thank you sydney for a great tourny! man im exhausted... 3x4am starts, and one 6:30 start, and im rather tired... but not tired enough for some shoutouts!
ted: 2g. thats about it. lol. ive never seen a wolf like that that before, and honestly, i was completely overwhelmed. its only happened twice before (the first time i versed shaya, and the first time i versed tanman), and i felt like i couldnt do anything, fooled myself into thinking i couldnt win, and became completely unable to come up with any new ideas. you owned me. that being said, after having my mind ***** by the other two, i calmly thought about the matchup afterwards, and now i pwn them both. so watch out lol. and if you still wanna come to melb, there are two tournys left before i go (the
5th and the 20th i think). you get free lift to the venue and accomodation and stuff, so it might be worth looking into.
shaya: sorry i had to play like that. i dont think i camped that badly (at least not against marth), but i tried beating you without camping in friendlies and just got owned. so yeah, snake triumphed over d3 again. with no jons this time. in other news, thanks for accommodating and looking after me and tibs for the tourny. and pesto pasta is epic at midnight too. i didnt get to say thanks to your mother for putting up with us, so please pass that on too

luke: revenge! its been a long time waiting, but i must say, it felt good to finally take that title. you had me at close range, but i seemed to camp better. which is odd, because normally im much more confident with the situation reversed. i was sad we didnt get to play in the actual tourny, but it was good to see you pwn that olimar. **** olimar... oh, and come down to melbourne with ted, cause snake owns melbourne
cao: dunno if it really goes here, but mt buller was freakin amazing. like, the most fun ive had in about as long as i can remember. snow trip next year please. congrats on melee, but i suppose it came as no surprise anyway lol. i was sad face that snake makes you cry. ill use like, zss next time or something. not lucas, cause those matches just go for way too long... thanks for the housing on thurs/fri, and your nephew is most definately a mad dog.
tibs: i cant really be bothered shoutouting you, cause your in the kitchen anyway. but i will say that our first match was epic, and it was a real pity no one was watching. and it was nice to change the tide for once too...
EA: lol @ epic norfair teams. we were just too good. we would totally win rocky if we teamed hehe. did see some awesome chaingrabs, but it was a pity you didnt make it through pools

aggressive climbers ftw :D
meteor: where did you suddenly disappear too? i mean, leisha wasnt there, do that excuse is out the window lolol... love pirate ship water camping... its totally broken but funny as to watch

lucas against diddy probably wasnt the best idea, cause tibs knows the matchup pretty **** well... oh well, live and learn i suppose
S.D: why didnt we have a single match all day? in fact, i didnt even see you play brawl at all. pity too, cause everyone says youre amazing... i think youd be another perfect candidate for the melbourne road trip

but yeah, we need to have some matches/chat more next time.
turtle: epic diddy. you almost beat ted. tibs cant touch ted. youre better than tibs. brawl can be fun too, if you let it be. unlike melee, which just makes no sense at all... lol top guy and good to catch you man, and if you practice hard you might keep your brawl doubles title at rocky haha. actually, are you ever on gamerhold anymore? lifestyle board is pretty much all i look at there these days...
liam: epic dk. i didnt know dk did stuff like that. it was fairly amazing. but if toby trains you, i suppose its only natural for you to be awesome. did wanna play friendlies but i was kinda everywhere doing everything
toby: sad face in your absence. pretty sure you wouldve take me out too, cause i seemed to get owned by characters that arent used in melbourne...
pat: losing a round to tibs in melee? surely this doesnt make any sense. stop taking it easy on him already. and your car saved use like 2 hours of public transport. champion.
DJ cat: lol i found you again. you go to everything. do you work? have a job? girlfriend? cause youre always playing n64 everywhere i go. epic commitment, although i really hate playing you in goldeneye lol
stereo: didnt win a match in pools? lol i think you need to actually play this game haha. hopefully i taught you a thing or two, and youll pwn the noobs in nsw next time
@everyone else who i either didnt meet, didnt come up and introduce themselves or i cant remember due to my tired stupor: thanks for making an awesome tourny, i definately plan on returning to take the crown at some point. gg.
in general: what happened to brawl teams? it kinda just stopped... although at least i got to play a rather awesome match on norfair :D but without it in singles i was kinda sadface... so i had to go back to my roots and play lylat cruise, which i pretty sure i didnt lose a round on all day (although ted really shouldve won one of them). sydney is good, and very different to melbourne. y'all play to win, whereas we just wanna smash. different mentality leads to very different approaches to gameplay and the game in general. a good learning experience, but next time im not using that laggy tv for pools. i refuse lol. once again thanks for everything guys, and ill catch you all soon!