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Official Apex 2010 Full Results

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Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario

First off, Alex Strife, thanks for hosting this tourney. Aside from my only losses being to wobbling, and having to play my teammate/best friend in bracket. I had a really good time. It's always nice to talk to you as well. I'll see you next time.

1: hungrybox: good work winning the tourney. Also, GGs in teams. We gotta play some matches next time.

2: Armada: Good job on getting second. Also, thanks for the compliments on RaynEX and I's team work. We gotta play some singles and teams next time.

3: mew2king: Good work getting 3rd in both games and congrats on beating us in doubles. We didn't play either.

4: Dr. Peepee: Man,I'm glad to see you improving so quickly at this game. You are my favorite American person in the community. I'm also now a fan of your falco! We gotta play some next time.

5: Axe: Good **** on getting 5th. And GGs. It really sucks that you accidently combo'd taj when you potentially had the win in teams. I'll play you next time.

6: Wobbles: GGs in pools and doubles. I won't lose next time.

7: Jman: You're really good. I want you to do better at the next major tourney. Also, I hope that pikachu advice helped you a bit.

7: Zhu: I keep missing out on playing you. We gotta do it up next time for sure.

9: Dashizwiz: I still haven't played you either. Next time for sure.

9: Eggm: We didn't play this time. It was nice talking with you though.

9: Vanz: We didn't play at all. I also heard that you're dropping peach? WhY?

9: Hax: Congrats on beating us in teams. We gotta play some singles, and do up the speed run. I'm gonna
buy the usb converter and practice the levels.

13: Cyrain: GGs in teams. Sorry about whoever pissed you off during our matches.

13: I.B: Highest placing canadian son. We're gonna go farther next time. Also, lol @ the guy in the wheelchair going in the drive-thru at wendy's. That was too good.

13: Darc: We didn't play again! I barely saw you. I gotta make sure we play next time.

13: ChuDat: GGs in singles/teams. I won't lose next time.

17: Eggz: Sorry I couldn't MM you. I had to save my money for tope. We'll play next time though.

17: Raynex: You did great in teams. I couldn't ask for a better partner man. In singles, it looks like my
pichu was no match for your fox. It really sucks that we had to meet in bracket. I'm still pissed off about that. Anyways, thanks for driving us home. It's always great talking/chilling with you. Gotta chill more, definitely before summer ends.

17: Chopz: It's always great talking to you about anything/everything. We gotta get some matches in next time.

17: Kage the Warrior: It was great watching you. I always love cheering you on. I hope to see you saturday.

17: Taj: GGs in teams. It sucks that Axe combo'd you at the end of the set. We gotta get some matches in.

17: Chillindude829: We had some good matches. I wish they were recorded. It was also nice talking with you. You're a chill guy.

17: Lucky: Man, sucks about your bracket. You were beast in teams. I wish we got to play you guys in tourney. We'll get some matches in next time.

17: Silent Wolf: It sucks that we didn't finish our match. I'll make sure to get some in next time.

25: Scorpion Master: "Mario sucks if you don't play gay". I like your quote. I'm ready for your falco next time we meet. Also, you did great in teams as usual. Jiggs is gay as ****.

25: Unknown522: next time is my time.

25: Cactuar: GGs in teams. I told you not to go to the wall, didn't I?

25: Diakonos: I finally met you. We had some good matches. Also, Eric said you'd get top 10 at this. We'll **** **** next time.

25: Tec0: Man, I barely saw you. We'll play next time.

25: MacD: Aww, we didn't get to do those MMs.

25: Blunted_Object10: Finally got to see you again. You're awesome to chill with. Who won that MM between you and Tope? I had to get the money, so I didn't see it.

25: Th0rn: We had some GGs. Thanks for the falco practice. I really need it. We'll get more in next time.

33: Colbol: Man, you grew so much since I last saw you. We didn't get to play at all, though I saw you all over the place. Next time man.

33: Smashmac: My god, I finally got to meet you. It's a shame that we only got to play one game. It was
a pleasure to meet you though. We'll get more in another time.

33: D1: I think I only saw you twice. We didn't play at all. Still, good job getting second seed in your pool.

33: Enz0 kf: GGs in loser's bracket. You're pretty good man.

33: Tag$: GGs in teams. Also, man that MM took way too long. Still, thanks for the falco experience.

