In my opinion PAL is better. Every low tier is basically buffed because of the nerfs to sheik, fox, falco, marth etc. Fox uppsmash in ntsc is just ridicolous, even more than rest 

You do understand everything you're doing here is trying to start a flame war? We're not arguing HOW or IF you should use it, but which one is better, you so basically hbox / mango would still come in top 3 in pal?
._. that sucks
if you guys really want to play PAL that much in america, get euros to spend 120349141$ and send everyone a copy of PAL version + A PAL GC, if not stop complaining and continue to play your respective version.
If you knew the changes you would know which one is better. I dont think theres one thing better with NTSC lol (except puff has a harder fox/falco/sheik(lol)/marth to face.inb4 19 pages of US vs EU and then lock
tbh I'm pretty sure it's all preference
there's only a few minor differences, but the one you've played longer is the one you will think is superior (generally)