spam arrows : *super serious and extremely stupid post*
other people : ur dumb spam
nice save bro.
Lol this pretty much sums up my thoughts.
Anyways, what's up with all the America vs Europe hate??? I've never been bias towards any country/region/state regardless of the location. I judge players by their individual playstyles and attitudes in regards to the game.
It really bothers me when someone from America says something like "All of the European smashers are so lame, this and that, and blah blah" because I have NEVER thought about a region as a whole.
Same with the reverse. When someone from Europe says things like "Americans are so erragant, selfish, stupid, etc etc." it really sux thinking that I'm included in that category of "America as a whole". Just because someone rests in a certain location does not mean that they have the same attitudes and habits as everyone around them does.
Basically, I hate all this arguing and stuff that our countries are having in this game. We should embrace the fact that we can all be united thanks to Melee, and we should judge a player based on their own individual characters, not on their location. Armada is my absolute favorite player because he's so nice and friendly, and his playstyle is the most amazing thing I've ever seen. Just because he's not in America like I am does not mean that I automatically don't like him.
On the flipside, just because I like Armada does not mean that I like every European. I also don't like every American. I could care less where a person is from; the only thing that matters is the actual individual person.
So Americans: don't say that all Europeans are lame, stupid, ********, etc. because it's not true.
Europeans: don't say that all Americans are lame, stupid, ********, etc. because that's not true either.
I never thought I'd run into this problem playing Melee. I thought we'd all be united by the game regardless of our origin.
I know that has nothing to do with the PAL vs NTSC discussion, but I kinda just wanted to say what was on my mind lol.