33: stabbedbyanipple: Good friendlies. I underestimated you.

33: G$: Good **** in that $50 MM. You pulled some clutch **** with that marth. Also, GGs in teams pools.

33: PC Chris: Man, that was a close set in singles. I'm happy I got to play my favorite fox player. You're also really cool to talk to as well. Also, thanks for the tips btw.

33: Plank: It was good to see you again. We didn't play at all. next time.

33: everlating yayuhzz: GGs in pools. It was pretty tight. Thanks for the advice, demonstations, and friendlies after. You're awesome to chill with. Also, your girl is very friendly.

33: Ether: I dunno if we met.

33: Banks: GGs in pools. My pichu's coming for you next time! Watch out for yoshi's story.

33: Alukard: GGs in teams. We didn't talk much, or play singles. Next time man.

33: VisT: Those were some good friendlies. Sorry for quitting out as matio, lol.

33: Mr. F: I don't think we met.

33: WarriorKnight: I love watching your bowser in teams. It was good seeing you again.

Tope: GGs, and sorry for taking your $10 (I saw the post). Also, sorry to hear about your controller man.

Darksyde: It was awesome meeting you. You're a really cool guy.

Guy from NC with the smash symbol earrings: I never got your name, but you're cool as well. We gotta play some next time.

UltimaScout: GGs in pools. You gotta love my pichu. It sucks that you SD'd game 2 though.

Crimson Blur: GGs in pools. My pichu is ****, isn't it?

Juggleguy: GGs in R2 pools. You're pretty good. Tell Anther I said hi. I haven't seem him in a long time.

Voodoo: GGs in R2 pools. Those games were close. I'll do better next time.

ArcNatural: GGs in R2 pools. You gotta have more confidence. Believe in yourself man. Anyways, it was great seeing you again. Keep it up.

Twin A: Thanks for the origami chocobos. I'm sorry that I lost the first one. The other 2 are safe. You and your brother are awesome guys. I hope to see you both soon.

Twin 1: Those magic tricks were awesome! You both are awesome! Hanging out with you two made this tourney even better than it already was.

Toasty: Mad chill guy. I'm glad I got to talk to you some more this time. Also, upload the friendlies with me vs diakonos, if it isn't too much trouble (white fox vs green marth I think. I think I may have "FORD" tag, or "?522"). I wanna see them.

DoH: GGs in teams. We were really surprised about brinstar. It's always great talking to you about random stuff. I love hearing your stories.

SwiftBass: We didn't talk much, or get to play. Next time for sure man.

Dexter smurf: Thanks for housing us man. That penthouse is huge! Geez.

Sleaf: This trip was really fun with you. I think the funniest thing is when you wear the shades. I wanna see you improve in smash soon.

Mad J: It was great to see you at this. You made it possible to have more canadian support at this tourney. I want you to improve as well.

Ministry: It's great that you're starting to realise more things in smash. One of us needs a car ****it.

Afro Chris: Thanks for the drink when I constantly asked you for it. It must've been annoying. Drop by
any time you want to practice.

Idea: ****, I missed the mango 2v1 thing. It sounded really funny. Keep on practicing.

Other Canadians (sauc3, Riddlebox, Summonedfist, zen, Guru, AvariceX [feel like I'm forgetting someone]): Glad to see you all come down to this. We had so many canadians at this event, it was amazing. I'm hoping that this becomes a turning-point for improvement for you guys. Also, James: Drop by whenever. I'll give you my number at some point.

Sanuzi: Thanks for making this all possible once again. It's always great hanging out, and talking about random ****. I also had fun with the all-nighter before we left, though I didn't really look like it (focused). Also, seeing the amazing view on the ride there was ****ing awesome. So many experiences with all you guys in the car. It was too good. Anyways, I'll see you on saturday!

T.O. Joe: Good **** with brawl, and sorry about your controller disappearing.

Asian brawl player in James' Car: I forgot your name, sorry. It was nice meeting you though. You're really

Ally/Holy: I only saw you guys once. It's always great to see you guys though.

I'm definitely missing people. To those who I forgot: My bad. The smash community is awesome.

Kool Aid

Smash Journeyman
Oct 31, 2008
Fats: Hello, Ivysaur learns new moves like... LOL

Starlight: I had a great time with you. thx for everything hg<3456789

Sphere: def should of made it outta pools.. stop sandbagging and show earth who the best pit really is.

