish I got a chance to really talk to you but I knew youd be pretty busy.
13: Vinnie - Great seeing you again.
17: Zinoto - You are the cammmmmmmpiiiiiest diddy I've ever played, but so amazing at it! It was fun to finally meet you, and very nice scarf!
25: Seibrik - Glad you got your book back finally, lol. Hope its of some worth to you.
25: Shaky - Finally got that hat back to you, rofl. Hope it brings you success
25: Atomsk - Thanks for playing dubs with me and my partner, it was a pleasure meeting you!
25: Leon - It was a lotta fun hanging out and having lunch with you! I hope you had a great trip out here and am happy you made it out.
33: Vex - check the PGD
33: Xzax - Great seeing you again after so many year man, youve really grown up. Hope to see you again soon in cali!
33: Razer - nice to see you again.
33: MVD - It was great seeing you again as well! We didnt get to talk much but just seeing you around enjoying yourself was really cool. Im sure ill catch you again at Genesis
33: MJG - Not much to say here, always great to see you and I hope youll make a return trip to cali at some point.
33: Chudat - good to see/meet you even if we didnt talk much.
49: Attila - Hope you had a good time out in cali for the brief time you were here, wish i got a chance to play you while you were around
49: Asa - I wish we got a chance to hang out more or play, but i was stressing out a bit that last day with my lost jacket. Hope to talk to you again soon.
49: Pelca - Great seeing you again
49: Mekos - Really wish we got a chance to meet
49: DJ Jack - Had a lot of fun hanging out with you and florida as one of the pikas!
49: QuikSilver - It was a pleasure to meet you!
65: KillLock - It was great to meet you, even if we didnt get to talk to much.
65: Kingtoon - Great to see you again after so long
65: Coney - It was a great pleasure finally getting to meet you!
65: Fino - Sorry everything with the hotel didnt work out, once I lost my ride over I got stuck. It was still great to see you and wish we had a chance to catch up/hang out more
65: Fatal - Glad we got a chance to meet and talk even if it was brief
65: Ikon - Sorry we didnt get a chance to money match, nice meeting you
65: Mike Ray - Good seeing you again as well and getting a chance to play you. Snake-zelda is sooooo dumb!
65: Croi - Good meeting you and thanks for helping me to find lamb
65: Smurf - Glad to finally meet you in person, too bad we didnt get a chance to play but hopefully ill make it out there again!
65: Seagull Joe - Glad we got a chance to talk and play a bit! Thanks for introducing me to a few peeps and i hope ill be seeing you again at some point!
65: Trump - Very cool hanging out with you and the rest of Florida/the pikas. Def had lots of fun!
97: Pink Fresh - lol, you and roller were the only people I didnt want to play in pools, I just knew id fall for the dtilt lock at some point... Had fun in our set and congrats making it out!
97: Logic - Great seeing you again!
97: Red-X - Didnt really say hi but it was cool seeing you, and your awesome outfit, lol.
97: YoshQ - Didnt get to say hi but it was good seeing you again
97: WTP - Nice to meet and hang out with you, pizza was so good!
97: Darkflame - Im glad we stumbled into each other! Congrats making bracket and nice job on your interview xD
97: M@v - Saw you around but didnt know it was you at the time, nice to put a name to the face regardless.
97: Luckay - Glad i got to meet you, it was nice seein ya and your pika at work!
97: RJ - Thank you for all your help
97: FAE - It was a real pleasure meeting you FAE, what a pleasant surprise! Im glad housing worked out for you and hope you had a great time.
97: Cheese - good to see you again
97: Malcolm - It was so awesome finally getting to meet you! I only wish we had the chance to hang out more.
Gheb - Wish Id had a chance to speak with you more, but Im glad we finally got a chance to meet even if only briefly.
Fuwa - Thanks for all the friendlies, your marth is really outstanding. Great job in doubles and hope you had fun out here
Wesballz/j666/Kirbekaze - Im really glad I found you guys on the way back to cali, you really lifted my spirits and had a lot of fun hanging out and talking with you guys.
So many people I wish Id gotten the chance to talk to or meet, but I guess thats to be expected. Had a really great time and hope I get the chance to meet or see many of you again.