Sherise/Deven: you girls are funny lol. rashing on fats gets 2 thumbs on from me. STEAKSAUCE

TKO: your madd funny and get ***** by my luigi mindgames lol. next time we should room with everyone who was in our room.

Blackanse:i think i still owe you a few dollars :/ LOL good stuff nice seeing you again.

Skip:my hands are cold let me feel on fats' socks. "EW you *****s drinking mayo"

PatG: when you get hot you just gotta take off your shirt... LOL

Jash: thanks for the advice and by you beating me i've learned alot about that matchup

Chudat: beast kirby.. sucks we had to play twice!

Dazwa: we came so close to top8! thanks for teaming with me we're pretty ****

Subway: i can't eat you anymore...i had enough

Anti: maaad funny jama?

Teevee:this *** was brawling after apex was over with... good stuff making it out

EE: idk what was up with me.. but i remember you just staring at nothing LOL.

Atomsk: good stuff making top 8... also do u main falco now or something?

EARTH: you too good.. learned alot

Nikenick: tall *** mofo..your card tricks are crazy!

Rougepit: nice seeing oyu sorry i couldn't play serioously..

Kiraflax: sorry we couldn't play or take that pit pic sorry!

Dmbrandon/Ksizzle: great doubles set.. idk what got into me that first round LOL

Shadow: Glad you decided to do singles. I knew you would.. good stuff making it all the way back in bracket

Pelca: when everyone was having a good time in the hotel room.. you was in the back mad quiet lol.. u sk

Fox16: i guess i'm the first pit to beat you icon_razz good games! and fun ones

Vato Break: fun meeting you

ps: i would like to see this whoopi video :/ AND the soul train one

lots more but i don't feel like doing them yeet


Smash Champion
Mar 15, 2008
Western Mass
yup i have it...or VG bootcamp does...either way we have it lol.
Wow. That makes me feel a thousand times better about everything. I guess the markings I'd made just got removed or something. I'll contact either you or GIMR about retrieving it some how at a later date.

Thank you so much man, seriously.


Smash Hero
Aug 3, 2008
1: DEHF - words cant describe how happy i am for you. <333
2: Brood - GOOOOD **** YO but this weekend your mine >:]
3: mew2king - dont be a hater and lose respect for america. u did well. some people are just dee dee deeees
4: Lee Martin - <3 much love yo. ill awlays support you boo.
5: Ally - i am upset you didnt do as expected. i thought our trainign helped lots but m2k still got you. theres always next time. pleasure seeing you.
5: lain - hows pikachu in minus!? WAHAHAHAH!
7: Rain - mah boy looked like L and Itachi combine. good ****!!!
7: Atomsk - 2nd game to lain was bs but oh well. you did good. nice seein ya.
9: Anti - dont get f smashed!!! fun friendlies. **** next time ya hear?
9: Shadow - so close to top 8 but you still did beautifully. i had fun helping you out and im always here if you need it again.
9: san - BESS IKE OMG
9: Shugo - shugi boy!!!!! come to ec more! always fun having you around. lol yo gay *** glasses
13: Inui - ***** swordgard lol
13: Sweet Pea - you were the coolest japanese player imo mad funny haha. hope to see you again someday.
13: Gnes - finally met you! mad cool as expected but meh performance. its all good tho. next time, at whobo 3, we got this ;)
13: Malcolm - yay you finally did well. told you 3rd times the charm. better next time tho bro <3
17: Bizkit - good stuff beating my brother. ill avenge him ;)
17: Doom - doing better and better recently. thanks for rides.
17: NinjaLink - NINJALINK!
17: UltimateRazer - TIMMY! we never finished our friendly. it was fun tho!
17: ChuDat - good stuff seeing you. and in doubles/beating my brother. yeayuhzzz!
17: Jerm - u ***** me in crews yo!
17: Vex Kasrani - nice seeing ya
25: Nairo - faag!
25: Swordgard - lol lost to inui yo wtf.
25: Jash - nice seeing you. dont quit broski.
25: SK92 - i actually thought you were gonna show. was surprised when u did and also glad too. you were maaaad chill and ill def see you soon a t a wc event.
25: Logic - no wiimote omg!
25: HolyNightmare - work on them mu's bro!
25: Patg - zss in minus too good
33: Keitaro - like my falco huh ? :D
33: Jtails - cool sein ya
33: CO18 - i expected tenseness from both of us but it was all chill rofl. hope you had fun.
33: Koolaid - ur mk in dubs was too good :( lol
33: Cable - peach SUCKS
33: Junebug - smirk/
33: Bloodcross - ike too good
33: Vinnie - how you lose on rc to falco bro
33: speed - snoics the bess character
33: Kel - nice *** skillzzzz
33: Snakeee - mah boy fred! zss dittos were fun lmfao
33: MintyFlesh - mintyyyyyyyy <3
49: Orion - you finally had a bad day and chose a bad day to have it :( oh well. im gonna ****ing miss you so much man. gl in holland.
49: Will - ***** in mm's.
49: Zucco - lol brawl-
49: Coney - u mad chill. best commentator. kool seeing you.
49: Trela - fially met you but didnt get to see you play. hope you had fun.
49: TeeVee - yo im taller than you!
49: Dr. Grandpa - dr garbz!
49: Boss - bauss!
49: jbandrew - nj unrankeds too good!
49: Big Lou - da chillest ever! we gotta play sometime bro
49: Deltacod - zss is balanced ;)
49: Chaos Marth - dont seed next time! cool seeing you

alex and other hosts- awesomely ran tourney
fats - my juri is hungry
dmbrandon - fun teamsies
vato break - nice meeting you.
ybm - ma dude! nice seein you
d1 - ma doo!
swr = much love <3

anyone else i forgot - <33

best tourney i ever went to.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 25, 2009
Back of Diesel's Car
Definitely HaileyM. Her boyfriend is KevinM. Mad tall white black guy with a backwards baseball cap.

I love those two.

Yeah you know you dooo



shouties when I finally get home from camping and stuff tonight.

Also Hailey will do shouts too haha

/using my gf's account to prove i have a life


Smash Champion
Jan 11, 2007
The Rocks of Time, NC
Hailey is too nice. We talked for a long time on Day 2, I think. She has mad potential too. Make sure she keeps playing.

More importantly, I still may do shout outs, but I just wanted to tell you that if you didn't get a picture that rivals this one at Apex, you ****ed up.

Bronson is too good.


Some guy
Aug 17, 2005
Toronto, Ontario
Speaking of all the spacies, I fought way more falco in friendlies than I expected but in pools I fought:

sheik/pichu (lol unknown)

oh yeah, I didn't use fox vs you did I?

Everyone else = good games!

Singles Pools 1:

Unknown522: lol @ pichu and marth...at least both got to try something fresh out. i don't think I woulda won fox v sheik on stadium anyway. i'ma work on a secret weapon for fox hehe
Just use falco.


Smash Master
Jan 24, 2007
Cincinnati, Ohio
Shout outs to Darksyde for switching from the dancing games community to one that's much much much much better!

shout outs to Tako for driving. THANK YOU MAN.


Smash Champion
Jun 16, 2007
Singin Pretty Fly for a White Guy in the shower :)
Twins - One of you challenged me to an arm-wrestling contest! Why?!
Evilness yo :/
Also, I didn't get my chocobo, but it's alright.
Was it during the arm wrestling hype? Because I joked about it with my messed up wrist lol.

And sorry you didn't get you chocobo bro!

Lucky got one, Unknown got 2, and I handed out a few others like candy out of my van to kids on halloween (cough Doom cough).

You should have reminded me and I would have folded you one right there haha. Next big event I promise you'll get one if you remind me :D

Oh yeah, good **** to the two Alaskan players. Daeman and Che Lab. Much love guys.

Ah there really are too many people to give shoutouts too.

But I have to say this. Good **** to Hax aka Hax$!
He lasted a wopping, get this, .5 seconds in one of twin 1's submissions! Yes half a second. Then after a few lessons from yours trully, he tried to take me down with my injured hand and writs, and a controller in my other hand. And he got tossed like a rag doll!

Haha but you know what, he tried despite knowing the consequences. So to hax I say, much love bro! Next time I'll work on more than just your stance k :D


Smash Journeyman
Mar 4, 2009
Another special shoutout to JG and Gunblade. I can't believe I forgot them.


If specified, this will repl[0x00000000]ce the
Dec 18, 2008
San Francisco, CA
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Aww Yee.
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